

Just as a stupid cross-check I run the MC fit on Run1+2 and Run4
separately. I remind you that I am taking the same events as both data
and MC, and not applying any reweighting at all. 

Generation value: 0.0198

Run1+2 fit: 0.0227747 +- 0.00140784(stat) +- 0.00117712(MC stat)
Run3 fit:  0.0201367 +- 0.00170562(stat) +- 0.00155887(MC stat)
Run4 fit: 0.020348 +- 0.000950046(stat) +- 0.000755165(MC stat)
Run1-4 fit: 0.0210372 +- 0.00072623(stat) +- 0.000590931(MC stat)

It seems that the MC fit is OK for Run4, Run3 and not for Run1+2, and
consequently for Run1-4! 
Results in (Run1+2) (Run3) (Run4) (Run1-4)

The discrepancy is mainly due to the number of fitted Vub events in the
1st bin: 

Run1+2: gen. 591, fit 687.972 +- 30.0696(stat MC) +- 42.5277(err fit)
Run3: gen. 289, fit 303.269 +- 19.4599(stat MC) +- 25.6875(err fit)
Run4: gen. 1471, fit 1515.57 +- 42.7063(stat MC) +- 70.7618(err fit)
Run1-4: gen. 2352, fit 2521.15 +- 55.9467(stat MC) +- 87.033(err fit)

What might be wrong? The only reason which might explain this behaviour
is (again...) that S/peakingBG might be different for different run
periods whereas I am using the values computed on the entire sample,
fitted with a 1st order polynomial. But, are there any reasons why
S/peakingBG should be substantially different for different run periods?
I quickly investigated this by computing the S/peakingBG which comes out
from a (argus+ccb+signal) fit on the entire mx sample on charged B
events, getting:

Run1+2: 3.85 +/- 1.38
Run3:   5.09 +/- 1.32
Run4:   3.95 +/- 0.35
Run1-4: 4.00 +/- 0.28

which are compatible within errors, and in any case going in the wrong
direction for what the yields are concerned. Anything else? 