

SLAC ATLAS forum meeting Tuesday Aug/29 & future meeting times

We will have our SLAC ATLAS forum meeting Tuesday 3:30pm PDT as usual.
This week's agenda:
1) Pixel cosmic trigger report   (Kerstin Perez/Norman Graf)
2) Photons and Higgs to GammaGamma at LHC  (Lance Dixon)
The talks will be posted on the agenda page:

For the next few weeks we are considering a time change and a pause in the series,
so please pay attention to the proposal below.

The primary reason for the time change is to allow people at CERN to attend and
still making it easy for people local at SLAC. The compromise is proposed by our
hearty CERN contingency for a time of 10pm in Geneva / 1pm at SLAC.
This allows people at CERN to attend from home after dinner. Looking at SLAC
events, unfortunately Tuesday and Thursday lunch time are experimental seminars,
while Wednesday and Friday are theory seminars. So this left us with the following
a) Long term regular schedule (starting Sep/25) switch to Monday 1:00pm. If our
    poll indicate other constraints, would 12:30pm be OK still ?  
b) Next week: Sep/4 is Labor day so that we cannot adopt the new time yet.
    Since there are no experimental seminars next week, we propose a special
    time of 12:30pm PDT on Thursday (Sep/7) just for next week  (12:30pm due to room
c) For the weeks of Sep/11, Sep/18 we propose to pause the series due to conflicts:
    1) Sep/11 Abe-fest and SLUO meeting; rest of the week BaBar collab meeting.
    2) Sep/18 many will be gone to London TDAQ meeting, CERN LAr meeting. 
    So we aim at restart on Sep/25.
Please let me know if above schedule changes are problematic for you.     

Su Dong