You may have wondered about the majordomo notice that you are added to the
atlas-forum-l list. This is a mailing list just created to notify all potential interested
parties in the SLAC ATLAS forum. For those on the list hearing this the first time:
The SLAC ATLAS forum is a weekly meeting currently scheduled for 3:30-5:00pm
on Tuesdays, to facilitate communications among the ATLAS community at SLAC.
The meeting is open to all ATLAS collaborators (and potential collaborators) and
the theory community. The forum agenda will be a mixture of detector work,
simulation, physics analysis and theory presentations. Everyone is encouraged to
volunteer to speak or nominate speakers.

You are on this initial mailing list either from association with the SLAC ATLAS group
mailing list, or nominated by Michael Peskin, or via private contact with me. In case
you really don't want to be on the list, at any time simply send an E-mail to
[log in to unmask]  with the following text  in the mail:
   unsubscribe atlas-forum-l [your subscribed E-mail address]
where the [subscribed E-mail address] is almost in all cases your standard SLAC
E-mail address. This mailing list is intended to carry the ATLAS forum meeting
annoucements and followup communications of talks with general interests. Any
major news of interest to this community may also be distributed through the list.
The list is actually fully open and has a web archive for all postings at:
The meeting agendas for the series are posted at the CERN Indico server:
where speakers can upload the talks themselves. There is a phone conference setup
for the meeting, with details on the agenda page. The forum meeting is also
accessible through the meeting table in SLAC ATLAS web page at:

Our next meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday Aug/8, 3:30pm PDT.
Speaker: Ariel Schwartzman     (new SLAC Panofsky fellow)
Title: Vertexing and b-tagging at the Tevatron