

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 at 13:55 [-0700], Young, Charles C. wrote:

> This is a much better way of doing it. We will keep the account
> creation process fairly generic, and won't be asking the Help
> Desk to know anything about ATLAS work space, which is what I
> wanted to avoid.
> Maybe instead of having the czar add the comment, the ATLAS
> specific instructions can tell the user to do this?

Well, I think that's leaning back towards asking the Help Desk to
know something special about Atlas procedures.  If a new user in,
say, the GLAST group requested membership in some GLAST-related
secondary group I'm not certain our Help Desk people would simply
assume that the czar had really noticed that request, and
intended to approve it, when he/she signed the form.  That's just
my opinion, though.  I think this is another issue we should
invite Arla to comment on.