

Hi Wei,
  Thanks for making a very good start on the web page. Here are 
some random collection of comments as I scroll through the page:
1) At the top level, it may be useful at some point to add links to 
   some appropriate global ATLAS computing facility/US ATLAS computing 
   facility page throught which one can find the generic description
   of the roles of the various computing facilities and look at other
   centers. I haven't found the obvious good single link for this yet.
2) There are two classes of users: remote Tier-2 users who are almost 
   never at SLAC, the UNIX account is probably sufficient. For users 
   who will be residing at SLAC for a large fraction of time (which
   we'd really like to encourage), they may also need wondows account 
   (login to conference room PC, access to training etc have to go 
   through that). So we should make the user decide at the point of 
   the computing account request. Even if they are only to stay at 
   SLAC for some short amount of time (>a few weeks), windows account 
   may be still needed.
3) For datasets at SLAC: The dq2 brower interface may be better ?
   which in principle would allow you to do a quick subselect into csc, 
   then further down to select AOD etc., but I don't understand why 
   the csc subselection is not including all the csc samples in the 
   long list. 
4) An update to the batch info soon would be great for questions like:  
   How is the equivalent unified CPU time defined ? the time limit for
   long, short, medium queues ? etc. 

5) Something beyond the web page to remind ourselves: the ATLAS user 
   scratch space management probably needs to be worked into account
   creation automatically.  

6) There are may be some very common issues which can be included in 
   a FAQ. One of the popular question is how do I print from my laptop 
   on wireless at SLAC ? Zach/Heather and an LCD user asked me this 
   very recently and I didn't know the proper answer until I tried my
   own laptop yesterday and eventually located the very small tab 
   "printing" in the SLAC computing environment page which has great
   instructions, but I wonder how well everyone is finding that. I still
   need to find out the equivalent instructions at CERN...   
   There other things such as: Are the instructions for registering 
   user's laptops easily locatable when users first bring them on site ?

Su Dong   

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [log in to unmask] 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On 
> Behalf Of Wei Yang
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:23 PM
> To: atlas-sccs-planning-l
> Subject: First Draft of the Western Tier 2 web page
> It is far from fancy. But I hope it provides the basic 
> information. We will need to work with web professionals to 
> make it look interesting. 
> Please don't advertise it because it is still under my 
> personal directory.
> Comments?
> regards,
> Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)