

Commit in lcio/src/aid/EVENT on MAIN
LCIO.aid+66-641.53 -> 1.54
JM: Add VERTEX LCIO constant.

LCIO.aid 1.53 -> 1.54
diff -u -r1.53 -r1.54
--- LCIO.aid	24 Mar 2006 06:33:43 -0000	1.53
+++ LCIO.aid	24 Aug 2006 18:11:36 -0000	1.54
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
 /** Global constants used in LCIO.
- * 
- * @author gaede 
- * @version $Id: LCIO.aid,v 1.53 2006/03/24 06:33:43 jeremy Exp $
+ *
+ * @author gaede
+ * @version $Id: LCIO.aid,v 1.54 2006/08/24 18:11:36 jeremy Exp $
  * @see LCObject
  * @see LCIO
 public interface LCIO{
     // it seems to be impossible to have one declaration for
     // static constants in Java and C++ - so we need to define
     // the same constants twice !!
@@ -30,39 +30,39 @@
     // current version number of lcio
-    static const int MAJORVERSION  = LCIO_MAJOR_VERSION ; 
-    static const int MINORVERSION  = LCIO_MINOR_VERSION ; 
+    static const int MAJORVERSION  = LCIO_MAJOR_VERSION ;
+    static const int MINORVERSION  = LCIO_MINOR_VERSION ;
     // bits in flag words
     // SimCalorimeterHit (CH)
     static const int CHBIT_LONG   = 31; // long(1) - short(0), (position)
-    static const int CHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0) 
+    static const int CHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0)
     static const int CHBIT_ID1    = 29 ;  // cellid1 stored
-    static const int CHBIT_PDG    = 28 ;   // PDG(1) - no PDG(0) (detailed shower contributions) 
+    static const int CHBIT_PDG    = 28 ;   // PDG(1) - no PDG(0) (detailed shower contributions)
-    // (raw) calorimeter hit 
+    // (raw) calorimeter hit
     static const int RCHBIT_LONG   = 31 ;  // long(1) - short(0) , incl./excl. position
-    static const int RCHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0) 
+    static const int RCHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0)
     static const int RCHBIT_ID1    = 29 ;  // cellid1 stored
-    static const int RCHBIT_NO_PTR = 28 ; // 1: pointer tag not added 
+    static const int RCHBIT_NO_PTR = 28 ; // 1: pointer tag not added
     static const int RCHBIT_TIME   = 27 ; // 1: time information stored
-    // raw tracker data (pulses) 
+    // raw tracker data (pulses)
     static const int TRAWBIT_ID1   = 31 ;  //  cellid1 stored
     // SimTrackerHit
-    static const int THBIT_BARREL = 31 ; // barrel(1) - endcap(0) 
-    static const int THBIT_MOMENTUM = 30 ; // momentum of particle stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+    static const int THBIT_BARREL = 31 ; // barrel(1) - endcap(0)
+    static const int THBIT_MOMENTUM = 30 ; // momentum of particle stored(1) - not stored(0)
     // Tracks
-    static const int TRBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+    static const int TRBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0)
     // Cluster
-    static const int CLBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+    static const int CLBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0)
     // TPCHit
-    static const int TPCBIT_RAW = 31 ; // raw data stored(1) - not stored(0) 
-    static const int TPCBIT_NO_PTR = 30 ; // 1: pointer tag not added (needed for TrackerHit) 
+    static const int TPCBIT_RAW = 31 ; // raw data stored(1) - not stored(0)
+    static const int TPCBIT_NO_PTR = 30 ; // 1: pointer tag not added (needed for TrackerHit)
     // LCRelation
@@ -80,72 +80,73 @@
     static const int SUCCESS =  1 ;
     //write modes
-    static const int WRITE_NEW = 0 ; 
-    static const int WRITE_APPEND = 1 ; 
+    static const int WRITE_NEW = 0 ;
+    static const int WRITE_APPEND = 1 ;
     // type names:
     static const char* LCEVENT ;
     static const char* LCRUNHEADER ;
     static const char* LCCOLLECTION ;
-    static const char* MCPARTICLE ; 
+    static const char* MCPARTICLE ;
     static const char* SIMCALORIMETERHIT ;
     static const char* RAWCALORIMETERHIT ;
     static const char* CALORIMETERHIT ;
-    static const char* SIMTRACKERHIT ; 
-    static const char* TPCHIT ; 
-    static const char* TRACKERRAWDATA ; 
-    static const char* TRACKERDATA ; 
-    static const char* TRACKERPULSE ; 
-    static const char* TPRAWDATA ; 
-    static const char* TRACKERHIT ; 
+    static const char* SIMTRACKERHIT ;
+    static const char* TPCHIT ;
+    static const char* TRACKERRAWDATA ;
+    static const char* TRACKERDATA ;
+    static const char* TRACKERPULSE ;
+    static const char* TPRAWDATA ;
+    static const char* TRACKERHIT ;
     static const char* LCSTRVEC ;
-    static const char* LCFLOATVEC ; 
-    static const char* LCINTVEC ; 
-    static const char* TRACK ; 
-    static const char* CLUSTER ; 
-    static const char* RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE ; 
-    static const char* LCRELATION ; 
-    static const char* LCGENERICOBJECT ; 
+    static const char* LCFLOATVEC ;
+    static const char* LCINTVEC ;
+    static const char* TRACK ;
+    static const char* CLUSTER ;
+    static const char* RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE ;
+    static const char* LCRELATION ;
+    static const char* LCGENERICOBJECT ;
     static const char* PARTICLEID;
+    static const char* VERTEX;
     // reserved names, e.g. name of event/collections paramaters
-    static const char* CellIDEncoding ; 
+    static const char* CellIDEncoding ;
     // current version number of lcio
-  public static const int MAJORVERSION  = 1 ; 
+  public static const int MAJORVERSION  = 1 ;
   public static const int MINORVERSION  = 7 ;
   // bits in flag words
   // SimCalorimeterHit (CH)
   public static const int CHBIT_LONG   = 31 ;  // long(1) - short(0) , incl./excl. position
-  public static const int CHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0) 
+  public static const int CHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0)
   public static const int CHBIT_ID1    = 29 ;  // cellid1 stored
-  public static const int CHBIT_PDG    = 28 ;  // PDG(1) - no PDG(0) (detailed shower contributions) 
+  public static const int CHBIT_PDG    = 28 ;  // PDG(1) - no PDG(0) (detailed shower contributions)
-    // (raw) calorimeter hit 
+    // (raw) calorimeter hit
   public static const int RCHBIT_LONG   = 31 ;  // long(1) - short(0) , incl./excl. position
-  public static const int RCHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0) 
+  public static const int RCHBIT_BARREL = 30 ;  // barrel(1) - endcap(0)
   public static const int RCHBIT_ID1    = 29 ;  // cellid1 stored
   public static const int RCHBIT_NO_PTR = 28 ; // 1: pointer tag not added
   public static const int RCHBIT_TIME   = 27 ; // 1: time information stored
-  // raw tracker data (pulses) 
+  // raw tracker data (pulses)
   public static const int TRAWBIT_ID1   = 31 ;  //  cellid1 stored
   // SimTrackerHit
-  public static const int THBIT_BARREL = 31 ; // barrel(1) - endcap(0) 
-  public static const int THBIT_MOMENTUM = 30 ; // momentum of particle stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+  public static const int THBIT_BARREL = 31 ; // barrel(1) - endcap(0)
+  public static const int THBIT_MOMENTUM = 30 ; // momentum of particle stored(1) - not stored(0)
   // Tracks
-  public static const int TRBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+  public static const int TRBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0)
   // Cluster
-  public   static const int CLBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+  public   static const int CLBIT_HITS = 31 ; // hits stored(1) - not stored(0)
   // TPCHit
-  public static const int TPCBIT_RAW = 31 ; // raw data stored(1) - not stored(0) 
+  public static const int TPCBIT_RAW = 31 ; // raw data stored(1) - not stored(0)
   public static const int TPCBIT_NO_PTR = 30 ; // 1: pointer tag not added (needed for TrackerHit)
     // LCRelation
@@ -162,8 +163,8 @@
   public static const int SUCCESS =  1 ;
   //write modes
-  public static const int WRITE_NEW = 0 ; 
-  public static const int WRITE_APPEND = 1 ; 
+  public static const int WRITE_NEW = 0 ;
+  public static const int WRITE_APPEND = 1 ;
     // type names:
   public static const String LCEVENT = "LCEvent" ;
@@ -182,16 +183,17 @@
   public static const String LCSTRVEC = "LCStrVec" ;
   public static const String LCFLOATVEC = "LCFloatVec" ;
   public static const String LCINTVEC = "LCIntVec" ;
-  public static const String TRACK = "Track"; 
-  public static const String CLUSTER = "Cluster"; 
-  public static const String RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE = "ReconstructedParticle"; 
-  public static const String LCRELATION = "LCRelation" ; 
-  public static const String LCGENERICOBJECT = "LCGenericObject"; 
-  public static const String PARTICLEID = "ParticleID"; 
+  public static const String TRACK = "Track";
+  public static const String CLUSTER = "Cluster";
+  public static const String RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE = "ReconstructedParticle";
+  public static const String LCRELATION = "LCRelation" ;
+  public static const String LCGENERICOBJECT = "LCGenericObject";
+  public static const String PARTICLEID = "ParticleID";
+  public static const String VERTEX = "Vertex";
   // reserved names, e.g. name of event/collections paramaters
-  public static const String CellIDEncoding = "CellIDEncoding"; 
+  public static const String CellIDEncoding = "CellIDEncoding";
CVSspam 0.2.8