

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/identifier on MAIN -> 1.5
Major overhaul/refactor

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/identifier 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	18 Jul 2006 00:44:02 -0000	1.4
+++	10 Aug 2006 22:57:34 -0000	1.5
@@ -24,123 +24,42 @@
  * Currently, PID is done by cheating.
- * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2006/07/18 00:44:02 mcharles Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2006/08/10 22:57:34 mcharles Exp $
 public class SimpleChargedParticleMaker extends Driver
     /** Simple constructor. */
-    public SimpleChargedParticleMaker() {}
+    public SimpleChargedParticleMaker() {
+    }
     public void setInputTrackList(String name) { m_inputTrackListName = name; }
     public void setOutputTrackList(String name){ m_outputTrackListName = name; }
-    public void setInputMIPList(String name){ m_inputMIPListName = name; }
     public void setInputClusterList(String name){ m_inputClusterListName = name; }
     public void setOutputParticleList(String name){ m_outputParticleListName = name; }
-    public void setDebug(boolean debug) { m_debug = debug; }
+    public void setTrackMatcher(TrackClusterMatcher matcher) { m_matcher = matcher; }
     public void process(EventHeader event)
-	initGeometry(event);
+	super.process(event);
 	// Inputs:
 	List<Track> inputTrackList = event.get(Track.class, m_inputTrackListName);
-	List<Cluster> inputMIPList = event.get(Cluster.class, m_inputMIPListName);
 	List<Cluster> inputClusterList = event.get(Cluster.class, m_inputClusterListName);
 	// Outputs:
 	Map<Track,Cluster> matchedTracks = new HashMap<Track,Cluster>();
-	List<Track> outputTrackList = new Vector<Track>(); // initially empty
+	List<Track> unmatchedTracks = new Vector<Track>(inputTrackList);
 	List<ReconstructedParticle> outputParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
-	// Get the field strength using Steve McGill's code:
-	Detector det = event.getDetector();
-	double[] zero = {0, 0, 0};
-	double[] fieldStrength = det.getFieldMap().getField(zero);
-	HelixSwimmer swimmer = new HelixSwimmer(fieldStrength[2]);
-	// For each track, we'll try to extrapolate it to the ECAL surface.
-	// If we do, we store the appropriate value of alpha (distance to swim)
-	Map<Track, Double> successfullyExtrapolatedTracks = new HashMap<Track,Double>();
-	List<Track> unsuccessfullyExtrapolatedTracks = new Vector<Track>();
+	// Try to match each track to a cluster
 	for (Track tr : inputTrackList) {
-	    // Make a swimmer:
-	    swimmer.setTrack(tr);
-	    double alpha = Double.NaN;
-	    // // Try swimming to the barrel:
-	    double  alphaBarrel = swimToBarrel(swimmer);
-	    boolean validBarrel = false;
-	    // Try swimming to the endcap:
-	    double  alphaEndcap = swimToEndcap(swimmer);
-	    boolean validEndcap = false;
-	    // Fixme: Here we should check that the track really does go all the
-	    // way to the ECAL instead of stopping/decaying/interacting earlier.
-	    // This used to be done with the checkDecayPoint() method in
-	    // contrib.uiowa.structural.SwimToECAL
-	    if (isValidBarrelIntercept(swimmer, alphaBarrel)) {
-		alpha = alphaBarrel;
-		validBarrel = true;
-	    } else if (isValidEndcapIntercept(swimmer, alphaEndcap)) {
-		alpha = alphaEndcap;
-		validEndcap = true;
-	    }
-	    if ( ! Double.isNaN(alpha) ) {
-		// Found something.
-		if ( validEndcap || validBarrel) {
-		    if ( !(validEndcap && validBarrel) ) {
-			successfullyExtrapolatedTracks.put(tr, new Double(alpha));
-		    } else {
-			throw new AssertionError("Confusing intercept! barrel="+validBarrel+", endcap="+validEndcap);
-		    }
-		} else {
-		    throw new AssertionError("alpha is not NaN, but not a valid barrel or endcap intercept");
-		}
-	    } else {
-		unsuccessfullyExtrapolatedTracks.add(tr);
-	    }
-	}
-	// See: structural.MatchHelixToCluster
-	for (Track tr : successfullyExtrapolatedTracks.keySet()) {
-	    Double alpha = successfullyExtrapolatedTracks.get(tr);
-	    Cluster matchedCluster = null; // This will be from inputClusterList
-	    // First try to match it to a MIP...
-	    Cluster matchedMIP = findMatchedMIP(tr, swimmer, alpha.doubleValue(), inputMIPList);
-	    if (matchedMIP != null) {
-		// Matching MIP. Look up its parent cluster:
-		for (Cluster parent : inputClusterList) {
-		    List<Cluster> clustersInsideParent = recursivelyFindSubClusters(parent);
-		    if (clustersInsideParent.contains(matchedMIP)) {
-			// Found it
-			matchedCluster = parent;
-			if (m_debug) { 
-			    Hep3Vector momentumVec = new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum());
-			    System.out.println("DEBUG: Extrapolated track to MIP (momentum = "+momentumVec.magnitude()+")"); 
-			}
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-	    } else {
-		// If that didn't work, try any cluster...
-		matchedCluster = findMatchedCluster(tr, swimmer, alpha.doubleValue(), inputClusterList);
-	    }
+	    Cluster matchedCluster = m_matcher.matchTrackToCluster(tr, inputClusterList);
 	    if (matchedCluster != null) {
-		// We found a match
 		matchedTracks.put(tr, matchedCluster);
-		if (m_debug) { 
-		    Hep3Vector momentumVec = new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum());
-		    System.out.println("DEBUG: Extrapolated track to cluster (momentum = "+momentumVec.magnitude()+")"); 
-		}
-	    } else {
-		// No match -- put the track into the list of unused tracks
-		outputTrackList.add(tr);
-		if (m_debug) { 
-		    Hep3Vector momentumVec = new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum());
-		    System.out.println("DEBUG: Failed to extrapolate track (momentum = "+momentumVec.magnitude()+")"); 
-		}
+		unmatchedTracks.remove(tr);
+		// Should we check that the matched cluster is in the
+		// expected list?
@@ -154,277 +73,26 @@
 		// Already used this cluster in a particle => just add the track to that particle
 		LocalReconstructedParticle part = matchedClusters.get(clus);
-		double[] trackMomentum = tr.getMomentum();
-		double trackMomentumMagSq = (trackMomentum[0]*trackMomentum[0] + trackMomentum[1]*trackMomentum[1] + trackMomentum[2]*trackMomentum[2]);
-		double trackMass = 0.140; // Treat the second particle as a pion
-		if (tr instanceof ReconTrack) {
-		    Particle truthParticle = ((ReconTrack)(tr)).getMCParticle();
-		    if (truthParticle != null) {
-			trackMass = truthParticle.getMass();
-		    }
-		}
-		double trackEnergy = Math.sqrt(trackMomentumMagSq + trackMass*trackMass);
-		part.setEnergy(part.getEnergy() + trackEnergy);
+		part.recomputeKinematics();
 	    } else {
 		// This cluster hasn't been used yet -- initialize its particle
 		LocalReconstructedParticle part = new LocalReconstructedParticle();
-		double[] trackMomentum = tr.getMomentum();
-		double trackMomentumMagSq = (trackMomentum[0]*trackMomentum[0] + trackMomentum[1]*trackMomentum[1] + trackMomentum[2]*trackMomentum[2]);
-		double mass = 0.140;
-		if (tr instanceof ReconTrack) {
-		    Particle truthParticle = ((ReconTrack)(tr)).getMCParticle();
-		    if (truthParticle != null) {
-			mass = truthParticle.getMass();
-		    }
-		}
-		double energy = Math.sqrt(trackMomentumMagSq + mass*mass);
-		part.setEnergy(energy);
+		part.recomputeKinematics();
 		matchedClusters.put(clus, part);
-	}
+	}	
 	// Write out
-	event.put(m_outputTrackListName, outputTrackList);
+	event.put(m_outputTrackListName, unmatchedTracks);
 	event.put(m_outputParticleListName, outputParticleList);
-	// Here is a hook for debug/plots
-	checkEvent(successfullyExtrapolatedTracks, unsuccessfullyExtrapolatedTracks, outputTrackList, outputParticleList, inputClusterList, inputMIPList, swimmer);
-    protected void checkEvent(Map<Track,Double> successfullyExtrapolatedTracks, List<Track> unsuccessfullyExtrapolatedTracks, List<Track> outputTrackList, List<ReconstructedParticle> outputParticleList, List<Cluster> inputClusterList, List<Cluster> inputMIPList, HelixSwimmer swimmer) 
-    {
-	// nothing by default
-    }
-    protected double swimToBarrel(HelixSwimmer swimmer) {
-	// Look for a hit in the first layer of the ECAL barrel
-	return swimmer.getDistanceToRadius(m_ECAL_barrel_r);
-    }
-    protected double swimToEndcap(HelixSwimmer swimmer) {
-	// Look for a hit in the first layer of the ECAL endcap
-	return swimmer.getDistanceToZ(m_ECAL_endcap_z);
-    }
-    protected boolean isValidBarrelIntercept(HelixSwimmer swimmer, double alpha) {
-	// Must have -m_ECAL_barrel_z <= z <= +m_ECAL_barrel_z
-	Hep3Vector intercept = swimmer.getPointAtDistance(alpha);
-	double z = intercept.z();
-	boolean zInRange = (z >= m_ECAL_barrel_zmin && z <= m_ECAL_barrel_zmax);
-	return zInRange;
-    }
-    protected boolean isValidEndcapIntercept(HelixSwimmer swimmer, double alpha) {
-	// Must have m_ECAL_endcap_rmin <= r <= m_ECAL_endcap_rmax
-	Hep3Vector intercept = swimmer.getPointAtDistance(alpha);
-	double r = Math.sqrt(intercept.x()*intercept.x() + intercept.y()*intercept.y());
-	boolean rInRange = (r >= m_ECAL_endcap_rmin && r <= m_ECAL_endcap_rmax);
-	return rInRange;
-    }
-    protected List<Cluster> recursivelyFindSubClusters(Cluster clus) 
-    {
-	List<Cluster> output = new Vector<Cluster>();
-	for (Cluster dau : clus.getClusters()) {
-	    output.addAll(recursivelyFindSubClusters(dau));
-	}
-	output.add(clus);
-	return output;
-    }
-    protected void initGeometry(EventHeader event) 
-    {
-	if (!m_init) {
-	    Detector det = event.getDetector();
-	    CylindricalCalorimeter emb = ((CylindricalCalorimeter) det.getSubdetectors().get("EMBarrel"));
-	    CylindricalCalorimeter eme = ((CylindricalCalorimeter) det.getSubdetectors().get("EMEndcap"));
-	    m_ECAL_barrel_zmin = emb.getZMin();
-	    m_ECAL_barrel_zmax = emb.getZMax();
-	    m_ECAL_barrel_r = emb.getLayering().getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(0);
-	    m_ECAL_endcap_z = eme.getLayering().getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(0);
-	    m_ECAL_endcap_rmin = eme.getInnerRadius();
-	    m_ECAL_endcap_rmax = eme.getOuterRadius();
-	    m_init = true;
-	    System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+": Init: m_ECAL_barrel_zmin="+m_ECAL_barrel_zmin);
-	    System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+": Init: m_ECAL_barrel_zmax="+m_ECAL_barrel_zmax);
-	    System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+": Init: m_ECAL_barrel_r="+m_ECAL_barrel_r);
-	    System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+": Init: m_ECAL_endcap_z="+m_ECAL_endcap_z);
-	    System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+": Init: m_ECAL_endcap_rmin="+m_ECAL_endcap_rmin);
-	    System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()+": Init: m_ECAL_endcap_rmax="+m_ECAL_endcap_rmax);
-	}
-    }
-    protected Cluster findMatchedMIP(Track tr, HelixSwimmer swimmer, double alpha, List<Cluster> mips) 
-    {
-	// Find the track intercept and direction
-	swimmer.setTrack(tr);
-	Hep3Vector trackPoint = swimmer.getPointAtDistance(alpha);
-	// Obtain the unit vector giving the tangent:
-	double delta = 0.1;
-	if (alpha < 0) { delta *= -1.0; }
-	Hep3Vector aLittleFurther = swimmer.getPointAtDistance(alpha+delta);
-	Hep3Vector tangent = VecOp.unit(VecOp.sub(aLittleFurther, trackPoint));
-	List<Cluster> nearestMIPs = findNearestClusters(trackPoint, mips);
-	for (Cluster nearbyMIP : nearestMIPs) {
-	    // Obtain geometrical info:
-	    CalorimeterHit nearestHit = findNearestHit(trackPoint, nearbyMIP);
-	    double separation = proximity(trackPoint, nearestHit);
-	    int firstLayerHit = getLayer(nearestHit);
-	    double unitDotProduct = findUnitDotProduct(tangent, nearbyMIP);
-	    org.lcsim.geometry.Subdetector subdet = nearestHit.getSubdetector();
-	    // Make cuts:
-	    boolean goodSubDet = (subdet.getName().compareTo("EMBarrel")==0) || (subdet.getName().compareTo("EMEndcap")==0);
-	    boolean goodFirstLayer = (firstLayerHit < 5);
-	    boolean goodDotProduct = (Math.abs(unitDotProduct) > 0.85);
-	    boolean goodSeparation = (separation < 50.0);
-	    boolean foundMatch = goodSubDet && goodFirstLayer && goodDotProduct && goodSeparation;
-	    if (foundMatch) {
-		// OK, made a good match
-		return nearbyMIP;
-	    }
-	}
-	// No match
-	return null;
-    }
-    protected Cluster findMatchedCluster(Track tr, HelixSwimmer swimmer, double alpha, List<Cluster> clusters) 
-    {
-	// Find the track intercept and direction
-	swimmer.setTrack(tr);
-	Hep3Vector trackPoint = swimmer.getPointAtDistance(alpha);
-	List<Cluster> nearestClusters = findNearestClusters(trackPoint, clusters);
-	for (Cluster nearbyCluster : nearestClusters) {
-	    // Obtain geometrical info:
-	    CalorimeterHit nearestHit = findNearestHit(trackPoint, nearbyCluster);
-	    double separation = proximity(trackPoint, nearestHit);
-	    int firstLayerHit = getLayer(nearestHit);
-	    org.lcsim.geometry.Subdetector subdet = nearestHit.getSubdetector();
-	    // Make cuts:
-	    boolean goodSubDet = (subdet.getName().compareTo("EMBarrel")==0) || (subdet.getName().compareTo("EMEndcap")==0);
-	    boolean goodFirstLayer = (firstLayerHit < 5);
-	    boolean goodSeparation = (separation < 30.0);
-	    boolean foundMatch = goodSubDet && goodFirstLayer && goodSeparation;
-	    if (foundMatch) {
-		// Geometrically, it looks good.
-		// Is it sensible in terms of energy?
-		// // FIXME: Farm the calibration out to an external class properly
-		// double estimatedClusterEnergy = SimpleNeutralParticleMaker.estimateClusterEnergy(clus);
-		// // We don't expect an exact match due to resolution, energy lost
-		// // to fragments etc., but a good portion of the energy should be
-		// // in the cluster
-		// double[] trackMomentum = tr.getMomentum();
-		// double trackMomentumMag = Math.sqrt(trackMomentum[0]*trackMomentum[0] + trackMomentum[1]*trackMomentum[1] + trackMomentum[2]*trackMomentum[2]);
-		// boolean fractionEnergyOK = estimatedClusterEnergy > 0.5*trackMomentumMag;
-		// boolean absoluteEnergyOK = (trackMomentumMag - estimatedClusterEnergy < 0.2); // deliberately one-sided
-		// boolean energyOK = fractionEnergyOK || absoluteEnergyOK;
-		boolean energyOK = true; // For now, always pass
-		if (energyOK) {
-		    // Matches OK
-		    return nearbyCluster;
-		} else {
-		    // This cluster isn't a good match -- ignore it.
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	// No match
-	return null;
-    }
-    protected List<Cluster> findNearestClusters(Hep3Vector point, List<Cluster> clusterList)
-    {
-	Map<Cluster,Double> mapClusterToDistance = new HashMap<Cluster, Double>();
-	List<Cluster> sortedListOfClusters = new Vector<Cluster>();
-	for (Cluster clus : clusterList) {
-	    double dist = proximity(point, clus);
-	    mapClusterToDistance.put(clus, new Double(dist));
-	    sortedListOfClusters.add(clus);
-	}
-	Comparator<Cluster> comp = new CompareMapping<Cluster>(mapClusterToDistance);
-	Collections.sort(sortedListOfClusters, comp);
-	return sortedListOfClusters;
-    }
-    protected CalorimeterHit findNearestHit(Hep3Vector point, Cluster clus) 
-    {
-	CalorimeterHit nearest = null;
-	double minDist = 0;
-	for (CalorimeterHit hit : clus.getCalorimeterHits()) {
-	    Hep3Vector hitPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(hit.getPosition());
-	    double distance = VecOp.sub(hitPosition, point).magnitude();
-	    if (distance<minDist || nearest==null) {
-		nearest = hit;
-	    }
-	}
-	return nearest;
-    }
-    protected double proximity(Hep3Vector point, Cluster clus) {
-	CalorimeterHit nearestHit = findNearestHit(point, clus);
-	return proximity(point, nearestHit);
-    }
-    protected double proximity(Hep3Vector point, CalorimeterHit hit) {
-	Hep3Vector hitPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(hit.getPosition());
-	double distance = VecOp.sub(hitPosition, point).magnitude();
-	return distance;
-    }
-    protected double findUnitDotProduct(Hep3Vector tangent, Cluster clus) 
-    {
-	// Find the cluster direction
-	BasicCluster copy = new BasicCluster();
-	copy.addCluster(clus);
-	TensorClusterPropertyCalculator calc = new TensorClusterPropertyCalculator();
-	copy.setPropertyCalculator(calc);
-	copy.calculateProperties();
-	double[][]axes = calc.getPrincipleAxis();
-	Hep3Vector clusterDir = new BasicHep3Vector(axes[0][0], axes[0][1], axes[0][2]);
-	// Get the dot product:
-	double unitDotProduct =, clusterDir) / (tangent.magnitude() * clusterDir.magnitude());
-	return unitDotProduct;
-    }
-    protected int getLayer(CalorimeterHit hit) {
-	org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder id = hit.getIDDecoder();
-	id.setID(hit.getCellID());
-	int layer = id.getLayer();
-	return layer;
-    }
-    private class CompareMapping<T> implements Comparator<T> {
-	public CompareMapping(Map<T,Double> map) {
-	    m_map = map;
-	}
-	public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
-	    Cluster c1 = (Cluster) o1;
-	    Cluster c2 = (Cluster) o2;
-	    Double D1 = m_map.get(c1);
-	    Double D2 = m_map.get(c2);
-	    if (D1.equals(D2)) {
-		// Equal
-		return 0;
-	    } else if (D1.doubleValue() < D2.doubleValue()) {
-		return -1;
-	    } else {
-		return +1;
-	    }
-	}
-	Map<T,Double> m_map;
-    }
-    protected boolean m_init = false;
-    protected double m_ECAL_barrel_zmin;
-    protected double m_ECAL_barrel_zmax;
-    protected double m_ECAL_barrel_r;
-    protected double m_ECAL_endcap_z;
-    protected double m_ECAL_endcap_rmin;
-    protected double m_ECAL_endcap_rmax;
-    protected boolean m_debug = false;
+    protected TrackClusterMatcher m_matcher;
     String m_inputTrackListName;
     String m_outputTrackListName;
-    String m_inputMIPListName;
     String m_inputClusterListName;
     String m_outputParticleListName;
@@ -443,6 +111,23 @@
 	public void setCharge(double q) {
 	    _charge = q;
+	public void recomputeKinematics() {
+	    double energy = 0.0;
+	    for (Track tr : this.getTracks()) {
+		double[] trackMomentum = tr.getMomentum();
+		double trackMomentumMagSq = (trackMomentum[0]*trackMomentum[0] + trackMomentum[1]*trackMomentum[1] + trackMomentum[2]*trackMomentum[2]);
+		double mass = 0.140;
+		if (tr instanceof ReconTrack) {
+		    Particle truthParticle = ((ReconTrack)(tr)).getMCParticle();
+		    if (truthParticle != null) {
+			mass = truthParticle.getMass();
+		    }
+		}
+		double trackEnergy = Math.sqrt(trackMomentumMagSq + mass*mass);
+		energy += trackEnergy;
+	    }
+	    this.setEnergy(energy);
+	}
CVSspam 0.2.8