

Commit in lcio/src/cpp/src/EXAMPLE on v01-07-vtx ->

lcio/src/cpp/src/EXAMPLE ->
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	14 Aug 2006 16:13:16 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include "IO/LCReader.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCTOOLS.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCRunHeader.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "EVENT/ReconstructedParticle.h"
+#include "IMPL/ReconstructedParticleImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/VertexImpl.h"
+static const char* FILEN = "recjob.slcio" ; // default file name 
+using namespace std ;
+using namespace lcio ;
+// This file is temporary and ONLY for the purpose of testing the Vertex Class!!
+int main(int argc, char** argv ){
+  LCReader* lcReader = LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCReader() ;
+  lcReader->open( FILEN ) ;
+  cout << " will open and read from file: " << FILEN << endl ;  
+  LCRunHeader *runHdr ;
+  // use a try catch block here: if sth. went wrong with reading the run data we 
+  // still can try and read the event data - see below
+  try{
+    //read the first header
+    runHdr = lcReader->readNextRunHeader();
+    LCTOOLS::dumpRunHeader( runHdr ) ;
+    /*
+    // loop over all run headers
+    while( ( runHdr = lcReader->readNextRunHeader() ) != 0 ){
+    LCTOOLS::dumpRunHeader( runHdr ) ;
+    //       cout << "  Run : " << runHdr->getRunNumber() 
+    // 	   << " - "      << runHdr->getDetectorName() 
+    // 	   << ":  "      << runHdr->getDescription()  << endl ;
+    }
+    */    
+  }catch(IOException& e){
+    cout << " io error when reading run data : " << e.what() << endl ;
+  }
+  cout << endl ;
+  lcReader->close() ;
+  // now loop over the file again and dump event data
+  lcReader->open( FILEN ) ;
+  cout << " reopened " << FILEN << " for reading " << endl ; 
+  LCEvent* evt ;
+  //int nEvents = 0 ;
+  //read an event
+  evt = lcReader->readNextEvent(LCIO::UPDATE);
+  LCTOOLS::dumpEvent( evt ) ;
+  /*
+  //----------- the event loop -----------
+  while( (evt = lcReader->readNextEvent()) != 0 ) {
+  //LCTOOLS::dumpEvent( evt ) ;
+  nEvents ++ ;
+  } 
+  // -------- end of event loop -----------
+  cout << endl <<  "  " <<  nEvents << " events read from file: " << FILEN << endl  ;
+  */
+  LCCollection* col = evt->getCollection("ReconstructedParticle") ;
+  if( col !=0  &&( col->getTypeName() == LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE ) 
+      &&  col->getNumberOfElements() > 0 ){
+    cout << col->getTypeName();
+    ReconstructedParticleImpl* recP = dynamic_cast<ReconstructedParticleImpl*>( col->getElementAt( 0 ) ) ;
+    VertexImpl* vtx = new VertexImpl ;
+    vtx->setPrimary(true);
+    vtx->setChi2(1.01);
+    vtx->setProbability(0.0032);
+    vtx->setPosition(0.3453,.45345354,2.345354);
+    vtx->setAssociatedParticle(recP);
+    Vertex* v;
+    v=dynamic_cast<Vertex*>(vtx);
+    cout << endl<<endl;
+    cout << "Vertex Details:" << endl<<endl;
+    cout << "Primary:\t" << v->isPrimary() << endl;
+    cout << "Position:\tx:" << v->getPosition()[0] << "\ty: " << v->getPosition()[1] << "\tz: " << v->getPosition()[2] << endl;
+    cout << "Chi2:\t\t" << v->getChi2() << endl;
+    cout << "Probability:\t" << v->getProbability() << endl;
+    cout << "AParticle:\t" << v->getAssociatedParticle()->getType() << endl;
+    recP->setStartVertex( v );
+    cout << "recP->getStartVertex()->getChi2() : " << recP->getStartVertex()->getChi2()<<endl;
+    //cout << "recP->getEndVertex()->getChi2() : " << recP->getEndVertex()->getChi2()<<endl;
+    // do not delete if vertex attached to collection and event !!!!
+    delete vtx;
+  }else{
+    cout << " collection not of type " << LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE << " or empty ! " << endl ;
+  }
+  lcReader->close() ;
+  delete lcReader ;
+  return 0 ;
CVSspam 0.2.8