

Hi Kerstin,

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, Kerstin Tackmann wrote:

> Hi Heiko, Chuckwudi, and Francesca,
> I just gave Marco a bried update on what we talked about in the vub-recoil
> meetings and here are some follow-up questions that came up in our
> discussion:
> When doing the mES fits that we looked at and that are used to compute the
> correction factors, do we reweight the B->D*lnu to the most recent form
> factor values?
Since fittest.* (the macro(s) in question) is designed to mimic
VirVubFitter and reweighting B->D*lnu is done by VirVubFitter I assume
that this is also done by fittest.

>If not, could the different form factor
values influence
> the slow pion spectrum in a way that the D and D* composition in the
> second bin (where e.g. the slow pion goes into the Breco in the
> reconstruction) could give us such large differences between data and MC?
I'll try to see if the B->D*lnu reweighting is done in fittest.

> Would it make sense to check whether the muon and the electron sample
> behave the same? While there is no obvious reason why they should not, we
> do not quite understand what we are seeing either...
Hmm... I'm not sure.
> Do we fix the shape of the signal fit function on MC for the whole mX
> range or do we do this bin-by-bin in mX? If we are doing it on the full
> range, maybe we could better fits by doing this bin-by-bin on MC? After
> all, we see that some of the fits to truth-matched MC do not look good.
Since I perform fits using the Signal fit function on MC for bin-by-bin in
mX then use the parameters obtained by performing said fits for Data also
bin-by-bin in mX I guess the above is ruled out.

Cheers, Chukwudi.