

Hi Antonio, I seem to be having problems when it come to getting the
correct parameters for data depleted. I'm using Concezio's VVF-tag
(cb-060801). I have been able to get numbers for the MC enriched and
depleted, which you can have a look at on my webpage
The problem is, if I use the same instructions for data as I do for MC the
following error is observed:

RooRealVar::setRange(mes) new range named 'bmesint' created with bounds
USING CUTS mes> 5.22 && mx > 0.000000 && mx < 1.550000 && q2 > -999.000000
&& q2 < 300.000000 && lepYaSe>0 && ksele != 0 && intpur > 0.100000
Number of entries in dataset: 1244
scalefactor= 0.284083
WARNING ar NOT FOUND in param.txt
Error: illegal pointer to class object argpar 0x0 791  FILE:fittest.C
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

What I have done is
./ -data -bkg -lepcut -depl -dumppar -intpur 0.1 -mxl -30 -mxh 30
putting these restant parameters into a .txt file
./ -data -sig -lepcut -depl -dumppar -intpur 0.1 -mxl -30 -mxh 30
putting these restant parameters into the same .txt file

BTW the above both produce the same results, i.e., the flags, -sig and
-bkg in conjuction with -data have no effect.
Then using the .txt file like so
./ -data -all -allcut -depl -intpur 0.1 -parfile param.txt -scanmx
and then I get the above error.

Curiously, I have been able to get results for data depleted using the
same paramters file (paramIP.txt) that I used for the MC studies and I was
also able to get results using the parameters_DATA.txt file (having set
fixed the values you mentioned below).

Cheers, C.C.

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Antonio Petrella wrote:

> Hi Chukwudi
> so the goal is to compute the correction factor for different integrated
> lumiosity cut: the formula is
> (S/P)_MC enriched
> ------------------ *  (S/P)_data depleted.
> (S/P)_MC depleted
> To compute S/P you can use the macro in fittest directory.
> Let's take MC enriched as example and let's suppose the integrated
> purity cut is 0.1
> The logical steps are:
> - find bkg pdf parameter fitting only background MC on entire sample.
> Let all parameters floating... the command would be:
> ./ -MC -bkg -lepcut -enr -dumppar -intpur 0.1 -mxl -30 -mxh 30
> (with -dumppar you will have a dump of the results of the fit on a txt
> file).
> - control that the fit is good ie. the error matrix is ok and fitted
> values are all ok.
> - find signal pdf parameters fitting only signal MC on entire sample.
> Let all paraemters floating. The command is:
> ./ -MC -sig -lepcut -enr -dumppar -intpur 0.1 -mxl -30 -mxh 30
> - control that the fit is good ie. the error matrix is ok and fitted
> values are all ok.
> Now take the two txt files with dumped parameters and create a new one
> by copying the signal stuff from the signal dumped parameter file and
> background related stuff from the background dumped parameter file.
> You will use this new file as input parameters for scan in bin of mx.
> Let's assume that you call this file "parameterforscan.txt"
> set to fixed (1) in this file the following parameters:
> Thosig_r, Thosig_xc, sigma_r2, Thosig_n, Thosig_alpha, mean_cb,
> sigma_cb, alpha_cb,  n_cb, cbendpoint.
> Now you are ready to run the scan (allcut now):
> ./ -MC -all -allcut -enr -intpur 0.1 -parfile
> parameterforscan.txt -mxscan
> - verify that the fits are good (look the plots and also the output of
> the fits).
> - look into the txt file with results: you will have also the S/P +-
> error printed in this file (look also README, section 5- OUTPUT FILE).
> So you have S/P for MC enriched. Do the same procedure for MC depleted
> and data depleted. At the end you can compute the correction factor.
> One more comment: instead of fitting MC all compontents, you can take
> the P values doing a scan on background only
> (./ -MC -bkg -allcut -enr -intpur 0.1 -parfile
> parameterforscan.txt -mxscan),
> and the S values counting events in the signal dataset.
> You can find this number on the shell output of the fit when running
> ./ -MC -sig -allcut -enr -intpur 0.1 -parfile
> parameterforsca.txt -mxscan). In this case you avoid fitting all MC.
> I hope everything is clear.
> Let me know, if you have problems I can read emails from time to time...
> Bye
>    Antonio