Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 17:48:44 +0200 From: Antonio Petrella <[log in to unmask]> To: Chukwudi Kweku Clarke <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Some instructions [ The following text is in the "ISO-8859-15" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "ISO-8859-1" character set. ] [ Some special characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] Hi Chukwudi so the goal is to compute the correction factor for different integrated lumiosity cut: the formula is (S/P)_MC enriched ------------------ * (S/P)_data depleted. (S/P)_MC depleted To compute S/P you can use the macro in fittest directory. Let's take MC enriched as example and let's suppose the integrated purity cut is 0.1 The logical steps are: - find bkg pdf parameter fitting only background MC on entire sample. Let all parameters floating... the command would be: ./ -MC -bkg -lepcut -enr -dumppar -intpur 0.1 -mxl -30 -mxh 30 (with -dumppar you will have a dump of the results of the fit on a txt file). - control that the fit is good ie. the error matrix is ok and fitted values are all ok. - find signal pdf parameters fitting only signal MC on entire sample. Let all paraemters floating. The command is: ./ -MC -sig -lepcut -enr -dumppar -intpur 0.1 -mxl -30 -mxh 30 - control that the fit is good ie. the error matrix is ok and fitted values are all ok. Now take the two txt files with dumped parameters and create a new one by copying the signal stuff from the signal dumped parameter file and background related stuff from the background dumped parameter file. You will use this new file as input parameters for scan in bin of mx. Let's assume that you call this file "parameterforscan.txt" set to fixed (1) in this file the following parameters: Thosig_r, Thosig_xc, sigma_r2, Thosig_n, Thosig_alpha, mean_cb, sigma_cb, alpha_cb, n_cb, cbendpoint. Now you are ready to run the scan (allcut now): ./ -MC -all -allcut -enr -intpur 0.1 -parfile parameterforscan.txt -mxscan - verify that the fits are good (look the plots and also the output of the fits). - look into the txt file with results: you will have also the S/P +- error printed in this file (look also README, section 5- OUTPUT FILE). So you have S/P for MC enriched. Do the same procedure for MC depleted and data depleted. At the end you can compute the correction factor. One more comment: instead of fitting MC all compontents, you can take the P values doing a scan on background only (./ -MC -bkg -allcut -enr -intpur 0.1 -parfile parameterforscan.txt -mxscan), and the S values counting events in the signal dataset. You can find this number on the shell output of the fit when running ./ -MC -sig -allcut -enr -intpur 0.1 -parfile parameterforsca.txt -mxscan). In this case you avoid fitting all MC. I hope everything is clear. Let me know, if you have problems I can read emails from time to time... Bye Antonio