

[Booker, Randy, Gary, Su Dong, Richard, Chuck, Len, Charlie, Wei]

Status of T0-T1-T2 transfer exercise: CERN FTS has problem; T1s submit transfer jobs (from BNL) to their own FTS instead of to BNL FTS. This overload BNL SRM; BNL dCache raning into trouble. Don't know if T1-T2 exercise will continue.

ATLAS production jobs are using general queues in LSF. There are issues of CPU limit and job slot limit in xlong and xxl  queues. A mailing list for SLAC batch stakeholder is set up and Randy will ask they about the change to LSF.

There was discussion of ATLAS production jobs exceeding CPU limit at SLAC. Those jobs are useless and will be resend (not necessary to SLAC) by Panda. BNL is working to catch LSF signals so that pilots can do final cleaning. There was a question of whether we should increase the intervals between LSF signals (currently 20 seconds). We agree the in the case of exceeding CPU limit, pilot only need to notify Panda servers and delete files in scratch space.

Panda jobs now use batch nodes' /scratch space as working dir, instead of NFS tmp space for OSG.

We will take to Ruth about the web space in AFS to host T2 web site and will look at Plone.

Need to know if DQ2 web server can use standard ports (80 and 443). Gary suggest to check with Bob about web server approval. The web server should use either port 80 or 443(ssl), no other ports. Should Stephen or Chuck talk to Bob Cowles?

We should expect some users to apply for SLAC accounts for Oct workshop at LBNL.

Need talk to Gregory about disk space. Question to Stephen: Is it difficult for local users to import and export datasets to our DQ2 space, instead of using another NFS space for dataset storage for local users. What is the pros and cons of allowing local users to read/write to DQ2 space?

Defer pacman mirror at SLAC until advisory board thinks there is an advantage to do so.

Atlas T2 phone meeting:

Only SLAC, IU (and UC?), NM and OU people online. So no meeting. We did discuss the script sent out by Wensheng of BNL to create another less privileged account in DQ2 MySQL db. Nobody has don't that yet. SLAC asked the question of migration plan to RHEL4/SL4 32/64 at other sites. Gregory Grass answered that ATLAS releases show work (compile and run) on RHEL/SL 3/4 32 bit. It definitely won't COMPILE on 64 bit so far. Might run on 64 bit though.

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)