

Hi Antonio,

this is already a good outline. Please find my comments below:

Page  1: I would change the title
         What about 'Studies on MES fits'  ?

Page  4: I don't understand what you mean with
         * 'peaking BBbar bckground with the same shape as signal'
         * 'B events reconstructed in different decay modes then are
            actually decaying into'

Page  5: * 'crystall ball' --> 'crystal ball'
         * You show a fit for signal only. You should specify what
           MC here exactly means, that is, what the procedure is to
           get signal-only events. (truth associator)

Page  7: * It is important to explain which parameters are free in the
           MC fit
         * The same holds for the fit on data
         * If possible please provide the chi^2 for the fit on data

Page  8: * Besides the fit instability you should also say that the 
           statistical error on the signal yield is significantly 
           larger when having three PDF components in the M_ES fit
           resulting in a rather large statistical error on Vub

Page  9: * Although we write the correction factor now as you are 
           doing it my personal understanding of it is rather:

           Fix the S/P from MC,enriched and correct for possible
           data-MC differences using a control sample where we have
           sufficiently large statistics:
           But this is a matter of taste.

Page 10: * 'Enpoint' --> 'Endpoint'
         * You should give a reason why we keep the endpoint fixed 
           to the same value for peaking and comb. BG
         * Cut out 'parameters' in the line 'For high statistics ...'
           to save on line 
         * 'survirve' --> 'survive'
         * Add P+ and the last line and indicate that we have only studied
           so far the other variables

Page 11: * It is not clear what the different plots are standing for.
           Please provide information on MX bins.
         * You say here that there is no strong q^2 dependence in these
           plots which is not really the case.
           If one takes the double ratio (Page 12) and S/P for data 
           depleted (Page 13) then one can claim that there is no 
           strong q^2 dependence.
         * BTW: There is this funny behaviour in the second bin where
                S/P on the MC depleted sample does not change at all
                over 6 q^2 bins...

Page 13: * Do we have also the full correction factor for the mX-q^2 
           studies as a function of q^2 for the four mX bins?

Page 15: * In the table: what is meant by computed, respectively, fitted?
         * It would be nice to see a fit without correction factor
           in order to see the effect

Page 17: * 'orter' --> 'order'
         * It is not clear which chi^2 is meant. Why is the Ndof for the
           second order polynomial 7 and for the others it is 8?

What is missing is our conclusion to be discussed in today's meeting.
In this context, we need to compare the systematic errors when fixing 
S/P with the statistical errors we have in BAD1383. 

* Concerning studies on integrated purity cuts:
  You can add a transparency saying that we have studied if the correction
  factors as a function of MX change their functional dependence with 
  higher purity cut. From what we have seen so far this is not the case.
  In particular, it does not become flat. hence, we don't gain from such
  a purity cut. It would be good if we had plots to demonstrate this.

* It would also be good if you prepared a slide discussing a bit the 
  several re-weighting factors

* I could prepare a slide showing what Wolfgang has done so far 
  concerning the fallback solution and we had this to your talk.


On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Antonio Petrella wrote:

> Hi all,
> here is the first version. I need your feedback (I don't know if there 
> is useless stuff) and also need to understand what to add on integrated 
> purity studies.
> Thank you
> Antonio