


to finalize the S/P fixing study we need:

1. Considering better fitting functions to describe the S/P functional 
   dependence, e.g. a Gaussian fit and determine the systematic 
   Antonio, what is your estimate: Can we do this until Friday?

2. Do this also on higher purity cuts. Time estimate for that?

3. Apply all reweightings
   * Chukwudi has produced with the correct run-wise MC
     reweighting new numbers for D**lnu/(Dlnu+D*lnu)
     If I interprete the numbers correctly, it is now
     O(0.65) instead of 0.55.

   * We need to incorporate in the full reweighting also
     the run-wise MC reweighting using Wolfgang's VVF tag.

   Chukwudi & Antonio: What is your time estimate for that?

   Beginning of next week would great since we need to
   document it until the end of next week!

4. Wolfgang: I know that you will not read this before next
             week but are you able to continue on the fallback
             solution next week (18.9.-22.9.)?

   * The study on the MC would be very helpful.
   * In addition, the fits on data should be repeated with
     all reweightings applied.
   * If we could also make a comparison of the signal yields
     bin-by-bin between the fallback solution and the (S/P)
     fixing strategy for equal purity cuts that would give
     us also more confidence in case of agreement.
