

Hi Antonio,
are they exactly the same after rounding to some significant digit or 
are the mES fits giving exactly the same number of events? In the latter 
case, there might be something fishy either in the reweighting procedure 
or when reading back the datasets,

Antonio Petrella wrote:
> By the way:
> I did produce dataset with D** reweighting on Saturday and also 
> computed the S/P correction factors for the no reweighting and for the 
> B/D reweighting scenarios, and what I have found is that the 
> correction factors are exactly the same.
>  Antonio
> Concezio Bozzi ha scritto:
>> Yes, if corr_BDFHweights_ip050.txt has been obtained on a dataset 
>> where D** have been reweighted to 0.551406. If not, you need to take 
>> out "-dssRatio 0.551496"
>> Ciao, Concezio.
>>> Hi Concezio and Antonio, for the stand point of trying to submit 
>>> jobs for the all weighting scenario, is the following th correct way 
>>> to submit my jobs;
>>> -que xlong -opt 1 -b -d -FF=1 -rew 12 -wF 
>>> sysWd/HFAGCombWin06_3d_0.txt -cm CM2 -debug -Sun -novarfit -small 
>>> -tmodel -notunbinmes=3 -fixSBratio corr_BDFHweights_ip050.txt 
>>> -countmc -minintpur 0.50 -dssRatio 0.551496 -flag corr_BDFHW_ip050_dss
>>> for IP cut = 0.5 and using my .txt file, corr_BDFHweights_ip050.txt?
>>> Cheers, C.C.
>>> On Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Concezio Bozzi wrote:
>>>> The VVF command I used in July to determine the D** fraction to be 
>>>> used in mx unfolded fits is
>>>> ./ -que kanga -cm CM2 -debug -novarfit -small -tmodel 
>>>> -notunbinmes=3 -rew 12 -wF sysWd/HFAGCombWin06_3d_0.txt -opt 1 
>>>> -fitdss 1 -flag fitdss1_nounf_nofixcount -countmc
>>>> -opt 1 sets the 3-parameter fit, -fitdss 1 is used to set the other 
>>>> component equal to D**lnu decays.
>>>> Concezio.