

ATLAS SCCS Planning 25Oct2006

  9am, SCCS Conf Rm A, to call in +1 510 665 5437, press 1, 3935#

Present: JohnB, Steffen, Booker, Randy, Wei, Charlie


1. DQ2 Status/Web Proxy

    - Maintenance

    Wei has taken over running the service. He will start it running
    under the production account. Also need to make sure Wei's DN is
    registered for ATLAS. Will copy the old installation and run as
    himself first. Then do reinstall with a new version.

    dq2_get would not work with the web server being blocked from
    offsite. Do need to pursue web server approval.

2. DDM Operations Manpower Request

    This does not include the backend file storage. Only about the
    transfering and DQ2. Probably a small fraction of Wei. Should check
    if Len or Booker are interested in doing anything in the area.

3. Grid Account Precreation

    Security requirement is that there is a one-to-one mapping between
    Grid DNs to unix accounts. Can't just take all entries from the VO
    incase it has some problems. Need to understand if we can trust the
    VO. Many other places map all grid accounts to a single unix
    account. We probably want to be able to trust the VO and have all
    US ATLAS group members of the ATLAS VO have access. Need to talk to
    Richard about this.

4. AOB

    - TDAQ Test Farm

    Installed and powered on second floor. Once machine did not survice
    transport. Done from 50 to 49 machines. Only have switch for 47 so
    this is okay. Thanks to everyone!

    On their own VPN. Steffen will manage them. Only issue for SCCS
    will be if power reset is needed.

    - Request from ATLAS Production

    Can we increase our 10 slots to move? Have 4500 jobs in executtion
    just now, mostly BaBar. THere are 10000 waiting to run. Will
    attempt to increase the number to see if it helps.

    - Data Transfer

    The DDM challenge is going rather well except for the Great Lake
    Tier2. Have successfully transfered from CERN to BNL and from BNL
    to Tier2s. Will today transfer back from Tier2s to BNL. After that
    will do some function test.

Action Items:

061025 Stephen	Talk with Ricahrd about trusting the ATLAS VO

061025 Wei	Respond to manpower request

061025 Stephen	Check web server approval status

061018 Wei	Test gridftp with xrootd federation
        061025 Probably not very soon, but should be on the agenda.

061004 Randy	Find out about xrootd for ATLAS plans
        061018 no news
        061025 No information yet. Andy probably knows something.

061004 Richard	Announce election of Chair/Chair-Elect of WT2 AB.
        061004 Done

061004 Randy	Project number of nodes for purchase for both 1GB/core
 		and 2GB/core
        061018 no news
        061025 Should get it this week.

060927 Stephen	Write web page with description of SLAC batch system
        061004 Copied BaBar page and started editing, hopefully in
 	      better shape next week;
        061018 no news
        061025 Done. Some improvement is possible.

060816 Chuck	Check with Bob about web server approval need
        060823 To be done.
        060830 To be done.
        060906 Gary believes that it wouldn't need approval but should
 	      check with Bob.
        060913 Still need to talk to Bob.
        060920 No news.
        060927 Nothing yet.
        061004 Not done yet.
        061018 Torre Wenaus commented that if our web server is blocked,
 	      dq2_get from outside will not work. Other things should be