

[Note special start time, I have a meeting starting 8am that'll make me 
late for the normal start time, hopefully I'll make 9:15am. Can SLAC call 
in by then to make sure we still have the phone conference in any case?]

ATLAS SCCS Planning 08Nov2006

  9:15am, SCCS Conf Rm A, to call in +1 510 665 5437, press 1, 3935#



1. DQ2 Status/Web Proxy

2. Grid Account Precreation

3. GridFTP with xrootd

4. AOB

Action Items:

061101 Richard/Bill Convene advisory group regarding CPU/disk split.

061101 Richard	Discuss and decide method for using ATLAS VO
 	061101	On going. See above.

061025 Wei	Respond to manpower request
 	061101	Getting feedback from Len and Booker before notifying 
Alexsi. Answer
 			expected to be approx. 0.1 FTE.

061025 Stephen	Check web server approval status
        061101 Have opened up that hornet's nest.

061018 Wei	Test gridftp with xrootd federation
        061025 Probably not very soon, but should be on the agenda.
        061101 No change.

061004 Randy	Find out about xrootd for ATLAS plans
        061018 no news
        061025 No information yet. Andy probably knows something.
        061101 No info.

060816 Chuck	Check with Bob about web server approval need
        060823 To be done.
        060830 To be done.
        060906 Gary believes that it wouldn't need approval but should
 	      check with Bob.
        060913 Still need to talk to Bob.
        060920 No news.
        060927 Nothing yet.
        061004 Not done yet.
        061018 Torre Wenaus commented that if our web server is blocked,
 	      dq2_get from outside will not work. Other things should be 
        061101 Not sure about current status with security concerns.
 	      Move item to Wei.

|Stephen J. Gowdy, SLAC               | CERN     Office: 32-2-A22|
| | CH-1211 Geneva 23        |
|      | Switzerland              |
|EMail: [log in to unmask]       | Tel: +41 22 767 5840     |