

ATLAS SCCS Planning 01Nov2006

 9am, SCCS Conf Rm A, to call in +1 510 665 5437, press 1, 3935#

Present: Richard, Randy, Chuck, Wei, John, Len, Booker, CY. 


1. DQ2 Status/Web Proxy

Transfer of responsibility from Stephen to Wei. They will discuss details this afternoon. Usage of DQ2 has been reasonably smooth so far. There was a 36-hour stoppage a few days ago when people at BNL used a new DN. Now fixed. 

2. Grid Account Precreation

Wei, Richard and Bob will discuss what to do. Richard suggests that in the meantime we put everyone in US ATLAS into the grid map file but do not announce it. It will provide the behavior most users would expect. Wei has information to do this. 

3. GridFTP with xrootd

4. AOB

Batch group changes allow more Panda jobs to run in parallel. Randy has proposal to modify queue definitions that he will send out today to all stakeholders. The longest queue will be ~1 week of CPU time on the fastest machines we have. Other queues are progressively shorter in steps of ~8X. 

CondorG has a bug that caused job submission to stop occasionally. It's apparently a known but unsolved problem. Wei is following up. 

Randy reported on CPU and disk price quotes. Approximately $3660 per dual-dual worker node, and %15500 per 6 TB usable disk space. Details will depend on memory, local disk, # controllers, etc. Richard suggests we spend more on CPU than disk as that is the current Tier 2 practice and apparent job need. One possible configuration would be ~64 worker nodes and 24 TB. Note that US ATLAS guideline has been 2/3 on disk and 1/3 on CPU. Will ask advisory group for advice on such a cost split. 

Action Items:

061101 Richard	Discuss and decide method for using ATLAS VO
	061101	On going. See above. 

061025 Stephen	Talk with Ricahrd about trusting the ATLAS VO
       061101 Done.

061025 Wei	Respond to manpower request
	061101	Getting feedback from Len and Booker before notifying Alexsi. Answer
			expected to be approx. 0.1 FTE. 

061025 Stephen	Check web server approval status
       061101 Have opened up that hornet's nest.

061018 Wei	Test gridftp with xrootd federation
       061025 Probably not very soon, but should be on the agenda.
	061101	No change. 

061004 Randy	Find out about xrootd for ATLAS plans
       061018 no news
       061025 No information yet. Andy probably knows something.
	061101	No info. 

061004 Randy	Project number of nodes for purchase for both 1GB/core
		and 2GB/core
       061018 no news
       061025 Should get it this week.
	061101	Done. See above. 

061101 Richard/Bill	Convene advisory group regarding CPU/disk split. 

060816 Chuck	Check with Bob about web server approval need
       060823 To be done.
       060830 To be done.
       060906 Gary believes that it wouldn't need approval but should
	      check with Bob.
       060913 Still need to talk to Bob.
       060920 No news.
       060927 Nothing yet.
       061004 Not done yet.
       061018 Torre Wenaus commented that if our web server is blocked,
	      dq2_get from outside will not work. Other things should be OK.
	061101	Not sure about current status with security concerns. 
			Move item to Wei. 

Charles C. Young
M.S. 43, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center       
P.O. Box 20450                                         
Stanford, CA 94309                                      
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voice  (650) 926 2669                         
fax    (650) 926 2923                       
CERN GSM +41 76 487 2069