


present: Kerstin, Roberto, Heiko

1) 2-pdf fits performed by Kerstin
   Look reasonably good for fits with all analysis cuts applied
   => We will use this for Unfolding

2) Charged and Neutral reweightings
   Kerstin suggests to determine it on mEs fits with all analysis cuts
   applied for the unfolding analysis. 
   Reminder: mES fits with only lepton cut do not really work with a 2-pdf
             model as we know and the re-weighting numbers for BRBR 
             anal¶ysisneed to be determined also on mES fits with only
             lepton cuts.

3) Roberto will look into mES fits with only lepton cuts when applying
   a purity cut in order to check if the 2-pdf model can also work on
   a sample with a lepton cut only.

4) As we know now there are bunch of bugs in SP5/SP6 which significantly 
   influence the analysis in a negative way.

   The deadline for SP5 production was October 31st and the comupting 
   management was very reluctant to move for us the deadline.
   The estimate for such a SP5/Sp6 production was O(50 days) which would
   be very difficult for us as we are stuck without a good D** MC fix.

   Several people think that the best solution is: Switch to SP8.
   Spending time to do the switch is better than waiting 50 days 
   where even not all bugs would have been fixed.

   Consequences are: 
   1) We need to repeat everything related to systematics.
   2) A new analysis release is needed.
      Kerstin suggests to make a real step which opens the possibility
      to run TrackFixUp: 20.2.0d

   Kerstin and Roberto are starting working on getting the analysis
   run in the new release.

If I have forgotten something please let me know.
