Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube on MAIN
standalone/ 1.1
          / -> 1.7
          / -> 1.6
          / -> 1.2
          / -> 1.4
tracking/ -> 1.8
1 added + 5 modified, total 6 files
Adding some track comparison histogram makers.

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube/standalone added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	7 Dec 2006 06:11:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+import static java.lang.Math.abs;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking.HelixSwimmer;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking.NewFastMCTrackFactory;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking.NewTrack;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking.Track;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.tracking.wmfitter.*;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.tracking.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpaceVector;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.ztracking.*;
+import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.constants.Constants;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.matrix.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.Helix;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwimmer.SpatialParameters;
+import Jama.*;
+public class NickTrack_FastMCTrackComparison extends Driver {
+    int firstev = 0;
+    int lastev = 9999;
+    boolean real = true;
+    double minPt = 0.1;
+    double maxPt = 500.;
+    double minTl = 0.;
+    double maxTl = 5.2;
+    double[] minTllms = { 0.01, 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2 };
+    double[] maxTllms = { 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2, 5. };
+    private double vtxbrphires = 0.0035;
+    private double vtxbzres = 0.035;
+    private double vtxecrpres = 0.0035;
+    private double vtxecrres = 0.0035;
+    private double trkbrpres = 0.007;
+    private double trkbzres = 30.;
+    private double trkecrpres = 0.01;
+    private double trkecrres = 0.01;
+    private SLDFitTrack fitter = new SLDFitTrack();
+    private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private SmearTrackerHits smTh = new SmearTrackerHits();
+    private TrackingCheaterSmHits cheat = new TrackingCheaterSmHits();
+    private int evnum = 0;
+    double field = 5. * Constants.fieldConversion;
+    int ttn = 0;
+    int ngdft = 0;
+    double trtrlpa = 0.;
+    public NickTrack_FastMCTrackComparison() {
+        if (real) {
+            smTh.setVtxBarrRPResolution(vtxbrphires);
+            smTh.setVtxBarrZResolution(vtxbzres);
+            smTh.setVtxECRPResolution(vtxecrpres);
+            smTh.setVtxECRResolution(vtxecrres);
+            smTh.setTrkBarrRPResolution(trkbrpres);
+            smTh.setTrkBarrZResolution(trkbzres);
+            smTh.setTrkECRPResolution(trkecrpres);
+            smTh.setTrkECRResolution(trkecrres);
+        }
+        cheat.useChargedOnly = true;
+        smTh.setDoSmear(true); // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++turn on
+        // smearing
+        add(smTh);
+        add(cheat);
+        df.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
+        fitter.setDoHist(false);
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+        NewFastMCTrackFactory factory = new NewFastMCTrackFactory(event, false);
+        if (!((evnum > firstev - 1) && (evnum < lastev + 1)))
+            return;
+        if (evnum % 100 == 0) {
+            System.out.println("Processing event " + evnum
+                    + " accepted chit tracks " + ttn + " fitted " + ngdft);
+        }
+        super.process(event);
+        if (evnum == firstev) {
+            Detector det = event.getDetector();
+            fitter.setDetector(det);
+        }
+        List<CheatedBaseTrack> tracks = null;
+        try {
+            tracks = event.get(CheatedBaseTrack.class, "CheatedBaseTracks");
+        } catch (Exception trnotf) {
+            System.out.println("No CheatedBaseTracks in the event ! \n");
+        } finally {
+        }
+        if (tracks == null)
+            return;
+        int nprts = tracks.size();
+//        System.out.println("Tracking cheater has found " + nprts
+//                + " BaseTracks in event " + evnum);
+        int tn = 0;
+        double[] ortpar = new double[5];
+        List<Track> vtxCandidate = new ArrayList<Track>();
+        for (CheatedBaseTrack track : tracks) {// 4
+            double[] opar = track.getTrackParameters();
+            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {// 5
+                ortpar[i] = opar[i];
+            }// 4
+            MCParticle mcp = track.getMCParticle();
+            int pdgid = -1;
+            double mfmo = 0.;
+            double mcpmas = 0.;
+            if (mcp == null) {
+                System.out.println("No Particle");
+                continue;
+            }
+            Track fastMCTrack = factory.getTrack(new SpaceVector(mcp.getMomentum()), new SpacePoint(mcp.getOrigin()), new SpacePoint(), (int)mcp.getCharge(), new Random(), true);
+            Track fastMCTRackUnsmeared = factory.getTrack(new SpaceVector(mcp.getMomentum()), new SpacePoint(mcp.getOrigin()), new SpacePoint(), (int)mcp.getCharge(), new Random(), false);
+            Hep3Vector po = mcp.getOrigin();
+            Hep3Vector pm = mcp.getMomentum();
+            HelixSwimmer new_swimmer = new HelixSwimmer(5);
+            new_swimmer.setTrack(fastMCTrack);
+            double tracklength = new_swimmer.getTrackLengthToPoint(new SpacePoint(po));
+            SpaceVector newp = new_swimmer.getMomentumAtLength(tracklength);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/px").fill(newp.x());
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/py").fill(newp.y());
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/pz").fill(newp.z());
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/px_partpx").fill(newp.x()-pm.x());
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/py_partpy").fill(newp.y()-pm.y());
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/pz_partpz").fill(newp.z()-pm.z());
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/d0 unsmeared").fill(fastMCTRackUnsmeared.getParameters().getValues()[0]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/phi0 unsmeared").fill(fastMCTRackUnsmeared.getParameters().getValues()[1]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/omega unsmeared").fill(fastMCTRackUnsmeared.getParameters().getValues()[2]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/z0 unsmeared").fill(fastMCTRackUnsmeared.getParameters().getValues()[3]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/tanLambda unsmeared").fill(fastMCTRackUnsmeared.getParameters().getValues()[4]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/d0 smeared").fill(fastMCTrack.getParameters().getValues()[0]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/phi0 smeared").fill(fastMCTrack.getParameters().getValues()[1]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/omega smeared").fill(fastMCTrack.getParameters().getValues()[2]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/z0 smeared").fill(fastMCTrack.getParameters().getValues()[3]);
+            aida.cloud1D("NewFastMCTrack/tanLambda smeared").fill(fastMCTrack.getParameters().getValues()[4]);
+            double mphi0 = Math.atan2(pm.y(), pm.x());
+            double mPt = Math.sqrt(pm.x() * pm.x() + pm.y() * pm.y());
+            mfmo = Math.sqrt(mPt * mPt + pm.z() * pm.z());
+            double mtlam = pm.z() / mPt;
+            pdgid = mcp.getType().getPDGID();
+            mcpmas = mcp.getMass();
+            double mcpip = Math.sqrt(po.x() * po.x() + po.y() * po.y() + po.z()
+                    * po.z());
+            int iq = (int) mcp.getCharge();
+            double[] tm = track.getMomentum();
+            double Pt = Math.sqrt(tm[0] * tm[0] + tm[1] * tm[1]);
+            double d0 = Math.abs(track.getTrackParameter(0));
+            double phi0 = track.getTrackParameter(1);
+            double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(3);
+            double tl = track.getTrackParameter(4);
+            double momega = track.getTrackParameter(2);
+//            System.out.printf("PT: %.3f mcpip: %.3f tl: %.3f ip: %d", Pt,
+//                    mcpip, tl, iq);
+            // if ((Pt > minPt) && (mcpip < 0.001) && (Math.abs(tl) < maxTl)
+            // && (iq != 0) && (Pt < maxPt) && (Math.abs(tl) >= minTl)) {
+            if (Pt > 1.0) {
+                ttn++;
+                fitter.setTrack(track);
+      ; // **************************************************
+//                System.out.println(track.fitSuccess());
+                if (!track.fitSuccess()) {
+//                    System.out.println("No fit success");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // hist
+                double[] ftpar = track.getTrackParameters();
+                double ftl = ftpar[4];
+                aida.cloud2D("am. of mat vs TanLam").fill(Math.abs(ftl),
+                        trtrlpa * 100.);
+                double chi2 = track.getChi2();
+                int ndf = track.getNDF();
+                SymmetricMatrix trcovm = track.getErrorMatrix();
+                double dd0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(0));
+                double dphi0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(1));
+                double domexp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(2));
+                boolean badFit = false;
+                if (domexp < 0.00000001) {
+//                    System.out.println("domexp is too small");
+                    badFit = true;
+                }
+                if (Double.isNaN(domexp))
+                    badFit = true;
+                if (badFit) {
+//                    System.out.println("bad fit");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                double dz0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(3));
+                double dtlexp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(4));
+                double chi2aft = chi2 / ndf;
+//                System.out.println("Event:" + evnum
+//                        + "covariance matrix omega error is: " + domexp
+//                        + " divided by omega: " + Math.abs(domexp / ortpar[2]));
+                ngdft++;
+                aida.cloud1D("Tan Lambda of fitted tracks").fill(ftpar[4]);
+                aida.cloud1D("Phi of fitted tracks").fill(ftpar[1]);
+                double[] fastMCTrackParams = fastMCTrack.getParameters().getValues();
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/d0").fill(fastMCTrackParams[0] - ftpar[0]);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/phi").fill(fastMCTrackParams[1] - ftpar[1]);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/omega").fill(fastMCTrackParams[2] - ftpar[2]);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/z0").fill(fastMCTrackParams[3] - ftpar[3]);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/tanLambda").fill(fastMCTrackParams[4] - ftpar[4]);
+                SymmetricMatrix fastMCErrorMatrix = fastMCTrack.getErrorMatrix();
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/d0 Error").fill(Math.sqrt(fastMCErrorMatrix.diagonal(0)) - dd0exp);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/phi Error").fill(Math.sqrt(fastMCErrorMatrix.diagonal(1)) - dphi0exp);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/omega Error").fill(Math.sqrt(fastMCErrorMatrix.diagonal(2)) - domexp);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/z0 Error").fill(Math.sqrt(fastMCErrorMatrix.diagonal(3)) - dz0exp);
+                aida.cloud1D("Comparison/tanLambda Error").fill(Math.sqrt(fastMCErrorMatrix.diagonal(4)) - dtlexp);
+                org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwimmer old_swimmer = new org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwimmer(5);
+                old_swimmer.setTrack(track);
+                double tracklen = old_swimmer.getDistanceToPoint(po);
+                Hep3Vector oldp = ((Helix)old_swimmer.getTrajectory()).getTangentAtDistance(tracklen);
+                double m = pm.magnitude();
+                aida.cloud1D("FittedTrack diff px").fill(m*oldp.x() - pm.x());
+                aida.cloud1D("FittedTrack diff py").fill(m*oldp.y() - pm.y());
+                aida.cloud1D("FittedTrack diff pz").fill(m*oldp.z() - pm.z());
+                aida.cloud1D("FittedTrack unswum diff px").fill(track.getPX() - pm.x());
+                aida.cloud1D("FittedTrack unswum diff py").fill(track.getPY() - pm.y());
+                aida.cloud1D("FittedTrack unswum diff pz").fill(track.getPZ() - pm.z());
+                double[] fitres = new double[5];
+                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+                    fitres[i] = ftpar[i] - ortpar[i];
+                }
+                if (fitres[1] > Math.PI)
+                    fitres[1] -= 2. * Math.PI;
+                if (fitres[1] < -Math.PI)
+                    fitres[1] += 2. * Math.PI;
+                double[] tmf = track.getMomentum();
+                double Ptf = field / Math.abs(ftpar[2]);
+                double bfom = ftpar[2];
+                double ftP = Ptf * Math.sqrt(1. + ftpar[4] * ftpar[4]);
+                double relPer = (ftP - mfmo) / mfmo;
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "delta full mom over full mom for fitted trks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(relPer);
+                double d0res = fitres[0];
+                aida.cloud1D("number of degrees of freedom for fitted tracks")
+                        .fill(ndf);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "d0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl)
+                                + " - " + df.format(maxTl)).fill(d0res);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "phi0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(fitres[1]);
+                double domovom = (fitres[2]) / Math.abs(ortpar[2]);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "domega over omega for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(domovom);
+                domovom /= Pt;
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "dPt over Pt**2 for fitted traks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(domovom);
+                double noromr = fitres[0] / dd0exp;
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "normalised to cov.mat d0 residual, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(noromr);
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp d0 error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dd0exp);
+                noromr = fitres[1] / dphi0exp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat Phi0 residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp phi0 error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dphi0exp);
+                noromr = fitres[2] / domexp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat omega residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                    aida
+                            .cloud1D(
+                                    "normalised to cov.mat omega residual for all EC tracks")
+                            .fill(noromr);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. rel. omega error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), domexp / Math.abs(ortpar[2]));
+                noromr = fitres[3] / dz0exp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat z0 residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "z0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(fitres[3]);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp z0 error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dz0exp);
+                noromr = fitres[4] / dtlexp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat Tanlam residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "tanl residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(fitres[4]);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp tanlam error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dtlexp);
+                noromr = chi2 / ndf;
+                if (noromr < 10.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "Chi2 per dof for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(chi2 / ndf);
+                }
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "Pt of fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                + df.format(maxTl)).fill(mPt);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "tan lambda of fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl)
+                                + " - " + df.format(maxTl)).fill(tl);
+                if ((chi2 / ndf > 50.) || (chi2 < 0.))
+//                    System.out.println(" Event " + evnum + " track " + tn
+//                            + " has chi2: " + chi2);
+                tn++;
+                vtxCandidate.add(new NewTrack(track));
+            }
+        }
+        evnum++;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube/standalone 1.6 -> 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
---	14 Oct 2006 08:45:21 -0000	1.6
+++	7 Dec 2006 06:11:24 -0000	1.7
@@ -23,19 +23,21 @@
       LCSimLoop loop = new LCSimLoop();
 //      URL location = new URL("");
 //      URL location = new URL("");
-      URL location = new URL("");
+      //URL location = new URL("");
 //      URL location = new URL("");
+    URL location = new URL("");
       FileCache cache = new FileCache();
       File trackFile = cache.getCachedFile(location);
-      loop.setStdhepRecordSource(trackFile, "sidaug05");
-//      loop.setLCIORecordSource(input);
+//      loop.setStdhepRecordSource(trackFile, "sidaug05");
+      loop.setLCIORecordSource(trackFile);
 //      loop.add(new MCFast(false, false));
-      loop.add(new FitterTestDriver());
+//      loop.add(new FitterTestDriver());
 //      loop.add(new FitterTestDriver_ReconTrack());
 //      File output = new File("exampleAnalysisJava.slcio");
 //      loop.add(new LCIODriver(output));
 //      System.out.println("starting:");
 //      loop.add(new TrackComparison());
+    loop.add(new NickTrack_FastMCTrackComparison());

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube/standalone 1.5 -> 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
---	29 Nov 2006 02:32:14 -0000	1.5
+++	7 Dec 2006 06:11:24 -0000	1.6
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
     loop = LCSimLoop()
 #    location = URL("")
 #    location = URL("")
-    location = URL("")
+#    location = URL("")
 #    location = URL("")
 #    location = URL("")
-#    location = URL("")
+    location = URL("")
     cache = FileCache()
     trackFile = cache.getCachedFile(location)
-    loop.setStdhepRecordSource(trackFile, "sidaug05")
-#    loop.setLCIORecordSource(trackFile)
+#    loop.setStdhepRecordSource(trackFile, "sidaug05")
+    loop.setLCIORecordSource(trackFile)
     # no beamspotConstraint, no simple smearing
     loop.add(MCFast(False, False))
 #    loop.add(FitterTestDriver())

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube/standalone 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	28 Oct 2006 01:11:33 -0000	1.1
+++	7 Dec 2006 06:11:24 -0000	1.2
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
 import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
 import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking.NewTrack;
 import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking.Track;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.vtxFitter.Fitter;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.vtxFitter.Vertex;
 import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.tracking.wmfitter.*;
 import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.tracking.util.*;
 import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
@@ -27,321 +25,300 @@
 import Jama.*;
 public class NickTrackVtxFitter extends Driver {
-	int firstev = 0;
-	int lastev = 9999;
-	boolean real = true;
-	double minPt = 0.1;
-	double maxPt = 500.;
-	double minTl = 0.;
-	double maxTl = 5.2;
-	double[] minTllms = { 0.01, 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2 };
-	double[] maxTllms = { 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2, 5. };
-	private double vtxbrphires = 0.0035;
-	private double vtxbzres = 0.035;
-	private double vtxecrpres = 0.0035;
-	private double vtxecrres = 0.0035;
-	private double trkbrpres = 0.007;
-	private double trkbzres = 30.;
-	private double trkecrpres = 0.01;
-	private double trkecrres = 0.01;
-	private SLDFitTrack fitter = new SLDFitTrack();
-	private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
-	private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-	private SmearTrackerHits smTh = new SmearTrackerHits();
-	private TrackingCheaterSmHits cheat = new TrackingCheaterSmHits();
-	private int evnum = 0;
-	double field = 5. * Constants.fieldConversion;
-	int ttn = 0;
-	int ngdft = 0;
-	double trtrlpa = 0.;
-	public NickTrackVtxFitter() {
-		if (real) {
-			smTh.setVtxBarrRPResolution(vtxbrphires);
-			smTh.setVtxBarrZResolution(vtxbzres);
-			smTh.setVtxECRPResolution(vtxecrpres);
-			smTh.setVtxECRResolution(vtxecrres);
-			smTh.setTrkBarrRPResolution(trkbrpres);
-			smTh.setTrkBarrZResolution(trkbzres);
-			smTh.setTrkECRPResolution(trkecrpres);
-			smTh.setTrkECRResolution(trkecrres);
-		}
-		cheat.useChargedOnly = true;
-		smTh.setDoSmear(true); // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++turn on
-		// smearing
-		add(smTh);
-		add(cheat);
-		df.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
-		fitter.setDoHist(false);
-	}
-	public void process(EventHeader event) {
-		if (!((evnum > firstev - 1) && (evnum < lastev + 1)))
-			return;
-		if (evnum % 100 == 0) {
-			System.out.println("Processing event " + evnum
-					+ " accepted chit tracks " + ttn + " fitted " + ngdft);
-		}
-		super.process(event);
-		if (evnum == firstev) {
-			Detector det = event.getDetector();
-			fitter.setDetector(det);
-		}
-		List<CheatedBaseTrack> tracks = null;
-		try {
-			tracks = event.get(CheatedBaseTrack.class, "CheatedBaseTracks");
-		} catch (Exception trnotf) {
-			System.out.println("No CheatedBaseTracks in the event ! \n");
-		} finally {
-		}
-		if (tracks == null)
-			return;
-		int nprts = tracks.size();
-		System.out.println("Tracking cheater has found " + nprts
-				+ " BaseTracks in event " + evnum);
-		int tn = 0;
-		double[] ortpar = new double[5];
-		List<Track> vtxCabdidate = new ArrayList<Track>();
-		for (CheatedBaseTrack track : tracks) {// 4
-			double[] opar = track.getTrackParameters();
-			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {// 5
-				ortpar[i] = opar[i];
-			}// 4
-			MCParticle mcp = track.getMCParticle();
-			Hep3Vector po = new BasicHep3Vector(1., 1., 1.);
-			int pdgid = -1;
-			double mfmo = 0.;
-			double mcpmas = 0.;
-			if (mcp == null) {
-				System.out.println("No Particle");
-				continue;
-			}
-			po = mcp.getOrigin();
-			Hep3Vector pm = mcp.getMomentum();
-			double mphi0 = Math.atan2(pm.y(), pm.x());
-			double mPt = Math.sqrt(pm.x() * pm.x() + pm.y() * pm.y());
-			mfmo = Math.sqrt(mPt * mPt + pm.z() * pm.z());
-			double mtlam = pm.z() / mPt;
-			pdgid = mcp.getType().getPDGID();
-			mcpmas = mcp.getMass();
-			double mcpip = Math.sqrt(po.x() * po.x() + po.y() * po.y() + po.z()
-					* po.z());
-			int iq = (int) mcp.getCharge();
-			double[] tm = track.getMomentum();
-			double Pt = Math.sqrt(tm[0] * tm[0] + tm[1] * tm[1]);
-			double d0 = Math.abs(track.getTrackParameter(0));
-			double phi0 = track.getTrackParameter(1);
-			double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(3);
-			double tl = track.getTrackParameter(4);
-			double momega = track.getTrackParameter(2);
-			System.out.printf("PT: %.3f mcpip: %.3f tl: %.3f ip: %d", Pt,
-					mcpip, tl, iq);
-			// if ((Pt > minPt) && (mcpip < 0.001) && (Math.abs(tl) < maxTl)
-			// && (iq != 0) && (Pt < maxPt) && (Math.abs(tl) >= minTl)) {
-			if (Pt > 1.0) {
-				ttn++;
-				fitter.setTrack(track);
-; // **************************************************
-				System.out.println(track.fitSuccess());
-				if (!track.fitSuccess()) {
-					System.out.println("No fit success");
-					continue;
-				}
-				// hist
+    int firstev = 0;
+    int lastev = 9999;
+    boolean real = true;
+    double minPt = 0.1;
+    double maxPt = 500.;
+    double minTl = 0.;
+    double maxTl = 5.2;
+    double[] minTllms = { 0.01, 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2 };
+    double[] maxTllms = { 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2, 5. };
+    private double vtxbrphires = 0.0035;
+    private double vtxbzres = 0.035;
+    private double vtxecrpres = 0.0035;
+    private double vtxecrres = 0.0035;
+    private double trkbrpres = 0.007;
+    private double trkbzres = 30.;
+    private double trkecrpres = 0.01;
+    private double trkecrres = 0.01;
+    private SLDFitTrack fitter = new SLDFitTrack();
+    private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private SmearTrackerHits smTh = new SmearTrackerHits();
+    private TrackingCheaterSmHits cheat = new TrackingCheaterSmHits();
+    private int evnum = 0;
+    double field = 5. * Constants.fieldConversion;
+    int ttn = 0;
+    int ngdft = 0;
+    double trtrlpa = 0.;
+    public NickTrackVtxFitter() {
+        if (real) {
+            smTh.setVtxBarrRPResolution(vtxbrphires);
+            smTh.setVtxBarrZResolution(vtxbzres);
+            smTh.setVtxECRPResolution(vtxecrpres);
+            smTh.setVtxECRResolution(vtxecrres);
+            smTh.setTrkBarrRPResolution(trkbrpres);
+            smTh.setTrkBarrZResolution(trkbzres);
+            smTh.setTrkECRPResolution(trkecrpres);
+            smTh.setTrkECRResolution(trkecrres);
+        }
+        cheat.useChargedOnly = true;
+        smTh.setDoSmear(true); // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++turn on
+        // smearing
+        add(smTh);
+        add(cheat);
+        df.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
+        fitter.setDoHist(false);
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+        if (!((evnum > firstev - 1) && (evnum < lastev + 1)))
+            return;
+        if (evnum % 100 == 0) {
+            System.out.println("Processing event " + evnum
+                    + " accepted chit tracks " + ttn + " fitted " + ngdft);
+        }
+        super.process(event);
+        if (evnum == firstev) {
+            Detector det = event.getDetector();
+            fitter.setDetector(det);
+        }
+        List<CheatedBaseTrack> tracks = null;
+        try {
+            tracks = event.get(CheatedBaseTrack.class, "CheatedBaseTracks");
+        } catch (Exception trnotf) {
+            System.out.println("No CheatedBaseTracks in the event ! \n");
+        } finally {
+        }
+        if (tracks == null)
+            return;
-				double[] ftpar = track.getTrackParameters();
-				double ftl = ftpar[4];
-				aida.cloud2D("am. of mat vs TanLam").fill(Math.abs(ftl),
-						trtrlpa * 100.);
-				double chi2 = track.getChi2();
-				int ndf = track.getNDF();
-				SymmetricMatrix trcovm = track.getErrorMatrix();
-				double dd0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(0));
-				double dphi0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(1));
-				double domexp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(2));
-				boolean badFit = false;
-				if (domexp < 0.00000001) {
-					System.out.println("domexp is too small");
-					badFit = true;
-				}
-				if (Double.toString(domexp).equals("NaN"))
-					badFit = true;
-				double dz0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(3));
-				double dtlexp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(4));
-				double chi2aft = chi2 / ndf;
-				if (badFit) {
-					System.out.println("bad fit");
-					continue;
-				}
-//				System.out.println("Event:" + evnum
-//						+ "covariance matrix omega error is: " + domexp
-//						+ " divaded by omega: " + Math.abs(domexp / ortpar[2]));
-				ngdft++;
-//				aida.cloud1D("Tan Lambda of fitted tracks").fill(ftpar[4]);
-//				aida.cloud1D("Phi of fitted tracks").fill(ftpar[1]);
-				double[] fitres = new double[5];
-				for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-					fitres[i] = ftpar[i] - ortpar[i];
-				}
-				if (fitres[1] > Math.PI)
-					fitres[1] -= 2. * Math.PI;
-				if (fitres[1] < -Math.PI)
-					fitres[1] += 2. * Math.PI;
-				double[] tmf = track.getMomentum();
-				double Ptf = field / Math.abs(ftpar[2]);
-				double bfom = ftpar[2];
-				double ftP = Ptf * Math.sqrt(1. + ftpar[4] * ftpar[4]);
-				double relPer = (ftP - mfmo) / mfmo;
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"delta full mom over full mom for fitted trks, Tl "
-//								+ df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
-//						.fill(relPer);
-				double d0res = fitres[0];
-//				aida.cloud1D("number of degrees of freedom for fitted tracks")
-//						.fill(ndf);
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"d0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl)
-//								+ " - " + df.format(maxTl)).fill(d0res);
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"phi0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
-//								+ df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
-//						.fill(fitres[1]);
-				double domovom = (fitres[2]) / Math.abs(ortpar[2]);
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"domega over omega for fitted tracks, Tl "
-//								+ df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
-//						.fill(domovom);
-				domovom /= Pt;
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"dPt over Pt**2 for fitted traks, Tl "
-//								+ df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
-//						.fill(domovom);
-				double noromr = fitres[0] / dd0exp;
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"normalised to cov.mat d0 residual, Tl "
-//								+ df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
-//						.fill(noromr);
-//				aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp d0 error vs tanlam").fill(
-//						Math.abs(ftl), dd0exp);
-				noromr = fitres[1] / dphi0exp;
-//				if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"normalised to cov.mat Phi0 residual, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
-//				}
-//				aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp phi0 error vs tanlam").fill(
-//						Math.abs(ftl), dphi0exp);
-				noromr = fitres[2] / domexp;
-//				if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"normalised to cov.mat omega residual, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
-//						aida.cloud1D("normalised to cov.mat omega residual for all EC tracks")
-//								.fill(noromr);
-//				}
-//				aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. rel. omega error vs tanlam").fill(
-//						Math.abs(ftl), domexp / Math.abs(ortpar[2]));
-				noromr = fitres[3] / dz0exp;
-//				if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"normalised to cov.mat z0 residual, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"z0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(fitres[3]);
-//				}
-//				aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp z0 error vs tanlam").fill(
-//						Math.abs(ftl), dz0exp);
-				noromr = fitres[4] / dtlexp;
-//				if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"normalised to cov.mat Tanlam residual, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"tanl residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(fitres[4]);
-//				}
-//				aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp tanlam error vs tanlam").fill(
-//						Math.abs(ftl), dtlexp);
-				noromr = chi2 / ndf;
-//				if (noromr < 10.) {
-//					aida.cloud1D(
-//							"Chi2 per dof for fitted tracks, Tl "
-//									+ df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//									+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(chi2 / ndf);
-//				}
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"Pt of fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl) + " - "
-//								+ df.format(maxTl)).fill(mPt);
-//				aida.cloud1D(
-//						"tan lambda of fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl)
-//								+ " - " + df.format(maxTl)).fill(tl);
-//				if ((chi2 / ndf > 50.) || (chi2 < 0.))
-//					System.out.println(" Event " + evnum + " track " + tn
-//							+ " has chi2: " + chi2);
-				tn++;
-				vtxCabdidate.add(new NewTrack(track));
-			}
-		}
+        int nprts = tracks.size();
+        System.out.println("Tracking cheater has found " + nprts
+                + " BaseTracks in event " + evnum);
+        int tn = 0;
+        double[] ortpar = new double[5];
+        List<Track> vtxCandidate = new ArrayList<Track>();
+        for (CheatedBaseTrack track : tracks) {// 4
+            double[] opar = track.getTrackParameters();
+            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {// 5
+                ortpar[i] = opar[i];
+            }// 4
+            MCParticle mcp = track.getMCParticle();
+            Hep3Vector po = new BasicHep3Vector(1., 1., 1.);
+            int pdgid = -1;
+            double mfmo = 0.;
+            double mcpmas = 0.;
+            if (mcp == null) {
+                System.out.println("No Particle");
+                continue;
+            }
+            po = mcp.getOrigin();
+            Hep3Vector pm = mcp.getMomentum();
+            double mphi0 = Math.atan2(pm.y(), pm.x());
+            double mPt = Math.sqrt(pm.x() * pm.x() + pm.y() * pm.y());
+            mfmo = Math.sqrt(mPt * mPt + pm.z() * pm.z());
+            double mtlam = pm.z() / mPt;
+            pdgid = mcp.getType().getPDGID();
+            mcpmas = mcp.getMass();
+            double mcpip = Math.sqrt(po.x() * po.x() + po.y() * po.y() + po.z()
+                    * po.z());
+            int iq = (int) mcp.getCharge();
+            double[] tm = track.getMomentum();
+            double Pt = Math.sqrt(tm[0] * tm[0] + tm[1] * tm[1]);
+            double d0 = Math.abs(track.getTrackParameter(0));
+            double phi0 = track.getTrackParameter(1);
+            double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(3);
+            double tl = track.getTrackParameter(4);
+            double momega = track.getTrackParameter(2);
+            System.out.printf("PT: %.3f mcpip: %.3f tl: %.3f ip: %d", Pt,
+                    mcpip, tl, iq);
+            // if ((Pt > minPt) && (mcpip < 0.001) && (Math.abs(tl) < maxTl)
+            // && (iq != 0) && (Pt < maxPt) && (Math.abs(tl) >= minTl)) {
+            if (Pt > 1.0) {
+                ttn++;
+                fitter.setTrack(track);
+      ; // **************************************************
+                System.out.println(track.fitSuccess());
+                if (!track.fitSuccess()) {
+                    System.out.println("No fit success");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // hist
+                double[] ftpar = track.getTrackParameters();
+                double ftl = ftpar[4];
+                aida.cloud2D("am. of mat vs TanLam").fill(Math.abs(ftl),
+                        trtrlpa * 100.);
+                double chi2 = track.getChi2();
+                int ndf = track.getNDF();
+                SymmetricMatrix trcovm = track.getErrorMatrix();
+                double dd0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(0));
+                double dphi0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(1));
+                double domexp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(2));
+                boolean badFit = false;
+                if (domexp < 0.00000001) {
+                    System.out.println("domexp is too small");
+                    badFit = true;
+                }
+                if (Double.toString(domexp).equals("NaN"))
+                    badFit = true;
+                double dz0exp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(3));
+                double dtlexp = Math.sqrt(trcovm.diagonal(4));
+                double chi2aft = chi2 / ndf;
+                if (badFit) {
+                    System.out.println("bad fit");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                System.out.println("Event:" + evnum
+                        + "covariance matrix omega error is: " + domexp
+                        + " divaded by omega: " + Math.abs(domexp / ortpar[2]));
+                ngdft++;
+                aida.cloud1D("Tan Lambda of fitted tracks").fill(ftpar[4]);
+                aida.cloud1D("Phi of fitted tracks").fill(ftpar[1]);
+                double[] fitres = new double[5];
+                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+                    fitres[i] = ftpar[i] - ortpar[i];
+                }
+                if (fitres[1] > Math.PI)
+                    fitres[1] -= 2. * Math.PI;
+                if (fitres[1] < -Math.PI)
+                    fitres[1] += 2. * Math.PI;
+                double[] tmf = track.getMomentum();
+                double Ptf = field / Math.abs(ftpar[2]);
+                double bfom = ftpar[2];
+                double ftP = Ptf * Math.sqrt(1. + ftpar[4] * ftpar[4]);
+                double relPer = (ftP - mfmo) / mfmo;
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "delta full mom over full mom for fitted trks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(relPer);
+                double d0res = fitres[0];
+                aida.cloud1D("number of degrees of freedom for fitted tracks")
+                        .fill(ndf);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "d0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl)
+                                + " - " + df.format(maxTl)).fill(d0res);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "phi0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(fitres[1]);
+                double domovom = (fitres[2]) / Math.abs(ortpar[2]);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "domega over omega for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(domovom);
+                domovom /= Pt;
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "dPt over Pt**2 for fitted traks, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(domovom);
+                double noromr = fitres[0] / dd0exp;
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "normalised to cov.mat d0 residual, Tl "
+                                + df.format(minTl) + " - " + df.format(maxTl))
+                        .fill(noromr);
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp d0 error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dd0exp);
+                noromr = fitres[1] / dphi0exp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat Phi0 residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp phi0 error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dphi0exp);
+                noromr = fitres[2] / domexp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat omega residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                    aida
+                            .cloud1D(
+                                    "normalised to cov.mat omega residual for all EC tracks")
+                            .fill(noromr);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. rel. omega error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), domexp / Math.abs(ortpar[2]));
+                noromr = fitres[3] / dz0exp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat z0 residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "z0 residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(fitres[3]);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp z0 error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dz0exp);
+                noromr = fitres[4] / dtlexp;
+                if (Math.abs(noromr) < 5.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "normalised to cov.mat Tanlam residual, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(noromr);
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "tanl residual for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(fitres[4]);
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D("Track cov.mat. exp tanlam error vs tanlam").fill(
+                        Math.abs(ftl), dtlexp);
+                noromr = chi2 / ndf;
+                if (noromr < 10.) {
+                    aida.cloud1D(
+                            "Chi2 per dof for fitted tracks, Tl "
+                                    + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                    + df.format(maxTl)).fill(chi2 / ndf);
+                }
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "Pt of fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl) + " - "
+                                + df.format(maxTl)).fill(mPt);
+                aida.cloud1D(
+                        "tan lambda of fitted tracks, Tl " + df.format(minTl)
+                                + " - " + df.format(maxTl)).fill(tl);
+                if ((chi2 / ndf > 50.) || (chi2 < 0.))
+                    System.out.println(" Event " + evnum + " track " + tn
+                            + " has chi2: " + chi2);
+                tn++;
+                vtxCandidate.add(new NewTrack(track));
+            }
+        }
         for (MCParticle part : event.getMCParticles()) {
-        	// K0: 310, J/Psi: 443
+            // K0: 310, J/Psi: 443
             if (abs(part.getPDGID()) != 443)
-		Fitter fitter = new Fitter(event);
-		Vertex newVtx2 =, new SpacePoint());
-        double sigmaX = sqrt(newVtx2.getSpatialCovarianceMatrix().get(0, 0));
-        double sigmaY = sqrt(newVtx2.getSpatialCovarianceMatrix().get(1, 1));
-        double sigmaZ = sqrt(newVtx2.getSpatialCovarianceMatrix().get(2, 2));
-        double deltaX = newVtx2.location().x() - part.getEndPoint().x();
-        double deltaY = newVtx2.location().y() - part.getEndPoint().y();
-        double deltaZ = newVtx2.location().z() - part.getEndPoint().z();
-        aida.cloud1D("decayLength").fill(new SpacePoint(part.getEndPoint()).magnitude());
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_smeared_deltaX").fill(deltaX);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_smeared_deltaY").fill(deltaY);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_smeared_deltaZ").fill(deltaZ);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_sigma_x").fill(sigmaX);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_sigma_y").fill(sigmaY);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_sigma_z").fill(sigmaZ);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_pull_x").fill(deltaX/sigmaX);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_pull_y").fill(deltaY/sigmaY);
-        aida.cloud1D("vtx_pull_z").fill(deltaZ/sigmaZ);
+            // Fitter fitter = new Fitter(event);
+            // Vertex newVtx2 =, new SpacePoint());
+            // double sigmaX = sqrt(newVtx2.getSpatialCovarianceMatrix().get(0,
+            // 0));
+            // double sigmaY = sqrt(newVtx2.getSpatialCovarianceMatrix().get(1,
+            // 1));
+            // double sigmaZ = sqrt(newVtx2.getSpatialCovarianceMatrix().get(2,
+            // 2));
+            // double deltaX = newVtx2.location().x() - part.getEndPoint().x();
+            // double deltaY = newVtx2.location().y() - part.getEndPoint().y();
+            // double deltaZ = newVtx2.location().z() - part.getEndPoint().z();
+            // aida.cloud1D("decayLength").fill(
+            // new SpacePoint(part.getEndPoint()).magnitude());
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_smeared_deltaX").fill(deltaX);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_smeared_deltaY").fill(deltaY);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_smeared_deltaZ").fill(deltaZ);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_sigma_x").fill(sigmaX);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_sigma_y").fill(sigmaY);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_sigma_z").fill(sigmaZ);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_pull_x").fill(deltaX / sigmaX);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_pull_y").fill(deltaY / sigmaY);
+            // aida.cloud1D("vtx_pull_z").fill(deltaZ / sigmaZ);
-		evnum++;
-	}
+        evnum++;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube/standalone 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	29 Nov 2006 02:32:14 -0000	1.3
+++	7 Dec 2006 06:11:24 -0000	1.4
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from org.lcsim.contrib.JanStrube.tracking import HelixSwimmer as Swimmer_new
 from math import sqrt
 from java.lang import Boolean
+from java.util import Random
 false = Boolean('false')
 true = Boolean('true')
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
             p = momentum
             c = int(particle.getCharge())
             newT = trackFac.getTrack(CartesianVector(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), CartesianPoint(o.x(), o.y(), o.z()), CartesianPoint(0, 0, 0), c)
+            newT_unsmeared = trackFac.getTrack(CartesianVector(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()), CartesianPoint(o.x(), o.y(), o.z()), CartesianPoint(0, 0, 0), c, Random(), false)
             emap_new = newT.getParameters()
             vals_old = emap_old.getValues()
@@ -104,10 +106,10 @@
             self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffOrigin y').fill(point_old.y() - origin.y())
             self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffOrigin z').fill(point_old.z() - origin.z())
             momentum_old = swimmer_old.getTrajectory().getTangentAtDistance(dist_old)
-            #m = momentum.magnitude()
-            #self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffMomentum x').fill(momentum.x() - m*momentum_old.x())
-            #self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffMomentum y').fill(momentum.y() - m*momentum_old.y())
-            #self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffMomentum z').fill(momentum.z() - m*momentum_old.z())
+            m = momentum.magnitude()
+            self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffMomentum x').fill(momentum.x() - m*momentum_old.x())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffMomentum y').fill(momentum.y() - m*momentum_old.y())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack/diffMomentum z').fill(momentum.z() - m*momentum_old.z())
             self.aida.cloud1D('OldTrack distance to Origin').fill(dist_old)
@@ -118,10 +120,17 @@
             self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffOrigin x').fill(point_new.x() - origin.x())
             self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffOrigin y').fill(point_new.y() - origin.y())
             self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffOrigin z').fill(point_new.z() - origin.z())
-            #momentum_new = swimmer_new.getMomentumAtLength(dist_new)
-            #self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum x').fill(momentum.x() - momentum_new.x())
-            #self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum y').fill(momentum.y() - momentum_new.y())
-            #self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum z').fill(momentum.z() - momentum_new.z())
+            momentum_new = swimmer_new.getMomentumAtLength(dist_new)
+            swimmer_new.setTrack(newT_unsmeared)
+            dist_newUnsmeared = swimmer_new.getTrackLengthToPoint(CartesianPoint(origin.v()))
+            momentum_newUnsmeared = swimmer_new.getMomentumAtLength(dist_newUnsmeared)
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum x').fill(momentum.x() - momentum_new.x())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum y').fill(momentum.y() - momentum_new.y())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum z').fill(momentum.z() - momentum_new.z())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum unsmeared x').fill(momentum.x() - momentum_newUnsmeared.x())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum unsmeared y').fill(momentum.y() - momentum_newUnsmeared.y())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/diffMomentum unsmeared z').fill(momentum.z() - momentum_newUnsmeared.z())
+            self.aida.cloud1D('NewTrack/smeared - unsmeared tracklength to point').fill(dist_new - dist_newUnsmeared)
             #print emap_old
             #print emap_new

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/JanStrube/tracking 1.7 -> 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
---	28 Oct 2006 00:48:42 -0000	1.7
+++	7 Dec 2006 06:11:24 -0000	1.8
@@ -25,236 +25,260 @@
  * by Paul Avery.
  * @author tonyj
- * @version $Id:,v 1.7 2006/10/28 00:48:42 jstrube Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2006/12/07 06:11:24 jstrube Exp $
 public class Helix implements Trajectory {
-	Hep3Vector origin;
+    Hep3Vector origin;
-	double xCenter;
+    double xCenter;
-	double yCenter;
+    double yCenter;
-	private double radius;
+    private double radius;
-	private double sinLambda;
-	private double cosLambda;
-	private double sinPhi;
-	private double cosPhi;
-	private double phi;
-	// parameterization in terms of 'momentum'
-	// A helix is a mathematical object and doesn't have "momentum",
-	// but some of the used algorithms are expressed in terms of it.
-	// That's OK, it's a private variable.
-	SpaceVector momentum;
-	private double abs_r;
-	private double rho;
-	/**
-	 * Creates a new instance of Helix. Parameters according to <a
-	 * href="doc-files/L3_helix.pdf">the L3 conventions</a><br />
-	 * Please also have a look at <img src="doc-files/Helix-1.png"
-	 * alt="Helix-1.png"> <img src="doc-files/Helix-2.png" alt="Helix-2.png">
-	 * 
-	 * @param origin
-	 *            A point on the helix
-	 * @param radius
-	 *            The <em>signed</em> radius of curvature of the helix. The
-	 *            conventions is such that for <em>positive</em> radii, the
-	 *            direction is <em>clockwise</em>.
-	 * @param phi
-	 *            The polar angle of the helix <em>momentum</em> in x-y plane
-	 *            w/rt positive x-axis at the origin
-	 * @param lambda
-	 *            The dip angle w/rt positive part of the x-y plane
-	 */
-	public Helix(SpacePoint org, double r, double Phi, double lambda) {
-		// if (abs(lambda) > PI/2.)
-		// throw new IllegalArgumentException("lambda = " + lambda + " is
-		// outside of -PI/2<lambda<PI/2");
-		origin = org;
-		radius = r;
-		phi = Phi;
-		// Calculate some useful quantities
-		cosPhi = cos(phi);
-		sinPhi = sin(phi);
-		cosLambda = cos(lambda);
-		sinLambda = sin(lambda);
-		xCenter = origin.x() + radius * sinPhi;
-		yCenter = origin.y() - radius * cosPhi;
-		setSpatialParameters();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * returns a point on the Helix at a distance alpha from the origin along
-	 * the trajectory. alpha == 2*PI*radius/cosLambda corresponds to one
-	 * rotation in the x-y plane
-	 */
-	public SpacePoint getPointAtLength(double alpha) {
-		double angle = phi + alpha * rho;
-		double x = xCenter - radius * sin(angle);
-		double y = yCenter + radius * cos(angle);
-		double z = origin.z() + alpha * sinLambda;
-		return new CartesianPoint(x, y, z);
-	}
-	public SpacePoint getCenterXY() {
-		return new CartesianPoint(xCenter, yCenter, 0);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Calculates the distance along the Helix until it hits a cylinder centered
-	 * along z
-	 * 
-	 * @param r
-	 *            the radius of the cylinder
-	 * @return the distance along the trajectory or Double.NAN if the cylinder
-	 *         can never be hit
-	 */
-	public double getDistanceToInfiniteCylinder(double r) {
-		double phiToCenter = atan2(yCenter, xCenter);
-		double radiusOfCenter = sqrt(xCenter * xCenter + yCenter * yCenter);
-		// Negative radius doesn't make sense
-		if (r < 0)
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("radius " + r + "<0");
-		double darg = r * r / (2. * radius * radiusOfCenter) - radiusOfCenter
-				/ (2. * radius) - radius / (2. * radiusOfCenter);
-		double deltaphi = phi-phiToCenter;
-		if (deltaphi < - Math.PI)
-			deltaphi += 2.* Math.PI;
-		if (deltaphi > Math.PI)
-			deltaphi -= 2.*Math.PI;
-		double diff = asin(darg) + deltaphi; 
-		double result = (radius / cosLambda) * diff;
-		while (result < 0)
-			result += Math.abs(radius / cosLambda) * 2 * Math.PI;
-		return result;
-	}
-	public double getDistanceToZPlane(double z) {
-		return (z - origin.z()) / sinLambda;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param alpha
-	 *            The distance along the trajectory in the x-y plane
-	 * @return The unit vector of the momentum
-	 */
-	public SpaceVector getUnitTangentAtLength(double alpha) {
-		double angle = phi + alpha * rho;
-		return new CartesianVector(cos(angle), sin(angle), sinLambda
-				/ cosLambda);
-	}
-	public double getRadius() {
-		return radius;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Calculates the <em>signed</em> distance in mm between the Helix and an
-	 * arbitrary point in Space
-	 * 
-	 * @param point
-	 *            the point in space to calculate the distance to
-	 * @return the distance in mm between the point and the helix at the point
-	 *         of closest approach
-	 */
-	// FIXME The translation in Z should be replaced, because it can lead to an
-	// infinite loop and the formula is only valid in 2D
-	public double getSignedClosestDifferenceToPoint(SpacePoint point) {
-		double tanLambda = sinLambda / cosLambda;
-		Hep3Vector pCrossB = new CartesianVector(momentum.y(), -momentum.x(), 0);
-		Hep3Vector xDiff = VecOp.sub(origin, point);
-		double pMag = momentum.magnitude();
-		// translate along Z because algorithm can handle only numbers in the
-		// first quadrant
-		double zPos = xDiff.z();
-		// these are two mutually exclusive cases and two while loops
-		// may not be the best way to express this
-		while (zPos > abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4)) {
-			zPos -= abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4);
-		}
-		while (zPos < -abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4)) {
-			zPos += abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4);
-		}
-		xDiff = new CartesianVector(xDiff.x(), xDiff.y(), zPos);
-		double numerator = (-2 *, pCrossB) + pMag * rho
-				* (xDiff.magnitudeSquared() - xDiff.z() * xDiff.z()))
-				/ radius;
-		double denominator = 1 + sqrt(1 - 2 * rho * pMag
-				*, pCrossB) / radius / radius + pMag * pMag
-				* rho * rho
-				* (xDiff.magnitudeSquared() - xDiff.z() * xDiff.z()) / radius
-				/ radius);
-		return numerator / denominator;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Swims the helix along its trajectory to the point of closest approach to
-	 * the given SpacePoint. For more info on swimming see <a
-	 * href=doc-files/fitting/transport.pdf> Paul Avery's excellent text</a>
-	 * 
-	 * @param point
-	 *            Point in Space to swim to.
-	 * @return the length along the trajectory
-	 */
-	public double getTrackLengthToPoint(SpacePoint point) {
-		double tanLambda = sinLambda / cosLambda;
-		double pMag = momentum.magnitude();
-		Hep3Vector pCrossB = new CartesianVector(momentum.y(), -momentum.x(), 0);
-		Hep3Vector xDiff = VecOp.sub(origin, point);
-		int addedQuarterPeriods = 0;
-		if (abs(tanLambda) > 1e-10) {
-		    double zPos = xDiff.z();
-		    while (abs(zPos) > abs(radius*tanLambda*Math.PI)) {
-			zPos -= signum(zPos)*abs(radius*tanLambda*Math.PI);
-			++addedQuarterPeriods;
-		    }
-		    // Make sure the helix is in the right quadrant for the atan
-		    if (zPos > 0 && addedQuarterPeriods > 0)
-			addedQuarterPeriods *= -1;
-		    if (addedQuarterPeriods % 2 != 0)
-			addedQuarterPeriods += signum(addedQuarterPeriods);
-		    xDiff = new CartesianVector(xDiff.x(), xDiff.y(), zPos);
-		}//int addedHalfPeriods = 0;
-		//while (abs(xDiff.z()) > abs(tanLambda * radius * 0.5*Math.PI)) {
-		//    addedHalfPeriods++;
-		//    xDiff = VecOp.sub(getPointAtLength(addedHalfPeriods*0.5*Math.PI/rho), point);
-		//}
-		double pz = momentum.z();
-		double factorA1 = pMag - pz * pz / pMag - (, pCrossB))
-				* rho;
-		double factorA2 = (, momentum) - xDiff.z() * pz) * rho;
-		return addedQuarterPeriods*abs(radius/cosLambda*Math.PI) -Math.atan2(factorA2, factorA1) / rho;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the parametrization in terms of "momentum" and charge
-	 * 
-	 */
-	private void setSpatialParameters() {
-		abs_r = abs(radius);
-		momentum = new CartesianVector(abs_r * cosPhi, abs_r * sinPhi, abs_r
-				* sinLambda / cosLambda);
-		rho = -cosLambda / radius;
-	}
-	public String toString() {
-		String helix = String.format("Helix:\n");
-		helix += String.format("radius: %f\n", radius);
-		helix += String.format("phi: %f\n", phi);
-		helix += String.format("lambda: %f\n", acos(cosLambda));
-		helix += String.format("rho: %f\n", rho);
-		return helix;
-	}
+    private double sinLambda;
+    private double cosLambda;
+    private double sinPhi;
+    private double cosPhi;
+    private double phi;
+    // parameterization in terms of 'momentum'
+    // A helix is a mathematical object and doesn't have "momentum",
+    // but some of the used algorithms are expressed in terms of it.
+    // That's OK, it's a private variable.
+    SpaceVector momentum;
+    private double abs_r;
+    private double rho;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new instance of Helix. Parameters according to <a
+     * href="doc-files/L3_helix.pdf">the L3 conventions</a><br />
+     * Please also have a look at <img src="doc-files/Helix-1.png"
+     * alt="Helix-1.png"> <img src="doc-files/Helix-2.png" alt="Helix-2.png">
+     * 
+     * @param origin
+     *            A point on the helix
+     * @param radius
+     *            The <em>signed</em> radius of curvature of the helix. The
+     *            conventions is such that for <em>positive</em> radii, the
+     *            direction is <em>clockwise</em>.
+     * @param phi
+     *            The polar angle of the helix <em>momentum</em> in x-y plane
+     *            w/rt positive x-axis at the origin
+     * @param lambda
+     *            The dip angle w/rt positive part of the x-y plane
+     */
+    public Helix(SpacePoint org, double r, double Phi, double lambda) {
+        // if (abs(lambda) > PI/2.)
+        // throw new IllegalArgumentException("lambda = " + lambda + " is
+        // outside of -PI/2<lambda<PI/2");
+        origin = org;
+        radius = r;
+        phi = Phi;
+        // Calculate some useful quantities
+        cosPhi = cos(phi);
+        sinPhi = sin(phi);
+        cosLambda = cos(lambda);
+        sinLambda = sin(lambda);
+        xCenter = origin.x() + radius * sinPhi;
+        yCenter = origin.y() - radius * cosPhi;
+        setSpatialParameters();
+    }
+    /**
+     * returns a point on the Helix at a distance alpha from the origin along
+     * the trajectory. alpha == 2*PI*radius/cosLambda corresponds to one
+     * rotation in the x-y plane
+     */
+    public SpacePoint getPointAtLength(double alpha) {
+        double angle = phi + alpha * rho;
+        double x = xCenter - radius * sin(angle);
+        double y = yCenter + radius * cos(angle);
+        double z = origin.z() + alpha * sinLambda;
+        return new CartesianPoint(x, y, z);
+    }
+    public SpacePoint getCenterXY() {
+        return new CartesianPoint(xCenter, yCenter, 0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Calculates the distance along the Helix until it hits a cylinder centered
+     * along z
+     * 
+     * @param r
+     *            the radius of the cylinder
+     * @return the distance along the trajectory or Double.NAN if the cylinder
+     *         can never be hit
+     */
+    public double getDistanceToInfiniteCylinder(double r) {
+        double phiToCenter = atan2(yCenter, xCenter);
+        double radiusOfCenter = sqrt(xCenter * xCenter + yCenter * yCenter);
+        // Negative radius doesn't make sense
+        if (r < 0)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("radius " + r + "<0");
+        double darg = r * r / (2. * radius * radiusOfCenter) - radiusOfCenter
+                / (2. * radius) - radius / (2. * radiusOfCenter);
+        double deltaphi = phi - phiToCenter;
+        if (deltaphi < -Math.PI)
+            deltaphi += 2. * Math.PI;
+        if (deltaphi > Math.PI)
+            deltaphi -= 2. * Math.PI;
+        double diff = asin(darg) + deltaphi;
+        double result = (radius / cosLambda) * diff;
+        while (result < 0)
+            result += Math.abs(radius / cosLambda) * 2 * Math.PI;
+        return result;
+    }
+    public double getDistanceToZPlane(double z) {
+        return (z - origin.z()) / sinLambda;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param alpha
+     *            The distance along the trajectory in the x-y plane
+     * @return The unit vector of the momentum
+     */
+    public SpaceVector getUnitTangentAtLength(double alpha) {
+        double angle = phi + alpha * rho;
+        return new CartesianVector(cos(angle), sin(angle), sinLambda
+                / cosLambda);
+    }
+    public double getRadius() {
+        return radius;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Calculates the <em>signed</em> distance in mm between the Helix and an
+     * arbitrary point in Space
+     * 
+     * @param point
+     *            the point in space to calculate the distance to
+     * @return the distance in mm between the point and the helix at the point
+     *         of closest approach
+     */
+    // FIXME The translation in Z should be replaced, because it can lead to an
+    // infinite loop and the formula is only valid in 2D
+    public double getSignedClosestDifferenceToPoint(SpacePoint point) {
+        double tanLambda = sinLambda / cosLambda;
+        Hep3Vector pCrossB = new CartesianVector(momentum.y(), -momentum.x(), 0);
+        Hep3Vector xDiff = VecOp.sub(origin, point);
+        double pMag = momentum.magnitude();
+        // translate along Z because algorithm can handle only numbers in the
+        // first quadrant
+        double zPos = xDiff.z();
+        // these are two mutually exclusive cases and two while loops
+        // may not be the best way to express this
+        while (zPos > abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4)) {
+            zPos -= abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4);
+        }
+        while (zPos < -abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4)) {
+            zPos += abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI / 4);
+        }
+        xDiff = new CartesianVector(xDiff.x(), xDiff.y(), zPos);
+        double numerator = (-2 *, pCrossB) + pMag * rho
+                * (xDiff.magnitudeSquared() - xDiff.z() * xDiff.z()))
+                / radius;
+        double denominator = 1 + sqrt(1 - 2 * rho * pMag
+                *, pCrossB) / radius / radius + pMag * pMag
+                * rho * rho
+                * (xDiff.magnitudeSquared() - xDiff.z() * xDiff.z()) / radius
+                / radius);
+        return numerator / denominator;
+    }
+    // added by Nick Sinev
+    public double getSecondDistanceToInfiniteCylinder(double r) {
+        double result = getDistanceToInfiniteCylinder(r);
+        SpacePoint first = getPointAtLength(result);
+        double angto0 = Math.atan2(-yCenter, -xCenter);
+        double angtofirst = Math
+                .atan2(first.y() - yCenter, first.x() - xCenter);
+        double dang = angtofirst - angto0;
+        if (dang < -Math.PI)
+            dang += 2. * Math.PI;
+        if (dang > Math.PI)
+            dang -= 2. * Math.PI;
+        double angofarc = 2. * (Math.PI - Math.abs(dang));
+        double arc = Math.abs(radius) * angofarc / cosLambda;
+        return result + arc;
+    }
+    public double getZPeriod() {
+        return Math.PI * radius * 2. * sinLambda / cosLambda;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Swims the helix along its trajectory to the point of closest approach to
+     * the given SpacePoint. For more info on swimming see <a
+     * href=doc-files/fitting/transport.pdf> Paul Avery's excellent text</a>
+     * 
+     * @param point
+     *            Point in Space to swim to.
+     * @return the length along the trajectory
+     */
+    public double getTrackLengthToPoint(SpacePoint point) {
+        double tanLambda = sinLambda / cosLambda;
+        double pMag = momentum.magnitude();
+        Hep3Vector pCrossB = new CartesianVector(momentum.y(), -momentum.x(), 0);
+        Hep3Vector xDiff = VecOp.sub(origin, point);
+        int addedQuarterPeriods = 0;
+        if (abs(tanLambda) > 1e-10) {
+            double zPos = xDiff.z();
+            while (abs(zPos) > abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI)) {
+                zPos -= signum(zPos) * abs(radius * tanLambda * Math.PI);
+                ++addedQuarterPeriods;
+            }
+            // Make sure the helix is in the right quadrant for the atan
+            if (zPos > 0 && addedQuarterPeriods > 0)
+                addedQuarterPeriods *= -1;
+            if (addedQuarterPeriods % 2 != 0)
+                addedQuarterPeriods += signum(addedQuarterPeriods);
+            xDiff = new CartesianVector(xDiff.x(), xDiff.y(), zPos);
+        }// int addedHalfPeriods = 0;
+        // while (abs(xDiff.z()) > abs(tanLambda * radius * 0.5*Math.PI)) {
+        // addedHalfPeriods++;
+        // xDiff = VecOp.sub(getPointAtLength(addedHalfPeriods*0.5*Math.PI/rho),
+        // point);
+        // }
+        double pz = momentum.z();
+        double factorA1 = pMag - pz * pz / pMag - (, pCrossB))
+                * rho;
+        double factorA2 = (, momentum) - xDiff.z() * pz) * rho;
+        return addedQuarterPeriods * abs(radius / cosLambda * Math.PI)
+                - Math.atan2(factorA2, factorA1) / rho;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the parametrization in terms of "momentum" and charge
+     * 
+     */
+    private void setSpatialParameters() {
+        abs_r = abs(radius);
+        momentum = new CartesianVector(abs_r * cosPhi, abs_r * sinPhi, abs_r
+                * sinLambda / cosLambda);
+        rho = -cosLambda / radius;
+    }
+    public String toString() {
+        String helix = String.format("Helix:\n");
+        helix += String.format("radius: %f\n", radius);
+        helix += String.format("phi: %f\n", phi);
+        helix += String.format("lambda: %f\n", acos(cosLambda));
+        helix += String.format("rho: %f\n", rho);
+        return helix;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8