

Commit in lcdd on MAIN
src/ removed
include/G4StepReadout.hh-1161.3 removed
2 removed files

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	30 Jul 2005 01:21:00 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2005/07/30 01:21:00 jeremy Exp $
-#include "G4StepReadout.hh"
-// LCDD
-#include "ReadoutUtil.hh"
-#include "TrackInformation.hh"
-// G4
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
-#include "G4Track.hh"
-#include "G4VSolid.hh"
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "G4TouchableHandle.hh"
-#include "G4Region.hh"
-#include "G4Material.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-  : m_step(0)
-void G4StepReadout::setStep(G4Step* s) 
-  m_step = s;
-G4Step* G4StepReadout::step() const 
-  return m_step;
-bool G4StepReadout::hasStep() const 
-  return ( 0 != m_step );
-G4StepPoint* G4StepReadout::pre() const
-  return step()->GetPreStepPoint();
-G4StepPoint* G4StepReadout::post() const
-  return step()->GetPostStepPoint();
-G4VPhysicalVolume* G4StepReadout::prePV() const 
-  return preTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
-G4VPhysicalVolume* G4StepReadout::postPV() const 
-  return postTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
-G4VSolid* G4StepReadout::preSolid() const
-  return preLV()->GetSolid();
-G4VSolid* G4StepReadout::postSolid() const
-  return postLV()->GetSolid();
-G4LogicalVolume* G4StepReadout::preLV() const
-  return prePV()->GetLogicalVolume();
-G4LogicalVolume* G4StepReadout::postLV() const
-  return postPV()->GetLogicalVolume();
-G4Material* G4StepReadout::preMaterial() const
-  return pre()->GetMaterial();
-G4Material* G4StepReadout::postMaterial() const
-  return post()->GetMaterial();
-G4VSensitiveDetector* G4StepReadout::preSD() const 
-  return ((G4StepPoint*)pre())->GetSensitiveDetector();
-G4VSensitiveDetector* G4StepReadout::postSD() const 
-  return ((G4StepPoint*)post())->GetSensitiveDetector();
-bool G4StepReadout::hasSameSD() const
-  bool r = false;
-  // post vol has an SD
-  if ( 0 != postSD() ) { 
-    // post SD same as pre SD
-    if ( preSD() == postSD() ) {
-      r = true;
-    }
-  }
-  return r;
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::volumePosition(G4TouchableHandle theTouchable) const
-  return theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint( m_origin );
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::preVolumePosition() const 
-  return volumePosition( preTouchableHandle() );
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::postVolumePosition() const 
-  return volumePosition( postTouchableHandle() );
-double G4StepReadout::edep() const 
-  return step()->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
-G4Track* G4StepReadout::track() const 
-  return step()->GetTrack();
-double G4StepReadout::globalTime() const 
-  return track()->GetGlobalTime();
-int G4StepReadout::trackID() const 
-  return track()->GetTrackID();
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::momentum() const 
-  return track()->GetMomentum();
-TrackInformation* G4StepReadout::trackInformation() const 
-  return TrackInformation::getTrackInformation( track() );
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::prePosition() const 
-  return pre()->GetPosition();
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::midPosition() const 
-  return ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean( prePosition(), postPosition() );
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::postPosition() const 
-  return post()->GetPosition();
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::preMomentum() const
-  return pre()->GetMomentum();
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::postMomentum() const
-  return post()->GetMomentum();
-G4ThreeVector G4StepReadout::meanMomentum() const
-  return ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean( preMomentum(), postMomentum() );
-G4TouchableHandle G4StepReadout::preTouchableHandle() const 
-  return pre()->GetTouchableHandle();
-G4TouchableHandle G4StepReadout::postTouchableHandle() const 
-  return post()->GetTouchableHandle();

G4StepReadout.hh removed after 1.3
diff -N G4StepReadout.hh
--- G4StepReadout.hh	5 Sep 2006 23:25:20 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/include/Attic/G4StepReadout.hh,v 1.3 2006/09/05 23:25:20 jeremy Exp $
-// G4
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
-#include "G4TouchableHandle.hh"
-// std
-#include <vector>
-// G4
-class G4VPhysicalVolume;
-class G4VSensitiveDetector;
-class G4Step;
-class G4StepPoint;
-class G4Region;
-class G4Material;
-class G4LogicalVolume;
-class G4VSolid;
-class G4Track;
-// LCDD
-class TrackInformation;
-class G4UserRegionInformation;
- * @class G4StepReadout
- * @brief Utility functions to return commonly used pointers and data values from a G4Step object.
- * @note  The only cached data is the step pointer.
-class G4StepReadout
-  G4StepReadout();
-  virtual ~G4StepReadout();
-  // step
-  void setStep(G4Step* s);
-  G4Step* step() const;  
-  bool hasStep() const;
-  // step points
-  G4StepPoint* pre() const;
-  G4StepPoint* post() const;
-  // PV from pre and post
-  G4VPhysicalVolume* prePV() const;
-  G4VPhysicalVolume* postPV() const;
-  // solid from pre and post
-  G4VSolid* preSolid() const;
-  G4VSolid* postSolid() const;
-  // LV from pre and post
-  G4LogicalVolume* preLV() const;
-  G4LogicalVolume* postLV() const;
-  // material from pre and post
-  G4Material* preMaterial() const;
-  G4Material* postMaterial() const;
-  // region from pre and post
-  G4Region* preRegion() const;
-  G4Region* postRegion() const;
-  // pre and post position of PV 
-  G4ThreeVector volumePosition(G4TouchableHandle theTouchable) const;
-  G4ThreeVector preVolumePosition() const;
-  G4ThreeVector postVolumePosition() const;
-  // SD from pre and post
-  G4VSensitiveDetector* preSD() const;
-  G4VSensitiveDetector* postSD() const;
-  // are pre and post SD the same?
-  bool hasSameSD() const;
-  // edep from step
-  double edep() const;
-  // track
-  G4Track* track() const;
-  // data from track
-  double globalTime() const;
-  int trackID() const;  
-  G4ThreeVector momentum() const;
-  TrackInformation* trackInformation() const;
-  // pre, mid and post positions
-  G4ThreeVector prePosition() const;
-  G4ThreeVector midPosition() const;
-  G4ThreeVector postPosition() const;
-  // pre, post and mean momentum
-  G4ThreeVector preMomentum() const;
-  G4ThreeVector postMomentum() const;
-  G4ThreeVector meanMomentum() const;
-  // pre and post handles
-  G4TouchableHandle preTouchableHandle() const;
-  G4TouchableHandle postTouchableHandle() const;
-  // cached step
-  G4Step* m_step; 
-  // vector = [0,0,0]
-  const G4ThreeVector m_origin;
CVSspam 0.2.8