

>From Hitoshi Yamamoto:

--------------the MDI panel statement---------------------------------
The MDI panel had a meeting on Dec. 8 and discussed the push-pull
option. There were reports from the three concept studies and the WWS
about their respective statements.

In general there was grave concern about the risk of losing the
2-detector scenario in its entirety. There was also concern that the
push-pull option for 2 detectors at a single IR has not been
investigated sufficiently thoroughly to allow a sound technical basis
for its acceptance as the baseline.

The fact that the primary motivation for the push-pull model is to save
on the cost of the accelerator has caused considerable misunderstanding
within the detector community, which does not enjoy the same level of
cost-consciousness as the GDE. We thus suggest that there be efforts
both by GDE and WWS/Concepts to share and communicate the overall cost
reduction strategy, possible trade-offs, and its implementation.

Regarding CCR#23, we recommend that, if the push-pull option be
included as the baseline, then the 2 IR option be also explicitly
included in RDR as an 'alternative configuration', with a cost
estimate. We understand that such a cost estimate may, by necessity, be
less complete than the baseline cost. In addition, provisions should be
included in the baseline design to facilitate a change to the 2 IR
design in the event of either:

a) the push-pull model proving unfeasible, or
b) additional funding being secured for a second BDS and IR.

Finally, we urge the GDE and the WWS to give a new charge to the
push-pull task force to continue the study of the technical
implementation of the push-pull option.

James E. Brau
Physics Department
  and Center for High Energy Physics
1274 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1274
(541) 346-4766