Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/compile/SteveMagill on MAIN removed removed
README-11.1 removed
3 removed files
JM: Removing org.lcsim.contrib.compile.SteveMagill package.

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/compile/SteveMagill removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	9 Aug 2005 23:16:07 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,985 +0,0 @@
-//  package org.lcsim.contrib.compile.SteveMagill;
-//  Overall PFA algorithm includes 1) Track IL-finder in Barrel CAL, creation of EM Mip
-//  Clusters, HAD Mip Clusters, CAL Mip Clusters; 2) Nearest-Neighbor clustering of remaining
-//  hits, EM NN Clusters and AD NN CLusters; 3) Photon ID of EM NN Clusters, creation of
-//  EM Photon Clusters, EM Shower Clusters; 4) Association of EM and HAD Mip Clusters, EM Shower
-//  Clusters, and HAD NN Shower Clusters to form Track-CAL Associated Shower Clusters
-// import java.util.List;
-import java.util.*;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-// import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
-// import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader.LCMetaData;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.CylindricalCalorimeter;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.nn.NearestNeighborCluster;
-// import org.lcsim.recon.ztracking.FoundTrack;
-// import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-public class BTrMipClus extends Driver
-   private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-   private boolean _initialized = false;
-//    The number of layers in the EM Calorimeter Barrel
-   private int _numbemlayers;  
-//    The number of layers in the Hadronic Calorimeter Barrel
-   private  int _numbhadlayers;
-//    The EM Barrel sampling fraction
-   private  double  _sfEMB;  
-//    The HAD Barrel sampling fraction
-   private  double _sfHB;
-   private double _neupi;
-//    The EM calorimeter hits, by layer
-   private List[] _emBLayerHits;
-//    The HAD calorimeter hits, by layer
-   private List[] _hadBLayerHits; 
-//    The radii of the barrel calorimeter layers
-   private double[] _emBRadii;
-   private double[] _hadBRadii;
-//    modified Barrel helix swimmer for org.lcsim test
-   private Helix[] _emBSwimmers; //EM
-   private Helix[] _hadBSwimmers; //HAD
-//   Z extent of the central barrel calorimeters.
-   private double _embZ; //EM
-   private double _hadbZ; //HAD
-//   The central magnetic field strength
-   private double[] _fieldStrength;
-   protected void process(EventHeader event)
-   {
-      super.process(event);
-//      System.out.println(events);
-//  Initialize things here
-    if(!_initialized)
-    {
-        System.out.println("Detector is "+event.getDetectorName());
-        if (event.getDetectorName().equals("sidmay05")) System.out.println(" SiD!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?");
-        Detector det = event.getDetector();
-        double[] zero = {0, 0, 0};
-        _fieldStrength = det.getFieldMap().getField(zero);
-        System.out.println("B Field " +_fieldStrength[2]+ " Tesla");
-        CylindricalCalorimeter emb = ((CylindricalCalorimeter) det.getSubdetectors().get("EMBarrel"));
-        _embZ = emb.getZMin();
-        System.out.println("EM Barrel z " +_embZ);
-//        _numbemlayers = 30;
-        _numbemlayers = emb.getLayering().getLayerCount();
-        System.out.println("EM Barrel Layers " +_numbemlayers);
-        _emBLayerHits = new ArrayList[_numbemlayers]; 
-        _emBRadii = new double[_numbemlayers];
-        _emBSwimmers = new Helix[_numbemlayers];
-        for (int i=0; i<_numbemlayers; ++i)
-        {
-            _emBLayerHits[i] = new ArrayList();
-            _emBRadii[i]=emb.getLayering().getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(i);
-            System.out.println("EM Barrel Layer Number " +i+ " EM Barrel Radius " +_emBRadii[i]);
-            _emBSwimmers[i] = new Helix(_fieldStrength[2], _emBRadii[i], Math.abs(_embZ));
-            _emBSwimmers[i].setCurvatureFlip(true);
-        }   // end loop over em layers
-        CylindricalCalorimeter hadb = ((CylindricalCalorimeter) det.getSubdetectors().get("HADBarrel"));       
-        _hadbZ = hadb.getZMin();
-        System.out.println("HAD Barrel z " +_hadbZ);
-        _numbhadlayers = hadb.getLayering().getLayerCount();
-        System.out.println("HAD Barrel Layers " +_numbhadlayers);   
-        _hadBLayerHits = new ArrayList[_numbhadlayers];
-        _hadBRadii = new double[_numbhadlayers];
-        _hadBSwimmers = new Helix[_numbhadlayers];
-        for (int i=0; i<_numbhadlayers; ++i)
-        {
-        	_hadBLayerHits[i] = new ArrayList(); 
-         	_hadBRadii[i]=hadb.getLayering().getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(i);
-                System.out.println("HAD Barrel Layer Number " +i+ " HAD Barrel Radius " +_hadBRadii[i]);
-        	_hadBSwimmers[i] = new Helix(_fieldStrength[2], _hadBRadii[i], Math.abs(_hadbZ));
-        	_hadBSwimmers[i].setCurvatureFlip(true);
-        }  // end loop over had layers
-        // Get (set) sampling fractions here
-//        _sfEMB = 0.0120;    //  for now this is tested sampling fraction for W/Si EMCAL in SiD Detector
-        _sfEMB = 0.0117;     //  for now, this is effective sf for 20/10 Si/W ECAL from 2 GeV gammas
-//        _sfHB = 0.000025;   //  for now this is tested sampling fraction for SS/RPC HCAL in SiD Detector
-        //  but for now, use calibration as a sampling fraction (then HAD E in a cluster is OK)
-//        _sfHB = 5.3;    // 200 MeV per hit in HCAL for SiD SSRPC, 10.0 for pions
-        _sfHB = 26.0;   // 38 MeV per hit in HCAL for CDC WScin after 1/3 mip thresold cut, 30 for pions
-        _neupi = 0.87;   // ratio of nhits neu to pi - .87 for CDC, .57 for SiD
-//        _sfHB = 0.06;  // old SDJan03 SS/Scin analog HCAL sf
-        _initialized = true;
-    }   // end of initialization section
-      // get calorimeter hits by layer - need to calculate hit density for cells
-      double EMBESum=0;  double EMBESumC=0;  double HADBESum=0;
-      double EEMlowE=0;  double EEMhighE=0;
-      double ESumBTotCAL=0;
-      double hthrshld = 0;
-      double htime = 0;
-      int nhitsBTotCAL=0;
-      double[][] celbtheta = new double[5000][_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      double[][] celbphi = new double[5000][_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      double[][] celbden = new double[5000][_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      long[][] celbid = new long[5000][_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      int[] nhitbLayer = new int[_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      int nhitsEMB=0; int nhitsHADB=0;
-      // this uses SimCalorimeterHit, but need to know name of collection for this. 
-      List<SimCalorimeterHit> embHits = event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalBarrHits");
-      CalorimeterIDDecoder embdecoder = (CalorimeterIDDecoder) event.getMetaData(embHits).getIDDecoder();
-      // create a map of cells keyed on their index
-      Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> embhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-      for (SimCalorimeterHit embhit : embHits)
-      {
-          long hitID = embhit.getCellID();
-          embdecoder.setID(hitID);
-          int emblayer = embdecoder.getLayer();
-//          System.out.println("EM layer num = " + emblayer);
-          celbtheta[nhitbLayer[emblayer]][emblayer] = embdecoder.getTheta();				  
-          celbphi[nhitbLayer[emblayer]][emblayer] = embdecoder.getPhi();
-          celbid[nhitbLayer[emblayer]][emblayer] = hitID;
-          nhitbLayer[emblayer]++;
-          embhitmap.put(hitID, embhit);
-          EMBESum += embhit.getRawEnergy();
-          //  for CDC, use this for calibrated B EM ESum
-          if (emblayer < 20)
-          {
-              EMBESumC += embhit.getRawEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-              EEMlowE += embhit.getRawEnergy();
-          }
-          else
-          {
-              EMBESumC += embhit.getRawEnergy()/(_sfEMB/2);
-              EEMhighE += embhit.getRawEnergy();
-          }
-          nhitsEMB++;    
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Nhits in original EMBhitmap").fill(embhitmap.size());
-      List<SimCalorimeterHit> hadbHits = event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalBarrHits");
-      CalorimeterIDDecoder hadbdecoder = (CalorimeterIDDecoder) event.getMetaData(hadbHits).getIDDecoder();
-      // create a map of cells keyed on their index
-      Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> hadbhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-      if (event.getDetectorName().equals("cdcaug05"))
-      {
-          hthrshld = 0.0005;   // 1/3 mip threshold for cdc Scin HCAL
-          htime = 100;  // 100 ns cut on hit time
-//      System.out.println("HAD Threshold = " +hthrshld);
-      }
-      for (SimCalorimeterHit hadbhit : hadbHits)
-      {
-          long hitID = hadbhit.getCellID();
-          hadbdecoder.setID(hitID);
-          int hadblayer = hadbdecoder.getLayer();
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD Cell Vis E before thr cut").fill(hadbhit.getRawEnergy());
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD Cell Time before timing cut").fill(hadbhit.getTime());
-          if (hadbhit.getRawEnergy() > hthrshld && hadbhit.getTime() < 100)
-          {
-              aida.cloud1D("HAD Cell Vis E after thr cut").fill(hadbhit.getRawEnergy());
-              celbtheta[nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]][_numbemlayers+hadblayer] = hadbdecoder.getTheta();				  
-              celbphi[nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]][_numbemlayers+hadblayer] = hadbdecoder.getPhi();
-              celbid[nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]][_numbemlayers+hadblayer] = hitID;
-              nhitbLayer[_numbemlayers+hadblayer]++; 
-              hadbhitmap.put(hitID, hadbhit);
-              HADBESum += hadbhit.getRawEnergy();
-              nhitsHADB++;
-          }
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Nhits in original HADBhitmap").fill(hadbhitmap.size());
-      for (int i=0; i<_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers; ++i)
-      {
-          aida.cloud2D("NHits vs layer").fill(i,nhitbLayer[i]);
-           // calculate density for each cell hit in layer - use 5X5 window?
-           for (int j=0; j<nhitbLayer[i]; ++j)
-           {
-               celbden[j][i] = 1;
-               for (int k=0; k<nhitbLayer[i]; ++k)
-               {
-                   if (k == j) continue;
-                   //  in ECAL, for 5 mm X 5 mm cells, each cell is ~ .00315 X .00315 rad
-                   //  .0075 corresponds to 5X5 without outermost 4 corners, 0.005 is 3X3
-                   //  in HCAL, for 1 X 1 cm cells, each cell is ~ .00525 X .00525 rad
-                   //  .018 is 7X7 without corners (3 cells missing at each corner)
-                   double dmine = 0.005;
- //                  double dminh = 0.0125;
-                   double dminh = 3*dmine;
-                   double dmin = dmine;
-                   double deltheta = Math.abs(celbtheta[k][i]-celbtheta[j][i]);
-                   aida.cloud1D("Delta Theta Cell").fill(deltheta);
-                   double delphi = Math.abs(celbphi[k][i]-celbphi[j][i]);
-                   if (delphi > Math.PI) delphi = 2*Math.PI-delphi;
-                   aida.cloud1D("Delta Phi Cell").fill(delphi);
-                   double distance = Math.sqrt(deltheta*deltheta+delphi*delphi);
-                   if (i >= _numbemlayers) dmin = dminh;
-                   if (distance < dmin)
-                   {
-                       if (i < 30) aida.cloud1D("Distance between EM CAL hits").fill(distance);
-                       if (i > 29) aida.cloud1D("Distance between HAD CAL hits").fill(distance);
-                       if (i < 30) celbden[j][i] += 0.00315/distance;
-                       if (i > 29) celbden[j][i] += 0.00525/distance;
-                   }
-               }
-               if (nhitbLayer[i] > 0 && i < 30) aida.cloud1D("EM CAL cell density").fill(celbden[j][i]);
-               if (nhitbLayer[i] > 0 && i > 29) aida.cloud1D("HAD CAL cell density").fill(celbden[j][i]);
-               if (nhitbLayer[i] > 0) aida.cloud2D("CAL cell density vs Layer").fill(i,celbden[j][i]);
-               if (i == 0) aida.cloud1D("Cell Density layer 0").fill(celbden[j][i]);
-           }     
-      }
-      ESumBTotCAL = EMBESum + HADBESum;
-      nhitsBTotCAL = nhitsEMB + nhitsHADB;
-      aida.cloud2D("NHits EM B vs EM B Calib ESum").fill(EMBESumC,nhitsEMB);
-      aida.cloud2D("NHits HAD B vs HAD B Vis ESum").fill(HADBESum,nhitsHADB);
-//      aida.cloud1D("Pho E first 20").fill(EEMlowE);
-//      aida.cloud1D("Pho E last 10").fill(EEMhighE);
-      if (EMBESumC < 0.40)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("EM B Calib ESum, mips only").fill(EMBESumC);
-          aida.cloud1D("NHits EM B, mips only").fill(nhitsEMB); 
-          aida.cloud1D("NHits HAD B, EM B mips only").fill(nhitsHADB);
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD B ESum, EM mips only").fill(nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
-      }
-      if (nhitsEMB < 1 && nhitsHADB > 0)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("NHits HAD B, no EM B hits").fill(nhitsHADB);
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD B Vis ESum, no EM B Hits").fill(HADBESum);
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD B Cal ESum, no EM B Hits").fill(nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
-      }
-      if (nhitsHADB < 1 && nhitsEMB > 0)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("NHits EM B, no HAD B hits").fill(nhitsEMB);
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL NHits").fill(nhitsBTotCAL);     
-      aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL Vis ESum").fill(ESumBTotCAL);
-      aida.cloud1D("Total B CAL EM Analog + HAD Digital ESum").fill(EMBESumC+nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
-      aida.cloud1D("Total EM B Vis ESum").fill(EMBESum);
-      aida.cloud1D("Total EM B Calib ESum").fill(EMBESumC);
-      aida.cloud1D("Total HAD B Vis ESum").fill(HADBESum);
-      //  Make a new collection that only includes had hits above threshold - for Event display
-      List<CalorimeterHit> hlist = new ArrayList(hadbhitmap.values());
-      LCMetaData meta = event.getMetaData(hadbHits);
-      event.put("ThrHcalBHits",hlist,CalorimeterHit.class,meta.getFlags(),meta.getName());
-      /** This section finds mip clusters in cal attached to a reconstructed (or true) track.
-       *  The starting point is the first layer of the ECAL and the endpoint is the point
-       *  of first interaction in the CAL.  This end point can be used to start Track/CAL
-       *  object association later.
-       *    1) get list of reconstructed tracks or true MC charged particles (determined by
-       *       user
-       *    2) loop over all tracks, swim to layer, check for mip hit.
-       *    3) continue until either a) no hit in next layer, or b) large energy or density of hits
-       *       is found in next layer.
-       *    4) list of hits forms a cluster. 
-      **/
-      //  Here is the track list - either use cheater or rec tracks
-//      List<List<FoundTrack>> trackCollections = event.get(FoundTrack.class);
-//      List<Track> chptrks = event.getTracks(); 
-      //  First, this is for true tracks - MC charged final states
-      int ntrkswim = 0;
-      double[][] trbtheta = new double[200][_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      double[][] trbphi = new double[200][_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers];
-      double[] trbpE = new double[200];
-      double[] trbpp = new double[200];
-      double[] trbpct = new double[200];
-      double[] trbppt = new double[200];
-      List<MCParticle> mcps = event.getMCParticles();
-      for (MCParticle mcp : mcps)
-      {
-          //  must be final state particle
-          if (mcp.getGeneratorStatus() != mcp.FINAL_STATE) continue;
-//          if (mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == mcp.DOCUMENTATION || mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == 0) continue; 
-//          System.out.println("Generator Status " +mcp.getGeneratorStatus());
-          // must be charged particle
-          int iq = (int)mcp.getCharge();
-          if (iq == 0) continue;
-          Hep3Vector origin = mcp.getOrigin();
-          Hep3Vector momentum = mcp.getMomentum();
-          double chpE = mcp.getEnergy();
-          double chpmom = Math.sqrt(mcp.getPX()*mcp.getPX()+mcp.getPY()*mcp.getPY()+mcp.getPZ()*mcp.getPZ());
-          double chpct = mcp.getPZ()/chpmom;
-          double chppt = Math.sqrt(mcp.getPX()*mcp.getPX()+mcp.getPY()*mcp.getPY());
-          aida.cloud1D("All Ch Particle pT").fill(chppt);
-          //  cut on barrel for now - later add endcaps
-          if (Math.abs(chpct)<0.80)
-          {
-          aida.cloud1D("Ch Particle pT in Barrel").fill(chppt);
-          //  only check tracks that make it into CAL
-          //  0.9525 GeV to get to inner radius of ECAL, 0.975 GeV to get to shower max of ECAL, 1.04 GeV
-          //  to get to inner radius of HCAL, 1.75 GeV to get to outer radius of HCAL
-          if (chppt>0.9525)
-          {
-              aida.cloud1D("Ch Particle pT for swimming").fill(chppt);
-              //    swim through the EM Barrel calorimeter
-	      for(int i=0; i<_numbemlayers; ++i)
-              {
-                  _emBSwimmers[i].swim(momentum, origin, iq);
-                  double[] intersection = _emBSwimmers[i].getIntersect();
-		  double phi = Math.atan2(intersection[1],intersection[0]);
-		  if(phi<0) phi+=2*Math.PI;
-                  aida.cloud1D("Track Phi").fill(phi);
-		  double theta = Math.atan(_emBRadii[i]/intersection[2]);
-		  if(theta<0) theta+=Math.PI;
-                  aida.cloud1D("Track Theta").fill(theta);
-		  trbtheta[ntrkswim][i] = theta;
-		  trbphi[ntrkswim][i] = phi;
-              }
-              //  now swim through HAD Barrel Calorimeter
-	      for(int i=0; i<_numbhadlayers; ++i)
-              {
-                  _hadBSwimmers[i].swim(momentum, origin, iq);
-                  double[] intersection = _hadBSwimmers[i].getIntersect();
-		  double phi = Math.atan2(intersection[1],intersection[0]);
-		  if(phi<0) phi+=2*Math.PI;
-		  double theta = Math.atan(_hadBRadii[i]/intersection[2]);
-		  if(theta<0) theta+=Math.PI;
-		  trbtheta[ntrkswim][i+_numbemlayers] = theta;
-		  trbphi[ntrkswim][i+_numbemlayers] = phi;
-              }
-              trbpp[ntrkswim] = chpmom;
-              trbpE[ntrkswim] = chpE;
-              trbpct[ntrkswim] = chpct;
-              trbppt[ntrkswim] = chppt;
-              ntrkswim++;
-          }
-          } else if (Math.abs(chpct)>0.8 && Math.abs(chpct)<0.993)
-          {
-              // endcap tracks
-              aida.cloud1D("End Cap Track pT").fill(chppt);
-          } else
-          {
-              // beampipe tracks
-              aida.cloud1D("Beampipe Track pT").fill(chppt);
-          }
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Number of swum Tracks").fill(ntrkswim);
-      //  Now, can find interaction layer by comparing track position with
-      //  CAL hits - first loop over all barrel tracks
-      List<BasicCluster> embmipclusters = new ArrayList();
-      List<BasicCluster> hadbmipclusters = new ArrayList();
-      List<BasicCluster> calbmipclusters = new ArrayList();
-      List<Integer> itracks = new ArrayList();
-      //  map track to mip clusters
-      Map<Integer, BasicCluster> trmipclusmap = new HashMap<Integer, BasicCluster>();
-      Map<Integer, BasicCluster> tremipmap = new HashMap<Integer, BasicCluster>();
-      Map<Integer, BasicCluster> trhmipmap = new HashMap<Integer, BasicCluster>();
-      int[] IntLay = new int[200];
-      int[] nhitMipClus = new int[200];
-      long[][] hitidMipClus = new long[200][1000];
-      for (int i=0; i<ntrkswim; ++i)
-      {
-          itracks.add(i);
-          // map integer into cluster to link tracks and mips
-          Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> ebclhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-          Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> hbclhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-          BasicCluster ebmclus = new BasicCluster();
-          BasicCluster hbmclus = new BasicCluster();
-          BasicCluster bmipclus = new BasicCluster();
-          boolean nointeraction = true;
-          IntLay[i] = _numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers;     // set to maximum for each track to start
-          //  now, loop over all Barrel layers
-          for (int j=0; j<_numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers; ++j)
-          {
-              //  continue if no interaction yet, if already have interaction, skip
-              if (nointeraction)
-              {
-                  double prden = 0;
-                  int ntcmtch = 0;
-                  long[] layerids = new long[200];
-                  // loop over all hits in this layer
-                  for (int k=0; k<nhitbLayer[j]; ++k)
-                  {
-                      // here is some diagnostic stuff - only need for layer 0, some for first 5 layers
-                      if (j == 0)
-                      {
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - CAL cell theta").fill(celbtheta[k][j]);
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - CAL cell cos theta").fill(Math.cos(celbtheta[k][j]));
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - CAL cell phi").fill(celbphi[k][j]);
-                          aida.cloud2D("DIAG - CAL cell Theta vs Phi").fill(celbphi[k][j],celbtheta[k][j]);
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Track theta").fill(trbtheta[i][j]);
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Track cos theta").fill(Math.cos(trbtheta[i][j]));
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Track phi").fill(trbphi[i][j]);
-                          aida.cloud2D("DIAG - Track Theta vs Phi").fill(trbphi[i][j],trbtheta[i][j]);
-                      }
-                      if (j == 1) aida.cloud2D("DIAG - CAL cell Theta vs Phi 1").fill(celbphi[k][j],celbtheta[k][j]);
-                      if (j == 2) aida.cloud2D("DIAG - CAL cell Theta vs Phi 2").fill(celbphi[k][j],celbtheta[k][j]);
-                      if (j == 3) aida.cloud2D("DIAG - CAL cell Theta vs Phi 3").fill(celbphi[k][j],celbtheta[k][j]);
-                      if (j == 4) aida.cloud2D("DIAG - CAL cell Theta vs Phi 4").fill(celbphi[k][j],celbtheta[k][j]);
-                      //  get cell-track distances and test for matches
-                      double trcedmin = 0.0075;          // eventually make this an argument for the mip cluster code - make min .0075 for ECAL and 2*min for HCAL
-                      if (j >= _numbemlayers) trcedmin = 2*trcedmin;    
-                      double dtheta = Math.abs(celbtheta[k][j] - trbtheta[i][j]);
-                      double dphi = Math.abs(celbphi[k][j] - trbphi[i][j]);
-                      if (dphi > Math.PI) dphi = 2*Math.PI-dphi;
-                      dphi = Math.abs(dphi);
-                      aida.cloud1D("DIAG - delta theta track cell").fill(dtheta);
-                      aida.cloud1D("DIAG - delta phi track cell").fill(dphi);
-                      double trcedist = Math.sqrt(dtheta*dtheta+dphi*dphi);
-                      if (j == 0) aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Track-Cell Distance in Layer 0").fill(trcedist);
-                      if (j < 30) aida.cloud1D("DIAG - EM Track-Cell Distance").fill(trcedist);
-                      if (j > 29) aida.cloud1D("DIAG - HAD Track-Cell Distance").fill(trcedist);
-                      if (trcedist < 2*trcedmin) aida.cloud1D("Near Track-Cell Distance").fill(trcedist);
-                      if (trcedist < trcedmin)
-                      {
-                          if (j < _numbemlayers) aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Matched Track-Cell Distance EM").fill(trcedist);
-                          if (j >= _numbemlayers) aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Matched Track-Cell Distance HAD").fill(trcedist);
-                          prden += celbden[k][j];
-                          layerids[ntcmtch] = celbid[k][j];
-                          ntcmtch++;
-                      }
-                  }
-                  aida.cloud1D("Density Sum per layer").fill(prden);
-                  if (ntcmtch > 0) prden = prden/ntcmtch;
-                  //  should probably make this an argument - the density sum limit
-                  if (prden == 0 || prden > 2.5)
-                  {
-                      // have interaction - form mip cluster from hits in cluster hitmap
-                      nointeraction = false;
-                      IntLay[i] = j;
-                      aida.cloud1D("Cell Density Sum for interactions").fill(prden);
-//                      if (j == 0) aida.cloud1D("Cell Density for matches in layer 0").fill(prden);
-//                      if (j == 0 && prden == 0) aida.cloud1D("Track pT for matches in Layer 0").fill(trbppt[i]);
-//                      if (j == 0 && prden == 0) aida.cloud1D("Track theta for matches in Layer 0").fill(trbtheta[i][j]);
-                      if (j == 0) continue;    // if interaction in first layer, just get out
-                      if (j < _numbemlayers)
-                      {
-                          // only have EM cluster
-                          aida.cloud1D("DIAG - Nhits in EMClus hitmap for match").fill(ebclhitmap.size());
-                          if (ebclhitmap.size() > 0)
-                          {
-                              for (CalorimeterHit h : ebclhitmap.values())
-                              {
-                                  if (h == null) continue;
-                                  ebmclus.addHit(h);   //  add hit to EM B Mip cluster
-                                  bmipclus.addHit(h);  //  add hit to CAL B Mip Cluster
-                              }
-                          }
-                          embmipclusters.add(ebmclus);
-                          calbmipclusters.add(bmipclus);
-                      } else
-                      {
-                          // can have both EM and HAD clusters
-                          if (ebclhitmap.size() > 0)
-                          {
-                              for (CalorimeterHit eh : ebclhitmap.values())
-                              {
-                                  if (eh == null) continue;
-                                  ebmclus.addHit(eh);
-                                  bmipclus.addHit(eh);
-                              }
-                          }
-                          embmipclusters.add(ebmclus);
-                          if (j != _numbemlayers)   //  don't make hadmipcluster if interaction in first layer of HCAL
-                          {
-                              if (hbclhitmap.size() > 0)
-                              {
-                                  for (CalorimeterHit hh : hbclhitmap.values())
-                                  {
-                                      if (hh == null) continue;
-                                      hbmclus.addHit(hh);
-                                      bmipclus.addHit(hh);
-                                  }
-                              }
-                              hadbmipclusters.add(hbmclus);
-                          }
-                          calbmipclusters.add(bmipclus);                          
-                      }
-                      trmipclusmap.put(i, bmipclus);
-                      tremipmap.put(i,ebmclus);
-                      trhmipmap.put(i,hbmclus);
-                  } else
-                  {
-                      // add hits to temporary mip cluster, remove hits from hitmap
-                      aida.cloud1D("Cell Density for Noninteractions").fill(prden);
-                      for (int l=0; l<ntcmtch; ++l)
-                      {
-                          hitidMipClus[i][nhitMipClus[i]] = layerids[l];
-                          nhitMipClus[i]++;
-                          if (j < _numbemlayers) 
-                          {
-                              CalorimeterHit t = embhitmap.get(layerids[l]);
-                              ebclhitmap.put(layerids[l],t);
-                              embhitmap.remove(layerids[l]);
-                          }
-                          if (j >= _numbemlayers) 
-                          {
-                              CalorimeterHit t = hadbhitmap.get(layerids[l]);
-                              hbclhitmap.put(layerids[l],t);
-                              hadbhitmap.remove(layerids[l]);
-                          }
-                      }
-                  }
-                  if (j == 63 && nointeraction)
-                  {
-                      if (ebclhitmap.size() > 0)
-                      {
-                          for (CalorimeterHit eh : ebclhitmap.values())
-                          {
-                              ebmclus.addHit(eh);
-                              bmipclus.addHit(eh);
-                          }
-                      }
-                      embmipclusters.add(ebmclus);
-                      if (hbclhitmap.size() > 0)
-                      {
-                          for (CalorimeterHit hh : hbclhitmap.values())
-                          {
-                              hbmclus.addHit(hh);
-                              bmipclus.addHit(hh);
-                          }
-                      }
-                      hadbmipclusters.add(hbmclus);
-                      calbmipclusters.add(bmipclus);                          
-                      trmipclusmap.put(i,bmipclus);
-                      tremipmap.put(i,ebmclus);
-                      trhmipmap.put(i,hbmclus);
-                  }
-              }              
-          }
-      }
-      //  Name the mip clusters and add to event
-      if (embmipclusters.size() > 0) event.put("EBMipClusters",embmipclusters);
-      if (hadbmipclusters.size() > 0) event.put("HBMipClusters",hadbmipclusters);
-      if (calbmipclusters.size() > 0) event.put("CALBMipClusters",calbmipclusters);
-      //  Done with mip cluster finding
-      // some histograms
-      aida.cloud1D("Nhits in EMBhitmap after MipClus").fill(embhitmap.size());
-      aida.cloud1D("Nhits in HADBhitmap after MipClus").fill(hadbhitmap.size());
-      aida.cloud1D("Num EM B Mip Clusters").fill(embmipclusters.size());
-      aida.cloud1D("Num HAD B Mip Clusters").fill(hadbmipclusters.size());
-      aida.cloud1D("Num CAL B Mip Clusters").fill(calbmipclusters.size());
-      for (BasicCluster embmipcluster : embmipclusters)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("EM B Mip Cluster E").fill(embmipcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);
-          aida.cloud1D("EM B Mip Cluster NHits").fill(embmipcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-      }
-      for (BasicCluster hadbmipcluster : hadbmipclusters)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("HAD B Mip Cluster NHits").fill(hadbmipcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-      }
-      //  make a map linking hits to mip clusters
-      Map<CalorimeterHit, BasicCluster> calmiphitclus = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, BasicCluster>();
-      for (BasicCluster calbmipcluster : calbmipclusters)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("CAL B Mip Cluster NHits").fill(calbmipcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-          for (int i=0; i<calbmipcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(); ++i)
-          {
-              CalorimeterHit cmiph = calbmipcluster.getCalorimeterHits().get(i);
-              calmiphitclus.put(cmiph,calbmipcluster);
-          }
-      }
-      for (int i=0; i<ntrkswim; ++i)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("Number of mip hits per Track").fill(nhitMipClus[i]);
-          aida.cloud1D("CAL Interaction Layer per Track").fill(IntLay[i]);
-          aida.cloud2D("Number of mip hits vs Int Layer").fill(IntLay[i],nhitMipClus[i]);
-//          System.out.println("Track " +i+ " IL " +IntLay[i]+ " Energy " +trbpE[i]+ " Momentum " +trbpp[i]+ " Phi " +trbphi[i][0]);
-      }
-      //  End of Track-Mip section - break here eventually
-      //  Now, go on to Track-Shower matching using endpoint of matched Track-Mips
-      //  first, cluster remaining hits with nearest neighbor clusterer
-      //  e.g., 1,1,0,1 gives nn clusters in each layer with min hits of 1
-      //  first, make a copy of hitmaps to send to NN clusterer (deletes all hits)
-      Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> ebnnhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-      ebnnhitmap.putAll(embhitmap);
-      Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> hbnnhitmap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
-      hbnnhitmap.putAll(hadbhitmap);
-      int _dU = 2;
-      int _dV = 2;
-      int _dLayer = 2;
-      int _minNcells = 4;
-      // get EM clusters
-      List<Cluster> ebclusters = new ArrayList();
-      for(;;)
-      {
-         if (ebnnhitmap.isEmpty()) break;
-         Long k = ebnnhitmap.keySet().iterator().next();
-         CalorimeterHit emhit = ebnnhitmap.get(k);
-         // start a cluster, constructor will aggregate remaining hits unto itself
-         NearestNeighborCluster nnclus = new NearestNeighborCluster(embdecoder, ebnnhitmap, emhit, k, _dU, _dV, _dLayer);
-         if(nnclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()>_minNcells)
-         {
-            ebclusters.add(nnclus);
-         }
-      }
-//      String name = event.getMetaData(collection).getName();
-      if (ebclusters.size() > 0) event.put("EMBNNClusters",ebclusters);
-      for (Cluster ebcluster : ebclusters)
-      {
-          for (int i=0; i<ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(); ++i)
-          {
-              // remove cluster hits from EM B hitmap
-              CalorimeterHit ebh = ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().get(i);
-              long ebhid = ebh.getCellID();
-              embhitmap.remove(ebhid);
-          }
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Nhits in EMBhitmap after NN clustering").fill(embhitmap.size());
-      //might be able to ID photons with these clusters? - see below
-      _dU = 4;
-      _dV = 4;
-      _dLayer = 4;
-      _minNcells = 2;
-      // get had clusters
-      List<Cluster> hbclusters = new ArrayList();
-      for (;;)
-      {
-          if (hbnnhitmap.isEmpty()) break;
-          Long k = hbnnhitmap.keySet().iterator().next();
-          CalorimeterHit hadhit = hbnnhitmap.get(k);
-          NearestNeighborCluster nnclus = new NearestNeighborCluster(hadbdecoder, hbnnhitmap, hadhit, k, _dU, _dV, _dLayer);
-//          aida.cloud1D("Num of hits in had cluster").fill(nnclus.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-          if (nnclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()>_minNcells)
-          {
-              hbclusters.add(nnclus);
-//              aida.cloud1D("Num of hits in had cluster").fill(nnclus.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-          }
-      }
-      //  map hits in cluster to their cluster for combining later
-      Map<CalorimeterHit, Cluster> hbnnhitclus = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Cluster>();
-      for (Cluster hbcluster : hbclusters)
-      {
-          for (int i=0; i<hbcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(); ++i)
-          {
-              // remove cluster hits from HAD B hitmap
-              CalorimeterHit hbh = hbcluster.getCalorimeterHits().get(i);
-              long hbhid = hbh.getCellID();
-              hadbhitmap.remove(hbhid);
-              // fill cluster-hit map
-              hbnnhitclus.put(hbh,hbcluster);
-          }
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Nhits in HADBhitmap after NN clustering").fill(hadbhitmap.size());
-      aida.cloud1D("Num HAD B NNClusters").fill(hbclusters.size());
-      for (Cluster hbcluster : hbclusters)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("Num of hits in HAD B NNCluster").fill(hbcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-          aida.cloud1D("Vis Energy of HAD B NNCluster").fill(hbcluster.getEnergy());
-          aida.cloud2D("VisE Clus vs Nhits in HAD B NN Cluster").fill(hbcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(),hbcluster.getEnergy());
-      }
-      // PHOTON-Finder here (use this QAD one for now)
-      //  check these clusters and try to ID photons - look for track-cluster matches at shower max
-      //  require that EM cluster has hits at this layer.
-      aida.cloud1D("Num EM B NNClusters").fill(ebclusters.size());
-      List<Cluster> phoclusters = new ArrayList();
-      List<Cluster> ebshowclusters = new ArrayList();
-      for (Cluster ebcluster : ebclusters)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("Energy of EM B NNCluster").fill(ebcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);
-          aida.cloud1D("Nhits in EM B NNCluster").fill(ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size());
-          aida.cloud2D("E Clus vs Nhits in EM B NNCluster").fill(ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(),ebcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);
-          //  determine E-weighted position of each cluster
-          double ebhX=0; double ebhY=0; double ebhZ=0;
-          double ebclR=0; double ebclth=0; double ebclph=0;
-          for (int i=0; i<ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(); ++i)
-          {
-              CalorimeterHit ebhit = ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().get(i);
-              double[] ebhpos = ebhit.getPosition();
-              ebhX += ebhpos[0]*ebhit.getRawEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-              ebhY += ebhpos[1]*ebhit.getRawEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-              ebhZ += ebhpos[2]*ebhit.getRawEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-          }
-          ebhX = ebhX/(ebcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);
-          ebhY = ebhY/(ebcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);
-          ebhZ = ebhZ/(ebcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB);
-          ebclR = Math.sqrt(ebhX*ebhX+ebhY*ebhY);
-          aida.cloud1D("R Pos of EM B NNCluster").fill(ebclR/1000);
-          aida.cloud1D("Z Pos of EM B NNCluster").fill(ebhZ/1000);
-          aida.cloud2D("R vs Z of EM B NNCluster").fill(ebhZ/1000,ebclR/1000);
-          ebclth = Math.atan(ebclR/ebhZ);
-          if(ebclth<0) ebclth+=Math.PI;
-          ebclph = Math.atan2(ebhY,ebhX);
-	  if(ebclph<0) ebclph+=2*Math.PI;
-          aida.cloud1D("EM B NNCluster Theta").fill(ebclth);
-          aida.cloud1D("EM B NNCluster Phi").fill(ebclph);
-          aida.cloud2D("EM B NNCluster Theta vs Phi").fill(ebclth,ebclph);
-          //  Now, check Track-NNCluster distance for match at track swim layer 8 (shower max?)
-          double trcldelth=0;  double trcldelph=0;  double trcldist=0;
-          int ntrclmtch=0;
-          for (int i=0; i<ntrkswim; ++i)
-          {
-              trcldelth = Math.abs(ebclth-trbtheta[i][7]);
-              aida.cloud1D("Cluster-Track theta diff").fill(trcldelth);
-              trcldelph = Math.abs(ebclph-trbphi[i][7]);
-              if (trcldelph > Math.PI) trcldelph = 2*Math.PI-trcldelph;
-              aida.cloud1D("Cluster-Track phi diff").fill(trcldelph);
-              trcldist = Math.sqrt(trcldelth*trcldelth+trcldelph*trcldelph);
-              aida.cloud1D("Track-Cluster Distance").fill(trcldist);
-              if (trcldist<0.1) ntrclmtch++;
-          }
-          if (ntrclmtch == 0 && ebclR/1000 < 1.32 && ebcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size() > 4)
-          {
-              phoclusters.add(ebcluster);
-          } else
-          {
-              ebshowclusters.add(ebcluster);
-          }
-      }
-      if (phoclusters.size() > 0) event.put("PhoBClusters",phoclusters);
-      double PhoClusE = 0;
-      aida.cloud1D("Num Photon B Clusters").fill(phoclusters.size());
-      for (Cluster phocluster : phoclusters)
-      {
-          PhoClusE += phocluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("Photon Cluster E").fill(PhoClusE);
-      //  make a map linking hits to EBShower clusters
-      Map<CalorimeterHit, Cluster> ebshowhitclus = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Cluster>();
-      for (Cluster ebshowcluster : ebshowclusters)
-      {
-          for (int i=0; i<ebshowcluster.getCalorimeterHits().size(); ++i)
-          {
-              // get CAL hits and put in map
-              CalorimeterHit ebsh = ebshowcluster.getCalorimeterHits().get(i);
-              ebshowhitclus.put(ebsh,ebshowcluster);
-          }          
-      }
-      //  Now that mips and photons are found, try to link Mip clusters, EBShower Clusters and HADBNN
-      //  clusters with tracks to form the complete charged hadron shower.
-      //  Start with the tracks
-      List<BasicCluster> trkcalclusters = new ArrayList();
-      List<BasicCluster> neucalclusters = new ArrayList();
-      Map<Integer, BasicCluster> trcaclusmap = new HashMap<Integer, BasicCluster>();
-      Map<Integer, Cluster> treshmap = new HashMap<Integer, Cluster>();
-      Map<Integer, Cluster> trhshmap = new HashMap<Integer, Cluster>();
-//      for (int i=0; i<ntrkswim; ++i)
-//      System.out.println("Number of Tracks in List = " + itracks.size());
-      for (Integer i : itracks)
-      {
-          BasicCluster tcclus = new BasicCluster();
-          double trmipE = 0;
-          double treshE = 0;
-          double trhshE = 0;
-          double trtotE = 0;
-          int niter = 1;
-//          aida.cloud1D("Track Momentum").fill(trbpp[i]);
-          //  first, check for track-cell match with a mip cluster at last mip layer (IntLay[i]-1)
-//          System.out.println("IL = " + IntLay[i]);
-          if (IntLay[i] == _numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers)
-          {
-              //  don't do anything - all mips - no E/P test
-              tcclus.addCluster(trmipclusmap.get(i));
-          } else if (IntLay[i] < _numbemlayers+_numbhadlayers)
-          {
-              if (IntLay[i] > 0)
-              {
-                  tcclus.addCluster(trmipclusmap.get(i));
-                  double emmipE = tremipmap.get(i).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-                  double hmipE = trhmipmap.get(i).getCalorimeterHits().size()/_sfHB;
-                  trmipE += emmipE+hmipE;
-                  aida.cloud1D("Mip E per Track").fill(trmipE);
-                  aida.cloud1D("Track E over P after adding mips").fill(trmipE/trbpp[i]);
-              }
-              do {
-              for (Iterator<Cluster> ieclus = ebshowclusters.iterator(); ieclus.hasNext();)
-              {
-                  Cluster eclus =;
-                  List<CalorimeterHit> ebshowhits = eclus.getCalorimeterHits();
-                  int ntsh=0;
-                  double tsd=99;
-                  for (CalorimeterHit ebshowhit : ebshowhits)
-                  {
-                      // compare hit-track distance
-                      double[] shhpos = ebshowhit.getPosition();
-                      double shR = Math.sqrt(shhpos[0]*shhpos[0]+shhpos[1]*shhpos[1]);
-                      double shhth = Math.atan(shR/shhpos[2]);
-                      if(shhth<0) shhth+=Math.PI;
-                      double shhph = Math.atan2(shhpos[1],shhpos[0]);
-	              if(shhph<0) shhph+=2*Math.PI;
-                      double tsdelth = Math.abs(shhth-trbtheta[i][IntLay[i]]);
-                      double tsdelph = Math.abs(shhph-trbphi[i][IntLay[i]]);
-                      if (tsdelph > Math.PI) tsdelph = 2*Math.PI-tsdelph;
-                      tsd = Math.sqrt(tsdelth*tsdelth+tsdelph*tsdelph);
-                      if (tsd < 0.1) aida.cloud1D("Track-Cell Distance in Track EM Shower Cluster").fill(tsd);
-                      if (tsd<niter*0.01) ntsh++;
-                  }
-                  aida.cloud1D("Number of cell matches per EM shower").fill(ntsh);
-                  if (ntsh > 0) 
-                  {
-                      tcclus.addCluster(eclus);
-                      treshE += eclus.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-                      aida.cloud1D("Track E over P after adding EM shower").fill((trmipE+treshE)/trbpp[i]);
-                      treshmap.put(i, eclus);
-                      ieclus.remove();
-                  }
-              }
-              for (Iterator<Cluster> ihclus = hbclusters.iterator(); ihclus.hasNext();)
-              {
-                  Cluster hclus =;
-                  List<CalorimeterHit> hbhits = hclus.getCalorimeterHits();
-                  int nthsh=0;
-                  double thsd=99;
-                  for (CalorimeterHit hbhit : hbhits)
-                  {
-                      // compare hit-track distance
-                      double[] hhpos = hbhit.getPosition();
-                      double hR = Math.sqrt(hhpos[0]*hhpos[0]+hhpos[1]*hhpos[1]);
-                      double hhth = Math.atan(hR/hhpos[2]);
-                      if(hhth<0) hhth+=Math.PI;
-                      double hhph = Math.atan2(hhpos[1],hhpos[0]);
-	              if(hhph<0) hhph+=2*Math.PI;
-                      double thdelth = Math.abs(hhth-trbtheta[i][_numbemlayers+5]);
-                      double thdelph = Math.abs(hhph-trbphi[i][_numbemlayers+5]);
-                      if (thdelph > Math.PI) thdelph = 2*Math.PI-thdelph;
-                      thsd = Math.sqrt(thdelth*thdelth+thdelph*thdelph);
-                      if (thsd < 0.1) aida.cloud1D("Track-shower Distance in Track HAD Shower Cluster").fill(thsd);
-                      if (thsd<niter*0.025) nthsh++;
-                  }
-                  aida.cloud1D("Number of cell matches per HAD shower").fill(nthsh);
-                  if (nthsh > 0) 
-                  {
-                      tcclus.addCluster(hclus);
-                      trhshE += hclus.getCalorimeterHits().size()*_neupi/_sfHB;
-//                      System.out.println("Added " + hclus.getCalorimeterHits().size() + " hits to track match");
-                      aida.cloud1D("Track E over P after adding HAD shower").fill((trmipE+treshE+trhshE)/trbpp[i]);
-                      trhshmap.put(i, hclus);
-                      ihclus.remove();
-                  }
-              }
-//              System.out.println(" Iteration number = " + niter);              
-//              System.out.println("E over P ratio = " + (trmipE+treshE+trhshE)/trbpp[i]);
-              if (niter == 4) break;
-              niter++;
-              } while ((trmipE+treshE+trhshE)/trbpp[i] < 0.95);
-          }
-          trtotE += trmipE+treshE+trhshE;
-          if (trtotE > 0) aida.cloud1D("Track E over P").fill(trtotE/trbpp[i]);
-          trkcalclusters.add(tcclus);
-          trcaclusmap.put(i, tcclus);
-      }
-      if (trkcalclusters.size() > 0) event.put("TrClMatClusters",trkcalclusters);
-//      aida.cloud1D("Number of Track/CAL Matches").fill(trkcalclusters.size());
-      //  if there are any EM shhower clusters left, put to event
-      if (ebshowclusters.size() > 0) event.put("EBShowClusters",ebshowclusters);
-      double EMShowClusE = 0;
-      aida.cloud1D("Num EM B Shower Clusters").fill(ebshowclusters.size());
-      for (Cluster ebshowcluster : ebshowclusters)
-      {
-          EMShowClusE += ebshowcluster.getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-      }
-      aida.cloud1D("EM Shower Cluster E").fill(EMShowClusE);
-      if (hbclusters.size() > 0) event.put("HADBNNClusters",hbclusters);
-      //  Compare E of Clusters to P of Track - this doesn't work - must only
-      //  be able to map one cluster to one track
-//      for (Integer itrack : itracks)
-//      {
-//          double EMmipE = 0;  double HmipE = 0;  double EMshowE = 0;  double HshowE = 0;
-//          if (trcaclusmap.get(itrack) != null)
-//          {
-//          if (tremipmap.get(itrack) != null) EMmipE = tremipmap.get(itrack).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-//          if (trhmipmap.get(itrack) != null) HmipE = trhmipmap.get(itrack).getCalorimeterHits().size()/(_sfHB*1.15);
-//          if (treshmap.get(itrack) != null) EMshowE = treshmap.get(itrack).getEnergy()/_sfEMB;
-//          if (trhshmap.get(itrack) != null) HshowE = trhshmap.get(itrack).getCalorimeterHits().size()/(_sfHB*1.15);
-//          aida.cloud1D("EM mip E per track").fill(EMmipE);
-//          aida.cloud1D("HAD mip E per track").fill(HmipE);
-//          aida.cloud1D("Total CAL mip E per track").fill(EMmipE+HmipE);
-//          aida.cloud1D("EM shower E per track").fill(EMshowE);
-//          aida.cloud1D("HAD shower E per track").fill(HshowE);
-//          aida.cloud1D("Total CAL shower E per track").fill(EMshowE+HshowE);
-//          aida.cloud1D("Total CAL E per track").fill(EMshowE+HshowE+EMmipE+HmipE);
-//          double trcalE = EMmipE+HmipE+EMshowE+HshowE;
-//          double trcalP = trbpp[itrack];
-//          if (trcalE/trcalP > 0) aida.cloud1D("E over P of TrackCAL match").fill(trcalE/trcalP);
-//          }
-//      }   
-      //  get some MC info to compare
-      int npho=0;  int nneu=0;  int nchar=0;
-      double phoE = 0;  double neuE = 0;  double charE = 0;
-      List<MCParticle> mcobs = event.getMCParticles();
-      for (MCParticle mcob : mcobs)
-      {
-          //  must be final state particle
-          if (mcob.getGeneratorStatus() != mcob.FINAL_STATE) continue;
-//          if (mcob.getGeneratorStatus() == mcob.DOCUMENTATION || mcob.getGeneratorStatus() == 0) continue; 
-//          System.out.println("Generator Status " +mcob.getGeneratorStatus());
-          // must be charged particle
-          int iqob = (int)mcob.getCharge();
-          double mcppx = mcob.getPX();
-          double mcppy = mcob.getPY();
-          double mcppz = mcob.getPZ();
-          double mcpE = mcob.getEnergy();
-          double mckE = mcob.getEnergy()-mcob.getMass();
-          double mcpmt = Math.sqrt(mcppx*mcppx+mcppy*mcppy+mcppz*mcppz);
-          double mcpct = mcppz/mcpmt;
-          double mcppt = Math.sqrt(mcppx*mcppx+mcppy*mcppy);
-          if (Math.abs(mcpct)>0.8) continue;
-          if (iqob == 0)
-          {
-              int pid = Math.abs(mcob.getType().getPDGID());
-              // if photon, count up number, E
-              if (pid == 22)
-              {
-                  npho++;
-                  phoE += mcpE;
-              }
-              // if neutron or Klong, count up
-              if (pid == 2112 | pid==130 || pid==310 || pid==311)
-              {
-                  nneu++;
-                  neuE += mcpE;
-                  aida.cloud1D("Neutral E Distribution").fill(mcpE);
-                  if (nhitsEMB < 1) aida.cloud2D("Neutral E vs NhadHits").fill(mckE,nhitsHADB);
-              }
-          } else
-          {
-              // its charged
-              if (mcppt > 0.9525)
-              {
-                  nchar++;
-                  charE += mcpE;
-              }
-          }
-      }
-      if (neuE+charE+phoE > 75)
-      {
-          aida.cloud1D("Num MC Photons").fill(npho);
-          aida.cloud1D("True Photon E").fill(phoE);
-          aida.cloud1D("True Photon E - Photon Cluster E").fill(phoE-PhoClusE);
-          aida.cloud1D("Num True Photons - Photon Clusters").fill(npho-phoclusters.size());
-          aida.cloud1D("Num Neutrals").fill(nneu);
-          aida.cloud1D("Neutral E Sum").fill(neuE);
-          if (nhitsEMB < 1 && nhitsHADB > 0)
-          {
-              aida.cloud1D("NHits HAD B over Neutral ESum").fill(nhitsHADB/(Math.sqrt(neuE*neuE-0.940*0.940)));
-              aida.cloud2D("NHits HAD B vs Neutral ESum").fill(Math.sqrt(neuE*neuE-0.940*0.940),nhitsHADB);
-              aida.cloud1D("NHits HAD B over Vis ESum").fill(nhitsHADB/HADBESum);
-              aida.cloud2D("NHits HAD B vs Vis ESum").fill(HADBESum,nhitsHADB);
-              aida.cloud1D("Kinetic ESum of neutrals").fill(Math.sqrt(neuE*neuE-0.940*0.940));
-          }
-          aida.cloud1D("Total Charged, Neutral and Photon ESum").fill(neuE+charE+phoE);
-          aida.cloud1D("Total Barrrel ESum wcuts").fill(EMBESum/_sfEMB+nhitsHADB/_sfHB);
-          aida.cloud1D("Num Swum MC Charged Particles").fill(itracks.size());
-          aida.cloud1D("Charged Particle E Sum").fill(charE);
-          aida.cloud2D("Num MC Photons vs Num Photon Clusters").fill(npho,phoclusters.size());
-          aida.cloud2D("Num Swum MC Charged Particles vs Num Trk Cal Clusters").fill(itracks.size(),trkcalclusters.size());
-      }
-   //  end of everything in event   
-   }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/compile/SteveMagill removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	23 Jul 2005 01:49:56 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.*;
-import hep.physics.vec.*;
- *
- *  Given a particle of initial momentum, position and
- *  charge (p, r0, and iq), calculates its trajectory in a 
- *  uniform magnetic field in the z-direction and determines 
- *  its point of intersection (r_hit) with a cylinder centered at 
- *  the origin with axis parallel to the z-axis and with ends.
- *  Trajectories are parameterized as fn of path length, s.
- *  There are no approximations made.
- *
- *  Units are Tesla, mm, GeV/c
- * @author Ray Frey - Javaized by Tony Johnson
- *  modified by S Magill for org.lcsim
- *     changed from cm to mm (LCIO units)
- *     added swimmer for endcap geometry
- */
-public class Helix
-	/**
-	 * Create a Helix swimmer for symmetric (around z=0) Barrel
-	 * @param B field strength; uniform, solenoidal, directed along z-axis
-	 * @param r_cyl radius of cylinder
-	 * @param z_cyl z-coordinate at end of cylinder (assumes symmetric placement at +/- z )
-	 */
-	public Helix(double B, double r_cyl, double z_cyl)
-	{
-		this.B = B;
-		this.r_cyl = r_cyl/1000;
-		this.z_cyl = z_cyl/1000;
-	}
- 	/**
-	 * Create a Helix swimmer for EndCaps (at fixed +/-z and symmetric around r=0)
-	 * @param B field strength; uniform, solenoidal, directed along z-axis
-	 * @param r_min min radius of plane
-         * @param r_max max radius of plane
-	 * @param z_pl z-coordinate of planes (assumes symmetric placement zround r=0)
-	 */
-	public Helix(double B, double r_min, double r_max, double z_pl)
-	{
-		this.B = B;
-		this.r_min = r_min/1000;
-                this.r_max = r_max/1000;
-		this.z_pl = z_pl/1000;
-	}       
-	/**
-	 * @return position at point of intersection (x,y,z)
-	 */
-	public double[] getIntersect()
-	{
-		return r_hit;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return cyl/plane which is first hit
-	 */
-	public int getPlane()
-	{
-		return i_hit;
-	}
-	public double[] getCenter()
-	{
-		double[] result = { xc*1000, yc*1000 };
-		return result;
-	}
-	public double getRadius()
-	{
-		return R*1000;
-	}
-	public final static int PROBLEM = 0;
-	public final static int PLANE_R = 1;
-	public final static int PLANE_PLUSZ = 2;
-	public final static int PLANE_MINUSZ = 3;
-        public final static int PLANE_Z = 4;
-        public final static int PLANE_RMIN = 5;
-        public final static int PLANE_RMAX = 6;
-	/**
-	 * @param p 3-momentum (px,py,pz)
-	 * @param r0_in initial position (x0,y0,z0)
-	 * @param iq charge iq = q/|e| = +/- 1
-	 * @param isFlipped curvature flipping option
-	 * @see   #setCurvatureFlip
-	 */
-	public void swim(Hep3Vector p , Hep3Vector r0_in, int iq, 
-			 boolean isFlipped)
-	{
-	    setCurvatureFlip(isFlipped);
-	    swim(p, r0_in, iq);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param p 3-momentum (px,py,pz)
-	 * @param r0_in initial position (x0,y0,z0)
-	 * @param iq charge iq = q/|e| = +/- 1
-	 */
-	public void swim(Hep3Vector p , Hep3Vector r0_in, int iq)
-	{
-      double pt, s, q, pmom, 
-             sin_lambda, cos_lambda, sin_phi0, cos_phi0, 
-             temp, szhit, srhit, sin_lam_min;
-      double Rc, phic, phi0, Rq, darg, diff, tdiff;
-      int i;
-	  i_hit = PROBLEM;
-	  Hep3Vector r0 = new BasicHep3Vector(r0_in.x()/1000., r0_in.y()/1000., r0_in.z()/1000.);
-//	  r0[0] = r0_in[0]/1000;
-//	  r0[1] = r0_in[1]/1000;
-//	  r0[2] = r0_in[2]/1000;
-//     calculate useful quantities: lambda is dip angle (w/rt x-y plane;
-//     phi0 is initial azimuthal angle in x-y plane w/rt x-axis;
-//     R is radius of circle in x-y plane; 
-//     Rc**2=xc**2 + yc**2 is distance to center of circle in x-y plane
-      temp = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y();
-      pt   = Math.sqrt(temp);
-      pmom = Math.sqrt(temp + p.z()*p.z());
-      sin_lambda = p.z()/pmom;
-      cos_lambda = pt/pmom;
-      cos_phi0   = p.x()/pt;
-      sin_phi0   = p.y()/pt;
-      phi0       = Math.atan2(p.y(),p.x());
-//     First, check intercept with planes at z=+/- z_cyl
-//     Eqn of motion z(s)=z0 + s*sin(lambda)
-//     Check +z_cyl plane:
-      szhit = sbig;
-      sin_lam_min = z_cyl/sbig;
-      if (sin_lambda > sin_lam_min)
-	  {
-        i_hit = PLANE_PLUSZ;
-        szhit = ( z_cyl - r0.z() )/sin_lambda;
-	  }
-//     likewise check -z_cyl plane  
-      else if (sin_lambda < -sin_lam_min)
-	  {
-        i_hit = PLANE_MINUSZ;
-        szhit = (-z_cyl - r0.z() )/sin_lambda;
-      }
-//     Now check intercept of x-y plane path with cylinder
-//     First, check that pt is finite
-      if (pt < pt_tiny)
-	  {
-        r_hit[0] = 0.;
-        r_hit[1] = 0.;
-        r_hit[2] = 1000*(r0.z() + szhit*sin_lambda);
-        return;
-      }
-//     calculate center of circle and circle radius=R
-      q  = -iq*m_flip;  // this should allow for full flipping
-      R  = pt/(0.3*B);
-      Rq = R/q;
-      xc = r0.x() + (Rq)*sin_phi0;
-      yc = r0.y() - (Rq)*cos_phi0;
-      Rc = Math.sqrt( xc*xc + yc*yc );
-      phic = Math.atan2(yc,xc);
-//     now calculate path length at intersection point
-      darg  = r_cyl*r_cyl/(2.*Rq*Rc) - Rc/(2.*Rq) - Rq/(2.*Rc);
-      if (Math.abs(darg) > 1.0) 
-	  {
-        srhit = sbig;
-	  }
-      else
-	  {
-        diff  = Math.asin(darg) + phi0 - phic;
-        tdiff = Math.tan(diff);
-        srhit = (Rq/cos_lambda)*Math.atan(tdiff);
-      }
-//     Determine if cyl or z-plane hit first (smaller path length)
-      if (Math.abs(srhit) <= szhit)
-	  {
-	      s = srhit;
-	      i_hit = PLANE_R;
-	  }
-      else
-	  {
-	      s = szhit;
-	  }
-      //
-      //     Calculate position at this intercept point
-      //
-      darg = s*cos_lambda/Rq - phi0;
-      r_hit[0] = 1000*(xc + Rq*Math.sin( darg ));
-      r_hit[1] = 1000*(yc + Rq*Math.cos( darg ));
-      r_hit[2] = 1000*(r0.x() + s*sin_lambda);
-	}
-    /**
-     * Flag for flipped curvature.  <br>
-     * This enables us to compare this Helix with GISMO hits 
-     * for example.
-     * @param isFlipped true if curvatures should be flipped
-     * (default: with flipping)
-     * @see #isFlipped
-     */
-    public void setCurvatureFlip(boolean isFlipped)
-    {
-	m_flip = isFlipped ? -1 : 1; 
-    }
-    /**
-     * Status of curvature flipping
-     * @return true if curvature flipping option is on
-     * @see    #setCurvatureFlip
-     */
-    public boolean isFlipped()
-    {
-	return (m_flip < 0);
-    }
-    //
-    //
-    //
-    private double B;
-    private double r_cyl;
-    private double z_cyl;
-    private double r_min;
-    private double r_max;
-    private double z_pl;
-    private double xc, yc;
-    private double R;
-    // for curvature flipping
-    private int      m_flip = 1;  // is NOT flipped.
-    private static final double  sbig = 99999.;
-	private static final double  pt_tiny = 0.010;
-	private double[] r_hit = new double[3];
-    private int i_hit;

README removed after 1.1
diff -N README
--- README	23 Jul 2005 01:41:18 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Sandbox for Steve Magill's code.
CVSspam 0.2.8