

Hi all,
looking inside VVF it seems to me that when we perform mes fits, the 
yields that are extracted from the fit are relative to the all mes range 
(ie. the lower mes limit is 5.22 GeV not 5.27 GeV), even though when we 
build the extended pdfs there is the selection of the reduced range.

In fact, inside vubMesUnb():

  RooExtendPdf* ae = new RooExtendPdf("ae","ae", *a, *nbkg, "mesint");
  RooExtendPdf* ge = new RooExtendPdf("ge","ge", *g, *nsig, "mesint");

where mesint should select the range mes > 5.27

This can be seen by comparing the yields that we read on the mes fit 
plots, (whole mes range) with the output that sighistounb() dumps in the 
output text file (where we should have the yields of the reduced range, 
I suppose).

Is this the way that is intended to work?
