

Hi all, 
yesterday I mentioned that the fraction of peaking background in our
samples does not change dramaticallyly between SL cuts and allcuts. This
is actually true in the model where we use Argus+Thorsten PDFs, whereas
it is not in the case Argus+Crystal Ball (as already observed by
Kerstin). As already mentioned, the fraction are different for charged
and neutral B. The fractions for the entire Run1-Run5 sample are: 

Argus+Thorsten PDFs
SL cuts, charged B: 0.913600 +- 0.002899
allcuts, charged B: 0.932584 +- 0.005400

SL cuts, neutral B: 0.824303 +- 0.003025
allcuts, neutral B: 0.836314 +- 0.009217

Argus+Crystal Ball PDFs
SL cuts, charged B: 0.931070 +- 0.007239
allcuts, charged B: 0.994086 +- 0.009861

SL cuts, neutral B: 0.763790 +- 0.010458
allcuts, neutral B: 0.845678 +- 0.025845

Cheers, Concezio.