

Just a reminder that there is no SLAC ATLAS forum today due to the ATLAS physics retreat. The retreat session is moving to the ROB redwood A/B room today (Wed Mar/7) at ~11am. 

During the lunch hour today, the physics retreat program will carry the ATLAS physics analysis model discussion on the various practical approaches for analysis software. ATLAS physics analysis model coordinator Amir Farbin will give an intriduction talk during the session as a seed for discussion. Amir's talk starts 12:30pm so that everyone is encouraged to bring lunch to the ROB A/B room, or having an earlier lunch.  

This evening is the informal retreat dinner for those who are around and interested. For those interested, please give me a short reply to get a head count (also make sure to look for everyone who is attending before we go) and any suggestions as to where to go are highly welcome. We will decide where to go this afternoon.  

Tomorrow (Thur) the retreat is moving to the Kavli building. 

Su Dong