


we have discovered a bug in VVF (you can consider to fix your personal 
version of VVF before next official tag):

the number of vub events with SemiLeptonic cut inside signal box 
(mx<1.55) computed with "datavubin" dataset and "pstarsample" dataset 
should be the same but in fact is not.

This is because the "datavubin" dataset is filled with vub events with 
additional request of mxhadgen < MXBIN, while the cut lepVubSB, that we 
use on pstarsample, selects vub events with semileptonic cut and with 
mxhadgenwoph < MXBIN.

So when we cut datavubin with "lepYes && chop < CHOPBIN" and
pstarsample with "lepVubSB" we don't have the same number of events.

In the next tag we should cut on mxhadgenwoph instead of mxhadgen also 
in datavubin dataset.

  Antonio & Concezio.