Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SteveMagill on MAIN
WSc000225.steer+148added 1.1

WSc000225.steer added at 1.1
diff -N WSc000225.steer
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ WSc000225.steer	23 Apr 2007 20:10:27 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#  Example DigiSim steering file for Marlin
+.begin Global  ---------------------------------------
+# specify one ore more input files (in one ore more lines)
+LCIOInputFiles inputfile
+#LCIOInputFiles ../simjob.slcio ../simjob.slcio
+# the active processors that are called in the given order
+ActiveProcessors CalHitMapProcessor
+ActiveProcessors EcalBarrDigitizer
+ActiveProcessors EcalEndcapDigitizer
+ActiveProcessors HcalBarrDigitizer
+ActiveProcessors HcalEndcapDigitizer
+ActiveProcessors OutputProcessor
+# limit the number of processed records (run+evt):
+MaxRecordNumber 501
+.end Global  -----------------------------------------------
+#define the processor parameters after '.begin ProcessorName' :
+# the default output processor
+.begin OutputProcessor
+# mandatory processor type (the name of the class)
+ProcessorType LCIOOutputProcessor
+# the outputfile
+LCIOOutputFile marlin.slcio
+# lcio write mode, new overwrites existing files
+# append appends to existing files
+# if nothing specified create new file only if it doesn't exist
+.end -------------------------------------------------
+# Utility processor.  It fills hit maps for use by other processors,
+#  so they don't need to fill the same maps themselves
+.begin CalHitMapProcessor
+ProcessorType CalHitMapProcessor
+.end -------------------------------------------------
+# Cal digitizer processor.  Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit
+#  "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process.
+.begin EcalBarrDigitizer
+ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor
+InputCollection        EcalBarrHits
+OutputCollection       EcalBarrRawHits
+Raw2SimLinksCollection EcalBarrRaw2sim
+ModifierNames   EMBEnergyCut EMBTimeCut EMBEneDigi EMBTimeDigi
+# modifierName     Type                 Parameters (floats)
+# MIP is 92 keV, MIP/4 cut at 23e-6 GeV
+EMBEnergyCut       GainDiscrimination           1       0    23e-6    0
+EMBTimeCut         TimeDiscrimination          10       0
+# Digitization: multiply by large numbers to minimize round-off errors
+EMBEneDigi         SmearedGain          100000000       0
+EMBTimeDigi        SmearedTiming          1000000       0
+.end -------------------------------------------------
+# Cal digitizer processor.  Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit
+#  "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process.
+.begin EcalEndcapDigitizer
+ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor
+InputCollection  EcalEndcapHits
+OutputCollection EcalEndcapRawHits
+Raw2SimLinksCollection EcalEndcapRaw2sim
+ModifierNames  EMECEnergyCut EMECTimeCut EMECEneDigi EMECTimeDigi
+# modifierName     Type                 Parameters (floats)
+# MIP is 92 keV, MIP/4 cut at 23e-6 GeV
+EMECEnergyCut      GainDiscrimination           1       0     23e-6      0
+EMECTimeCut        TimeDiscrimination          10       0
+# Digitization: multiply by large numbers to minimize round-off errors
+EMECEneDigi        SmearedGain          100000000       0
+EMECTimeDigi       SmearedTiming          1000000       0
+.end -------------------------------------------------
+# Cal digitizer processor.  Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit
+#  "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process.
+.begin HcalBarrDigitizer
+ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor
+InputCollection        HcalBarrHits
+OutputCollection       HcalBarrRawHits
+Raw2SimLinksCollection HcalBarrRaw2sim
+ModifierNames    HBEnergyCut HBTimeCut HBEneDigi HBTimeDigi
+# modifierName     Type                 Parameters (floats)
+# MIP is 820 keV, MIP/4 cut at 205e-6 GeV
+HBEnergyCut       GainDiscrimination           1       0    225e-6   0
+HBTimeCut         TimeDiscrimination          75       0
+HBEneDigi         SmearedGain          100000000       0
+HBTimeDigi        SmearedTiming          1000000       0
+.end -------------------------------------------------
+# Cal digitizer processor.  Instantiates one or more calorimeter hit
+#  "modifiers", which together represent the full digitization process.
+.begin HcalEndcapDigitizer
+ProcessorType DigiSimProcessor
+InputCollection        HcalEndcapHits
+OutputCollection       HcalEndcapRawHits
+Raw2SimLinksCollection HcalEndcapRaw2sim
+ModifierNames   HECEnergyCut HECTimeCut HECEneDigi HECTimeDigi
+# modifierName     Type                 Parameters (floats)
+# MIP is 820 keV, MIP/4 cut at 205e-6 GeV
+HECEnergyCut       GainDiscrimination           1       0    225e-6   0
+HECTimeCut         TimeDiscrimination          75       0
+# Digitization: multiply by large numbers to minimize round-off errors
+HECEneDigi         SmearedGain          100000000       0
+HECTimeDigi        SmearedTiming          1000000       0
+.end -------------------------------------------------
CVSspam 0.2.8