

On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Young, Charles C. wrote:

>Hi Renata,
>Thanks! I have a stupid question of what is AFS and what is NFS in this context. Our work space is
>	/afs/slac/g/atlas/work/<something>
>Where <something> can take you to one of several NFS servers, e.g.
>lrwxr-xr-x    1 YANGW    root           27 Oct 18  2006 a -> /nfs/sulky51/atlaswork.u1/a/
>lrwlrwxr-xr-x    1 gowdy    root           25 Feb 13  2006 n -> /nfs/surrey14/atlas
>work/n/xr-xr-x    1 gowdy    root           25 Feb 13  2006 c -> /nfs/surrey13/atlaswork/c/
>Is it a worry if my batch job writes directly to one of these areas (rather than to local disk and copy at end of job)? Cheers.

Hi Charlie, yes the same concerns apply to writing to nfs space.  We
recommend writing to local disk during the job and copying back to
either afs or nfs at the end, and of course cleaning up the local disk.

I am including Neal on this exchange since he is our batch person and
may want to be part of these discussions.
