

Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector on MAIN -> 1.9
Tearing out old SiTrackerBarrel

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector 1.8 -> 1.9
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
---	9 Apr 2007 23:19:52 -0000	1.8
+++	19 Apr 2007 23:06:13 -0000	1.9
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 import org.lcsim.geometry.layer.LayerSlice;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.layer.LayerStack;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.layer.Layering;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.Box;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.Component;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerBarrelLayer;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerModule;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.Solid;
+//import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.Box;
+//import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.Component;
+//import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerBarrelLayer;
+//import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerModule;
+//import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.tracker.silicon.Solid;
 import org.lcsim.material.Material;
 import org.lcsim.material.MaterialManager;
 import org.lcsim.material.MaterialNotFoundException;
@@ -38,228 +38,228 @@
 public class SiTrackerBarrel extends AbstractTracker
-	// Fields
-	//=======
-	Map<String, SiTrackerModule> _modules = new HashMap<String, SiTrackerModule>();
-	List<SiTrackerBarrelLayer> _layers = new ArrayList<SiTrackerBarrelLayer>();
+//	// Fields
+//	//=======
+//	Map<String, SiTrackerModule> _modules = new HashMap<String, SiTrackerModule>();
+//	List<SiTrackerBarrelLayer> _layers = new ArrayList<SiTrackerBarrelLayer>();
 	SiTrackerBarrel(Element node) throws JDOMException
-		build(node);
-		makeLayering();
+//		build(node);
+//		makeLayering();
-	private void build(Element node) throws DataConversionException
-	{
-		//System.out.println("");
-		Element detector = node;
-		// Loop over modules.
-		for (Iterator i = detector.getChildren("module").iterator(); i.hasNext();)
-		{
-			Element module_element = (Element);
-			String module_name = module_element.getAttributeValue("name");
-			Element module_envelope = module_element.getChild("module_envelope");
-			double module_width = module_envelope.getAttribute("width").getDoubleValue();
-			double module_length = module_envelope.getAttribute("length").getDoubleValue();
-			double module_thickness = module_envelope.getAttribute("thickness").getDoubleValue();
-			// Make basic logical module object
-			SiTrackerModule module = new SiTrackerModule(new Box(module_width, module_length, module_thickness));
-			// Loop over module components
-			for (Iterator j = module_element.getChildren("module_component").iterator(); j.hasNext();)
-			{
-				Element module_component_element = (Element);
-				// module_component parameters.
-				double module_component_length = module_component_element.getAttribute("width").getDoubleValue();
-				double module_component_thickness = module_component_element.getAttribute("thickness").getDoubleValue();
-				double module_component_width = module_component_element.getAttribute("width").getDoubleValue();
-				//System.out.println("looking up material --> " + module_component_element.getAttributeValue("material"));
-				Material module_component_material;
-				try
-				{
-					module_component_material = MaterialManager.findMaterial(module_component_element.getAttributeValue("material"));
-				}
-				catch (MaterialNotFoundException x)
-				{
-					throw new RuntimeException(x);
-				}
-				//System.out.println("module_component_material="+module_component_material.getName());
-				boolean sensitive = (module_component_element.getAttribute("sensitive") == null) ? false : module_component_element.getAttribute("sensitive").getBooleanValue();
-				// Build component
-				Component component = new Component(new Box(module_component_width, module_component_length, module_component_thickness), module_component_material, sensitive);
-				// module_component positions
-				double module_component_x, module_component_y, module_component_z = 0.0;
-				if (module_component_element.getChild("position") != null)
-				{
-					Element position = (Element) module_component_element.getChild("position");
-					if (position.getAttribute("x") != null)
-					{
-						module_component_x = position.getAttribute("x").getDoubleValue();
-					}
-					if (position.getAttribute("y") != null)
-					{
-						module_component_y = position.getAttribute("y").getDoubleValue();
-					}
-					if (position.getAttribute("z") != null)
-					{
-						module_component_z = position.getAttribute("z").getDoubleValue();
-					}
-				}
-				// module_component rotations
-				double module_component_rx, module_component_ry, module_component_rz = 0.0;
-				if (module_component_element.getChild("rotation") != null)
-				{
-					Element rotation = (Element) module_component_element.getChild("rotation");
-					if (rotation.getAttribute("x") != null)
-					{
-						module_component_x = rotation.getAttribute("x").getDoubleValue();
-					}
-					if (rotation.getAttribute("y") != null)
-					{
-						module_component_y = rotation.getAttribute("y").getDoubleValue();
-					}
-					if (rotation.getAttribute("z") != null)
-					{
-						module_component_z = rotation.getAttribute("z").getDoubleValue();
-					}
-				}
-				// FIXME: position the component
-				// Add the module_component to the module.
-				module.addComponent(component);
-			}
-			// Store the module
-			_modules.put(module_name, module);
-		}
-		// Loop over layers.
-		int layern = 0;
-		for (Iterator i = detector.getChildren("layer").iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++layern)
-		{
-			Element layer_element = (Element);
-			// Name of the module associated with this layer.
-			String module_lkp = layer_element.getAttributeValue("module");
-			// barrel_envelope parameters.
-			Element barrel_envelope = layer_element.getChild("barrel_envelope");
-			double layer_inner_r = barrel_envelope.getAttribute("inner_r").getDoubleValue();
-			double layer_outer_r = barrel_envelope.getAttribute("outer_r").getDoubleValue();
-			double layer_z_length = barrel_envelope.getAttribute("z_length").getDoubleValue();
-			// rphi_layout parameters.
-			Element rphi_layout = layer_element.getChild("rphi_layout");
-			double phi_tilt = rphi_layout.getAttribute("phi_tilt").getDoubleValue();
-			int nphi = rphi_layout.getAttribute("nphi").getIntValue();
-			double phi0 = rphi_layout.getAttribute("phi0").getDoubleValue();
-			double rc = rphi_layout.getAttribute("rc").getDoubleValue();
-			double dr = rphi_layout.getAttribute("dr").getDoubleValue();
-			// z_layout parameters.
-			Element z_layout = layer_element.getChild("z_layout");
-			double z_dr = z_layout.getAttribute("dr").getDoubleValue();
-			double z0 = z_layout.getAttribute("z0").getDoubleValue();
-			int nz = z_layout.getAttribute("nz").getIntValue();
-			// Make layer object.
-			SiTrackerBarrelLayer layer = new SiTrackerBarrelLayer(layer_inner_r, layer_outer_r, layer_z_length);
-			layer.setPhiLayout(rc, nphi, phi0, phi_tilt, dr);
-			layer.setZLayout(nz, z0, z_dr);
-			layer.setModule(_modules.get(module_lkp));
-			this._layers.add(layer);
-		}
-	}
-	private void makeLayering()
-	{
-		LayerStack layerStack = new LayerStack();
-		for (SiTrackerBarrelLayer tkrlayer : this._layers)
-		{
-			Map<Material, Double> matMap = new HashMap<Material, Double>();
-			double ir = tkrlayer.getInnerRadius();
-			double z = tkrlayer.getZLength();
-			SiTrackerModule module = tkrlayer.getModule();
-			int n_modules = tkrlayer.getNModules();
-			for (Component component : module.getComponents())
-			{
-				Solid solid = component.getSolid();
-				Double volume = Double.valueOf(solid.getVolume()) * ((double) n_modules);
-				Material material = component.getMaterial();
-				assert (material != null);
-				//System.out.println("component material=" + material.getName());
-				if (matMap.get(material) == null)
-				{
-					matMap.put(material, volume);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Double volume_update = matMap.get(material);
-					volume_update += volume;
-					matMap.put(material, volume_update);
-				}
-			}
-			List<LayerSlice> slices = new ArrayList<LayerSlice>();
-			for (Material material : matMap.keySet())
-			{
-				double volume = matMap.get(material);
-				double mat_or = Math.sqrt((volume / (Math.PI * z)) + ir * ir);
-				double thickness = mat_or - ir;
-				LayerSlice slice = new LayerSlice();
-				slice.setMaterial(material);
-				slice.setThickness(thickness);
-				slices.add(slice);
-			}
-			Layer l = new Layer(slices);
-			l.setPreOffset(ir);
-			layerStack.addLayer(l);
-		}
-		setLayering(new Layering(layerStack));
-	}
-	public void appendHepRep(HepRepFactory factory, HepRep heprep)
-	{
-        //System.out.println("SiTrackerBarrel.appendHepRep");
-        DetectorElementToHepRepConverter.convert(this, factory, heprep, true);        
-	}
-	public boolean isBarrel()
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
+//	private void build(Element node) throws DataConversionException
+//	{
+//		//System.out.println("");
+//		Element detector = node;
+//		// Loop over modules.
+//		for (Iterator i = detector.getChildren("module").iterator(); i.hasNext();)
+//		{
+//			Element module_element = (Element);
+//			String module_name = module_element.getAttributeValue("name");
+//			Element module_envelope = module_element.getChild("module_envelope");
+//			double module_width = module_envelope.getAttribute("width").getDoubleValue();
+//			double module_length = module_envelope.getAttribute("length").getDoubleValue();
+//			double module_thickness = module_envelope.getAttribute("thickness").getDoubleValue();
+//			// Make basic logical module object
+//			SiTrackerModule module = new SiTrackerModule(new Box(module_width, module_length, module_thickness));
+//			// Loop over module components
+//			for (Iterator j = module_element.getChildren("module_component").iterator(); j.hasNext();)
+//			{
+//				Element module_component_element = (Element);
+//				// module_component parameters.
+//				double module_component_length = module_component_element.getAttribute("width").getDoubleValue();
+//				double module_component_thickness = module_component_element.getAttribute("thickness").getDoubleValue();
+//				double module_component_width = module_component_element.getAttribute("width").getDoubleValue();
+//				//System.out.println("looking up material --> " + module_component_element.getAttributeValue("material"));
+//				Material module_component_material;
+//				try
+//				{
+//					module_component_material = MaterialManager.findMaterial(module_component_element.getAttributeValue("material"));
+//				}
+//				catch (MaterialNotFoundException x)
+//				{
+//					throw new RuntimeException(x);
+//				}
+//				//System.out.println("module_component_material="+module_component_material.getName());
+//				boolean sensitive = (module_component_element.getAttribute("sensitive") == null) ? false : module_component_element.getAttribute("sensitive").getBooleanValue();
+//				// Build component
+//				Component component = new Component(new Box(module_component_width, module_component_length, module_component_thickness), module_component_material, sensitive);
+//				// module_component positions
+//				double module_component_x, module_component_y, module_component_z = 0.0;
+//				if (module_component_element.getChild("position") != null)
+//				{
+//					Element position = (Element) module_component_element.getChild("position");
+//					if (position.getAttribute("x") != null)
+//					{
+//						module_component_x = position.getAttribute("x").getDoubleValue();
+//					}
+//					if (position.getAttribute("y") != null)
+//					{
+//						module_component_y = position.getAttribute("y").getDoubleValue();
+//					}
+//					if (position.getAttribute("z") != null)
+//					{
+//						module_component_z = position.getAttribute("z").getDoubleValue();
+//					}
+//				}
+//				// module_component rotations
+//				double module_component_rx, module_component_ry, module_component_rz = 0.0;
+//				if (module_component_element.getChild("rotation") != null)
+//				{
+//					Element rotation = (Element) module_component_element.getChild("rotation");
+//					if (rotation.getAttribute("x") != null)
+//					{
+//						module_component_x = rotation.getAttribute("x").getDoubleValue();
+//					}
+//					if (rotation.getAttribute("y") != null)
+//					{
+//						module_component_y = rotation.getAttribute("y").getDoubleValue();
+//					}
+//					if (rotation.getAttribute("z") != null)
+//					{
+//						module_component_z = rotation.getAttribute("z").getDoubleValue();
+//					}
+//				}
+//				// FIXME: position the component
+//				// Add the module_component to the module.
+//				module.addComponent(component);
+//			}
+//			// Store the module
+//			_modules.put(module_name, module);
+//		}
+//		// Loop over layers.
+//		int layern = 0;
+//		for (Iterator i = detector.getChildren("layer").iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++layern)
+//		{
+//			Element layer_element = (Element);
+//			// Name of the module associated with this layer.
+//			String module_lkp = layer_element.getAttributeValue("module");
+//			// barrel_envelope parameters.
+//			Element barrel_envelope = layer_element.getChild("barrel_envelope");
+//			double layer_inner_r = barrel_envelope.getAttribute("inner_r").getDoubleValue();
+//			double layer_outer_r = barrel_envelope.getAttribute("outer_r").getDoubleValue();
+//			double layer_z_length = barrel_envelope.getAttribute("z_length").getDoubleValue();
+//			// rphi_layout parameters.
+//			Element rphi_layout = layer_element.getChild("rphi_layout");
+//			double phi_tilt = rphi_layout.getAttribute("phi_tilt").getDoubleValue();
+//			int nphi = rphi_layout.getAttribute("nphi").getIntValue();
+//			double phi0 = rphi_layout.getAttribute("phi0").getDoubleValue();
+//			double rc = rphi_layout.getAttribute("rc").getDoubleValue();
+//			double dr = rphi_layout.getAttribute("dr").getDoubleValue();
+//			// z_layout parameters.
+//			Element z_layout = layer_element.getChild("z_layout");
+//			double z_dr = z_layout.getAttribute("dr").getDoubleValue();
+//			double z0 = z_layout.getAttribute("z0").getDoubleValue();
+//			int nz = z_layout.getAttribute("nz").getIntValue();
+//			// Make layer object.
+//			SiTrackerBarrelLayer layer = new SiTrackerBarrelLayer(layer_inner_r, layer_outer_r, layer_z_length);
+//			layer.setPhiLayout(rc, nphi, phi0, phi_tilt, dr);
+//			layer.setZLayout(nz, z0, z_dr);
+//			layer.setModule(_modules.get(module_lkp));
+//			this._layers.add(layer);
+//		}
+//	}
+//	private void makeLayering()
+//	{
+//		LayerStack layerStack = new LayerStack();
+//		for (SiTrackerBarrelLayer tkrlayer : this._layers)
+//		{
+//			Map<Material, Double> matMap = new HashMap<Material, Double>();
+//			double ir = tkrlayer.getInnerRadius();
+//			double z = tkrlayer.getZLength();
+//			SiTrackerModule module = tkrlayer.getModule();
+//			int n_modules = tkrlayer.getNModules();
+//			for (Component component : module.getComponents())
+//			{
+//				Solid solid = component.getSolid();
+//				Double volume = Double.valueOf(solid.getVolume()) * ((double) n_modules);
+//				Material material = component.getMaterial();
+//				assert (material != null);
+//				//System.out.println("component material=" + material.getName());
+//				if (matMap.get(material) == null)
+//				{
+//					matMap.put(material, volume);
+//				}
+//				else
+//				{
+//					Double volume_update = matMap.get(material);
+//					volume_update += volume;
+//					matMap.put(material, volume_update);
+//				}
+//			}
+//			List<LayerSlice> slices = new ArrayList<LayerSlice>();
+//			for (Material material : matMap.keySet())
+//			{
+//				double volume = matMap.get(material);
+//				double mat_or = Math.sqrt((volume / (Math.PI * z)) + ir * ir);
+//				double thickness = mat_or - ir;
+//				LayerSlice slice = new LayerSlice();
+//				slice.setMaterial(material);
+//				slice.setThickness(thickness);
+//				slices.add(slice);
+//			}
+//			Layer l = new Layer(slices);
+//			l.setPreOffset(ir);
+//			layerStack.addLayer(l);
+//		}
+//		setLayering(new Layering(layerStack));
+//	}
+//	public void appendHepRep(HepRepFactory factory, HepRep heprep)
+//	{
+//        //System.out.println("SiTrackerBarrel.appendHepRep");
+//        DetectorElementToHepRepConverter.convert(this, factory, heprep, true);        
+//	}
+//	public boolean isBarrel()
+//	{
+//		return true;
+//	}
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.8