

Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector/tracker/silicon on MAIN removed

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector/tracker/silicon removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	10 Apr 2007 19:27:44 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon;
- *
- *
- * Created on July 20, 2005, 5:55 PM
- *
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
- * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
- * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.
- */
-import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
-import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElement;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolumePath;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import static org.lcsim.units.clhep.SystemOfUnits.*;
-import static org.lcsim.units.clhep.PhysicalConstants.*;        
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import org.apache.commons.math.special.Erf;
-import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
-import java.util.*;
- *
- * @author tknelson
- */
-public class SiStripSensor extends DetectorElement {
-    // Enumerated types
-    //=================
-    protected enum Orientation { PINSIDE, POUTSIDE };
-    // Fields
-    //=======
-    // parameters - not intended to be user modifiable
-    private static double _DEPOSITION_GRANULARITY = 0.05 * mm;
-    private static double _DEFAULT_DEPLETION_VOLTAGE = 100 * volt;
-    private static double _DEFAULT_BIAS_VOLTAGE = 110.0 * volt;
-    // primary properties
-    //-------------------   
-    // strips, strip angles and orientation of sensor
-    private Map<ChargeCarrier,SiStrips> _strips = new EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,SiStrips>(ChargeCarrier.class);
-    private Map<ChargeCarrier,Double> _strip_angles = new EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Double>(ChargeCarrier.class);
-    private Orientation _orientation = Orientation.POUTSIDE;
-    // bulk - propoerties of the bulk
-    private DopedSilicon _bulk = new DopedSilicon();
-    private double _thickness;  // accessed often, cached here for speed
-    private double _inactive_width;
-    // operating point
-    private double _depletion_voltage;
-    private double _bias_voltage;
-    // derived properties
-    //-------------------
-    // measured coordinate in local coordinates
-    private EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Hep3Vector> _measured_coordinate = new EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Hep3Vector>(ChargeCarrier.class);
-    // strip direction in local coordinates
-    private EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Hep3Vector> _strip_direction = new EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Hep3Vector>(ChargeCarrier.class);
-    // direction of Lorentz drift in local coordinates
-    private EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Hep3Vector> _drift_direction = new EnumMap<ChargeCarrier,Hep3Vector>(ChargeCarrier.class);
-    // list of charge depostions to be distributed onto the strips
-    private List<TrackSegment> _track_list = new ArrayList<TrackSegment>();
-    // Constructors
-    //=============
-    // Default, 300 micron, p-in-n silicon; 0-degree, 50 micron single-sided readout with one floating strip
-    public SiStripSensor(
-            String name,
-            IDetectorElement parent,
-            IPhysicalVolumePath support,
-            int nstrips, double pitch, int floating_strips)
-    {
-        super(name,parent,support);
-        setStrips(ChargeCarrier.HOLE, new SiStrips(nstrips,pitch,floating_strips));
-        setStripAngle(ChargeCarrier.HOLE, 0.0);
-        setBulk(new DopedSilicon());
-        setDepletionVoltage(_DEFAULT_DEPLETION_VOLTAGE);
-        setBiasVoltage(_DEFAULT_BIAS_VOLTAGE);
-        initialize();
-    }
-    // Accessors
-    //==========
-    // Setters
-    //--------
-    public void setStrips(ChargeCarrier carrier, SiStrips strips)
-    {
-        _strips.put(carrier,strips);
-    }
-    public void setStripAngle(ChargeCarrier carrier, double strip_angle)
-    {
-        _strip_angles.put(carrier,strip_angle);
-    }
-    public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation)
-    {
-        _orientation = orientation;
-    }
-    public void setBulk(DopedSilicon bulk)
-    {
-        _bulk = bulk;
-    }
-    public void setDepletionVoltage(double depletion_voltage)
-    {
-        _depletion_voltage = depletion_voltage;
-    }
-    public void setBiasVoltage(double bias_voltage)
-    {
-        _bias_voltage = bias_voltage;
-    }
-    // Getters
-    public SiStrips getStrips(ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        return _strips.get(carrier);
-    }
-    public double getStripAngle(ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        return _strip_angles.get(carrier);
-    }
-    public Orientation getOrientation()
-    {
-        return _orientation;
-    }
-    public DopedSilicon getBulk()
-    {
-        return _bulk;
-    }
-    public double getThickness()
-    {
-        return _thickness;
-    }
-    public double getDepletionVoltage()
-    {
-        return _depletion_voltage;
-    }
-    public double getBiasVoltage()
-    {
-        return _bias_voltage;
-    }
-    public Hep3Vector getBField(Hep3Vector local_position)
-    {
-        IDetectorElement ancestor = this.getParent();
-        while (!(ancestor instanceof Detector) && !(ancestor==null))
-        {
-            ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
-        }
-        Hep3Vector global_position = getGeometry().getGlobalToLocal().transformed(local_position);
-        return new BasicHep3Vector(((Detector)ancestor).getFieldMap().getField(global_position.v()));
-    }
-    // Operators
-    //==========
-    private void initialize()
-    {
-        // Store various important directions
-        for (ChargeCarrier carrier : ChargeCarrier.values())
-        {
-            if (hasStripsOnSide(carrier)) {
-                _drift_direction.put(carrier,driftDirection(carrier, new BasicHep3Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)));
-                double strip_angle = _strip_angles.get(carrier);
-                _measured_coordinate.put(carrier,measuredCoordinate(strip_angle));
-                _strip_direction.put(carrier,stripDirection(strip_angle));
-            }
-        }
-        // Cache thickness
-        _thickness = 2.0*((Box)getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid()).getZHalfLength();
-    }
-    private double zOfSide(ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        if ( (carrier == ChargeCarrier.HOLE) == (_orientation == Orientation.POUTSIDE) ) return _thickness;
-        else return 0;
-    }
-    private double distanceFromSide(Hep3Vector point, ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        return point.z() - zOfSide(carrier);
-    }
-    private boolean hasStripsOnSide(ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        if (_strips.get(carrier) == null) return false;
-        else return true;
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector driftVector(Hep3Vector origin, ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        double drift_vector_scale = distanceFromSide(origin,carrier)/_drift_direction.get(carrier).z();
-        return VecOp.mult(drift_vector_scale,_drift_direction.get(carrier));
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector driftDestination(Hep3Vector origin, ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        return VecOp.add(origin,driftVector(origin, carrier));
-    }
-    private double diffusionSigma(Hep3Vector point, ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        // Common factors
-        double difference_V = _bias_voltage - _depletion_voltage;
-        double sum_V = _bias_voltage + _depletion_voltage;
-        double common_factor = 2.0*distanceFromSide(point,carrier)*_depletion_voltage/_thickness;
-        // Calculate charge spreading
-        double sigmasq = k_Boltzmann * _bulk.getTemperature() * _thickness*_thickness / _depletion_voltage;
-        if (_bulk.isNtype() == (carrier==ChargeCarrier.HOLE))
-        {
-            sigmasq *= Math.log( sum_V / (sum_V - common_factor));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sigmasq *= Math.log( (difference_V + common_factor) / difference_V );
-        }
-        double sigma = Math.sqrt(sigmasq);
-        // Corrections for magnetic field -- this is an approximation, may have to be done better for high fields
-        double cos_theta_lorentz_sq = Math.pow(VecOp.cosTheta(_drift_direction.get(carrier)),2);
-        double phi_lorentz = VecOp.phi(_drift_direction.get(carrier));
-        double phi_measured = VecOp.phi(_measured_coordinate.get(carrier));
-        double cos_phi_diff_sq = Math.pow(Math.cos(phi_measured - phi_lorentz),2);
-        sigma *= (1.0/cos_theta_lorentz_sq) *
-                Math.sqrt(cos_theta_lorentz_sq + cos_phi_diff_sq - cos_theta_lorentz_sq*cos_phi_diff_sq);
-        return sigma;
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector measuredCoordinate(double strip_angle)
-    {
-        return new BasicHep3Vector(Math.cos(strip_angle),Math.sin(strip_angle),0.0);
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector stripDirection(double strip_angle)
-    {
-        return measuredCoordinate(strip_angle + (Math.PI/4.0)) ;
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector driftDirection(ChargeCarrier carrier, Hep3Vector local_position)
-    {
-        double carrier_mobility = _bulk.mobility(carrier);        
-        Hep3Vector b_field = getBField(local_position);
-        // Use magnetic field in plane of silicon to get total Lorentz angle
-        Hep3Vector b_planar = new BasicHep3Vector(b_field.x(), b_field.y(),0.0);
-        double bplanar_mag = b_planar.magnitude();
-        double tan_lorentz = _bulk.tanLorentzAngle(bplanar_mag, carrier);
-        // Drift direction in plane of silicon is direction of magnetic field in plane of silicon - PI/4
-        Hep3Vector drift_direction = 
-                VecOp.unit(new BasicHep3Vector(b_field.y(),-b_field.x(),bplanar_mag/tan_lorentz));
-        return drift_direction;
-    }
-    public void clearStrips()
-    {
-        for (ChargeCarrier carrier : ChargeCarrier.values())
-        {
-            if (hasStripsOnSide(carrier)) _strips.get(carrier).clear();
-        }
-    }
-// Delta-ray code was deprecated in favor of letting GEANT do the work    
-//    public void generateDeltaRays()
-//    {
-//        for (TrackSegment track : _track_list)
-//        {
-//            // Uncommitted standalone code exists to do this, which...
-//            // retrieves track from _track_list and calculates delta ray production
-//            // modifies original track in _track_list
-//            // adds delta rays to _track_list
-//        }
-//        return;
-//    }
-    private int nSegments(TrackSegment track, ChargeCarrier carrier, double deposition_granularity)
-    {
-        // Decide how to cut track into pieces as a fraction of strip pitch
-        if (!hasStripsOnSide(carrier)) return 0;
-        Hep3Vector deposition_line = VecOp.sub( driftDestination(track.getP2(),carrier),
-                driftDestination(track.getP1(),carrier) );
-        double projected_deposition_length =,_measured_coordinate.get(carrier));
-        return (int)Math.ceil(projected_deposition_length/(deposition_granularity*_strips.get(carrier).getPitch()));
-    }
-    private void depositCharge(double charge, Hep3Vector origin, ChargeCarrier carrier)
-    {
-        if (!hasStripsOnSide(carrier)) return;
-        // find center of charge deposition
-        double drift_destination = driftDestination(origin,carrier),
-                _measured_coordinate.get(carrier) );
-        int base_strip = _strips.get(carrier).baseStrip(drift_destination);
-        double interstrip_position = _strips.get(carrier).interstripPosition(drift_destination);
-        // put charge on strips in window 3-sigma strips on each side of base strip
-        double pitch = _strips.get(carrier).getPitch();
-        double diffusion_sigma = diffusionSigma(origin,carrier);
-        int window_size = (int)Math.ceil(3.0*diffusion_sigma/pitch);
-        double erf_min = 1.0;
-        double erf_max = 1.0;
-        for (int istrip = base_strip-window_size; istrip <= base_strip+window_size; istrip++)
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                erf_max = Erf.erf( (_strips.get(carrier).stripPosition(istrip+0.5) - drift_destination)/diffusion_sigma );
-            }
-            catch (MathException no_convergence)
-            {
-                System.out.println("erf fails to converge!!");
-            }
-            int strip_charge = (int)Math.round( (erf_min-erf_max) * charge );
-            _strips.get(carrier).addCharge(istrip,strip_charge);
-            erf_min = erf_max;
-        }           
-    }
-    public void depositCharge()
-    {
-        for (TrackSegment track : _track_list)
-        {
-            // Decide how to cut track into pieces - use 5% of pitch
-            int nsegments = 0;
-            for (ChargeCarrier carrier : ChargeCarrier.values())
-            {
-                if (!hasStripsOnSide(carrier)) continue;
-                nsegments = Math.max(nsegments,nSegments(track,carrier, _DEPOSITION_GRANULARITY));
-            }
-            // Set up segments
-            double segment_length = track.getLength()/nsegments;
-            double segment_charge = track.getEloss()/nsegments/_bulk.ENERGY_EHPAIR;
-            Hep3Vector segment_step = VecOp.mult(segment_length,track.getDirection());
-            Hep3Vector segment_center = VecOp.add( track.getP1(),VecOp.mult(0.5,segment_step) );
-            // Loop over segments
-            for (int iseg = 0; iseg < nsegments; iseg++)
-            {
-                // loop over sides of detector
-                for (ChargeCarrier carrier : ChargeCarrier.values())
-                {
-                    if (!hasStripsOnSide(carrier)) continue;
-                    depositCharge(segment_charge, segment_center, carrier);       
-                }
-                // step to next segment
-                segment_center = VecOp.add(segment_center, segment_step);
-            }
-        }
-    }
CVSspam 0.2.8