

One more question:

why the RemotRoot is not passed when loading external naming library in 


Pavel Jakl wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I would like to ask why olb.remoteroot is discarded for the server 
> role and kept for manager role ?
> int XrdOlbConfig::xrmtrt(XrdOucError *eDest, XrdOucStream 
> &CFile)             
> {                                                                              
>    char 
> *val;                                                                
>    int 
> i;                                                                    
> // If we are a server, ignore this 
> option                                     
> //                                                                             
>   if (!isManager) return 0;
> I thought that naming conversion is triggered on the server layer. 
> Shouldn't be this other way around ?
> if (!isServer) return 0;
> If there is something else behind this, could you please explain it ?
> I can commit it if you consider it as a bug.
> Cheers
> Pavel