

we are looking at the data/MC comparison plots for release 18 (Michaels'
presentation at the Feb07 CM, see:

and the same plots in BAD1383 made with release 14

All variables look reasonably similar (could you please double check
this as well?) apart from wdeltam, i.e. the missing mass squared for the
partial D*+ reconstruction, see e.g. p.12, left plots of Michaels'
presentation and left plots of p.26 of BAD1383. In release 18 the
distributions for both enriched and depleted samples extend to lower
values wrt release 14 and the shapes are quite different. Has anyone
seen this effect yet? 

We also compared the yields and BRBRs of our latest mX fits (the ones in
Antonio's page

) and what we had in BAD1214, i.e. in the old mX study attempted in 2005
but not finalized since we did not have the signal unfolding for the 1D
analysis at that time. In general they compare quite well. However, the
amount of vcb events in release 18 is significantly higher wrt previous
studies, compare e.g. the Run1-2 results for the mX fit at

with fig. 14 on page 25 of BAD1214:

It seems that there is a cut which was quite effective in suppressing
vcb events in release 14. This is not happening any more in release

Cheers, Antonio & Concezio.