

ATLAS SCCS Planning 23May2007

  9am, SCCS Conf Rm A, to call in +1 510 665 5437, press 1, 3935#

Present: Andy, Booker, Charlie, Stephen, Randy, Richard, JohnB, Wei


1. DQ2 Status/Web Proxy

    Running fine, production going very well.

    Setup user space, can be accessed via xrootd or NFS. One question
    is if we should put it under DQ2 management. Users could just use
    the production area and the current DQ2 site services to bring in
    data. In the future we might need to set a policy on policy.

    Should perhaps just have this area available as xrootd and use the
    existing $ATLROOT/work area for things like log files.

    For the moment we will not run backups on the xrootd area, but
    should discuss it down the road.

    Will all ATLAS machines be Linux? Yes. Talking about using FUSE as
    an interface to xrootd. An interesting idea but don't know how
    stable it is. Expect this to be the case (only Linux) for a few
    years at least.

2. Tier-2 Hardware

    Lance is still using the third server. He can have it till the new
    CPUs are online.

    The rails and system can start going into the water cooled
    racks. Has not been commissioned yet. Should happen at the end of
    week. Can start doing the OS install after coming back from memorial
    day. Have had a request to increase production from US ATLAS. There
    78 boxes with 4 cores (312 cores), this is two racks. Two weeks
    after the physical install will be when they are available. June
    15th is probably a reasonable time to expect them to be available.

    Could we move some shares to from the atlas-users to atlas-prod to
    give production more time. Could also think about if atlas-users
    and atlas-prod should be subgroups of an overall atlas
    group. Another thing that is going on is removing the hack in the
    wrapper that forces jobs to the AllUsers if you don't specify a

    Also organising a meeting with stake holders on the 1st June to
    discuss things like power and cooling, fairshares, and anything
    else that people want to raise. There are groups that have not made
    a contribution to the general queues that should get some shares,
    groups like radiation physics (doing LCLS work). Have iterated a
    little with management. They want to be able to rubberstamp
    something that the stake holders have put forward. Would like to
    get a common agreement at this meeting.

3. xrootd/srm

    No developments in the last week.

    Moving this discussion to a new xrootd ATLAS meeting, every
    other Thursday, starting next week. This is a general meeting
    involved people at other sites.

4. AFS Problems causing jobs to intermittently fail

    Nothing to say this week.

5. AOB

Action Items:

070516 Andy	Setup meeting about xrootd collaboration
        070523 Not done yet. Would like a list from Stephen of
 	      who should be there.

070509 Stephen	Split up top-level AFS volume, requests to unix-admin
        070516 Not done yet.
        070523 Some requests went in yesterday and have been done. Once
 	      I've move the files I can then request the top level
 	      volumes and the work volume.

070502 Stephen	Arrange meeting about ATLAS TAG data on PetaCache
        070509 Not done yet.
        070516 Not done yet. Did talk a little to David Quarrie.
        070523 Not done yet.

070502 Wei	Check CA certificate update mechanism
        070509 Not done yet but believe VDT is the right way.
        070516 Need to talk to Booker and security team to verify.
        070523 Verified this was the correct way. Done.