Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/step on MAIN 1.1 -Independant Kalman filter-1st released version-

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/step added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	21 May 2007 17:09:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+package org.lcsim.util.step;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.units.clhep.PhysicalConstants.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.*;
+import Jama.*;
+import Jama.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.muon.CoilSubLayer;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.CalHitMapMgr;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.CylindricalBarrelCalorimeter;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.field.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.layer.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Layered;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.LayeredSubdetector;
+import org.lcsim.material.*;
+  /**
+   * CamKalmanStepper- A Kalman Stepper
+   * trasnsported from JAS2
+   *JINST - published October 2006
+   *arXiv: physics/0604197
+   *@Author-C. Milstene <[log in to unmask]>
+   * Code developped consulting Hans Wenzel
+   * More comments and references to come
+   */
+public class CamKalmanStepper{
+   private final double kAlmost1=0.999;
+   private final double kAlmost0=1E-33;
+   private final double kVeryBig =(1./kAlmost0);
+   private final double kB2C=0.299979245;
+   private final double kAlmost0Field =1.E-33;
+   private final double kMostProbablePt=0.35;
+   private final double cmTomm=10.;
+   private final double mevTogev=1./1000.;
+   private final double gevTomev=1000.;
+   private double [] zRhoZoverA;
+   private double kQ;
+   private double kB;
+   private double kMass;
+   private  String MaterialName;
+   private  boolean kRungeKutta;
+   private  boolean kupDate = false;
+   private static boolean ktransport=true;
+   private static boolean stopTkELow=false;
+   private double [] kRp    = new double [6];
+   private double [] kRPlus ;
+   private double [] measState;
+   private double [][]measCov;
+   private double [] nwRp = new double[8];
+   private Matrix PkMinus = new Matrix(6,6);
+   private Matrix PkPlus  = new Matrix(6,6) ;
+   private Matrix Hk      ;
+   private double[][] kCovariance = new double [6][6];// construct a 6 by 6 array of zeroes
+   private Matrix fi = new Matrix(6,6); // construct
+   private AIDA aida         = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+   private CalHitMapMgr evtptr = null;
+   private boolean StopTkElow=false;
+   private  Random rndcm       = new Random();
+   private Detector det ;
+  /** default constructor*/
+   public CamKalmanStepper(){
+   evtptr      = CalHitMapMgr.getInstance();
+   kQ          = -1.  ;
+   kMass       = 0.105;
+   kRungeKutta = true;
+   for(int i=0; i<6; i++)kRp[i]=0.;
+   for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
+     for(int j=0; j<6; j++)kCovariance[i][j]=0.; // or any starting value
+   }
+ }
+   /** Copy Constructor-
+    *@param rp an Array with the particle position and Momnetum
+    * (x,y,z,px,py,pz) - a phase-space point
+    */
+ public CamKalmanStepper(double [] rp){
+   evtptr      = CalHitMapMgr.getInstance();
+      kQ          = rp[6]  ;
+      kMass       = rp[7]  ;
+      kRungeKutta = true;
+      for(int i=0; i<6; i++)this.kRp[i]=rp[i];
+      for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
+        for(int j=0; j<6; j++)this.kCovariance[i][j]=kCovariance[i][j];
+    }
+ }
+  /** Copy Constructor-
+   *@param rp an array with the particle position and momentum(x,y,z,px,py,pz)
+   *@param cova a covariant matrix
+   */
+  public CamKalmanStepper(double [] parm, double [][]covar){ // Copy constructor
+    evtptr      = CalHitMapMgr.getInstance();
+      kQ          = parm[6]    ;
+      kMass       = parm[7] ;
+      kRungeKutta = true;
+      set(parm,covar); // create external track parameters from given arguments
+ }
+/** set rp and covariant Matrix
+ *@param rp an array with the particle position and momentum
+ *@param covar the covariant matrix
+ */
+  public void set(double [] rp, double [] [] covar){
+     for(int i=0; i<6; i++)this.kRp[i]=rp[i];
+      for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
+	    for(int j=0;j<6;j++){
+           kCovariance[i][j] = covar[i][j];
+     }
+      }
+  }
+  /** Propagate the particle from a position x
+   * to s new position in a magnetic field b
+   *@param x the position
+   *@param b the magnetic field
+   */
+ public boolean propagateTo(Double x, double b){
+   setBField1Dim(b);
+   double dx = x-getX();
+   int nsteps = (int)(Math.abs(dx/0.005)+0.5);
+   for (int i=0;i<nsteps;i++) stepByDx(dx/nsteps);
+   return (ktransport=true);
+ /** stepby ds on the particle pathLength
+  *@param ds one step length
+  */
+ public boolean stepByDs(double ds){ // one step by ds
+   double[]wk=new double[3];
+   double P = Math.sqrt(kRp[3]*kRp[3]+ kRp[4]*kRp[4]+kRp[5]*kRp[5]) ;
+   double E = Math.sqrt(P*P+kMass*kMass) ;
+   double k=kB2C*kQ*kB/P ;
+   double dpdx = getDeDx(P, kMass,"Iron")*E/P*ds ;
+   if(dpdx>P) return stopTkELow=true ;
+   double rdL= getRadLength("Iron");  //im mm
+   wk=vwk((getRadLength("iron"))*ds);
+   //System.out.println("wk[0]="+wk[0]+" wk[1]="+wk[1]+" wk[2]="+wk[2]);
+   //Next to be checked again
+    double[] [] valsq={{0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.},
+		     {0.,0.,0.,wk[0],0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.,0.,wk[1],0.},{0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,wk[2]}};
+   Matrix Qk = new Matrix(valsq);
+   double[][]fifi=new double[6][6];
+   kRp[0]+=kRp[3]/P*ds ;
+   kRp[1]+=kRp[4]/P*ds ;
+   kRp[2]+=kRp[5]/P*ds ;
+   k*=ds;
+   kRp[3]+=(k/(1.+0.25*k*k)*kRp[4]-0.5*k*k*kRp[3])-dpdx*kRp[3]/P ;
+   kRp[4]+=(-k/(1.+0.25*k*k)*kRp[3]-0.5*k*k*kRp[4])-dpdx*kRp[4]/P ;
+   kRp[5]+=-dpdx*kRp[5]/P;
+   //System.out.println("!!!!!! px="+kRp[3]+" py="+kRp[4]+" pz="+kRp[5]+" P="+P);
+   fifi[0][3] =-kRp[3]*kRp[3]/(P*P*P)+1./P ;
+   fifi[0][4] =-kRp[3]*kRp[4]/(P*P*P)     ;
+   fifi[0][5] =-kRp[3]*kRp[5]/(P*P*P)     ;
+   fifi[1][3] =-kRp[4]*kRp[3]/(P*P*P)     ;
+   fifi[1][4] =-kRp[4]*kRp[4]/(P*P*P)+1./P ;
+   fifi[1][5] =-kRp[4]*kRp[5]/(P*P*P)     ;
+   fifi[2][3] =-kRp[5]*kRp[3]/(P*P*P)     ;
+   fifi[2][4] =-kRp[5]*kRp[4]/(P*P*P)     ;
+   fifi[2][5] =-kRp[5]*kRp[5]/(P*P*P)+1./P ;
+   fifi[3][3] =-k*kRp[4]*kRp[3]/(P*P)     ;
+   fifi[3][4] =-k*kRp[4]*kRp[4]/(P*P)+k   ;
+   fifi[3][5] =-k*kRp[4]*kRp[5]/(P*P)     ;
+   fifi[4][3] =-k*kRp[3]*kRp[3]/(P*P)-k   ;
+   fifi[4][4] =-k*kRp[3]*kRp[4]/(P*P)     ;
+   fifi[4][5] =-k*kRp[3]*kRp[5]/(P*P)     ;
+   fi.constructWithCopy(fifi);
+   fi=fi.times(ds);
+   Matrix fiMtx = fi.copy();
+   //update covariant matrix
+   PkMinus.constructWithCopy(kCovariance);  //
+   PkMinus =((fiMtx.times(PkMinus)).times(fiMtx.transpose())).plus(Qk);
+   return (ktransport=true);
+/** stepby dx on the x direction
+  *@param dx one step in x
+  */
+  private boolean stepByDx(double dx){ // one step by dx
+   double P = Math.sqrt(kRp[3]*kRp[3]+ kRp[4]*kRp[4]+kRp[5]*kRp[5]);
+   if(Math.abs(kRp[3])<1.E-010){
+     System.out.println("Zero Px, can't propagate by dx");
+     return (stopTkELow=true);
+   }
+    return stepByDs(dx*P/kRp[3]);
+ }
+/** stepby dr along the radius direction
+ *@param dr one step in r
+ */
+  private boolean stepByDr(double dr){ // one step by dr
+  double P = Math.sqrt(kRp[3]*kRp[3]+ kRp[4]*kRp[4]+kRp[5]*kRp[5]);
+  double a = kRp[3]*kRp[3]+kRp[4]*kRp[4]/P/P;
+  double b = kRp[0]*kRp[3]+kRp[1]*kRp[4]/P  ;
+  double c =-(dr*dr+2*dr*Math.sqrt(kRp[0]*kRp[0]+kRp[1]*kRp[1]));
+  double ds=(-b+Math.sqrt(b*b-a*c))/a ;
+  return stepByDs(ds);
+  }
+/** update the phase space point and covariant Matrix
+ *Using the measured position and  errors
+ *@param mstate a 3dim array with the measure position
+ *@param mCov the measurement error Matrix
+ */
+  public boolean upDate(double []mState,double[][]mCov){
+  // update vector with current measurements
+  double [] cState= new double[6];
+  for(int i=0;i<6;i++) {cState[i]=kRp[i];}
+  measState  = new double [3];
+  double [][]val1 = {{1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.},{0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.},
+  {0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.}};
+  Hk=new Matrix(val1);
+  // measurement covariante Matrix
+  for(int i=0;i<3;i++) measCov[i][i]=mCov[i][i];
+  /** update error covariance Matrix- Kalman Gain Matrix
+   */
+  Matrix KkPart = (Hk.times(PkMinus).times(Hk.transpose()));
+  Matrix Meas= new Matrix(3,3);
+  Meas.constructWithCopy(measCov); KkPart.plusEquals(Meas) ;
+  Matrix Kk = PkMinus.times(Hk.transpose()).times(KkPart.inverse());
+  Matrix PkPlus =(Matrix.identity(6,6).minus(Kk.times(Hk))).times(PkMinus);
+  double []rrpa=new double[3]; double []rrpb = new double[3];
+  rrpa = Kk.times(mState); rrpb=Hk.times(cState);
+  for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
+          kRp[i] +=rrpa[i]+rrpb[i];
+//	  kRp[i] +=Kk.times(mState[i]-Hk.times(cState));
+  }
+  return (kupDate = true);
+ }
+/** F=Get the dedx for a given material calculated from
+ *the Bethe-Block-(Sternheimer) calculation
+ *@param pmom (double)absolute particle momentum in GeV/c
+ *@param mass (double)particle mass in GeV
+ *@param materialName a String with the material gone through
+ *@return dedx  (double)the energy loss in GeV/mm
+ */
+  public double getDeDx(double pmom, double mass, String materialName){
+    if(Math.abs(pmom/mass )< 1.e-3){ return 0.;}
+    double dedx = 1e-10;
+    double [] p={gevTomev*kRp[3],gevTomev*kRp[4],gevTomev*kRp[5]};
+    //System.out.println("MeV px="+p[0]+" py="+p[1]+" pz="+p[2]);
+    MaterialManager manager = MaterialManager.instance();
+    try{
+    org.lcsim.material.Material mat  = manager.findMaterial(materialName);
+     double oneCm=1.;
+     dedx = MaterialCalculator.computeBetheBloch(mat, p,(1000*mass), kQ, oneCm);// dedx MeV/cm
+     //System.out.println("getDeDx !!! dedx(MeV/cm)="+dedx);
+     dedx*=mevTogev/cmTomm;
+     //System.out.println("getDeDx !!! dedx(GeV/mm)="+dedx);
+     } catch (MaterialNotFoundException e){}
+	 if(dedx<=0.) return 1e-10;
+     return dedx;
+    }
+  public double getRadLength(String materialName){
+    MaterialManager manager = MaterialManager.instance();
+    double radLength=1.E-14;
+    double density=1.E-13;
+    try{
+    org.lcsim.material.Material mat  = manager.findMaterial(materialName);
+    double zeff = mat.getZeff();
+    double aeff = mat.getAeff();
+    density= mat.getDensity();
+    radLength=MaterialCalculator.computeRadiationLengthTsai(aeff,zeff);
+     } catch (MaterialNotFoundException e){}
+     if(radLength<=0.) return 1.e-14;
+      return (radLength/density); // in cm
+  }
+  public void setMatNam(String mtn){MaterialName=mtn;}
+  public String getMatNam(){return MaterialName;}
+  public double getX(){return kRp[0];}
+  public double getY(){return kRp[1];}
+  public double getZ(){return kRp[2];}
+  public double [] getParameter(){return kRp ;}
+  public double[] getNewRp(){
+   for(int i=0;i<6;i++) nwRp[i]=kRp[i];
+   nwRp[6]=kQ; nwRp[7]=kMass;
+   return nwRp;
+  }
+   public double [][] getCovariance(){return measCov;}
+   public void resetCovariance(){
+	   for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
+	   	    for(int j=0;j<6;j++){
+	              kCovariance[i][j] = 0.;
+     }
+    }
+   }
+   public void setBField1Dim(double bZ){ kB=bZ;}
+   public void setRungeKutta(){kRungeKutta=true;}
+   public double getBField1Dim(){return kB;}
+   public void setSign(double xQ){kQ=xQ;}
+   public double[] getBfield(){
+	   double []bField=new double[3];
+	   try{
+		  bField = det.getFieldMap().getField(kRp);
+      }catch(Exception e) {}
+       return bField;
+      }
+/**@return vectorial product p x n_unit(rndm:-1:1) -CM- for mult.scat.-March05*/
+	  private double [] pCrossN()
+	  {
+		 double []alfa = new double[3];
+		 double [] nnx = new double[3];
+		 double alfNorm;
+		 /**  new direction of vector momentum for ms-C.M.-March 05*/
+		 nnx[0]=-1.+2*rndcm.nextDouble();
+		 nnx[1]=-1.+2*rndcm.nextDouble();
+		 nnx[2]=-1.+2*rndcm.nextDouble();
+		 alfa[0] = kRp[4]*nnx[2]-kRp[5]*nnx[1];
+		 alfa[1] = kRp[5]*nnx[0]-kRp[3]*nnx[2];
+		 alfa[2] = kRp[4]*nnx[0]-kRp[3]*nnx[1];
+		 alfNorm = Math.sqrt(alfa[0]*alfa[0]+alfa[1]*alfa[1]+alfa[2]*alfa[2]);
+		 alfa[0] = alfa[0]/alfNorm; // without units
+		 alfa[1] = alfa[1]/alfNorm;
+		 alfa[2] = alfa[2]/alfNorm;
+		//System.out.println(" setpxn="+alfa[0]+alfa[1]+alfa[2]);
+		return alfa;
+	}
+	/**@param numRadL(double) the number of radiation Length
+         * @return Multiple Scattering contributions to Momentum componants-C.M.-March05*/
+	private double [] vwk(double numRadL)
+	{
+	  double [] alf = new double[3];
+	  double []thetak = new double[3];
+          double [] wk    = new double[3];
+   	  double theta0;
+	  double pabs = Math.sqrt(kRp[3]*kRp[3]+kRp[4]*kRp[4]+kRp[5]*kRp[5]);
+	  //System.out.println("numRadL ="+numRadL);
+	  if(numRadL==0.) theta0=0.;
+	  else{theta0   = 13.6*Math.sqrt(numRadL)*(1.+0.038*Math.log(numRadL));}
+	  //System.out.println("theta0 first="+theta0);
+	  if(pabs==0.)theta0=0.;
+	  else{theta0=theta0/(1000.*pabs);}
+	  //System.out.println("Gauss Random"+rndcm.nextGaussian());
+	  alf = pCrossN();
+	  //System.out.println("alfa="+alf[0]+" "+alf[1]+" "+alf[2]);
+	   thetak[0]=rndcm.nextGaussian()*theta0*alf[0];
+	   thetak[1]=rndcm.nextGaussian()*theta0*alf[1];
+	   thetak[2]=rndcm.nextGaussian()*theta0*alf[2];
+	  //System.out.println("thetak = "+thetak[0]+" "+thetak[1]+" "+thetak[2]);
+	   wk[0]=2*pabs*thetak[0];
+	   wk[1]=2*pabs*thetak[1];
+	   wk[2]=2*pabs*thetak[2];
+	  //System.out.println("wk ="+wk[0]+" "+wk[1]+" "+wk[2]);
+	   return wk;
+	   }
+    /** Set Boolean Indicator If Energy Left
+     */
+    public void setStopTkELow(boolean b)
+    { stopTkELow=b;}
+    /** Reset Boolean Indicator Energy Left for the step
+     */
+    public void resetStopTkELow()
+    {setStopTkELow(false);}
+    /** Return Boolean Indicator Energy Left for the step
+     */
+    public boolean getStopTkELow()
+    {return stopTkELow;}
CVSspam 0.2.8