

Hi all,
I think I have found an inconstiency in the way we get and use the 
weight for B decays in VVF.

In  recoilDsys ctor we initialize the B->D BF in a vector using this 
order (as by the comment)

0 = B-> X_c lnu
1 = B-> D l nu
2 = B-> D* l nu
3 = Not used
4 = D1 l nu
5 = D2* l nu

we do this for the existing measurements and for generation values.
Then we compute the weights as ratio of  measurement/generation value.

The way we use these weights in VVF is via recoilDsys::weight(int bmode) 
function, where bmode is actually the variable Gvxbtyp in our MC ntuples.

I've had a look in BRecoilTools/ and from there it seems 
to me that when Gvxbtyp=4 we have actually a B->D2* l nu  decay (not a 
D1 l nu decay, that is the weight picked up by recoilDsys::weight(int 
bmode) function) and when Gvxbtyp=5 we have a B->D1 l nu decay.

Are there intermediate steps that I'm missing somewhere or are the two 
weights for D1 and D*2 switched?

Thank you,