Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/CosminDeaconu on MAIN 1.1
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lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/CosminDeaconu added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	30 Aug 2007 18:50:52 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on July 30, 2007, 3:05 PM
+ *
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.lcsim.contrib.CosminDeaconu;
+import Jama.Matrix;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseTrackerHitMC; 
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.MultiLayerTracker;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import java.lang.Object;
+ * This driver takes input of a list of tracker hits and attempts to strip out 
+ * all hits coming from curlers. 
+ *
+ *  It is divided as follows:
+ *
+ *      CurlerKiller: This class has the algorithm for finding curlers. Also, it cheats to evaluate how well curlers are found. 
+        Cluster: This class encapsulates a cluster and has the machinery for comparing different clusters
+ *      
+ *      Two helper classes used for sorting
+ *
+ * @author Cosmin Deaconu
+ */
+public class CurlerKiller extends Driver{
+    private ArrayList<TrackerHit> _hits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+    private String _output_name = "";
+    private String _ouput_curler = "";
+    private ArrayList<String> _input_collection = new ArrayList<String>();
+    private String _subdetector_name = "TrackerBarrel";
+    private int _nlayers = 5; 
+    private double _max_phi_difference = 0.03; //for clustering purposes
+    private int _min_hits = 6; //to form a cluster
+    private double maxseparation = 300; //in z
+    private double dz = 100.0/Math.sqrt(12);
+    private double chisq_cut = 200; //The chisq for a cluster must be lower than this for the cluster to be considered
+    private double two_cluster_chisq_cut = 800; //The chisq between a pair of hits must be lower than this for them to be considered curlers
+    private double max_z_diff = 500; //max difference in average z between two clusters
+    private double max_residual = 500; //for a hit from the fit. If higher than this, will be dropped from cluster. 
+    private double max_zrms = 10000; // for a cluster
+    private boolean discontinuous;  //this is kind of clunky... 
+    private boolean _histogram = true; 
+    private AIDA _aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    /** Creates a new instance of CurlerKiller */
+    public CurlerKiller() {
+    }
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        //System.out.println("Curler Killer started");
+        getHits(event); //get the input hits                                   
+        //map hits to their layers
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit>[] layermap = new ArrayList[_nlayers];
+        for (int i=0; i<layermap.length; i++)
+        {
+            layermap[i] = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+        }
+        for (TrackerHit i : _hits)
+        {
+            int layer = ((BaseTrackerHitMC)i).getSimHits().get(0).getLayer();
+            layermap[layer].add(i);
+        }
+        //map mc particles to number of particles hit in each layer to find curlers by cheating
+        HashMap<MCParticle,Integer[]> hits_by_particle = new HashMap<MCParticle,Integer[]>();
+        HashMap<MCParticle,List<TrackerHit>> hits_from_mc = new HashMap<MCParticle,List<TrackerHit>>();
+        for (TrackerHit i : _hits)
+        {
+            ArrayList<MCParticle> theseparticles = (ArrayList)((BaseTrackerHitMC)i).mcParticles();
+            for (MCParticle part : theseparticles)
+            {
+                if (!hits_by_particle.containsKey(part))
+                {
+                    Integer[] hitsbylayer = new Integer[5];
+                    for (int n = 0; n<5; n++)
+                    {
+                        hitsbylayer[n] = new Integer(0);
+                    }
+                    int layer = ((BaseTrackerHitMC)i).getSimHits().get(0).getLayer();
+                    hitsbylayer[layer]=(Integer) (hitsbylayer[layer].intValue()+1);
+                    hits_by_particle.put(part,hitsbylayer);
+                    List<TrackerHit> thisparticlehits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+                    thisparticlehits.add(i);
+                    hits_from_mc.put(part,thisparticlehits);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    int layer = ((BaseTrackerHitMC)i).getSimHits().get(0).getLayer();
+                    Integer[] hitsbylayer = hits_by_particle.get(part);
+                    hitsbylayer[layer]++;
+                    hits_by_particle.put(part,hitsbylayer);
+                    List<TrackerHit> thisparticlehits = hits_from_mc.get(part);
+                    if (!thisparticlehits.contains(i)) thisparticlehits.add(i);
+                    hits_from_mc.put(part,thisparticlehits);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ArrayList<MCParticle> badparticles = new ArrayList<MCParticle>(); //bad particles curl
+        int probably_unfindable = 0; 
+        for (MCParticle p: hits_by_particle.keySet())
+        {
+            int howmany = howManyLayersHit(hits_by_particle,p);
+            if (_histogram) _aida.cloud1D("layers hit by MCParticle").fill(howmany);
+            if (hits_from_mc.get(p).size()>howmany)
+            {
+                badparticles.add(p);
+                if (maxHitsInALayer(hits_by_particle,p)<2*_min_hits) probably_unfindable++; 
+            }
+        }
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit> badhits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>(); //bad hits belong to bad particles
+        for (MCParticle i : badparticles)
+        {
+            for (TrackerHit t : hits_from_mc.get(i))
+            {
+                if (!badhits.contains(t)) badhits.add(t);
+            }
+        }
+        if (_histogram) _aida.cloud1D("badhits").fill(badhits.size()); 
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit> remove_us = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+        ArrayList<Cluster> removed_clusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+        //System.out.println("Started looping through layers");
+        //loop through each layer
+        int layer = 0;
+        for (ArrayList<TrackerHit> this_layer_hits : layermap)
+        {
+            //plot stuff 
+            if (_histogram) _aida.cloud2D("hits in layer "+layer).reset();
+            for (TrackerHit hit : this_layer_hits)
+            {
+                if (_histogram) _aida.cloud2D("hits in layer "+layer).fill(Math.atan2(hit.getPosition()[1],hit.getPosition()[0]),hit.getPosition()[2]); //this will plot the hits in each layer
+            }
+            layer++;
+            //find clusters in phi
+            ArrayList<Cluster> clusters = findClusters(this_layer_hits);
+            //System.out.println("Cluster List Generated");
+            //loop through each cluster
+            for (Cluster cluster : clusters)
+            {
+               if (removed_clusters.contains(cluster)) continue;
+               //check if cluster has a good fit
+               if (cluster.chisq()<chisq_cut)
+               {
+                   double min_chisq = 10000000; 
+                   Cluster pair = null; 
+                   //if it does, find the pair with the best chisq match...
+                   for (Cluster second_cluster : clusters)
+                   {
+                       if (second_cluster==cluster) continue;
+                       if (removed_clusters.contains(second_cluster)) continue;
+                       if (second_cluster.chisq()>chisq_cut) continue;
+                       if (Math.abs(second_cluster.z_avg()-cluster.z_avg())>max_z_diff) continue;
+                       double this_chisq = cluster.getClusterMatchChisq(second_cluster);
+                       if (this_chisq<min_chisq)
+                       {
+                           min_chisq = this_chisq;
+                           pair = second_cluster;
+                       }
+                   }
+                   // make sure that the match chisq is good enough... 
+                   if (min_chisq < two_cluster_chisq_cut)
+                   {
+                      //System.out.println("Type One Cut Made");
+                      removed_clusters.add(cluster);
+                      removed_clusters.add(pair);
+                      remove_us.addAll(cluster.hits());
+                      remove_us.addAll(pair.hits());
+                   }
+               }
+               //try to see if it's one combined cluster' (two in a really small space so it looks like one) 
+                if (!removed_clusters.contains(cluster) && cluster.getSelfMatchChisq()<two_cluster_chisq_cut)
+                {
+                    //System.out.println("Type Two Cut Made");
+                    removed_clusters.add(cluster);
+                    remove_us.addAll(cluster.hits());
+                }
+            }// loop through clusters
+//            System.out.println("Layer Complete");
+        } //loop through layers
+        //calculate stats
+        int good_removals = 0;
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit> false_positives = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+        for (TrackerHit i : remove_us)
+        {
+            if (badhits.contains(i)) 
+            {
+                good_removals++;
+                if (_histogram) _aida.cloud1D("energy of good removals").fill(i.getdEdx());
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                false_positives.add(i);
+                if (_histogram) _aida.cloud1D("energy of bad removals").fill(i.getdEdx());
+            }
+        }
+        int bad_removals = false_positives.size();
+//        System.out.println();
+//        System.out.println("Stats: ");
+//        System.out.println("Good Removals: " + good_removals);
+//        System.out.println("Bad Removals: " + bad_removals);
+//        System.out.println("Total estimated curler hits: " + badhits.size());
+//        System.out.println("Total removed: " + remove_us.size());
+//        System.out.println("Known to be unfindable (though more are than these): " + probably_unfindable);
+//        System.out.println("Estimated Percentage of curler hits removed: " + ((double)good_removals)/((double)badhits.size()));
+        if (_histogram)
+        {
+            _aida.cloud1D("good removals").fill(good_removals);
+            _aida.cloud1D("bad removals").fill(bad_removals);
+            _aida.cloud1D("total removals").fill(remove_us.size());
+            _aida.cloud1D("percentage of curler hits removed").fill((double)good_removals/((double)badhits.size()));
+            _aida.cloud1D("percentage of removals that are good").fill((double)good_removals/((double)remove_us.size()));
+            _aida.cloud1D("probably unfindable").fill(probably_unfindable);
+        }
+        //output remaining hits
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit> cheathits = (ArrayList<TrackerHit>)_hits.clone();
+        _hits.removeAll(remove_us);
+        cheathits.removeAll(badhits);
+        for (MCParticle i : badparticles)
+        {
+            if (_histogram) _aida.cloud1D("_part_"+i.getType().toString()).fill(1);
+        }
+        if (_output_name!="") 
+        {
+            event.put(_output_name,_hits,TrackerHit.class,0);
+            event.put(_output_name+"_curlers",remove_us,TrackerHit.class,0);
+            event.put(_output_name+"_false_positives",false_positives,TrackerHit.class,0);
+            event.put(_output_name+"_cheat_curlers",badhits,TrackerHit.class,0);
+            event.put(_output_name+"_cheat",cheathits,TrackerHit.class,0);
+        }
+//        System.out.println("Event Complete");
+//        System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------");
+    }
+    //-------------------Public controller functions---------------------//
+    public void addInput(String collection_name)
+    {_input_collection.add(collection_name);}
+    public void clearInput()
+    {_input_collection.clear();}
+    public void setOutput (String collection_name)
+    {_output_name = collection_name;}
+    public void setMaxPhiDifference(double mpd)
+    {_max_phi_difference=mpd;}
+    public void setMinHits(int mh)
+    {_min_hits=mh;}
+    public void setMaxZSeparation(double mzs)
+    {maxseparation=mzs;}
+    public void set_dz(double newdz)
+    {dz=newdz;}
+    public void setFitChisqCut(double fcc)
+    {chisq_cut=fcc;}
+    public void setTwoClusterChisqCut(double tccc)
+    {two_cluster_chisq_cut=tccc;}
+    public void setMaxZDiff(double mzd)
+    {max_z_diff = mzd;}
+    public void setMaxResid(double mr)
+    {max_residual=mr;}
+    public void setMaxZRMS(double mzrms)
+    {max_zrms = mzrms;}
+    public void makeHistograms (boolean mh)
+    {_histogram = mh;}
+    //-------------------Private Helper Functions-------------------------//
+    //this function makes clusters in phi. Probably can be sped up by sorting in phi first instead of just comparing phi with all hits. '
+    private ArrayList<Cluster> findClusters(ArrayList<TrackerHit> input)    
+    {
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit> unclustered = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>(input);
+        ArrayList<Cluster> returnme = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+        for (TrackerHit i : input)
+        {
+            if (!unclustered.contains(i)) continue;
+            ArrayList<TrackerHit> this_cluster = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+            this_cluster.add(i);
+            discontinuous = false; //assume cluster is continuous (in phi... -pi = pi and all that...)
+            while(true)
+            {
+              ArrayList<TrackerHit> near = nearbyHits(this_cluster,unclustered);
+              if (near.isEmpty()) break;
+              this_cluster.addAll(near);
+              unclustered.removeAll(near);
+            }
+            if (this_cluster.size()>_min_hits) 
+            {
+                Cluster c = new Cluster(this_cluster,dz,maxseparation,discontinuous);
+                if (_histogram)_aida.cloud1D("zrms").fill(c.zrms());
+                c.purgeHits(max_residual,_min_hits);
+                if (c.hits().size()>_min_hits && c.zrms()<max_zrms)returnme.add(c); // since the cluster size can reduce due to z-separation, we should check again
+            }
+        }
+        return returnme;
+    }
+    //helps clustsering
+    private ArrayList<TrackerHit> nearbyHits(ArrayList<TrackerHit> cluster, ArrayList<TrackerHit> unclustered)
+    {
+        ArrayList<TrackerHit> nearby_hits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+        for (TrackerHit seed_hit : cluster)
+        {
+            for (TrackerHit hit : unclustered)
+            {
+                 if (nearby_hits.contains(hit)) continue;
+                 double phi_seed = Math.atan2(seed_hit.getPosition()[1],seed_hit.getPosition()[0]);
+                 double phi_hit = Math.atan2(hit.getPosition()[1],hit.getPosition()[0]); 
+                 if (Math.abs(phi_seed-phi_hit) < _max_phi_difference)                      
+                 {
+                     nearby_hits.add(hit);
+                 }
+                 else if( (phi_hit>0 && phi_seed<0 && Math.abs(phi_seed + 2*Math.PI - phi_hit) < _max_phi_difference) ||
+                          (phi_hit<0 && phi_seed>0 && Math.abs(phi_seed - phi_hit - 2*Math.PI) < _max_phi_difference) )
+                 {  
+                    nearby_hits.add(hit);
+                    discontinuous = true; 
+                 }
+            }        
+        }
+        return nearby_hits;
+    }
+    private int howManyLayersHit(HashMap<MCParticle,Integer[]> h, MCParticle p)
+    {
+        int returnme = 0; 
+        for (Integer i : h.get(p))
+        {
+            if (i>0) returnme++; 
+        }
+        return returnme; 
+    }
+    private int maxHitsInALayer(HashMap<MCParticle,Integer[]> h, MCParticle p)
+    {
+        int max_hits = -1;
+        for (Integer i : h.get(p))
+        {
+            if (i.intValue()>max_hits) max_hits = i.intValue();
+        }
+        return max_hits; 
+    }
+    private void getHits(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        _hits.clear();
+        for (String s : _input_collection) _hits.addAll((ArrayList)event.get(TrackerHit.class,s));
+    }
+//================================================================Cluster Class ===================================================================================//
+class Cluster
+    {
+        private ArrayList<TrackerHit> hits;
+        private double chisq=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+        private PolynomialFitter fitter = new PolynomialFitter();
+        private PolynomialFit fit = null;
+        private double zrms;
+        private HashMap<TrackerHit,Double> seps = new HashMap<TrackerHit,Double>();
+        private double[] phi;
+        private double[] z;
+        private double[] dz; 
+        private double z_avg = 0;
+        private double z_min;
+        private double z_max; 
+        private double phi_avg;
+        private double phi_min;
+        private double phi_max;
+        private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+        private double[] params = new double[4];
+        private boolean fail = false; 
+        private double chisq_change_threshold = 1.5; 
+        private double chisq_absolute_threshold = 1; 
+        private double scale_amount = 1.; //work in milliradians
+        private Matrix cv = null;
+        private Matrix CV = null;
+        private boolean _discontinuous;
+        private double z_sep_max_rel = 5.;
+        private double z_sep_avg = 1000000000;
+        public Cluster(ArrayList<TrackerHit> h, double _dz, double max_sep, boolean discontinuous)
+        {
+            hits = h;
+            _discontinuous = discontinuous;  
+            makeSeparations();
+            requireSeparations(max_sep); //require points to be fairly close in z
+            if (hits.size()<4)
+            { 
+                fail=true;
+//                System.out.println("too few points in a cluster after z separation");
+                return;
+            }
+            phi = new double[hits.size()];
+            z = new double[hits.size()];
+            dz = new double[hits.size()];
+            for (int i = 0; i<hits.size(); i++)
+            {
+                dz[i] = _dz;
+                z[i] = hits.get(i).getPosition()[2];
+                phi[i] = scale_amount*Math.atan2(hits.get(i).getPosition()[1],hits.get(i).getPosition()[0]); //work in milliradians
+            }
+            // fit
+            int order = 2;
+            chisq = 1000000000000.;             
+            double lastchisq = 1000000000000000.;
+            double[] lastparams = null; 
+            while (order<5)
+            {
+                lastparams = params;
+                lastchisq = chisq; 
+                boolean fitok = false;
+                try
+                {                
+                    fitok =,z,dz,hits.size(),order);
+                }
+                catch (RuntimeException re) //eww, singular matrices
+                {
+                    fail = true;
+                }
+                if (!fitok)
+                {
+                    System.out.println("Warning, polyfit failed");
+                    fail = true;
+                    return;
+                }
+                fit = fitter.getFit();
+//                System.out.println(fit.parameters());
+                for (int i = 0; i<order; i++) params[i]=fit.parameters().getColumnPackedCopy()[i];
+                for (int i = order; i<4; i++) params[i]=0;
+                chisq = calculateChisq();
+//                System.out.println("chisq with order "+order+" = "+chisq);
+                if (chisq < chisq_absolute_threshold)
+                {
+//                    System.out.println("Using order "+order);
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (lastchisq < chisq_change_threshold*chisq)
+                {
+//                    System.out.println("Using order "+(order-1));
+                    params = lastparams;
+                    chisq = lastchisq; 
+                    break; 
+                }
+                order++;
+            }
+//            System.out.println("Coords: ");
+//            for (int i = 0; i<hits.size(); i++) System.out.println("z: "+z[i]+" phi: "+phi[i]);
+//            System.out.println("Parameters: ");
+//            for (double i : params) System.out.println(i);
+//            System.out.println("Covariance: ");
+//            System.out.println(fit.covariance().toString());
+            //calculate mins, maxes, averages for z's and phi'
+            double total = 0;
+            for (double i : z) total = total+i;
+            z_avg = total/((double)z.length);
+            phi_min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+            phi_max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; 
+            for (double i : phi)
+            {
+                if (!_discontinuous)
+                {   
+                    if (i>phi_max) phi_max = i;
+                    if (i<phi_min) phi_min = i;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (i<0 && i>phi_max) phi_max = i;
+                    if (i>0 && i<phi_min) phi_min = i;
+                }
+            }          
+            total = 0; 
+            for (double i : phi) 
+            {
+                total += i;
+                if (_discontinuous && i<0) total+= 2*Math.PI;
+            }
+            phi_avg = total/((double)phi.length);
+            if (phi_avg > Math.PI) phi_avg -= 2*Math.PI;
+            //System.out.println(hits.size());   
+            zrms = calculateZRMS(); //z_min and max are calculated here
+           // plotFit();
+        }
+        public double z_avg()
+        {return z_avg;}
+        public double z_min()
+        {return z_min;}
+        public double z_max()
+        {return z_max;}
+        public double phi_avg()
+        {return phi_avg;}
+        public double phi_min()
+        {return phi_min;}
+        public double phi_max()
+        {return phi_max;}
+        public double[] params()
+        {return params;}
+        public PolynomialFit getFit()
+        {return fit;}
+        public double chisq()
+        {return chisq;}
+        public double zrms()
+        {return zrms;}
+        public ArrayList<TrackerHit> hits()
+        {return hits;}
+        public boolean fail()
+        {return fail;}
+        public double getClusterMatchChisq(Cluster cl) //this is the really important function that tests two clusters too see if htey match
+        {
+           if (fail || return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+//           if (fit.covariance().rank()!=cl.getFit().covariance().rank()) 
+//           {
+//               System.out.println("Incompatible fits.");
+//               return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; //require two clusters to have same type of fit
+//           } 
+           double phi_0 = (phi_avg + cl.phi_avg())/2.0;
+           double[] diffs = new double[4];
+           //lower case ==> something belong to this cluster. Upper case ==> something belong to cl. 
+           double a=params[3];
+           double b=params[2];
+           double c=params[1];
+           double d=params[0];  
+           double A=cl.params()[3];
+           double B=cl.params()[2];
+           double C=cl.params()[1];
+           double D=cl.params()[0];
+           //polynomial differences for up to a cubic... if you want to go past a cubic, you'll have to figure something out'
+           diffs[0] = -(a)-A;
+           diffs[1] = (b+6*a*phi_0)-B;
+           diffs[2] = -(12*a*phi_0*phi_0+4*b*phi_0+c)-C;
+           diffs[3] = (8*a*(phi_0*phi_0*phi_0)+4*b*(phi_0*phi_0)+2*c*phi_0+d)-D;
+//           System.out.println();
+           double[] errors_squared = new double[4];
+           cv = fit.covariance();
+           CV = cl.getFit().covariance();
+//           System.out.println("==============================");
+//           System.out.println(cv);
+//           System.out.println();
+//           System.out.println(CV);
+           //this error propagation works for polynomials up to the cubic term. In the future, it might be a good idea
+           //to not just hardcode this stuff. 
+           errors_squared[0] = covar(0,0) + Covar(0,0); 
+           errors_squared[1] = covar(1,1) + Covar(1,1) + 
+                               Math.pow(6*phi_0,2) * (covar(0,0)) + 
+                               (6*phi_0) * (2*covar(1,0));
+           errors_squared[2] = covar(2,2) + Covar(2,2) + 
+                               Math.pow(12*phi_0*phi_0,2) * covar(0,0) + 
+                               12*Math.pow(phi_0,2)*(2*covar(0,2) ) +
+                               Math.pow(4*phi_0,2) * (covar(1,1)) + 
+                               (4*phi_0) * (2*covar(2,1)) +
+                               48*Math.pow(phi_0,3) * (2*covar(1,0));
+           errors_squared[3] = covar(3,3) + Covar(3,3) + 
+                               Math.pow( 8*Math.pow(phi_0,3), 2) * (covar(0,0)) + 
+                               (8*Math.pow(phi_0,3)) * (2*covar(0,3)) +
+                               Math.pow(4*phi_0*phi_0,2) * ( covar(1,1)) +
+                               4*Math.pow(phi_0,2)*(2*covar(1,3)) +
+                               Math.pow(2*phi_0,2) * (covar(2,2)) + 
+                               (2*phi_0) * (2*covar(2,3)) +
+                               32*Math.pow(phi_0,5) * (2*covar(0,1)) + 
+                               16*Math.pow(phi_0,4) * (2*covar(0,2)) +
+                               8*Math.pow(phi_0,3) * (2*covar(1,2));
+//           System.out.println();
+//           System.out.println("error terms:");
+//           for (double doub : errors_squared) System.out.println(doub);
+           //get chisq value (E=0) 
+           double returnme = 0;
+           for (int i = 0; i<diffs.length; i++) returnme+=(diffs[i]*diffs[i])/(errors_squared[i]);
+//           aida.cloud1D("match chisq").fill(returnme);
+//           System.out.println("chisq: "+returnme);
+//           System.out.println();
+           return returnme; 
+        }
+        //for bound checking
+        private double covar(int a, int b)
+        {
+            if(a<cv.rank() && b<cv.rank())
+            {return cv.get(a,b);}
+            return 0;
+        }
+        //ditto 
+        private double Covar(int a, int b)
+        { 
+            if  (a<CV.rank() && b<CV.rank())
+            {return CV.get(a,b);}
+            return 0;
+        }
+        public double getSelfMatchChisq() //splits a cluster in two and compares each half with the other
+        {
+            if (fail) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 
+            ArrayList<TrackerHit> c1_hits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+            ArrayList<TrackerHit> c2_hits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+            for (TrackerHit i : hits) //split cluster into two around phi_avg
+            {
+                double p = scale_amount*Math.atan2(i.getPosition()[1],i.getPosition()[0]);
+                if (!_discontinuous && p < phi_avg) c1_hits.add(i);
+                else if (_discontinuous && p<0 && phi_avg<0 && p<phi_avg) c1_hits.add(i);
+                else if (_discontinuous && p>0 && phi_avg<0) c1_hits.add(i);
+                else if (_discontinuous && p>0 && phi_avg>0 && p<phi_avg) c1_hits.add(i);
+                else c2_hits.add(i);
+            }
+//            System.out.println("cluster split "+z_avg);
+            Cluster c1 = null; 
+            Cluster c2 = null;
+            if (!_discontinuous)
+            {
+                c1 = new Cluster(c1_hits,dz[0],100000,false);
+                c2 = new Cluster(c2_hits,dz[0],100000,false);
+            }
+            else if (_discontinuous && phi_avg>0)
+            {
+                c1 = new Cluster(c1_hits,dz[0],100000,false);
+                c2 = new Cluster(c2_hits,dz[0],100000,true);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                c1 = new Cluster(c1_hits,dz[0],100000,true);
+                c2 = new Cluster(c2_hits,dz[0],100000,false);
+            }
+            return c1.getClusterMatchChisq(c2);
+        }
+//        public double getClusterMatchAreaSquared(Cluster cl) //experimental. probably doesn't work. '
+//        {
+//            if (fail || return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+//           double upper_bound = cl.phi_max();
+//           double lower_bound = cl.phi_min();
+//           //double returnme = Math.abs( evaluateRidiculousIntegral(upper_bound,cl) - evaluateRidiculousIntegral(lower_bound,cl) );
+//           double returnme = Math.abs(approximateRidiculousIntegral(cl,100));
+//           aida.cloud1D("match area").fill(returnme);
+//           System.out.println("area: "+returnme);
+//           return returnme;
+//        }
+//        public double getSelfMatchAreaSquared()  //experimental. probably doesn't work. '
+//        {
+//            if (fail) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+//            ArrayList<TrackerHit> c1_hits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+//            ArrayList<TrackerHit> c2_hits = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>();
+//            for (TrackerHit i : hits) //split cluster into two around phi_avg
+//            {
+//                if (scale_amount*Math.atan2(i.getPosition()[1],i.getPosition()[0]) > phi_avg) c1_hits.add(i);
+//                else c2_hits.add(i);
+//            }
+//            System.out.println("cluster split "+z_avg);
+//            Cluster c1 = new Cluster(c1_hits,dz[0],100000);
+//            Cluster c2 = new Cluster(c2_hits,dz[0],100000);
+//            return c1.getClusterMatchAreaSquared(c2);
+//        }
+        public void purgeHits(double max_residual,int min_points) // removes hits from the cluster with residuals that are too large until up until min_points is satisfied
+        {
+            if (hits.size() <= min_points) return; 
+            //first, we want to sort in decreasing order by the size of the residual
+            ArrayList<HitPlusResidual> hpr = new ArrayList<HitPlusResidual>();
+            for (TrackerHit hit : hits)
+            {
+                hpr.add(new HitPlusResidual(hit,calculateResidual(hit)));
+            }
+            CompareResiduals<HitPlusResidual> comp = new CompareResiduals<HitPlusResidual>();
+            Collections.sort(hpr,comp);
+            for (HitPlusResidual h : hpr)
+            {
+                if (hpr.size() <= min_points) break;
+                if (h.residual() > max_residual) hits.remove(h.hit());
+            }
+        }
+        private double calculateZRMS()
+        {
+            if (fail) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+            double[] z_copy = new double[z.length];
+            for (int i = 0; i<z.length;i++) z_copy[i]=z[i];
+            Arrays.sort(z_copy);
+            z_min = z_copy[0];
+            z_max = z_copy[z_copy.length-1];
+             double diff_z2_total = 0; 
+            for (int i = 0; i<z.length-1; i++) 
+            {
+                 diff_z2_total += Math.pow((z_copy[i+1]-z_copy[i]),2);
+            }
+            return Math.sqrt(diff_z2_total/((double)(z.length-1)));
+        }
+//        private double evaluateRidiculousIntegral(double x, Cluster cl) //experimental
+//        {
+//          double phi_0 = (phi_max + cl.phi_max())/2.0;
+//           double a=params[3];
+//           double b=params[2];
+//           double c=params[1];
+//           double d=params[0];
+//           double A=cl.params()[3];
+//           double B=cl.params()[2];
+//           double C=cl.params()[1];
+//           double D=cl.params()[0];
+//          //integral calculated with maxima, with some luck transcribed correctly
+//          return x*D*D+x*x*C*D+(2*x*x*x*B*D)/3.+(x*x*x*x*A*D)/2.+
+//                 (a*x*x*x*x*x*D)/2.-4*a*phi_0*x*x*x*D- 
+//                 (2*b*x*x*x*D)/3.+12*a*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*D+ 4*b*phi_0*x*x*D+c*x*x*D-
+//                 16*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*D-8*b*phi_0*phi_0*x*D-
+//                 4*c*phi_0*x*D-2*d*x*D+(x*x*x*C*C)/3.+
+//                 (x*x*x*x*B*C)/2.+(2*x*x*x*x*x*A*C)/5.+(2*a*x*x*x*x*x*C)/5.-
+//                 3*a*phi_0*x*x*x*x*C-(b*x*x*x*x*C)/2.+
+//                 8*a*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*C+(8*b*phi_0*x*x*x*C)/3.+
+//                 (2*c*x*x*x*C)/3.-8*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*C-
+//                 4*b*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*C-2*c*phi_0*x*phi_0*C-
+//                 d*x*x*C+(x*x*x*x*x*B*B)/5.+(x*x*x*x*x*x*A*B)/3.+
+//                 (a*x*x*x*x*x*x*B)/3.-(12*a*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x*B)/5.-
+//                 (2*b*x*x*x*x*x*B)/5.+6*a*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x*B+
+//                 2*b*phi_0*x*x*x*x*B+(c*x*x*x*x*B)/2.-
+//                 (16*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*B)/3.-(8*b*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*B)/3.
+//                 -(4*c*phi_0*x*x*x*B)/3.-(2*d*x*x*x*B)/3.+(x*x*x*x*x*x*x*A*A)/7.+
+//                 (2*a*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*A)/7.-2*a*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x*x*A-(b*x*x*x*x*x*x*A)/3.
+//                 +(24*a*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x*A)/5.+(8*b*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x*A)/5.
+//         	 +(2*c*x*x*x*x*x*A)/5.-4*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x*A-
+//                 2*b*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x*A-c*phi_0*x*x*x*x*A-
+//                 (d*x*x*x*x*A)/2.+(a*a*x*x*x*x*x*x*x)/7.-
+//                 2*a*a*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x*x-(a*b*x*x*x*x*x*x)/3.+
+//                 12*a*a*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x+4*a*b*phi_0*x*x*x*x*x+(2*a*c*x*x*x*x*x)/5.
+//               	 +(b*b*x*x*x*x*x)/5.-40*a*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x-
+//                 20*a*b*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x*x-4*a*c*phi_0*x*x*x*x-2*b*b*phi_0*x*x*x*x-
+//                 (a*d*x*x*x*x)/2.-(b*c*x*x*x*x)/2.+80*a*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x+
+//                 (160*a*b*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x)/3.+16*a*c*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x+
+//                 8*b*b*phi_0*phi_0*x*x*x+4*a*d*phi_0*x*x*x+4*b*c*phi_0*x*x*x+(2*b*d*x*x*x)/3.
+//                 +(c*c*x*x*x)/3.-96*a*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x-
+//                 80*a*b*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x-32*a*c*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x-
+//                 16*b*b*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x*x-12*a*d*phi_0*phi_0*x*x-
+//                 12*b*c*phi_0*phi_0*x*x-4*b*d*phi_0*x*x-2*c*c*phi_0*x*x-
+//                 c*d*x*x+64*a*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x+
+//                 64*a*b*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x+
+//                 32*a*c*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x+16*b*b*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x
+//                 +16*a*d*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x+16*b*c*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*x+
+//                 8*b*d*phi_0*phi_0*x+4*c*c*phi_0*phi_0*x+4*c*d*phi_0*x+
+//                 d*d*x-(128*a*a*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0*phi_0)/7.;
+//        }
+//        private double approximateRidiculousIntegral(Cluster cl, int n) //approximate integral using MC. experimental
+//        {
+//            double min = cl.phi_min();
+//            double max = cl.phi_max();
+//            double width = max-min; 
+//            double phi_0 = (phi_avg+cl.phi_avg())/2.0;
+//            double a=params[3];
+//            double b=params[2];
+//            double c=params[1];
+//            double d=params[0];
+//            double[] translated_params = new double[4];
+//            translated_params[0] = -(a);
+//            translated_params[1] = (b+6*a*phi_0);
+//            translated_params[2] = -(12*a*phi_0*phi_0+4*b*phi_0+c);
+//            translated_params[3] = (8*a*(phi_0*phi_0*phi_0)+4*b*(phi_0*phi_0)+2*c*phi_0+d);
+//            double total = 0;
+//            for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
+//            {
+//                double x = Math.random()*width+min; 
+//                total+=Math.abs(f(x,translated_params)-f(x,cl.params()));
+//            }
+//            return width*total/((double)n);
+//        }
+        private double calculateResidual(TrackerHit h)
+        {
+            double real_z = h.getPosition()[2];
+            double p = scale_amount*Math.atan2(h.getPosition()[1],h.getPosition()[0]);
[truncated at 1000 lines; 120 more skipped]
CVSspam 0.2.8