

Commit in lcsim/test/org/lcsim/recon/tracking on MAIN
trfcyl/ -> 1.2
trffit/ -> 1.2
trfutil/ -> 1.2
3 modified files
JM: Make classes nested so m2 does not try to make them tests.

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/recon/tracking/trfcyl 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	25 Jul 2007 17:22:24 -0000	1.1
+++	9 Aug 2007 18:21:03 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Created on July 24, 2007, 8:44 PM
- * $Id:,v 1.1 2007/07/25 17:22:24 ngraf Exp $
+ * $Id:,v 1.2 2007/08/09 18:21:03 jeremy Exp $
 package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl;
@@ -30,150 +30,150 @@
 public class HitCylPhiGenerator_t extends TestCase
-    private boolean debug;
-    /** Creates a new instance of HitCylPhiGenerator_t */
-    public void testHitCylPhiGenerator()
-    {
-        String component = "HitCylPhiGenerator";
-        String ok_prefix = component + " (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = component + " test (E): ";
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "---------- Testing component " + component
-                + ". ----------" );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test constructor." );
-        double radius = 25.0;
-        double dphi = 0.01;
-        TestSurfCylinder tcy = new TestSurfCylinder(radius);
-        if(debug) System.out.println(tcy);
-        HitCylPhiGenerator gen = new HitCylPhiGenerator(tcy,dphi);
-        if(debug) System.out.println( gen );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate a list of hits." );
-        double phi0 = 1.2345;
-        Surface srf = new SurfCylinder(radius);
-        TrackVector vec = new TrackVector();
-        vec.set(SurfCylinder.IPHI, phi0);
-        TrackError err = new TrackError();
-        VTrack trv = new VTrack(srf,vec);
-        ETrack tre = new ETrack(trv,err);
-        List clusters = new ArrayList();
-        int nclus = 20;
-        for ( int i=0; i<nclus; ++i )
-        {
-            Cluster clu = gen.newCluster(trv);
-            Assert.assertTrue( clu != null );
-            clusters.add( clu );
-        }
-        // Verify and display the list.
-        List hits = new ArrayList();
-        for ( Iterator iclu=clusters.iterator(); iclu.hasNext(); )
-        {
-            Cluster clu = (Cluster);
-            Assert.assertTrue( clu != null );
-            List newhits = clu.predict(tre,clu);
-            Assert.assertTrue( newhits.size() == 1 );
-            hits.add( newhits.get(0) );
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue( hits.size() == nclus );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate list of measured values." );
-        double avg = 0.0;
-        double sdev = 0.0;
-        for ( Iterator ihit=hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); )
-        {
-            Hit hit = (Hit);
-            Assert.assertTrue( hit != null );
-            double mval = hit.measuredVector().get(0);
-            double merr = hit.measuredError().get(0,0);
-            double pval = hit.predictedVector().get(0);
-            double perr = hit.predictedError().get(0,0);
-            Assert.assertTrue( TRFMath.isEqual(pval,phi0) );
-            Assert.assertTrue( TRFMath.isEqual(merr,dphi*dphi) );
-            if(debug) System.out.println( mval );
-            avg += mval;
-            sdev += (mval-pval)*(mval-pval);
-        }
-        avg /= nclus;
-        sdev = Math.sqrt(sdev/nclus);
-        if(debug) System.out.println( " Avg: " + avg );
-        if(debug) System.out.println( "Sdev: " + sdev );
-        Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs( avg - phi0 ) < dphi );
-        Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs( sdev - dphi ) < dphi );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate a hit out-of-bounds." );
-        vec.set(SurfCylinder.IZ, 200.0);
-        trv.setVector(vec);
-        Assert.assertTrue( gen.newCluster(trv) == null );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Print final generator state." );
-        if(debug) System.out.println( gen );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. -------------" );
-        //********************************************************************
-    }
+	private boolean debug;
+	/** Creates a new instance of HitCylPhiGenerator_t */
+	public void testHitCylPhiGenerator()
+	{
+		String component = "HitCylPhiGenerator";
+		String ok_prefix = component + " (I): ";
+		String error_prefix = component + " test (E): ";
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
+				+ "---------- Testing component " + component
+				+ ". ----------" );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test constructor." );
+		double radius = 25.0;
+		double dphi = 0.01;
+		TestSurfCylinder tcy = new TestSurfCylinder(radius);
+		if(debug) System.out.println(tcy);
+		HitCylPhiGenerator gen = new HitCylPhiGenerator(tcy,dphi);
+		if(debug) System.out.println( gen );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate a list of hits." );
+		double phi0 = 1.2345;
+		Surface srf = new SurfCylinder(radius);
+		TrackVector vec = new TrackVector();
+		vec.set(SurfCylinder.IPHI, phi0);
+		TrackError err = new TrackError();
+		VTrack trv = new VTrack(srf,vec);
+		ETrack tre = new ETrack(trv,err);
+		List clusters = new ArrayList();
+		int nclus = 20;
+		for ( int i=0; i<nclus; ++i )
+		{
+			Cluster clu = gen.newCluster(trv);
+			Assert.assertTrue( clu != null );
+			clusters.add( clu );
+		}
+		// Verify and display the list.
+		List hits = new ArrayList();
+		for ( Iterator iclu=clusters.iterator(); iclu.hasNext(); )
+		{
+			Cluster clu = (Cluster);
+			Assert.assertTrue( clu != null );
+			List newhits = clu.predict(tre,clu);
+			Assert.assertTrue( newhits.size() == 1 );
+			hits.add( newhits.get(0) );
+		}
+		Assert.assertTrue( hits.size() == nclus );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate list of measured values." );
+		double avg = 0.0;
+		double sdev = 0.0;
+		for ( Iterator ihit=hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); )
+		{
+			Hit hit = (Hit);
+			Assert.assertTrue( hit != null );
+			double mval = hit.measuredVector().get(0);
+			double merr = hit.measuredError().get(0,0);
+			double pval = hit.predictedVector().get(0);
+			double perr = hit.predictedError().get(0,0);
+			Assert.assertTrue( TRFMath.isEqual(pval,phi0) );
+			Assert.assertTrue( TRFMath.isEqual(merr,dphi*dphi) );
+			if(debug) System.out.println( mval );
+			avg += mval;
+			sdev += (mval-pval)*(mval-pval);
+		}
+		avg /= nclus;
+		sdev = Math.sqrt(sdev/nclus);
+		if(debug) System.out.println( " Avg: " + avg );
+		if(debug) System.out.println( "Sdev: " + sdev );
+		Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs( avg - phi0 ) < dphi );
+		Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs( sdev - dphi ) < dphi );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate a hit out-of-bounds." );
+		vec.set(SurfCylinder.IZ, 200.0);
+		trv.setVector(vec);
+		Assert.assertTrue( gen.newCluster(trv) == null );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Print final generator state." );
+		if(debug) System.out.println( gen );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
+				+ "------------- All tests passed. -------------" );
+		//********************************************************************
+	}
+	//  SurfCylinder subclass for testing.
+	//  z > 100 is considered out of bounds.
+	static class TestSurfCylinder extends SurfCylinder
+	{
+		// static methods
+		// Return the type name.
+		public static String typeName()
+		{ return "TestSurfCylinder"; }
+		// Return the type.
+		public static String staticType()
+		{ return typeName(); }
+		public double _zmax;
+		public TestSurfCylinder(double radius)
+		{
+			super(radius);
+		}
+		public CrossStat status( ETrack tre)
+		{
+			return status( (VTrack) tre );
+		}
+		// Return the type.
+		public String type()
+		{ return staticType(); }
+		public CrossStat status( VTrack trv )
+		{
+			CrossStat xstat = pureStatus(trv);
+			if ( ! ) return xstat;
+			double z = trv.vector(SurfCylinder.IZ);
+			if ( z > 100.0 ) return new CrossStat(BoundedStat.OUT_OF_BOUNDS);
+			return new CrossStat(BoundedStat.IN_BOUNDS);
+		}
+		public Surface newSurface()
+		{
+			return new TestSurfCylinder(radius());
+		}
+		public String toString()
+		{
+			return "TestSurfCylinder with radius "+_radius;
+		}
+	}
-// SurfCylinder subclass for testing.
-// z > 100 is considered out of bounds.
-class TestSurfCylinder extends SurfCylinder
-    // static methods
-    // Return the type name.
-    public static String typeName()
-    { return "TestSurfCylinder"; }
-    // Return the type.
-    public static String staticType()
-    { return typeName(); }
-    public double _zmax;
-    public TestSurfCylinder(double radius)
-    {
-        super(radius);
-    }
-    public CrossStat status( ETrack tre)
-    {
-        return status( (VTrack) tre );
-    }
-    // Return the type.
-    public String type()
-    { return staticType(); }
-    public CrossStat status( VTrack trv )
-    {
-        CrossStat xstat = pureStatus(trv);
-        if ( ! ) return xstat;
-        double z = trv.vector(SurfCylinder.IZ);
-        if ( z > 100.0 ) return new CrossStat(BoundedStat.OUT_OF_BOUNDS);
-        return new CrossStat(BoundedStat.IN_BOUNDS);
-    }
-    public Surface newSurface()
-    {
-        return new TestSurfCylinder(radius());
-    }
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return "TestSurfCylinder with radius "+_radius;
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/recon/tracking/trffit 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	25 Jul 2007 00:07:13 -0000	1.1
+++	9 Aug 2007 18:21:04 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Created on July 24, 2007, 4:57 PM
- * $Id:,v 1.1 2007/07/25 00:07:13 ngraf Exp $
+ * $Id:,v 1.2 2007/08/09 18:21:04 jeremy Exp $
 package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit;
@@ -28,89 +28,89 @@
 public class HTrackGenerator_t extends TestCase
-    private boolean debug;
-    /** Creates a new instance of HTrackGenerator_t */
-    public void testHTrackGenerator()
-    {
-   //**********************************************************************
-        String component = "HTrackGenerator";
-        String ok_prefix = component + " (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = component + " test (E): ";
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "---------- Testing component " + component
-                + ". ----------" );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test constructor." );
-        // construct VTrack generator
-        SurfTest stest = new SurfTest(1);
-        TrackVector vec = new TrackVector();
-        vec.set(0,  1.0);
-        vec.set(1,  2.0);
-        vec.set(2,  3.0);
-        vec.set(3,  4.0);
-        vec.set(4,  5.0);
-        VTrack trv = new VTrack( stest.newPureSurface(), vec );
-        // Construct list of Hit generators.
-        List hgens = new ArrayList();
-        hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(2)) );
-        hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(4)) );
-        hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(6)) );
-        hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(8)) );
-        // Construct track error matrix.
-        TrackError terr = new TrackError();
-        terr.set(0,0,  0.01);
-        terr.set(1,1,  0.02);
-        terr.set(2,2,  0.03);
-        terr.set(3,3,  0.04);
-        terr.set(4,4,  0.05);
-        // Construct propagator.
-        PropTest prop = new PropTest();
-        // construct generator
-        HTrackGenerator gen = new HTrackGenerator(hgens,prop,stest,terr);
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate tracks." );
-        HTrack trh = gen.newTrack(trv);
-        Assert.assertTrue( trh != null );
-        if(debug) System.out.println( trh );
-        Assert.assertTrue( trh.hits().size() == 4 );
-        Assert.assertTrue( trh.newTrack().surface().pureEqual(stest) );
-        //********************************************************************
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. -------------" );
-        //********************************************************************        
-    }
+	private boolean debug;
+	/** Creates a new instance of HTrackGenerator_t */
+	public void testHTrackGenerator()
+	{
+		//**********************************************************************
-class HitGeneratorTest extends HitGenerator
-    private SurfTest _srf;
-    private double _min;
-    private double _max;
-    public HitGeneratorTest(  SurfTest srf)
-    {
-        _srf = new SurfTest(srf);
-    }
-    public   Surface surface()
-    {
-        return _srf;
-    }
-    public Cluster newCluster(  VTrack trv, int mcid)
-    {
-        int npred = (int)( flat(1.0,10.0) );
-        return new ClusterTest(_srf,npred);
-    }
+		String component = "HTrackGenerator";
+		String ok_prefix = component + " (I): ";
+		String error_prefix = component + " test (E): ";
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
+				+ "---------- Testing component " + component
+				+ ". ----------" );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test constructor." );
+		// construct VTrack generator
+		SurfTest stest = new SurfTest(1);
+		TrackVector vec = new TrackVector();
+		vec.set(0,  1.0);
+		vec.set(1,  2.0);
+		vec.set(2,  3.0);
+		vec.set(3,  4.0);
+		vec.set(4,  5.0);
+		VTrack trv = new VTrack( stest.newPureSurface(), vec );
+		// Construct list of Hit generators.
+		List hgens = new ArrayList();
+		hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(2)) );
+		hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(4)) );
+		hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(6)) );
+		hgens.add( new HitGeneratorTest(new SurfTest(8)) );
+		// Construct track error matrix.
+		TrackError terr = new TrackError();
+		terr.set(0,0,  0.01);
+		terr.set(1,1,  0.02);
+		terr.set(2,2,  0.03);
+		terr.set(3,3,  0.04);
+		terr.set(4,4,  0.05);
+		// Construct propagator.
+		PropTest prop = new PropTest();
+		// construct generator
+		HTrackGenerator gen = new HTrackGenerator(hgens,prop,stest,terr);
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Generate tracks." );
+		HTrack trh = gen.newTrack(trv);
+		Assert.assertTrue( trh != null );
+		if(debug) System.out.println( trh );
+		Assert.assertTrue( trh.hits().size() == 4 );
+		Assert.assertTrue( trh.newTrack().surface().pureEqual(stest) );
+		//********************************************************************
+		if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
+				+ "------------- All tests passed. -------------" );
+		//********************************************************************        
+	}
+	public static class HitGeneratorTest extends HitGenerator
+	{
+		private SurfTest _srf;
+		private double _min;
+		private double _max;
+		public HitGeneratorTest(  SurfTest srf)
+		{
+			_srf = new SurfTest(srf);
+		}
+		public   Surface surface()
+		{
+			return _srf;
+		}
+		public Cluster newCluster(  VTrack trv, int mcid)
+		{
+			int npred = (int)( flat(1.0,10.0) );
+			return new ClusterTest(_srf,npred);
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/recon/tracking/trfutil 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	24 Jul 2007 22:03:09 -0000	1.1
+++	9 Aug 2007 18:21:04 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Created on July 24, 2007, 11:30 AM
- * $Id:,v 1.1 2007/07/24 22:03:09 ngraf Exp $
+ * $Id:,v 1.2 2007/08/09 18:21:04 jeremy Exp $
 package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil;
@@ -51,19 +51,20 @@
-class RootFindSin extends RootFindLinear
-    private double _val;
-    public RootFindSin(double val)
-    {
-        _val = val;
-    }
-    public StatusDouble evaluate(double x)
+    static class RootFindSin extends RootFindLinear
-        return new StatusDouble(0,Math.sin(x)-_val);
-    }
+        private double _val;
+        public RootFindSin(double val)
+        {
+            _val = val;
+        }
+        public StatusDouble evaluate(double x)
+        {
+            return new StatusDouble(0,Math.sin(x)-_val);
+        }
+    }    
CVSspam 0.2.8