# # $Id: xrootd.cf.example,v 1.2 2004/08/17 15:02:53 elmer Exp $ # # The following is a sample xrootd configuration. The relevant prefixes are: # # acc - Access Control # odc - Open Distributed Cache # ofs - Open File System # oss - Open Storage System # sec - Security # xrd - Extended Request Daemon # xrootd - Xrootd Service #----------------------------------------------- # The Open Distributed Cache Section # # Tell xrootd who is the redirection manager # #odc.manager kanolb-a+ 3121 #----------------------------------------------- # The Open File System Section # # Identify which machines will be redirecting clients # #ofs.redirect remote if kanolb-a+ # Identify which machines clients will be redirected to (need not be inclusive) # #ofs.redirect target if kan0* #----------------------------------------------- # The Open Storage System Section # # Indicate where we hace mounted filesystems that can be used for space # The cache directive will also be used by the olb. So, we need not repeat it. # oss.cache public /tmp/cache* # While we highly recommend that you avoid path prefixing, here we indicate # the actual way files are physically name (i.e., the lfn to pfn mapping). The # localroot is how we name this on the data server while remoteroot tells the # system the corresponding name in the Mass Storage System. # oss.localroot /tmp/kanga oss.remoteroot /tmp/kanga_mss # Since we are using a Mass Storage System we need to indicate how MSS meta-data # information is retrieved (mssgwcmd) and how files are retrieved (stagecmd). # The xfr directive will limit the sumber of simultaneous stages to eight. # oss.mssgwcmd /home/furano/xrdtestmss/mymssgwcmd.pl oss.stagecmd /home/furano/xrootd/utils/mps_Stage -d -c /home/furano/xrdtestmss/xrootd.cf.fabrizio oss.xfr 8 # Finally, we need to indicate, by path, which ones are migratable. This will # indicate which logical paths (i.e., lfn's) should exist in the MSS. # oss.path / nodread mig #----------------------------------------------- # The XRD Section # # Generally, xrd defaults are fine. So, no need to change them. # #----------------------------------------------- # The Xrootd Section # # Here we load the extended file system support for xrootd # xrootd.fslib /home/furano/xrootd/lib/arch_dbg/libXrdOfs.so xrootd.export / xrootd.prep logdir /tmp/prestage_log #----------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------- # The Open Load Balancer Section # # For managers, use the allow, port, and sched, and wait directives. # For Servers, use the path, perf, port, and subscribe directives. # # Indicate which hosts are allowed to connect to the olb (even if localhost) # #olb.allow host kan*.slac.stanford.edu #olb.allow host bbr-olb*.slac.stanford.edu # Tell the olb what port to use (server and manager) # olb.port 3121 # To use load based scheduling, specify a load formula using sched # olb.sched cpu 100 # Tell each data server what paths to export # olb.path s / # Tell each data server who to ubscrive to (i.e., the managers) # #olb.subscribe kanolb-a+ 3121 # Tell each olb server to wait for the corresponding xrootd server # olb.wait # To effect load based scheduling, we must start a performance monitor # #olb.perf int 180 pgm /opt/olbd/bin/cur/XrdOlbMonPerf 120 olb.prepmsg + $RID $NOTIFY $PRTY $OPTS $PFN olb.prep echo ifpgm /home/furano/xrootd/utils/mps_prep -c /home/furano/xrdtestmss/xrootd.cf.fabrizio # tell to the prestage cmd the location of the file which holds pre-staging queue (used by mps_prepare and mps_prestage program) mps.pstg.prtyfn /tmp/pre_stage.queue mps.pstg.logfn /tmp/prestage_log #----------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------- # The MPS Section # # Here code the relevant dorectives to control migration, purge, and staging # Most of the defaults are likely wrong. The typical ones to specify are: # # Where error messages go via mail and how often they should go # mps.adminuser = furano mps.msscmd = /home/furano/xrdtestmss/mymssgwcmd.sh mps.mssstat = stat mps.xfrcmd = /home/furano/xrdtestmss/mymssxfr.sh %sfn %tfn # For migration, how long to wait between runs, how long a failure is to be # recognized (after which the operation is retried). how often purge should # run, and the high/low purge thesholds. # mps.migr.rmfail_time = 129600 mps.migr.waittime = 600 mps.purg.waittime = 3600 mps.purg.lousedpct = 80 mps.purg.hiusedpct = 80 # For pre-stage, we generally want to indicate the maximum number allowed # at one time and the command to use to transfer data from the mss # mps.pstg.max_pstg_proc = 3 mps.pstg.pstgcmd = /home/furano/xrootd/utils/mps_Stage -i -d -c /home/furano/xrdtestmss/xrootd.cf.fabrizio # Generally, for all component, we need to indicate who the MSS transfer user # is, the target host and port. Usually, we limit retries to two. # mps.xfrhost = pcbabar9 mps.xfruser = furano mps.xfrport = 2021 mps.stage.max_retry = 2 mps.debug = 4 #-----------------------------------------------