

Hi Andy,

  in trying to set up a prepare-enabled staging system in Padova we 
found problems in using the xrootd.prep directive. Here, the server 
refuses to accept any value for it saying that the directory does not 
exist (even things like /tmp).
  Roberto spotted this small bug in, after the 
correction the server now starts but the prepare request still does 
nothing. I put here the small fix and our test file, please 
could you have a look at it to see if we forgot to set something to put 
the prepare at work?
  BTW the normal staging works fine!

Thank you

RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -r1.37
<        ||  (rc = XrdXrootdPrepare::setParms(buff)) < 0)
 >        ||  (rc = XrdXrootdPrepare::setParms(ldir)) < 0)

config file:

odc.manager bbr-xrootd.pd.babar 3121
xrootd.trace all
xrd.trace all

all.adminpath /opt/xrootd/admin
olb.adminpath /opt/xrootd/admin

# The Open Distributed Cache Section

# The Open Load Balancer Section
olb.trace all
olb.allow host bbr-xrootd.pd.babar
olb.allow host bbr-user02priv.pd.babar
olb.allow host bbr-cndserv03.pd.babar
olb.allow host bbr-datamove*.pd.babar
olb.port 3121
#olb.path w /store
olb.path w /prod
olb.path ws /xtc
# olb.path w /xtc
# olb.path w /ERToMerge
# olb.path w /ERToExport
olb.sched cpu 10 io 90
olb.perf int 3m pgm /opt/xrootd/etc/XrdOlbMonPerf 180
olb.subscribe bbr-xrootd.pd.babar 3121
olb.role server
olb.prep echo scrub 30s keep 12h ifpgm  /opt/xrootd/utils/mps_prep -c 

# The Open File System Section
ofs.redirect  target

# The Open Storage System Section (cache & localroot are used by olb)
# oss.stage
oss.trace all
#oss.mssgwcmd /tmp/
#oss.stagecmd | /tmp/
oss.alloc * * 80
oss.cache public /kanga/d1/xrootd/prod
oss.cache public /kanga/d2/xrootd/prod
&oss.cgroup xtcgrp
&oss.sprty 3
#oss.cache xtcgrp /kanga/d1/xrootd/xtc
#oss.cache xtcgrp /kanga/d2/xrootd/xtc
#oss.cache prod /kanga/d1/xrootd/prod
#oss.cache prod /kanga/d2/xrootd/prod
# oss.cache public /kanga/d1/xrootd/ERToMerge
# oss.cache public /kanga/d2/xrootd/ERToMerge
# oss.cache public /kanga/d1/xrootd/ERToExport
# oss.cache public /kanga/d2/xrootd/ERToExport
oss.fdlimit * max
oss.localroot /data/xrootd
#oss.remoteroot /babar
#oss.path /store
oss.path /xtc stage mig
oss.path /prod nostage nomig
# oss.path /xtc
# oss.path /ERToMerge
# oss.path /ERToExport

oss.mssgwcmd /opt/xrootd/utils/
oss.stagecmd /opt/xrootd/utils/mps_Stage  -dv -F -k -c 
oss.xfr 8 30M 5m 0

# The XRD Section
xrd.protocol xrootd *
xrd.timeout idle 999h

# The XROOTD Section
xrootd.fslib /opt/xrootd/lib/
#xrootd.export /store
xrootd.export /prod
xrootd.export /xtc
# xrootd.export /ERToMerge
# xrootd.export /ERToExport
xrootd.async off
xrootd.chksum crc32 /opt/xrootd/etc/
xrootd.prep logdir /tmp/preplog

mps.adminuser    bbrprmgr
#mps.basedir      /store
mps.debug        4
#mps.errlogfn     /data/xrootd/logs/mpslog
#mps.errlogintvl  60
#mps.ftpcmd       /opt/xrootd/utils/xfrcmd mps.keyfn 
#mps.lockfn       DIR_LOCK
#mps.migr.logfn   /var/log/mps/mlog
#mps.pstg.logfn   /var/log/mps/slog
#mps.purg.logfn   /var/log/mps/plog
#mps.stage.logfn  /var/log/mps/Slog
mps.mailcmd      /bin/mail
#mps.prtyfn       /var/mps/migrpurg
mps.max_retry    2
#mps.migr.max_retry 2
#mps.mssdir       /store
mps.migr.waittime 2419200
mps.pstg.waittime 1
mps.purg.waittime 2419200
mps.xfrblksz      1024
mps.xfrhost       bbr-tape
mps.xfrport       21
mps.xfruser       bbrprmgr
mps.stage.cpgroup xtcgrp
mps.scan /data/xrootd
mps.cache xtcgrp /kanga/d1/xrootd/xtc
mps.cache xtcgrp /kanga/d2/xrootd/xtc

mps.mssstat = stat
mps.xfrcmd = /opt/xrootd/utils/ %sfn %tfn
# For pre-stage, we generally want to indicate the maximum number allowed
# at one time and the command to use to transfer data from the mss
mps.pstg.max_pstg_proc = 3
#mps.pstg.pstgcmd = /opt/xrootd/utils/mps_PreStage -i  -x 3 -c 
mps.pstg.pstgcmd = /opt/xrootd/utils/mps_prep -x 3 -c 
mps.pstg.stopstg      /tmp/STOPPSTG