

Stephen said he won't be able to attend tomorrow's meeting. I don't have important items that need discussion. Shall we cancel tomorrow's meeting? or other people have items to discuss? Below is a summary from my part.

DQ2 and Production:  

not running well for most of part of this week. Tier 2s had trouble getting data from BNL because data were not pre-staged from HPSS. The situation has been improved after BNL's HPSS upgrade on Monday. The initial plan for BNL HPSS upgrade (version 5.1 -> 6.2) was a week. They were able to finish it in one day (Monday) but may need another short outage later.

Tier 2 hardware:

no info


SLAC is now reporting ATLAS jobs to Gratia, the OSG accounting system. We initially had difficulty to get Gratia to report the correct VO name, and had to hack into Gratia to hard code the 'usatlas' name.

Action Items:

070905	Wei	Determine BNL contact for tape system information
070910             Got the e-mail address of the person in charge of BNL HPSS system.

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)