

Commit in lcsim/test/org/lcsim/recon/tracking/trfcyl on MAIN -> 1.2
test added directional interaction.

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/recon/tracking/trfcyl 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	25 Jul 2007 17:22:24 -0000	1.1
+++	11 Sep 2007 04:57:22 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Created on July 24, 2007, 8:55 PM
- * $Id:,v 1.1 2007/07/25 17:22:24 ngraf Exp $
+ * $Id:,v 1.2 2007/09/11 04:57:22 ngraf Exp $
 package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl;
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 import junit.framework.TestCase;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Interactor;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
@@ -18,6 +19,11 @@
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfeloss.DeDxFixed;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
+import static java.lang.Math.cos;
+import static java.lang.Math.abs;
+import static java.lang.Math.atan;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
  * @author Norman Graf
@@ -37,113 +43,180 @@
                 + ". ----------" );
-        TrackVector trv = new TrackVector();
-        trv.set(0, 1.0);
-        trv.set(1, 1.0);
-        trv.set(2, 0.0);
-        trv.set(3, 0.0);
-        trv.set(4, 2.0);
-        double density = 1.0; // g/cm^3
-        double thickness = 2.; // cm
-        DeDx dedx = new DeDxFixed(density);
-        if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test constructor." );
-        CylEloss passIt = new CylEloss(thickness, dedx);
-        if(debug) System.out.println(passIt);
-        Assert.assertTrue(passIt.thickness() == thickness);
-        Assert.assertTrue(passIt.dEdX().equals(dedx));
-        TrackError initialError = new TrackError();
-        Surface srf = new SurfCylinder( 20.0 );
-        ETrack tmpTrack = new ETrack( srf, trv, initialError );
-        tmpTrack.setError( initialError );
-        TrackVector initialVector = tmpTrack.vector();
-        passIt.interact( tmpTrack );
-        TrackError finalError = tmpTrack.error();
-        TrackVector finalVector = tmpTrack.vector();
-        double particleMass = 0.13957;
-        double ptmax = 10000.; // GeV
-        double pinv = Math.abs(trv.get(4))*Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
-        // make sure pinv is greater than a threshold (1/ptmax)
-        // in this case assume q = 1, otherwise q = q/pt/abs(q/pt)
-        double sign = 1;
-        if(pinv < 1./ptmax)
-            pinv = 1./ptmax;
-        else
-            sign = trv.get(4)/Math.abs(trv.get(4));
-        double initialEnergy = Math.sqrt(1./pinv/pinv
-                +particleMass*particleMass);
-        double finalEnergy = initialEnergy;
-        double d = thickness/Math.abs(Math.cos(trv.get(2)))/Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
-        finalEnergy = dedx.loseEnergy(finalEnergy, d);
-        double sigmaEnergy = dedx.sigmaEnergy(initialEnergy, d);
-        double sigmaMomentum = sigmaEnergy;
-        if(finalEnergy<particleMass)finalEnergy=initialEnergy;
-        // now evaluate the final q/p and error(4,4)
-        double finalQoverP = sign/Math.sqrt(finalEnergy*finalEnergy-
-                particleMass*particleMass)/Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
-        double finalEr = sigmaMomentum*trv.get(4)*trv.get(4)*Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
-        finalEr *= finalEr;
-        if(debug) System.out.println("initial E= "+1/initialVector.get(4));
-        if(debug) System.out.println("interacted E= "+1/finalVector.get(4)+ " calculated E= "+1/finalQoverP);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(finalVector.get(4)-finalQoverP)<0.00001);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(finalError.get(4,4)-finalEr)<0.00001);
-        //********************************************************************
-        {
-            if(debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing directionality");
-            ETrack tre1 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
-            ETrack tre2 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
-            if(debug) System.out.println("Track before interaction "+tmpTrack);
-            tre1.setForward();
-            tre1.setTrackForward();
-            passIt.interact(tre1);
-            if(debug) System.out.println("Track after forward interaction "+tre1);
-            //Should lose energy going forward
-            Assert.assertTrue(tre1.vector(4)>tmpTrack.vector(4));
-            tre2.setBackward();
-            tre2.setTrackBackward();
-            passIt.interact(tre2);
-            //Should gain energy going backward
-            Assert.assertTrue(tre2.vector(4)<tmpTrack.vector(4));
-            if(debug) System.out.println("Track after backward interaction "+tre2);
-        }
-        //********************************************************************
-            if(debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing clone");
-            ETrack tre1 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
-            ETrack tre2 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
-            Assert.assertTrue(tre1.equals(tre2));
-            // clone
-            Interactor passIt2 = passIt.newCopy();
-            // assert they are not the same object
-            Assert.assertTrue( passIt2!=passIt );
-            // scatter both tracks
-            passIt2.interact(tre2);
-            passIt.interact(tre1);
-            // assert they're now equal
-            Assert.assertTrue( tre1.equals(tre2) );
-            // assert they're different from the original track
-            Assert.assertTrue( tre1.notEquals(tmpTrack) );
+            TrackVector trv = new TrackVector();
+            trv.set(0, 1.0);
+            trv.set(1, 1.0);
+            trv.set(2, 0.0);
+            trv.set(3, 0.0);
+            trv.set(4, 2.0);
+            double density = 1.0; // g/cm^3
+            double thickness = 2.; // cm
+            DeDx dedx = new DeDxFixed(density);
+            if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test constructor." );
+            CylEloss passIt = new CylEloss(thickness, dedx);
+            if(debug) System.out.println(passIt);
+            Assert.assertTrue(passIt.thickness() == thickness);
+            Assert.assertTrue(passIt.dEdX().equals(dedx));
+            TrackError initialError = new TrackError();
+            Surface srf = new SurfCylinder( 20.0 );
+            ETrack tmpTrack = new ETrack( srf, trv, initialError );
+            tmpTrack.setError( initialError );
+            TrackVector initialVector = tmpTrack.vector();
+            passIt.interact( tmpTrack );
+            TrackError finalError = tmpTrack.error();
+            TrackVector finalVector = tmpTrack.vector();
+            double particleMass = 0.13957;
+            double ptmax = 10000.; // GeV
+            double pinv = Math.abs(trv.get(4))*Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
+            // make sure pinv is greater than a threshold (1/ptmax)
+            // in this case assume q = 1, otherwise q = q/pt/abs(q/pt)
+            double sign = 1;
+            if(pinv < 1./ptmax)
+                pinv = 1./ptmax;
+            else
+                sign = trv.get(4)/Math.abs(trv.get(4));
+            double initialEnergy = Math.sqrt(1./pinv/pinv
+                    +particleMass*particleMass);
+            double finalEnergy = initialEnergy;
+            double d = thickness/Math.abs(Math.cos(trv.get(2)))/Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
+            finalEnergy = dedx.loseEnergy(finalEnergy, d);
+            double sigmaEnergy = dedx.sigmaEnergy(initialEnergy, d);
+            double sigmaMomentum = sigmaEnergy;
+            if(finalEnergy<particleMass)finalEnergy=initialEnergy;
+            // now evaluate the final q/p and error(4,4)
+            double finalQoverP = sign/Math.sqrt(finalEnergy*finalEnergy-
+                    particleMass*particleMass)/Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
+            double finalEr = sigmaMomentum*trv.get(4)*trv.get(4)*Math.cos(Math.atan(trv.get(3)));
+            finalEr *= finalEr;
+            if(debug) System.out.println("initial E= "+1/initialVector.get(4));
+            if(debug) System.out.println("interacted E= "+1/finalVector.get(4)+ " calculated E= "+1/finalQoverP);
+            Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(finalVector.get(4)-finalQoverP)<0.00001);
+            Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(finalError.get(4,4)-finalEr)<0.00001);
+            //********************************************************************
+            {
+                if(debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing directionality");
+                ETrack tre1 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
+                ETrack tre2 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
+                if(debug) System.out.println("Track before interaction "+tmpTrack);
+                tre1.setForward();
+                tre1.setTrackForward();
+                passIt.interact(tre1);
+                if(debug) System.out.println("Track after forward interaction "+tre1);
+                //Should lose energy going forward
+                Assert.assertTrue(tre1.vector(4)>tmpTrack.vector(4));
+                tre2.setBackward();
+                tre2.setTrackBackward();
+                passIt.interact(tre2);
+                //Should gain energy going backward
+                Assert.assertTrue(tre2.vector(4)<tmpTrack.vector(4));
+                if(debug) System.out.println("Track after backward interaction "+tre2);
+            }
+            //********************************************************************
+            {
+                if(debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing clone");
+                ETrack tre1 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
+                ETrack tre2 = new ETrack(tmpTrack);
+                Assert.assertTrue(tre1.equals(tre2));
+                // clone
+                Interactor passIt2 = passIt.newCopy();
+                // assert they are not the same object
+                Assert.assertTrue( passIt2!=passIt );
+                // scatter both tracks
+                passIt2.interact(tre2);
+                passIt.interact(tre1);
+                // assert they're now equal
+                Assert.assertTrue( tre1.equals(tre2) );
+                // assert they're different from the original track
+                Assert.assertTrue( tre1.notEquals(tmpTrack) );
+            }
-        //********************************************************************
+                //********************************************************************
+                {
+                    if(debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing directionality");
+                    TrackVector trv = new TrackVector();
+                    trv.set(0, 1.0);
+                    trv.set(1, 1.0);
+                    trv.set(2, 0.0);
+                    trv.set(3, 0.0);
+                    trv.set(4, 0.0);
+                    double density = 1.0; // g/cm^3
+                    double thickness = 1.0; // cm
+                    DeDx dedx = new DeDxFixed(density);
+                    CylEloss passIt = new CylEloss(thickness, dedx);
+                    TrackError initialError = new TrackError();
+                    Surface srf = new SurfCylinder( 20.0 );
+                    ETrack tmpTrack = new ETrack( srf, trv, initialError );
+                    tmpTrack.setError( initialError );
+                    TrackVector initialVector = tmpTrack.vector();
+                    passIt.interact_dir( tmpTrack, PropDir.FORWARD );
+                    TrackError finalError = tmpTrack.error();
+                    TrackVector finalVector = tmpTrack.vector();
+                    double particleMass = 0.13957;
+                    double ptmax = 10000.; // GeV
+                    double pinv = abs(trv.get(4))*cos(atan(trv.get(3)));
+                    // make sure pinv is greater than a threshold (1/ptmax)
+                    // in this case assume q = 1, otherwise q = q/pt/abs(q/pt)
+                    int sign = 1;
+                    if(pinv < 1./ptmax)
+                        pinv = 1./ptmax;
+                    else
+                        sign = (int) (trv.get(4)/abs(trv.get(4)));
+                    double initialEnergy = sqrt(1./pinv/pinv
+                            +particleMass*particleMass);
+                    double finalEnergy = initialEnergy;
+                    double d = thickness/abs(cos(trv.get(2)))/cos(atan(trv.get(3)));
+                    dedx.loseEnergy(finalEnergy, d);
+                    double sigmaEnergy = dedx.sigmaEnergy(initialEnergy, d);
+                    double sigmaMomentum = sigmaEnergy;
+                    if(finalEnergy<particleMass)finalEnergy=initialEnergy;
+                    // now evaluate the final q/p and error(4,4)
+                    double finalQoverP = sign/sqrt(finalEnergy*finalEnergy-
+                            particleMass*particleMass)/cos(atan(trv.get(3)));
+                    double finalEr = sigmaMomentum*trv.get(4)*trv.get(4)*cos(atan(trv.get(3)));
+                    finalEr *= finalEr;
+                    Assert.assertTrue(abs(finalVector.get(4)-finalQoverP)<0.00001);
+                    Assert.assertTrue(abs(finalError.get(4,4)-finalEr)<0.00001);
+                }
         if(debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
CVSspam 0.2.8