

Correction: October 22-26.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Physics Working Groups at ALCPG07
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:55:16 -0700
From: Jim Brau <[log in to unmask]>
Organization: University of Oregon
To: [log in to unmask]


    We are looking forward to another productive ALCPG Workshop
  at Fermilab, October 22-16.  We want to update you on the plans
  for the workshop, particularly with the organization of the
  physics working groups.  A set of four groups based on
  physics signatures has been created, and the conveners have
  initiated their planning for the respective sessions.  These
  groups are:

       I - b/c  Separation and Tau Tagging
        (Conveners: Frank Paige (BNL) , Jay Hubisz (FNAL) ,
         Andrei Nomerotski (Oxford), Marco Battaglia (UC Berkeley/LBNL),
         Ronald Lipton (Fermilab))

      II - Jet and Photon Energy Measurements
        (Conveners: Ray Frey (Oregon) , Steve Magill (Argonne),
         Frank Petriello (Wisconsin), Alexei Raspereza (MPI Munich),
         Tim Tait (Argonne))

     III - Missing Energy
        (Convener: Jim Alexander (Cornell), Carola Berger (SLAC) ,
         Konstantin Matchev (Florida) , Tao Han (Wisconsin) ,
         Graham Wilson (Kansas) , Bill Morse (BNL))

      IV - Charged Particle Momentum Measurement, V0 Reconstruction,
             and Identification of Stable Charged Particles
        (Conveners: Henry Band (Wisconsin) , Ayres Freitas (Zurich),
         Tim Nelson (SLAC), Bruce Schumm (UC Santa Cruz),
         Shufang Su (Univ Arizona))

    Each of these groups will explore the physics enabled by their
  specific signature of focus, and quantify the physics reach
  as a function of performance.

    The designated contacts for these groups are

       I - Andrei Nomerotski ([log in to unmask])
      II - Ray Frey ([log in to unmask])
     III - Jim Alexander ([log in to unmask])
      IV - Bruce Schumm ([log in to unmask])

    Based on the advanced discussions and planning by the conveners,
  we are anticipating this format to be stimulating and productive
  for both theorists and experimentalists.  We encourage you to
  communicate with the conveners with your ideas, and requests for
  time.  Please refer to the conference web page for more information
  and the agenda:

    Looking forward to seeing you at Fermilab in October -

       Jim Brau, ALCPG Co-chair
       Mark Oreglia, ALCPG Co-chair
       Bob Tschirhart, ALCPG07 Program Chair

James E. Brau
Knight Professor of Natural Science
Physics Department
   and Center for High Energy Physics
1274 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1274
(541) 346-4766