

Present: Chuck, Len, Wei, Booker, Bartelt, Randy

1. DQ2 and production

We upgraded to DQ2 0.4. Not sure if it is fully functional because we don't use much for production data transfer. (We use Panda Mover). We see some error but are not sure if those error matter.

Last week's software meeting at CERN announced that ATLAS will use Panda for production at all sites. Not sure if Panda will run at every T1, BNL and CERN only, or just BNL. Kaushik thinks that BNL Panda instance is scalable but there are concerns that the backend database may not be able to handle European production jobs.

It is also suggested that US sites to move away from LRC and use LFC. Detail is still in discusion. BNL thinks that the new LFC/gLite 3.1 should work well on RHEL4. 

2. Tier 2 hardware

Money hasn't arrived yet.

3. SSH

ATLAS is informed on who to ask if there are questions.

4. Tier 2 meeting at SLAC

Official web page for the T2 meeting has been launched, and is accepting registration and payment. Also discussed with Thanh Ly of Office of Communication and it seems we have been taken care of. 


Setup an experimental FUSE based file system for xrootd cluster. The IO performance is reasonablly good (5-7Mbyte/sec read or write on 100Mbit/sec network). The file listing performance still need improvement (currently only ~ 30 stat() calls per second). Globus-url-copy and Uberftp both work on this file system. 

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)