

From: Ernst, Michael [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 8:28 AM
To: Gardner, Rob; [log in to unmask]
Cc: Ernst, Michael
Subject: DRAFT Agenda for Tier-2/Tier-3 Meeting at SLAC

Rob, Wei,

 Please find a first draft of the agenda below.





The concept is based on the idea to divide the meeting into 3 parts


1.)     Day 1: Overview talks and discussions

2.)     Day 2: Hands-on with tutorials and demos

3.)     Day 3: Site reports and summary discussions & planning


Day 1


Overview talks and discussions

 9:00    LHC and ATLAS Status  (J. Shank)

 9:30    Facilities Status & Plans (M. Ernst)

10:00   ?

10:30   Coffee

11:00   Facilities Integration Program (R. Gardner)

12:00 - 14:00    Lunch

Production & Physics Analysis in ATLAS

14:00   Production & Analysis process and functional requirements at U.S. ATLAS Tier-2 and Tier-3 centers

15:00   Running Physics Analysis on local and grid computing resources - some examples


Day 2


For day 2 I propose to cover for themes. The agenda details have to be worked out.


Fabric Hardware (it was obvious how interested attendees in Bloomington were in this area)

-          Compute Servers

-          OS choices (32/64 bit, etc)

-          Installation management

-          Disk Subsystems

o        Configuration, resilience, performance, etc

... suitable in the context of Tier-2 & Tier-3 centers,

Sizing of Tier-3's relative to physics analysis tasks and expected funding profile


Fabric Services

-          Batch (Condor, PBS) functionality and configuration examples

-          Storage Management Systems for Tier-2 and Tier-3 centers 

o        Xrootd        (Ofer Rind, BNL)

o        dCache      (Neha, FNAL and OSG)

       Hands-on installation and configuration

-          Data Transfer Optimization

o        Report from WG (Shawn)

*         Findings / Analysis

*         Mechanisms to improve the performance


OSG Grid Middleware

-          Setting up a CE - Hands-on w/ installation & configuration

-          Installation and usage of client tools

-          The OSG Information System - how it works and what's in there


(US) ATLAS Services 

-          Installing and using 

o        Distributed Data Management Tools

*         DQ2 and Pandamover

*         LRC

o        PanDA Workflow Management System

o        ATLAS Software

*         Demo for PanDA based installation

-          Running the entire Physics Analysis chain w/ PanDA, PROOF & Xrootd

o        A full demonstration based on a "real" analysis scenario  


The hands-on sessions will require some pre-requisites, i.e. some machines at either/and/or BNL, UC, SLAC we can use to do the installations and demos.


Day 3 (9:00 - 13:00)


9:00 - 11:20     Site reports

11:20 - 13:00   Summary Discussion & Planning


Please let me know what you think and add/change/remove as you see things fit.


