

Commit in PandoraPFA/src/java/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/pandora on MAIN -> 1.2
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PandoraPFA/src/java/org/lcsim/recon/pfa/pandora 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	7 Nov 2007 18:41:30 -0000	1.1
+++	14 Nov 2007 04:18:30 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,7904 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.pfa.pandora;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.pandora.dummy.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.cpp.std;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.pandora.MyCaloHitExtended.CalorimeterHitType;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.pandora.MyCaloHitExtended.CalorimeterHitZone;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.pandora.MyTrackExtended.MyTrackStatus;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.pandora.ProtoCluster.ProtoClusterClassificationType;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+import static java.lang.Math.cos;
+import static java.lang.Math.sin;
+import static java.lang.Math.abs;
+import static java.lang.Math.atan2;
+import static java.lang.Math.acos;
+import static java.lang.Math.min;
+// Title : PandoraPFA cluster and particle flow object reconstruction
+// Author : M.Thomson
+// Version : v01-00
+// Last Update : 20/6/07
+// Recent Changes : Fix to use 1 or 2 byte Mokka Cell Codings
+// : Works with digital ECAL
+// : Improvements to reclustering
+// : Add PhotonRecovery and FragmentRemoval
+// : Added extra track killing (helix fit feature)
+// : Loosened 1 peak photon recovery interesting cut
+// : Bug fixes from Valgrind checks
+// : Clone shared photon track hits
+// : new photon recovery structure
+// : removed some obsolete and unhelpful code
+// 26/4/2007 : Performance
+// 45 GeV Jets : 29.5+-0.3 % 89.12
+// 100 GeV Jets : 30.7+-0.4 % 197.92
+// 180 GeV Jets : 41.9+-0.6 % 358.47
+// 250 GeV Jets : 53.0+-1.3 % 498.49
+// 20/6/2007 : Add PerfectPFA
+// : get B-field from global
+// : allow possibility of energy-based
+// tagging a hit as being mip-like 
+class PandoraPFAProcessor extends Processor {
+private class vec3 {
+    vec3(){
+    }
+    vec3(double x, double y, double z){
+        this.x = x;
+        this.y = y;
+        this.z = z;
+    }
+  double x;
+  double y;
+  double z;
+private class ReclusterResult_t {
+  double chi2;
+  double chi;
+  int   ntrackmatch;
+  int   cluster0;
+  double chi0;
+  int   cluster1;
+  double chi1;
+  //*********** Algorithm Process parameters ************* 
+  private boolean _perfectPFA;
+  private int _maxLayer;
+  /** Vector of strings specifying ECAL 
+   *  collections of CalorimeterHits 
+   **/
+  private List<String> _ecalCollections;
+  private String _relationCaloString;
+  private String _relationTrackString;
+  /** Vector of strings specifying HCAL 
+   *  collections of CalorimeterHits 
+   **/
+  private List<String> _hcalCollections;
+  /** Vector of strings specifying Reconstructed Track 
+   *  collections 
+   **/
+  private List<String> _trackCollections; 
+  /** String specifying coding of cell ID
+   ** Mokka (default)
+   ** MokkaNew
+   ** Jupiter
+   ** SLIC
+   **/
+  private String _cellIDCoding;
+  /** String specifying coding of name of output cluster collection
+   **/
+  private String _clusterCollectionName;
+  /** String specifying output Particle 
+   *  collection 
+   **/
+  private String _particleCollectionName;
+  /** ECAL and HCAL calibrations (energy to MIP) 
+   *  and threshold to apply to hits in MIPs 
+   **/
+  private int   _digitalHCAL;
+  private int   _digitalECAL;
+  private double _ecalToMIP;
+  private double _hcalToMIP;
+  private double _ecalMIPThreshold;
+  private double _hcalMIPThreshold;
+  private double _ecalEMMIPToGeV;
+  private double _hcalEMMIPToGeV;
+  private double _ecalHadMIPToGeV;
+  private double _hcalHadMIPToGeV;
+  private int   _maxHCALLayer;
+  /** algorithm configuration
+   **/
+  private int   _isolationType;
+  private int   _layersForIsolationECAL;
+  private double _distanceForIsolationECAL;
+  private int   _layersForIsolationHCAL;
+  private double _distanceForIsolationHCAL;
+  private int   _nSmallestClusterSizeForIsolation;
+  private double _isolationDistanceForReCombination;
+  private int   _layersForDensityWeighting;
+  private int   _densityWeightingPower;
+  private double _densityWeightCutECAL;
+  private double _densityWeightCutHCAL;
+  private int   _minimumHitsInCluster;
+  private int   _maximumHitsInSoftCluster;
+  private int   _typeOfOrdering;
+  private int   _layersToStepBackECAL;
+  private int   _layersToStepBackHCAL;
+  private int   _seedClustersWithTracks;
+  private int   _extraLooperMatching;
+  private int   _allowPhotonFragmentation;
+  private int   _photonRecovery;
+  private double _photonFragPhotonDeltaChi2Cut;
+  private double _photonFragNonPhotonDeltaChi2Cut;
+  private int   _allowReclustering;
+  private double _mipLikeMipCut;
+  private int _associateLoopingTracks;
+  private int _associateTrackSegments;
+  private int _associateShowersToMips;
+  private int _associateShowersToMipsII;
+  private int _associateBackScatters;
+  private int _associateMipStubsToShowers;
+  private int _associateFromStart;
+  private int _associateByProximity;
+  private int _associateByShowerCone;
+  private int _associateSoftClusters;
+  private int _fragmentRemoval;
+  private double _fragmentRemovalContactCut;
+  private int   _fragmentRemovalContactLayersCut;
+  private double _fragmentRemovalMaxChi2ForMerge;
+  private double _fragmentRemovalDeltaChi2ForMerge;
+  private double _chiToAttemptReclustering;
+  private double _chiToForceReclustering;
+  private int   _outerHcalRegionLayer;
+  private double _looperClosestApproachCutECAL;
+  private double _looperClosestApproachCutHCAL;
+  private double _looperTrackSeparationCut;
+  private int   _clusterFormationStrategy;
+  private double _clusterFormationConeTanECAL;
+  private double _clusterFormationConeTanHCAL;
+  private double _clusterFormationPadsECAL;
+  private double _clusterFormationPadsHCAL;
+  private double _sameLayerPadCutECAL;
+  private double _sameLayerPadCutHCAL;
+  private int   _trackingWeight;
+  private int   _trackingCutOff;
+  private double _trackingTube;
+  private double _minimumClusterEnergyEM;
+  private double _minimumClusterEnergyHAD;
+  private double _softClusterEnergyHAD;
+  private double _coneAssociationCosine;
+  private double _maximumDistanceForConeAssociationECAL;
+  private double _maximumDistanceForConeAssociationHCAL;
+  private double _trackMergeCutEcal;
+  private double _trackMergeCutHcal;
+  private double _trackMergePerpCutEcal;
+  private double _trackMergePerpCutHcal;
+  private double _z0TrackCut;
+  private double _d0TrackCut;
+  private double _energyDeltaChi2ForCrudeMerging;
+  private double _chiToKillTrack;
+  //*********** Internal Workspace
+  private LCCollection _tracks;
+  private List<MyCaloHitExtended>[] _allCalHitsByPseudoLayer = new List[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private List<MyCaloHitExtended>[] _calHitsByPseudoLayer = new List[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private List<MyCaloHitExtended>[][] _calHitsBySectorAndPseudoLayer = new List[Pandora.NUMBER_OF_SECTORS][Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private List<MyCaloHitExtended> _hitsForRemoval;
+  private List<MyCaloHitExtended>[] _isolatedCalHitsByPseudoLayer = new List[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private MyTrackExtendedVec _tracksAR;
+  private ProtoClusterVec _protoClusters;
+  private ProtoClusterVec _finalProtoClusters;
+  //*********** Internal Algorithm Parameters ************* 
+  private MCTree _mcTree;
+  private MyMCTree _myMcTree;
+  private LCCollection _relationCaloCollection;
+  private LCCollection _relationTrackCollection;
+  private LCRelationNavigator _caloNavigator;
+  private LCRelationNavigator _trackNavigator;
+  private int _nRun ;
+  private int _nEvt ;
+  private int _protoClustersMade;
+  private String _detectorName;
+  private String _rootFile;
+  /** Geometry used in reconstruction **/   
+  // number of physical layers in calorimeter
+  private int _nEcalLayers;
+  private int _nHcalLayers;
+  // number of pseudolayers in calorimeter
+  private int _nPseudoLayers;
+  private int _nBarrelPseudoLayers;
+  private int _nEndcapPseudoLayers;
+  // Azimuthal structure
+  private int _symmetry;
+  private int _ECALsymmetry;
+  private int _HCALsymmetry;
+  private double _rOfBarrel;
+  private double _phiOfBarrel;
+  private double _zOfEndcap;
+  private double _zOfHcalEndcap;
+  private double _rOfEndcap;
+  private double _rInnerEcalEndcap;
+  private double _zOfBarrel;
+  private double _bField;
+  private double _tpcInnerR;
+  private double _tpcOuterR;
+  private double _tpcZmax;
+  private double _cosTPC;
+  private List<vec3> _barrelStaveDir; 
+  private List<vec3> _barrelStaveDirHCAL; 
+  // Layer Structure
+  private List<Integer>   _ecalStructure;
+  private List<Double> _ecalPadSizes;
+  private List<Integer>   _hcalStructure;
+  private List<Double> _hcalPadSizes;
+  private double[] _positionBarrelLayer = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _positionEndcapLayer = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _thicknessBarrelLayer = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _thicknessEndcapLayer = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _absThicknessBarrelLayer = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _absThicknessEndcapLayer = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _padSizeEcal = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private double[] _padSizeHcal = new double[Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS];
+  private int _mipCells;
+  private int _mipMaxCellsHit;
+  private int _display;
+  private int _showProtoClusterFormation;
+  private int _showProtoClusterAssociation;
+  private int _printing;
+  private int _analyseClusters;
+  // maximum layer in event 
+  private int _layerMax;
+  // HCAL lookup
+  private int[] _hcalLayerForIntRadius = new int[10000];
+  // some monitoring quantities/histograms
+  private double _etotal;
+  private double _etotalnu;
+  private double _etotalnufwd;
+  private static double pi = Math.PI;
+  private static double twopi = 2.0*pi;
+  void init() { 
+  // Initialisation stage
+  // Print algorithm parameters
+  printParameters() ;
+  // zero counters/pointers
+  _nRun = 0 ;
+  _nEvt = 0 ;
+  //_recoDisplay = null;
+  _mcTree= null;
+  _myMcTree= null;
+  // if requested - start up internal root-based event display
+  //if(_recoDisplay==null && _display != 0)_recoDisplay = new MyRecoDisplay(1);
+void processRunHeader( LCRunHeader run) { 
+  _nRun++ ;
+  _detectorName = run.getDetectorName();
+  _bField = Global.parameters.getDoubleVal("BField");
+  // determine detector (still some hard-coded parameters)
+  std.cout(" DETECTOR : ",_detectorName,std.endl);
+  // TPC Geometry from GEAR
+  gear.TPCParameters pTPC = Global.GEAR.getTPCParameters();
+  gear.PadRowLayout2D pTPCpads = pTPC.getPadLayout();
+  List<Double>tpcExtent = pTPCpads.getPlaneExtent();
+  _tpcInnerR = tpcExtent.get(0); 
+  _tpcOuterR = tpcExtent.get(1);
+  _tpcZmax   = pTPC.getMaxDriftLength();
+  _cosTPC    = _tpcZmax/sqrt(_tpcZmax*_tpcZmax+_tpcInnerR*_tpcInnerR);
+  // Calorimeter geometry from GEAR
+  gear.CalorimeterParameters pEcalBarrel = Global.GEAR.getEcalBarrelParameters();
+  gear.CalorimeterParameters pEcalEndcap = Global.GEAR.getEcalEndcapParameters();
+  gear.CalorimeterParameters pHcalBarrel = Global.GEAR.getHcalBarrelParameters();
+  gear.CalorimeterParameters pHcalEndcap = Global.GEAR.getHcalEndcapParameters();
+  gear.LayerLayout ecalBarrelLayout = pEcalBarrel.getLayerLayout();
+  gear.LayerLayout ecalEndcapLayout = pEcalEndcap.getLayerLayout();
+  gear.LayerLayout hcalBarrelLayout = pHcalBarrel.getLayerLayout();
+  gear.LayerLayout hcalEndcapLayout = pHcalEndcap.getLayerLayout();
+  // determine pseudo-geometry of detector (determined by ECAL barrel)
+  // symmetry 0 =cylinder, 1=prorotype, >1 = polygon
+  _ECALsymmetry = pEcalBarrel.getSymmetryOrder();
+  _HCALsymmetry = pHcalBarrel.getSymmetryOrder();
+  _symmetry = _ECALsymmetry;
+  _rOfBarrel = (double)pEcalBarrel.getExtent()[0];
+  _zOfBarrel = (double)pEcalBarrel.getExtent()[3];
+  if(_printing>1){
+    std.cout(" GEAR: ECAL Barrel NLayers : ",ecalBarrelLayout.getNLayers(),std.endl);
+    std.cout(" GEAR: ECAL EndCap NLayers : ",ecalEndcapLayout.getNLayers(),std.endl);
+    std.cout(" GEAR: HCAL Barrel NLayers : ",hcalBarrelLayout.getNLayers(),std.endl);
+    std.cout(" GEAR: HCAL EndCap NLayers : ",hcalEndcapLayout.getNLayers(),std.endl);
+    std.cout("GEAR : ",(double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[0],std.endl);
+    std.cout("GEAR : ",(double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[1],std.endl);
+    std.cout("GEAR : ",(double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[2],std.endl);
+    std.cout("GEAR : ",(double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[3],std.endl);
+  }
+  _zOfEndcap = (double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[2];
+  _rInnerEcalEndcap = (double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[0];
+  _zOfHcalEndcap = (double)pHcalEndcap.getExtent()[2];
+  _rOfEndcap = (double)pEcalEndcap.getExtent()[1];
+  _phiOfBarrel = (double)pEcalBarrel.getPhi0();
+  _nEcalLayers = ecalBarrelLayout.getNLayers();
+  _nHcalLayers = hcalBarrelLayout.getNLayers();
+  // Determine ECAL polygon angles
+  // Store radial vectors perpendicular to stave layers in _barrelStaveDir 
+  if(_symmetry>1){
+    double nFoldSymmetry = _symmetry;
+    double phi0 = pEcalBarrel.getPhi0();
+    for(int i=0;i<_symmetry;++i){
+      double phi  = phi0 + i*twopi/nFoldSymmetry;
+      vec3 staveDir = new vec3(cos(phi),sin(phi),0.);
+      _barrelStaveDir.add(staveDir);
+    }
+  }  
+  // determine HCAL polygon angles
+  // Store radial vectors perpendicular to stave layers in _barrelStaveDirHCAL 
+  if(_HCALsymmetry>1){
+    double nFoldSymmetry = _HCALsymmetry;
+    double phi0 = pHcalBarrel.getPhi0();
+    for(int i=0;i<_HCALsymmetry;++i){
+      double phi  = phi0 + i*twopi/nFoldSymmetry;
+      vec3 staveDir = new vec3(cos(phi),sin(phi),0.);
+      _barrelStaveDirHCAL.add(staveDir);
+    }
+  }  
+  // Using GEAR information define PSEUDOLAYERS in BARREL
+  // Internally PandoraPFA defines pseudolayers starting from 1
+  //   with layer zero is reserved for track projections
+  int layer=1;
+  for(int i=0;i<ecalBarrelLayout.getNLayers();++i){
+    _positionBarrelLayer[layer] = ecalBarrelLayout.getDistance(i);
+    _thicknessBarrelLayer[layer] = ecalBarrelLayout.getThickness(i);
+    _absThicknessBarrelLayer[layer] = ecalBarrelLayout.getAbsorberThickness(i);
+    _padSizeEcal[i] = ecalBarrelLayout.getCellSize0(i);
+    // now position the active layer
+    double delta =(_absThicknessBarrelLayer[layer]+_thicknessBarrelLayer[layer])/2.0;
+    _positionBarrelLayer[layer]+= delta;
+    layer++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0;i<hcalBarrelLayout.getNLayers();++i){
+    _positionBarrelLayer[layer] = hcalBarrelLayout.getDistance(i);
+    _thicknessBarrelLayer[layer] = hcalBarrelLayout.getThickness(i);
+    _absThicknessBarrelLayer[layer] = hcalBarrelLayout.getAbsorberThickness(i);
+    _padSizeHcal[i] = hcalBarrelLayout.getCellSize0(i);
+    double delta =(_absThicknessBarrelLayer[layer]+_thicknessBarrelLayer[layer])/2.0;
+    _positionBarrelLayer[layer]+= delta;
+    layer++;
+  }
+  // add some non-physical layers in HCAL (pseudo-layer > max layer)
+  // these are only necessary if the number/thickness of barrel and endcap layers are different
+  for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
+    _positionBarrelLayer[layer+i]   = _positionBarrelLayer[layer-1]+_thicknessBarrelLayer[layer-1];
+    _thicknessBarrelLayer[layer+i]  = _thicknessBarrelLayer[layer-1];
+    _absThicknessBarrelLayer[layer+1] = _absThicknessBarrelLayer[layer-1];
+    _padSizeHcal[layer+i] = _padSizeHcal[layer-1];
+  }
+  // define layer zero for track projections
+  _positionBarrelLayer[0] = _positionBarrelLayer[1]-_thicknessBarrelLayer[1];
+  _thicknessBarrelLayer[0] = _thicknessBarrelLayer[1];
+  _absThicknessBarrelLayer[0] = _absThicknessBarrelLayer[1];
+  _padSizeEcal[0] = _padSizeEcal[1];
+  int nBarrelLayers = layer;
+  // Using GEAR information define PSEUDOLAYERS in ENDCAP
+  // Internally PandoraPFA defines pseudolayers starting from 1
+  //   with layer zero is reserved for track projections
+  layer=1;
+  for(int i=0;i<ecalEndcapLayout.getNLayers();++i){
+    _positionEndcapLayer[layer] = ecalEndcapLayout.getDistance(i);
+    _thicknessEndcapLayer[layer] = ecalEndcapLayout.getThickness(i);
+    _absThicknessEndcapLayer[layer] = ecalEndcapLayout.getAbsorberThickness(i);
+    double delta =(_absThicknessEndcapLayer[layer]+_thicknessEndcapLayer[layer])/2.0;
+    _positionEndcapLayer[layer]+= delta;
+    layer++;
+  }
+  for(int i=0;i<hcalEndcapLayout.getNLayers();++i){
+    _positionEndcapLayer[layer] = hcalEndcapLayout.getDistance(i);
+    _thicknessEndcapLayer[layer] = hcalEndcapLayout.getThickness(i);
+    _absThicknessEndcapLayer[layer] = hcalEndcapLayout.getAbsorberThickness(i);
+    double delta =(_absThicknessEndcapLayer[layer]+_thicknessEndcapLayer[layer])/2.0;
+    _positionEndcapLayer[layer]+= delta;
+    layer++;
+  }
+  // add some non-physical layers in HCAL (pseudo-layer > max layer)
+  // these are only necessary if the number/thickness of barrel and endcap layers are different
+  for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
+    _positionEndcapLayer[layer+i]   = _positionEndcapLayer[layer-1]+_thicknessEndcapLayer[layer-1];
+    _thicknessEndcapLayer[layer+i]  = _thicknessEndcapLayer[layer-1];
+    _absThicknessEndcapLayer[layer+1] = _absThicknessEndcapLayer[layer-1];
+  }
+  // define layer zero : used to stote track projections
+  _positionEndcapLayer[0] = _positionEndcapLayer[1]-_thicknessEndcapLayer[1];
+  _thicknessEndcapLayer[0] = _thicknessEndcapLayer[1];
+  _absThicknessEndcapLayer[0] = _absThicknessEndcapLayer[1];
+  _padSizeEcal[0] = _padSizeEcal[1];
+  int nEndcapLayers = layer;
+  if(_printing>2){
+    for(int i=0;i<nBarrelLayers;++i){
+      std.cout("Barrel Layer ",i," : ",_positionBarrelLayer[i],std.endl); 
+    }
+    for(int i=0;i<nBarrelLayers;++i){
+      std.cout("EndCap Layer ",i," : ",_positionEndcapLayer[i],std.endl); 
+    }
+  }
+  // Number of Pseudo Layers
+  _nPseudoLayers = nBarrelLayers;
+  if(nEndcapLayers>nBarrelLayers)_nPseudoLayers=nEndcapLayers;
+  _nBarrelPseudoLayers = nBarrelLayers;
+  _nEndcapPseudoLayers = nEndcapLayers;
+  // set up correspondance between radius and HCAL barrel layer
+  this.MakeHCALBarrelLookup();
+  // Ultimately the hits passed to the clustering are self-describing
+  // However, a small amount of detector information has to be passed to the clusters
+  // This is done via the factory which is used to create all clusters
+  (ProtoClusterFactory.Instance()).ZOfEndcap(_zOfEndcap);
+  (ProtoClusterFactory.Instance()).ZOfBarrel(_zOfBarrel);
+  double cut = 0.94;
+  if(_detectorName=="LDC01Sc")cut = 0.90;
+  if(_detectorName=="LDC01a")cut = 0.90;
+  if(_detectorName=="LDC01b")cut = 0.90;
+  if(_detectorName=="LDC01c")cut = 0.90;
+  if(_detectorName=="LDC01d")cut = 0.90;
+  (ProtoClusterFactory.Instance()).SetPhotonIDCuts(cut);
+void MakeHCALBarrelLookup() { 
+  // Build lookup table for correspondance between perp distance 
+  // form origin in HCAL to HCAL layer 
+  for(int iradius=0;iradius<10000;iradius++){
+    double radius = (double)iradius;
+    double barrelLayerDist=999.;
+    int closestLayer=0;
+    for(int ilayer = 0; ilayer <= _nPseudoLayers; ++ilayer){
+      if(abs(radius-_positionBarrelLayer[ilayer])<barrelLayerDist){
+	barrelLayerDist = abs(radius-_positionBarrelLayer[ilayer]);
+	closestLayer = ilayer;
+      }
+    }
+    _hcalLayerForIntRadius[iradius] = closestLayer;
+  }
+void processEvent(LCEvent evt ) { 
+  // Steering of the cluster formation and PFO construction
+  _nEvt++ ;
+  // clear the old event
+  this.Clear();
+  // PandoraPFA does not yet work for a digital HCAL
+  //   would not be a great deal of work, just hasn't been done yet
+  if(_digitalHCAL!=0){
+    std.cout(" Digital HCAL option not yet implemented ! ",std.endl);
+    std.cout(" to request this feature send email to [log in to unmask] ",std.endl);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Unpack the MC information for DEBUGGING purposes (ultimately this will be removed)
+  List<String> strVec = evt.getCollectionNames() ;
+  for(String name : strVec){    
+    LCCollection col = evt.getCollection(name);
+    int nelem = col.getNumberOfElements();
+    // on the first event print out available collections 
+    if(_nEvt==1)std.cout("PandoraPFA.processEvent   Input Collections : ",name,"  elements : ",nelem,std.endl);
+    if (col.getTypeName() == LCIO.MCPARTICLE ) {
+      _mcTree = new MCTree(col);
+      _myMcTree = new MyMCTree(col);
+      if(_printing>0)_myMcTree.PerfectPFO(1);
+      if(_printing<1)_myMcTree.PerfectPFO(0);
+    }
+  }  
+  // **************************************************************
+  // **************** PandoraPFA INITIALIZATION STAGE *************
+  // **************************************************************
+  // Read CALO hits and tracks and store in internal extended objects
+  //  the extended hits include information about energy and pseudolayer
+  //  the extended tracks include extrapolation information 
+  this.initialiseEvent(evt);
+  // Apply isolation cuts the CALO hits
+  this.stripIsolatedHits();
+  // Order hits within each pseudolayer either by energy, local denisty,...
+  this.OrderHitsInEachLayer();
+  // Could draw hits etc...
+  //_recoDisplay.DrawByMIP(_calHitsByPseudoLayer);
+  //_recoDisplay.DrawByDensity(_calHitsByPseudoLayer);
+  //_recoDisplay.DrawByEnergy(_allCalHitsByPseudoLayer);
+  //_recoDisplay.DrawByEnergy(_calHitsByPseudoLayer);
+  // *****************************************************************
+  // **************** PandoraPFA CLUSTER FORMATION STAGE *************
+  // *****************************************************************
+  // First create the design to which clusters are going to be built
+  //  i.e. the basic formation/growth rules
+  // Configure the ProtoCluster factory with the protoClusterDesign
+  protoClusterDesign_t design = new protoClusterDesign_t();
+  design.tanConeAngleECAL    = _clusterFormationConeTanECAL;
+  design.tanConeAngleHCAL    = _clusterFormationConeTanHCAL;
+  design.additionalPadsECAL  = _clusterFormationPadsECAL;
+  design.additionalPadsHCAL  = _clusterFormationPadsHCAL;
+  design.sameLayerPadCutECAL = _sameLayerPadCutECAL;
+  design.sameLayerPadCutHCAL = _sameLayerPadCutHCAL;
+  design.maximumDistanceForConeAssociationECAL=_maximumDistanceForConeAssociationECAL;
+  design.maximumDistanceForConeAssociationHCAL=_maximumDistanceForConeAssociationHCAL;
+  design.trackingWeight      =_trackingWeight;
+  design.trackingCutOff      =_trackingCutOff;
+  design.trackingTube        =_trackingTube;
+  // Pass design to factory
+  (ProtoClusterFactory.Instance()).SetDesign(design);  
+  // Form the protoclusters
+  if(_perfectPFA){
+    // Perform perfect Particle Flow
+    this.PerfectPFA(evt);
+  }else{
+    // Form the protoclusters
+    this.MakeProtoClusters(_tracksAR,_protoClusters);
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // **************** PandoraPFA CLUSTER ASSOCIATION STAGE **************
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // associate protoClusters together
+    // NOTE this is one of the main parts of the algorithm!
+    ProtoClusterVec nfinalProtoClusters = new ProtoClusterVec();
+    if(_protoClusters.size()>0)this.associateProtoClusters(_protoClusters,_tracksAR,nfinalProtoClusters,true);
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // ************************** PandoraPFA CLEANUP  *********************
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // cleanup clusters
+    if(_fragmentRemoval>0){
+      this.fragmentRemoval(nfinalProtoClusters,_tracksAR,_finalProtoClusters);
+    }
+  }  
+  // ********************************************************************
+  // **************** PandoraPFA LCIO Object Creation *******************
+  // ********************************************************************
+  // create clusters collection
+  this.CreateClusterCollection(evt);
+  // create PFO collection
+  this.CreatePFOCollection(evt);
+  // PFA analysis
+  if(_analyseClusters>0)this.AnalysePFAPerformance(evt);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoClusterEnergy(_finalProtoClusters,3,RECO_VIEW_XY);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoClusterEnergy(_finalProtoClusters,3,RECO_VIEW_XZ);
+void Clear(){
+  // Clean up after reconstructing an event 
+  // Delete all temporary objects
+  //  including the protoclusters, the extended hits and tracks
+  if(_printing>3)std.cout("Clear",std.endl);
+  // delete navigators
+  //if(_caloNavigator!=null)delete _caloNavigator;
+  //if(_trackNavigator!=null)delete _trackNavigator;
+  _caloNavigator = null;
+  _trackNavigator = null;
+  // delete the extended hits
+  for(int i=0;i<Pandora.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LAYERS;++i){
+    //for(int j =0;j<_allCalHitsByPseudoLayer[i].size();++j)delete _allCalHitsByPseudoLayer[i][j];
+    _allCalHitsByPseudoLayer[i].clear();
+    _calHitsByPseudoLayer[i].clear();
+    _isolatedCalHitsByPseudoLayer[i].clear();
+  }
+  // delete the extended tracks
+  //for(int i =0;i<_tracksAR.size();++i)delete _tracksAR.get(i);
+  _tracksAR.clear();
+  // delete all created ProtoClusters
+  (ProtoClusterFactory.Instance()).Delete();
+  _protoClusters.clear();
+  _finalProtoClusters.clear();
+  // and tell the factory to zero its cluster counter
+  ProtoClusterFactory.Instance().ResetCounter();
+  // remove the MC information
+  //if(_mcTree!=null)delete _mcTree;
+  _mcTree = null;
+  //if(_myMcTree!=null)delete _myMcTree;
+  _myMcTree = null;
+  // clear the event display
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null){
+  //  _recoDisplay.Clear();
+  //  _recoDisplay.CleanUp();
+  //}
+void PerfectPFA(LCEvent evt){
+  if(_caloNavigator==null || _trackNavigator==null){
+    std.cout(" ERROR : cant perform PerfectPFA",std.endl);
+    if(_caloNavigator==null)std.cout("      : no calorimeter hit navigator",std.endl);
+    if(_trackNavigator==null)std.cout("      :no track navigator",std.endl);
+    return;
+  }
+  List<MyMCPFO> mcPFOs = (_myMcTree.getMCPFOs());
+  ProtoCluster[] protoClusters = new ProtoCluster[mcPFOs.size()];
+  int[] nTracks = new int[mcPFOs.size()];
+  MyTrackExtended[][] extendedTracks = new MyTrackExtended[mcPFOs.size()][10];
+  for(int i =0;i<mcPFOs.size();++i)protoClusters[i] = null;
+  for(int i =0;i<mcPFOs.size();++i){
+    nTracks[i]=0;
+    for(int j =0;j<10;++j)extendedTracks[i][j] = null;  
+  }
+  // loop over hits
+  for(int ilayer=0;ilayer<_maxLayer;++ilayer){
+    // loop over hits in layer and try and associate with existing clusters
+    for(int ihit=0;ihit<_calHitsByPseudoLayer[ilayer].size();++ihit){
+      MyCaloHitExtended hiti = _calHitsByPseudoLayer[ilayer].get(ihit);
+      CalorimeterHit calhit = (CalorimeterHit)(hiti.getCalorimeterHit());
+      // use navigator to match hit to simhit
+      LCObjectVec objectVec = _caloNavigator.getRelatedToObjects(calhit);
+      if (objectVec.size() > 0) {
+	SimCalorimeterHit simhit =
+	  (SimCalorimeterHit)(objectVec.get(0));
+	if (simhit.getNMCParticles() > 0) {
+	  // choose first mc particle contributing to hit
+	  MCParticle part = simhit.getParticleCont(0);
+	  // use myMcTree to match hit to perfect particle flow object
+	  int jmc = _myMcTree.GetMCPFOIndex(part);
+	  if(jmc<mcPFOs.size()){
+	    // add it to the appropriate protocluster
+	    if(protoClusters[jmc]==null){
+	      protoClusters[jmc] = (ProtoClusterFactory.Instance()).Manufacture(hiti);     
+	    }else{
+	      protoClusters[jmc].AddHit(hiti);
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(int i =0;i<mcPFOs.size();++i){
+    if(protoClusters[i]!=null){
+      protoClusters[i].Update(_maxLayer);
+      protoClusters[i].ClassifyYourself();
+      _finalProtoClusters.add(protoClusters[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  // now deal with the tracks  
+  for(int it=0;it<_tracksAR.size();++it){
+    Track track = _tracksAR.get(it).getTrack();
+    std.cout(track,std.endl);
+    LCObjectVec objectVec = _trackNavigator.getRelatedToObjects(track);
+    if (objectVec.size() > 0){ 
+      MCParticle part = (MCParticle)(objectVec.get(0));
+      int jmc = _myMcTree.GetMCPFOIndex(part);
+      if(jmc>=0&&jmc<mcPFOs.size()){
+	extendedTracks[jmc][nTracks[jmc]]=_tracksAR.get(it);
+	nTracks[jmc]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  double totalEnergy = 0.;
+  for(int i =0; i<mcPFOs.size(); ++i){
+    if(nTracks[i]>0){
+      double trackEnergy = 0;
+      for(int it=0;it<nTracks[i];it++){
+	MyTrackExtended trackAR = extendedTracks[i][it];
+	trackEnergy += trackAR.getEnergy();
+      }
+      totalEnergy+=trackEnergy;
+    }
+  }
+  for(int i =0;i<mcPFOs.size();++i){
+    if(nTracks[i]==0){
+      if(protoClusters[i]!=null){
+	protoClusters[i].SetClusterClassification(ProtoClusterClassificationType.PC_UNKNOWN);
+	if(mcPFOs.get(i).isPhoton())protoClusters[i].SetClusterClassification(ProtoClusterClassificationType.PC_PRIMARY_PHOTON);
+	if(protoClusters[i].IsPhoton()){
+	  totalEnergy+=protoClusters[i].EnergyEM();
+	}else{
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void associateProtoClusters(ProtoClusterVec input, MyTrackExtendedVec tracks, ProtoClusterVec finalClusters, boolean firstPass){
+  // Have initial clustering
+  // Use topological rules to join clusters together
+  // In many ways this is the guts of the algorithm and hides a lot of complexity
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(input,3);
+  // First look for looping tracks (end<.end matching)
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Find and associated looping tracks",std.endl);
+  if(_associateLoopingTracks>0)this.associateLoopingTracks(input,0);
+  // Look for associated track segements (end<.start matching)
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Match clusters using track segments",std.endl);
+  if(_associateTrackSegments>0)this.associateTrackSegments(input);
+  // Look for associated track segements (mip end<. shower start matching)
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Associate showers to mips",std.endl);
+  if(_associateShowersToMips>0)this.associateShowersToMips(input);
+  if(_associateShowersToMipsII>0)this.associateShowersToMipsII(input);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(input,3);
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Associate back scatters",std.endl);
+  if(_associateBackScatters>0)this.associateBackScatters(input);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(input,3);
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Associate mip stubs",std.endl);
+  if(_associateMipStubsToShowers>0)this.associateMipStubsToShowers(input);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(input,3);
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Associate from Start",std.endl);
+  if(_associateFromStart>0)this.associateFromStart(input);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(input,3);
+  // now use the cruder methods
+  ProtoClusterVec _joinedProtoClusters = new ProtoClusterVec();
+  this.combineProtoClusters(input,_joinedProtoClusters);
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Associate clusters by proximity",std.endl);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(_joinedProtoClusters,3);
+  //std.cout(" NOT RUNNING this.associateByProximity ",std.endl);
+  if(_associateByProximity>0)this.associateByProximity(_joinedProtoClusters);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(_joinedProtoClusters,3);
+  ProtoClusterVec _newJoinedProtoClusters = new ProtoClusterVec();
+  this.combineProtoClusters(_joinedProtoClusters,_newJoinedProtoClusters);
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Associate by shower cone",std.endl);
+  if(_associateByShowerCone>0)this.associateByShowerCone(_newJoinedProtoClusters);
+  //if(_recoDisplay!=null && _showProtoClusterAssociation>0)_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(_newJoinedProtoClusters,3);
+  ProtoClusterVec _combinedProtoClusters = new ProtoClusterVec();
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Combined Clusters",std.endl);
+  this.combineProtoClusters(_newJoinedProtoClusters,_combinedProtoClusters);
+  // _recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(_combinedProtoClusters,3);
+  if(_allowPhotonFragmentation==1)this.findPhotonsMergedWithMips(_combinedProtoClusters);
+  if(_printing>2)std.cout("Assoc soft",std.endl);
+  if(_associateSoftClusters>0)this.associateSoftClusters(_combinedProtoClusters);
+  this.associateIsolatedHits(_combinedProtoClusters);
+  //_recoDisplay.DrawByProtoCluster(_combinedProtoClusters,3);
+  ProtoClusterVec _nearFinalProtoClusters = new ProtoClusterVec();
+  this.makeFinalProtoClusters(_combinedProtoClusters,_nearFinalProtoClusters);
+  if(_associateLoopingTracks>1)this.associateLoopingTracks(_nearFinalProtoClusters,1);
+  // the following methods split/merge clusters using tracking information
+  //  not used in reclustering 
+  if(firstPass && _allowReclustering>0){
+    // use tracking information to split
+    if(_photonRecovery>=2)this.PhotonRecovery(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false );
+    this.trackDrivenSplitMergedClusters(_nearFinalProtoClusters);
+    this.trackDrivenAssociation(_nearFinalProtoClusters,0);
+    this.ResolveTwoTrackAssociations(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false);
+    // do it again  - 
+    this.trackDrivenAssociation(_nearFinalProtoClusters,1);
+    this.NewResolveSingleTrackAssociations(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false);
+    this.NewResolveTwoTrackAssociations(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false);
+    this.NewResolveThreeTrackAssociations(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false);
+    this.NewTrackDrivenAssociation(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false);
+    //this.NewMergedPhotonSearch(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false );
+    if(_photonRecovery==1||_photonRecovery>2)this.PhotonRecovery(_nearFinalProtoClusters,tracks,false );
+  }
+  this.combineProtoClusters(_nearFinalProtoClusters,finalClusters);
+  // Soft Photon ID
+  for(int icluster=0;icluster<finalClusters.size();++icluster){
+    finalClusters.get(icluster).SoftPhotonID();
+  }
+void fragmentRemoval(ProtoClusterVec protoClusters, MyTrackExtendedVec extendedTracks, ProtoClusterVec outputProtoClusters){
+  // have finished clustering
+  // Look in detail at all hadron clusters and decide
+  // Merge dubious looking clusters 
+  this.ClusterTrackAssociation(protoClusters,extendedTracks,false);
+  if(_printing>1){
+    std.cout(" FRAGMENT REMOVAL *****************" ,std.endl);
+    std.cout(" FRAGMENT REMOVAL *****************" ,std.endl);
+    std.cout(" FRAGMENT REMOVAL *****************" ,std.endl);
+    std.cout(" FRAGMENT REMOVAL *****************" ,std.endl);
+    std.cout(" FRAGMENT REMOVAL *****************" ,std.endl);
+  }
+  // The first criterion considered is "contact"
+  // Contact is defined as the number of layers in which a hadron cluster
+  //  is in contact (has hits close to) another cluster
+  int nclusters = protoClusters.size();
+  for(int icluster=0;icluster<nclusters;++icluster){
+    ProtoCluster pCluster = protoClusters.get(icluster);
+    MyTrackExtendedVec tracks = pCluster.GetTrackVec();
+    double chi2best = 9999.;
+    ProtoCluster bestParent = null;
+    if(tracks.size()==0 && !pCluster.IsPrimaryPhoton()){ 
+      double clusterE = pCluster.EnergyHAD();
+      double contactEnergy = 0.; 
+      double contactClusterEnergy = 0.; 
+      double contactTrackEnergy = 0.; 
+      ProtoClusterVec contacts = new ProtoClusterVec();
+      int totalContact = 0;
+      for(int jcluster=0;jcluster<nclusters;++jcluster){
+	MyTrackExtendedVec xtracks = protoClusters.get(jcluster).GetTrackVec();
+	if(icluster!=jcluster && xtracks.size()!=0){
+	  double nearTrackE   = 0.;
+	  double nearClusterE = protoClusters.get(jcluster).EnergyHAD();
+	  double fraction  = protoClusters.get(jcluster).FractionInRadialCone(pCluster,0.90);
+	  for(int it=0;it<xtracks.size();it++){
+	    nearTrackE+=xtracks.get(it).getEnergy();
+	    double fractiont = pCluster.FractionInTrackCone(xtracks.get(it),0.90);
+	    if(fractiont>fraction)fraction=fractiont;
+	  }
+	  clusterContact_t contact = protoClusters.get(jcluster).ContactLayers(pCluster,_fragmentRemovalContactCut);
+	  double sigE = 0.6*sqrt(nearTrackE);
+	  double chio  = (nearTrackE-nearClusterE)/sigE;
+	  double chin  = (nearTrackE-nearClusterE-clusterE)/sigE;
+	  double chi2o = chio*chio;
+	  double chi2n = chin*chin;
+	  if(contact.contactLayers>5 || (contact.contactLayers>2 && chio>-1.)){
+	    totalContact+=contact.contactLayers;
+	    contactEnergy+= nearTrackE-nearClusterE;
+	    contactTrackEnergy+=nearTrackE;
+	    contactClusterEnergy+=nearClusterE;
+	    contacts.add(protoClusters.get(jcluster));
+	    std.cout(" Contact : ",contact.contactLayers," ",nearTrackE," ",nearClusterE,std.endl);
+	  }
+	  if(contact.contactLayers>_fragmentRemovalContactLayersCut){
+	    if(abs(chi2n)<_fragmentRemovalMaxChi2ForMerge){
+	      if(_printing>1 && pCluster.FirstLayer()>_nEcalLayers-20){
+		std.cout(" Dodgy cluster ",contact.contactLayers," : ",pCluster.EnergyHAD()," : ",chi2o," : ",chi2n,std.endl);
+		ProtoClusterVec pCs = new ProtoClusterVec();
+		pCs.add(protoClusters.get(jcluster));
+		pCs.add(protoClusters.get(icluster));
+		//if(_recoDisplay!=null)_recoDisplay.DrawSingleProtoCluster(pCs,RECO_VIEW_XY);
+	      }
+	      int layersFromEdge=999;
+	      layersFromEdge = this.LayersFromEdge(protoClusters.get(jcluster));
+	      if(_printing>1 && pCluster.FirstLayer()<=_nEcalLayers-20){
+		std.cout(" slightly dodgy cluster ",contact.contactLayers," : ",pCluster.EnergyHAD()," : ",chi2o," : ",chi2n,std.endl);
+		if(chio>_chiToAttemptReclustering && chi2n<4.0 && layersFromEdge >3){
+		  if(_printing>1){
+		    std.cout("*****WILL REMOVE CLUSTER ",std.endl);
+		    std.cout("layers from edge : ",layersFromEdge,std.endl);
+		    std.cout("PhotonID : ",pCluster.IsPrimaryPhoton(),std.endl);
+		  }
+		  if(chi2n<chi2best){
+		    chi2best = chi2n;
+		    bestParent = protoClusters.get(jcluster);
+		  }
+		}
+	      }
+	      if(pCluster.FirstLayer()>_nEcalLayers-10){
+		if(chi2n-chi2o<_fragmentRemovalDeltaChi2ForMerge){
+		  if(_printing>1)std.cout("WILL REMOVE CLUSTER ",std.endl);
+		  if(chi2n<chi2best){
+		    chi2best = chi2n;
[truncated at 1000 lines; 6908 more skipped]
CVSspam 0.2.8