Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa on MAIN -> 1.6
MJC: Refactor reclusterer; also add option to cheat on scoring

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa 1.5 -> 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
---	19 Nov 2007 22:19:02 -0000	1.5
+++	21 Nov 2007 19:48:37 -0000	1.6
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   * This version is PRELIMINARY.
-  * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2007/11/19 22:19:02 mcharles Exp $
+  * @version $Id:,v 1.6 2007/11/21 19:48:37 mcharles Exp $
   * @author Mat Charles
@@ -504,238 +504,68 @@
 	//debugPrint(largeClustersWithoutSkeletons, sharedSmallClusters, "Large", "halo");
 	// Cache potential links (warning, there may be a lot!)
-	// First look for mip-clump links, only working within a large, contiguous cluster:
+	// Scoring constants
 	double scaleFactorTrackToTrack = 1.0;
 	double scaleFactorTrackToClump = 1.0;
 	double scaleFactorTrackToSmallSeed = 1.0;
+	double thresholdForProximity = 50.0; // 5cm. FIXME: Don't hard-code.
+	double thresholdForProximityClump = 75.0; // FIXME: Don't hard-code.
-	// Links between main components (clumps, mips) within a large cluster
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-	System.out.println("DEBUG: There are "+largeClusters.size()+" large clusters in the event which can contain skeletons.");
-	for (Cluster largeClus : largeClusters) {
-	    List<Cluster> subClustersMips = new Vector<Cluster>();
-	    List<Cluster> subClustersClumps = new Vector<Cluster>();
-	    for (Cluster subClus : largeClus.getClusters()) {
-		for (Cluster subsubClus : subClus.getClusters()) {
-		    if (mips.contains(subsubClus)) { subClustersMips.add(subsubClus); }
-		    if (clumps.contains(subsubClus)) { subClustersClumps.add(subsubClus); }
-		}		
-	    }
-	    if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Large cluster with "+largeClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits contains "+subClustersMips.size()+" MIPs and "+subClustersClumps.size()+" clumps."); }
-	    // Potential mip-mip links [careful -- don't double-count]
-	    for (int i=0; i<subClustersMips.size(); i++) {
-		Cluster mip1 = subClustersMips.get(i);
-		for (int j=i+1; j<subClustersMips.size(); j++) {
-		    Cluster mip2 = subClustersMips.get(j);
-		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToTrack(mip1,mip2);
-		    double score = likelihood / scaleFactorTrackToTrack;
-		    if (score > 1.0) { score = 1.0; } else if (score < 0.0) { score = 0.0; }
-		    addPotentialLink(mip1, mip2, score);
-		    //if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip1.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- MIP["+mip2.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip1, mip2, "MIP", "MIP", score); }
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Potential mip-clump links
-	    for (Cluster mip : subClustersMips) {
-		for (Cluster clump : subClustersClumps) {
-		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToClump(mip,clump);
-		    double score = likelihood / scaleFactorTrackToClump;
-		    if (score > 1.0) { score = 1.0; } else if (score < 0.0) { score = 0.0; }
-		    addPotentialLink(mip, clump, score);
-		    //if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Clump["+clump.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clump, "MIP", "Clump", score); }
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Some debug info
-	    if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
-		if (subClustersMips.size()+subClustersClumps.size()==1 || subClustersMips.size()==0) {
-		    for (Cluster clus : subClustersMips)   { System.out.println("DEBUG:   Unlinkable MIP["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]"); }
-		    for (Cluster clus : subClustersClumps) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   Unlinkable Clump["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]"); }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	// Potential links to other things (harder to pin down...)
-	// -------------------------------------------------------
+	boolean cheatOnScoring = false;
-	// Link from a MIP to another MIP/clump which is *not* in the same large cluster.
-	// This can happen if:
-	//    1) One is part of a secondary shower
-	//    2) Linkage across the ECAL/HCAL boundary failed
-	// MIP <--> MIP
-	for (int i=0; i<mips.size(); i++) {
-	    Cluster mip1 = mips.get(i);
-	    for (int j=i+1; j<mips.size(); j++) {
-		Cluster mip2 = mips.get(j);
-		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(mip1, mip2);
-		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
-		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToTrack(mip1,mip2);
-		    double score = likelihood / scaleFactorTrackToTrack;
-		    // Penalty factor for going outside main cluster, based on angular separation 
-		    Hep3Vector clus1Position = new BasicHep3Vector(mip1.getPosition());
-		    Hep3Vector clus2Position = new BasicHep3Vector(mip2.getPosition());
-		    double penaltyFactor =, VecOp.unit(clus2Position));
-		    if (penaltyFactor > 0.8) { penaltyFactor = 0.8; }
-		    score *= penaltyFactor;
-		    if (score > 1.0) { score = 1.0; } else if (score < 0.0) { score = 0.0; }
-		    addPotentialLink(mip1, mip2, score);
-		    //if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip1.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- MIP["+mip2.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score+"  (not in same large cluster)"); }
-		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip1, mip2, "MIP", "MIP", score); }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	// MIP <--> Clump
-	for (Cluster mip : mips) {
-	    for (Cluster clump : clumps) {
-		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(mip, clump);
-		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
-		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToClump(mip,clump);
-		    double score = likelihood / scaleFactorTrackToClump;
-		    // Penalty factor for going outside main cluster, based on angular separation 
-		    Hep3Vector clus1Position = new BasicHep3Vector(mip.getPosition());
-		    Hep3Vector clus2Position = new BasicHep3Vector(clump.getPosition());
-		    double penaltyFactor =, VecOp.unit(clus2Position));
-		    if (penaltyFactor > 0.8) { penaltyFactor = 0.8; }
-		    score *= penaltyFactor;
-		    if (score > 1.0) { score = 1.0; } else if (score < 0.0) { score = 0.0; }
-		    addPotentialLink(mip, clump, score);
-		    //if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Clump["+clump.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clump, "MIP", "Clump", score); }
-		}
-	    }
-	}	
+	if (cheatOnScoring) {
+	    initPotentialLinks_cheating(linkableClusters);
+	} else {
+	    // Links between main components (clumps, mips) within a large cluster
+	    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+	    System.out.println("DEBUG: There are "+largeClusters.size()+" large clusters in the event which can contain skeletons.");
+	    initPotentialLinks_SkeletonsWithinLargeClus(largeClusters, mips, clumps, scaleFactorTrackToTrack, scaleFactorTrackToClump);
+	    // Potential links to other things (harder to pin down...)
+	    // -------------------------------------------------------
+	    // Link from a MIP to another MIP/clump which is *not* in the same large cluster.
+	    // This can happen if:
+	    //    1) One is part of a secondary shower
+	    //    2) Linkage across the ECAL/HCAL boundary failed
+	    // MIP <--> MIP
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMip(mips, scaleFactorTrackToTrack, true);
+	    // MIP <--> Clump
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipClump(mips, clumps, scaleFactorTrackToClump, true);
-	// Link from MIP to a nearby cluster (use pointing)
-	for (Cluster mip : mips) {
-	    double thresholdForProximity = 50.0; // 5cm. FIXME: Don't hard-code.
+	    // Link from MIP to a nearby cluster (use pointing)
 	    // MIP <--> small cluster seed
-	    for (Cluster clus : smallClusterSeeds) {
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndPointing(mip, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		addPotentialLink(mip, clus, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- SmallSeed["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clus, "MIP", "SmallSeed", score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
-		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToClump(mip,clus);
-		    double dist = proximity(mip, clus);
-		    double scaledDistance = dist / thresholdForProximity;
-		    double penaltyFactor = 1.0 / (scaledDistance * scaledDistance);
-		    double recalculatedScore = likelihood;
-		    if (penaltyFactor < 1.0) {
-			recalculatedScore *= penaltyFactor;
-		    }
-		    System.out.println("DEBUG:      proximity = "+dist+" and threshold = "+thresholdForProximity+" => penaltyFactor = "+penaltyFactor);
-		    System.out.println("DEBUG:      likelihood = "+likelihood+" => combined score = "+recalculatedScore);
-		}
-	    }
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(mips, smallClusterSeeds, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed");
 	    // MIP <--> photon
-	    for (Cluster clus : photonClusters) {
-		boolean photonIsSeed = seeds.contains(clus);
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndPointing(mip, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		if (photonIsSeed) {
-		    addPotentialLink(mip, clus, score);
-		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clus, "MIP", "Photon", score); }
-		} else {
-		    String printme = new String("DEBUG:   Skipped making link from MIP["+mip.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Photon["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] because photon is not a seed.");
-		    MCParticle domPart1 = quoteDominantParticle(mip);
-		    MCParticle domPart2 = quoteDominantParticle(clus);
-		    if (domPart1 == domPart2) {
-			int domPDG = domPart1.getPDGID();
-			double domMom = domPart1.getMomentum().magnitude();
-			printme += " MISTAKE! They both come from "+domPDG+" with p="+domMom;
-			double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToClump(mip,clus);
-			double distance = proximity(mip, clus);
-			printme += ". Score would have been "+score+" since likelihood="+likelihood+" and proximity="+distance;
-		    }
-		    System.out.println(printme);
-		}
+	    List<Cluster> seedPhotonClusters = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	    for (Cluster photon : photonClusters) {
+	    	if (seeds.contains(photon)) {
+		    seedPhotonClusters.add(photon);
+	    	}
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(mips, seedPhotonClusters, thresholdForProximity, "Photon");
 	    // MIP <--> large cluster
-	    for (Cluster clus : largeClustersWithoutSkeletons) {
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndPointing(mip, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		addPotentialLink(mip, clus, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- LargeClus["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clus, "MIP", "LargeClus", score); }
-	    }
-	}
-	// Link certain things based on proximity and angle when there is
-	// little other information. Use these quantities:
-	//   1) Proximity
-	//   2) Dot product of these vectors: (IP to inner clus) and (inner clus to outer clus)
-	// For genuinely large clusters (e.g. clumps with 50 hits) we also have pointing information
-	for (Cluster smallSeed : smallClusterSeeds) {
-	    Hep3Vector smallSeedPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(smallSeed.getPosition());
-	    double thresholdForProximity = 50.0; // 5cm. FIXME: Don't hard-code.
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(mips, largeClustersWithoutSkeletons, thresholdForProximity, "LargeClus");
+	    // Link certain things based on proximity and angle when there is
+	    // little other information. Use these quantities:
+	    //   1) Proximity
+	    //   2) Dot product of these vectors: (IP to inner clus) and (inner clus to outer clus)
+	    // For genuinely large clusters (e.g. clumps with 50 hits) we also have pointing information
 	    // Small seeds <--> clumps
-	    for (Cluster clus : clumps) {
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(smallSeed, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		addPotentialLink(smallSeed, clus, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   SmallSeed["+smallSeed.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Clump["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(smallSeed, clus, "SmallSeed", "Clump", score); }
-	    }
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(smallClusterSeeds, clumps, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed", "Clump");
 	    // Small seeds <--> photons
-	    for (Cluster clus : photonClusters) {
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(smallSeed, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		addPotentialLink(smallSeed, clus, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   SmallSeed["+smallSeed.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Photon["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(smallSeed, clus, "SmallSeed", "Photon", score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
-		    double dist = proximity(smallSeed, clus);
-		    double scaledDist = dist / thresholdForProximity;
-		    double proximityScore = 1.0 / (scaledDist * scaledDist);
-		    Hep3Vector clus1Position = new BasicHep3Vector(smallSeed.getPosition());
-		    Hep3Vector clus2Position = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
-		    Hep3Vector positionOfInnerCluster = null;
-		    Hep3Vector positionOfOuterCluster = null;
-		    if (clus2Position.magnitude() > clus1Position.magnitude()) {
-			positionOfInnerCluster = clus1Position;
-			positionOfOuterCluster = clus2Position;
-		    } else {
-			positionOfInnerCluster = clus2Position;
-			positionOfOuterCluster = clus1Position;
-		    }
-		    Hep3Vector displacementVector = VecOp.sub(positionOfOuterCluster, positionOfInnerCluster);
-		    double dotProduct =, VecOp.unit(positionOfInnerCluster));
-		    double dotProductScore = dotProduct;
-		    if (dotProduct < 0.0) { dotProductScore = 0.0; }
-		    double recalculatedScore = proximityScore * dotProductScore;
-		    System.out.println("DEBUG:     proximity="+dist+" and threshold="+thresholdForProximity+" => proximityScore="+proximityScore);
-		    System.out.println("DEBUG:     dotProduct="+dotProduct+" => score="+recalculatedScore);
-		}
-	    }
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(smallClusterSeeds, photonClusters, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed", "Photon");
 	    // Small seeds <--> large clusters
-	    for (Cluster clus : largeClustersWithoutSkeletons) {
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(smallSeed, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		addPotentialLink(smallSeed, clus, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   SmallSeed["+smallSeed.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- LargeClus["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(smallSeed, clus, "SmallSeed", "LargeClus", score); }
-	    }
-	}
-	// Clump <--> clump
-	for (int i=0; i<clumps.size(); i++) {
-	    double thresholdForProximity = 75.0; // FIXME: Don't hard-code.
-	    Cluster clump1 = clumps.get(i);
-	    for (int j=i+1; j<clumps.size(); j++) {
-		Cluster clump2 = clumps.get(j);
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(clump1, clump2, thresholdForProximity);
-		score *= 0.8; // Arbitrary penalty [FIXME]
-		addPotentialLink(clump1, clump2, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   Clump["+clump1.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Clump["+clump2.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(clump1, clump2, "Clump", "Clump", score); }
-	    }
-	}
-	// Clump <--> large cluster
-	for (Cluster clump : clumps) {
-	    double thresholdForProximity = 75.0; // FIXME: Don't hard-code.
-	    for (Cluster clus : largeClustersWithoutSkeletons) {
-		double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(clump, clus, thresholdForProximity);
-		score *= 0.8; // Arbitrary penalty [FIXME]
-		addPotentialLink(clump, clus, score);
-		//if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   Clump["+clump.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- LargeClus["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
-		if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(clump, clus, "Clump", "LargeClus", score); }
-	    }
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(smallClusterSeeds, largeClustersWithoutSkeletons, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed", "LargeClus");
+	    // Clump <--> clump
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscSelf(clumps, thresholdForProximityClump, "Clump", true);
+	    // Clump <--> large cluster
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(clumps, largeClustersWithoutSkeletons, thresholdForProximityClump, "Clump", "LargeClus");
-	// [other legitimate link types]
-	// [...]
 	// OK. Now sort the potential links by score:
 	// Try to build skeletons, working with tracks in momentum-sorted order...
@@ -955,6 +785,7 @@
 	    // write out charged shower
 	    BaseReconstructedParticle part = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
 	    for (Cluster clus : showerComponents) { part.addCluster(clus); }
 	    // Get the particle's three-momentum.
@@ -981,6 +812,7 @@
 		// write out photon
 		BaseReconstructedParticle part = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
 		double clusterEnergy = energy(clus, allSharedClusters, m_photonCalib);
 		Hep3Vector pos = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
 		Hep3Vector threeMomentum = VecOp.mult(clusterEnergy, VecOp.unit(pos)); // assume it comes from the IP
@@ -1046,15 +878,17 @@
 		    for (Cluster miniSeed : componentsInPreviousTier) {
 			// Search for links above threshold
 			List<ScoredLink> potentialLinks = m_potentialLinks.get(miniSeed);
-			for (ScoredLink link : potentialLinks) {
-			    if (link.score() < threshold) { break ; }
-			    Cluster newClus = link.counterpart(miniSeed);
-			    if (newClus == null) { throw new AssertionError("Null link!"); }
-			    // Ensure that we haven't already added component
-			    if (unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.contains(newClus)) {
-				componentsInNextTier.add(newClus);
-				unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.remove(newClus);
-				piecesForThisCluster.add(newClus);
+			if (potentialLinks != null) {
+			    for (ScoredLink link : potentialLinks) {
+			    	if (link.score() < threshold) { break ; }
+			    	Cluster newClus = link.counterpart(miniSeed);
+			    	if (newClus == null) { throw new AssertionError("Null link!"); }
+			    	// Ensure that we haven't already added component
+			    	if (unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.contains(newClus)) {
+				    componentsInNextTier.add(newClus);
+				    unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.remove(newClus);
+				    piecesForThisCluster.add(newClus);
+				}
@@ -1072,6 +906,7 @@
 	    // write out neutral hadron
 	    BaseReconstructedParticle part = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
 	    double clusterEnergy = energy(clus, allSharedClusters, m_neutralCalib);
 	    double clusterMomentumMagSq = clusterEnergy*clusterEnergy - mass_K0*mass_K0;
 	    if (clusterMomentumMagSq<0.0) { clusterMomentumMagSq = 0.0; }
@@ -1107,6 +942,168 @@
 	m_event = null;
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_cheating(Collection<Cluster> clusters) {
+	Cluster[] tmpArray = new Cluster[1];
+	Cluster[] clusterArray = clusters.toArray(tmpArray);
+	if (clusterArray.length != clusters.size()) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+	for (int i=0; i<clusterArray.length; i++) {
+	    Cluster clus1 = clusterArray[i];
+	    MCParticle domPart1 = quoteDominantParticle(clus1);
+	    for (int j=i+1; j<clusterArray.length; j++) {
+		Cluster clus2 = clusterArray[j];
+		if (clus1 == clus2) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+	    	MCParticle domPart2 = quoteDominantParticle(clus2);
+		if (domPart1 == domPart2) {
+		    addPotentialLink(clus1, clus2, 1.0);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_MipMip(List<Cluster> mips, double scaleFactorTrackToTrack, boolean applyPenaltyFactor)
+    {
+	for (int i=0; i<mips.size(); i++) {
+	    Cluster mip1 = mips.get(i);
+	    for (int j=i+1; j<mips.size(); j++) {
+		Cluster mip2 = mips.get(j);
+		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(mip1, mip2);
+		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
+		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToTrack(mip1,mip2);
+		    double score = likelihood / scaleFactorTrackToTrack;
+		    // Penalty factor for going outside main cluster, based on angular separation 
+		    Hep3Vector clus1Position = new BasicHep3Vector(mip1.getPosition());
+		    Hep3Vector clus2Position = new BasicHep3Vector(mip2.getPosition());
+		    if (applyPenaltyFactor) {
+		    	double penaltyFactor =, VecOp.unit(clus2Position));
+		    	if (penaltyFactor > 0.8) { penaltyFactor = 0.8; }
+		    	score *= penaltyFactor;
+		    }
+		    if (score > 1.0) { score = 1.0; } else if (score < 0.0) { score = 0.0; }
+		    addPotentialLink(mip1, mip2, score);
+		    //if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip1.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- MIP["+mip2.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score+"  (not in same large cluster)"); }
+		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip1, mip2, "MIP", "MIP", score); }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_MipClump(List<Cluster> mips, List<Cluster> clumps, double scaleFactorTrackToClump, boolean applyPenaltyFactor)
+    {
+	for (Cluster mip : mips) {
+	    for (Cluster clump : clumps) {
+		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(mip, clump);
+		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
+		    double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToClump(mip,clump);
+		    double score = likelihood / scaleFactorTrackToClump;
+		    if (applyPenaltyFactor) {
+		    	// Penalty factor for going outside main cluster, based on angular separation 
+		    	Hep3Vector clus1Position = new BasicHep3Vector(mip.getPosition());
+		    	Hep3Vector clus2Position = new BasicHep3Vector(clump.getPosition());
+		    	double penaltyFactor =, VecOp.unit(clus2Position));
+		    	if (penaltyFactor > 0.8) { penaltyFactor = 0.8; }
+		    	score *= penaltyFactor;
+		    }
+		    if (score > 1.0) { score = 1.0; } else if (score < 0.0) { score = 0.0; }
+		    addPotentialLink(mip, clump, score);
+		    //if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   MIP["+mip.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"] -- Clump["+clump.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]  = "+score); }
+		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clump, "MIP", "Clump", score); }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(List<Cluster> mips, List<Cluster> miscClusters, double thresholdForProximity, String typeName)
+    {
+	for (Cluster mip : mips) {
+	    for (Cluster clus : miscClusters) {
+		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(mip, clus);
+		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
+		    double score = scoreOnProximityAndPointing(mip, clus, thresholdForProximity);
+		    addPotentialLink(mip, clus, score);
+		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(mip, clus, "MIP", typeName, score); }
+		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
+			double likelihood = m_eval.getLinkLikelihoodTrackToClump(mip,clus);
+			double dist = proximity(mip, clus);
+			double scaledDistance = dist / thresholdForProximity;
+			double penaltyFactor = 1.0 / (scaledDistance * scaledDistance);
+			double recalculatedScore = likelihood;
+			if (penaltyFactor < 1.0) {
+			    recalculatedScore *= penaltyFactor;
+			}
+			System.out.println("DEBUG:      proximity = "+dist+" and threshold = "+thresholdForProximity+" => penaltyFactor = "+penaltyFactor);
+			System.out.println("DEBUG:      likelihood = "+likelihood+" => combined score = "+recalculatedScore);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(List<Cluster> list1, List<Cluster> list2, double thresholdForProximity, String type1, String type2)
+    {
+	for (Cluster clus1 : list1) {
+	    if (list2.contains(clus1)) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+	    for (Cluster clus2 : list2) {
+		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(clus1, clus2);
+		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
+		    double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(clus1, clus2, thresholdForProximity);
+		    addPotentialLink(clus1, clus2, score);
+		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(clus1, clus2, type1, type2, score); }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_MiscSelf(List<Cluster> clusterList, double thresholdForProximity, String typeName, boolean applyPenalty)
+    {
+	for (int i=0; i<clusterList.size(); i++) {
+	    Cluster clus1 = clusterList.get(i);
+	    for (int j=i+1; j<clusterList.size(); j++) {
+		Cluster clus2 = clusterList.get(j);
+		boolean linkAlreadyExists = checkForLink(clus1, clus2);
+		if (!linkAlreadyExists) {
+		    double score = scoreOnProximityAndAngle(clus1, clus2, thresholdForProximity);
+		    if (applyPenalty) {
+		    	// Penalty factor for going outside main cluster, based on angular separation 
+		    	Hep3Vector clus1Position = new BasicHep3Vector(clus1.getPosition());
+		    	Hep3Vector clus2Position = new BasicHep3Vector(clus2.getPosition());
+		    	double penaltyFactor =, VecOp.unit(clus2Position));
+		    	if (penaltyFactor > 0.8) { penaltyFactor = 0.8; }
+		    	score *= penaltyFactor;
+		    }
+		    addPotentialLink(clus1, clus2, score);
+		    if (m_debugLinkScores) { debugPrintLink(clus1, clus2, typeName, typeName, score); }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    protected void initPotentialLinks_SkeletonsWithinLargeClus(List<Cluster> largeClusters, List<Cluster> mips, List<Cluster> clumps, double  scaleFactorTrackToTrack, double scaleFactorTrackToClump)
+    {
+	for (Cluster largeClus : largeClusters) {
+	    List<Cluster> subClustersMips = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	    List<Cluster> subClustersClumps = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	    for (Cluster subClus : largeClus.getClusters()) {
+		for (Cluster subsubClus : subClus.getClusters()) {
+		    if (mips.contains(subsubClus)) { subClustersMips.add(subsubClus); }
+		    if (clumps.contains(subsubClus)) { subClustersClumps.add(subsubClus); }
+		}		
+	    }
+	    if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Large cluster with "+largeClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits contains "+subClustersMips.size()+" MIPs and "+subClustersClumps.size()+" clumps."); }
+	    // Potential mip-mip links
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMip(subClustersMips, scaleFactorTrackToTrack, false);
+	    // Potential mip-clump links
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipClump(subClustersMips, subClustersClumps, scaleFactorTrackToClump, false);
+	    // Some debug info
+	    if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
+		if (subClustersMips.size()+subClustersClumps.size()==1 || subClustersMips.size()==0) {
+		    for (Cluster clus : subClustersMips)   { System.out.println("DEBUG:   Unlinkable MIP["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]"); }
+		    for (Cluster clus : subClustersClumps) { System.out.println("DEBUG:   Unlinkable Clump["+clus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]"); }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
     protected void printStatus(String desc, 
 			       List<Track> tracksSortedByMomentum,
 			       List<SharedClusterGroup> allSharedClusters,
@@ -1897,69 +1894,71 @@
 		List<ScoredLink> potentialLinks = m_potentialLinks.get(miniSeed);
 		long timeAfterLookingUpPotentialLinks = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
 		if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Getting potential links took "+(timeAfterLookingUpPotentialLinks-timeAtStartOfThisMiniSeedLoop)+" ms"); }
-		for (ScoredLink link : potentialLinks) {
-		    if (link.score() < threshold) { break ; }
-		    long timeAtStartOfThisPotentialLink = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-		    Cluster newClus = link.counterpart(miniSeed);
-		    if (newClus == null) { throw new AssertionError("Null link!"); }
-		    // Ensure that we haven't already added component
-		    long timeBeforePreviousUseTests = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-		    boolean testNotAlreadyInBaseShower = !(allShowerComponents.contains(newClus));
-		    boolean testNotAlreadyInNextTier = !(componentsInNextTier.contains(newClus));
-		    boolean testNotAlreadyAssigned = (newMapShowerComponentToTrack.get(newClus)==null);
-		    boolean testNotSeed = !(allSeedsInEvent.contains(newClus));
-		    long timeAfterPreviousUseTests = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-		    if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Testing if previously used took "+(timeAfterPreviousUseTests-timeBeforePreviousUseTests)+" ms (and prep took "+(timeBeforePreviousUseTests-timeAtStartOfThisPotentialLink)+" ms)"); }
-		    if (testNotAlreadyInBaseShower && testNotAlreadyInNextTier && testNotAlreadyAssigned && testNotSeed) {
-			// E/p check with full propagation test
-			long timeBeforeProbeFullPropagation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-			Set<Cluster> impliedAdditionalClusters = probeFullPropagation(allShowerComponents, link, miniSeed);
-			// Check that full-propagation set doesn't contain any other seeds (that would be a sign that
-			// something went badly wrong!)
-			boolean impliedAdditionalClustersContainsIllegalSeed = false;
-			for (Cluster impliedClus : impliedAdditionalClusters) {
-			    if (allSeedsInEvent.contains(impliedClus) && impliedClus != seed) {
-				impliedAdditionalClustersContainsIllegalSeed = true;
-				break;
+		if (potentialLinks != null) {
+		    for (ScoredLink link : potentialLinks) {
+		    	if (link.score() < threshold) { break ; }
+		    	long timeAtStartOfThisPotentialLink = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+		    	Cluster newClus = link.counterpart(miniSeed);
+		    	if (newClus == null) { throw new AssertionError("Null link!"); }
+		    	// Ensure that we haven't already added component
+		    	long timeBeforePreviousUseTests = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+		    	boolean testNotAlreadyInBaseShower = !(allShowerComponents.contains(newClus));
+		    	boolean testNotAlreadyInNextTier = !(componentsInNextTier.contains(newClus));
+		    	boolean testNotAlreadyAssigned = (newMapShowerComponentToTrack.get(newClus)==null);
+		    	boolean testNotSeed = !(allSeedsInEvent.contains(newClus));
+		    	long timeAfterPreviousUseTests = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+		    	if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Testing if previously used took "+(timeAfterPreviousUseTests-timeBeforePreviousUseTests)+" ms (and prep took "+(timeBeforePreviousUseTests-timeAtStartOfThisPotentialLink)+" ms)"); }
+		    	if (testNotAlreadyInBaseShower && testNotAlreadyInNextTier && testNotAlreadyAssigned && testNotSeed) {
+			    // E/p check with full propagation test
+			    long timeBeforeProbeFullPropagation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+			    Set<Cluster> impliedAdditionalClusters = probeFullPropagation(allShowerComponents, link, miniSeed);
+			    // Check that full-propagation set doesn't contain any other seeds (that would be a sign that
+			    // something went badly wrong!)
+			    boolean impliedAdditionalClustersContainsIllegalSeed = false;
+			    for (Cluster impliedClus : impliedAdditionalClusters) {
+			    	if (allSeedsInEvent.contains(impliedClus) && impliedClus != seed) {
+				    impliedAdditionalClustersContainsIllegalSeed = true;
+				    break;
+			    	}
-			}
-			long timeAfterProbeFullPropagation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-			if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: probeFullPropagation() took "+(timeAfterProbeFullPropagation-timeBeforeProbeFullPropagation)+" ms"); }
-			if (impliedAdditionalClustersContainsIllegalSeed) {
-			    System.out.println("DEBUG: Link with score="+link.score()+" to a subcluster with "+newClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits implied adding a total of "+impliedAdditionalClusters.size()+" clusters -- rejected because this would have picked up another track's seed.");
-			} else {
-			    // OK
-			    Set<Cluster> existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters = new HashSet<Cluster>();
-			    existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters.addAll(allShowerComponents);
-			    existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters.addAll(impliedAdditionalClusters);
-			    existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters.addAll(componentsInNextTier);
-			    long timeBeforeEnergyCalculation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-			    double energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters = energy(existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters, allSharedClusters);
-			    long timeAfterEnergyCalculation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-			    if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Energy calculation took "+(timeAfterEnergyCalculation-timeBeforeEnergyCalculation)+" ms (and prep took"+(timeBeforeEnergyCalculation-timeAfterProbeFullPropagation)+" ms)"); }
-			    boolean testValidEoverP = testEoverP(energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters, tr, tolerance);
-			    long timeAfterTestEoverP = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-			    if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: E/p test took "+(timeAfterTestEoverP-timeAfterEnergyCalculation)+" ms"); }
-			    if (testValidEoverP) {
-				// OK -- add 'em
-				componentsInNextTier.addAll(impliedAdditionalClusters);
-				if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
-				    String printme = "DEBUG: Link with score="+link.score()+" to a subcluster with "+newClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits implied adding a total of "+impliedAdditionalClusters.size()+" clusters for a new running total of "+energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters+". Implicitly added:";
-				    for (Cluster impliedClus : impliedAdditionalClusters) {
-					printme += " ["+impliedClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]";
-				    } 
-				    printme += ".";
-				    System.out.println(printme); 
-				}
+			    long timeAfterProbeFullPropagation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+			    if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: probeFullPropagation() took "+(timeAfterProbeFullPropagation-timeBeforeProbeFullPropagation)+" ms"); }
+			    if (impliedAdditionalClustersContainsIllegalSeed) {
+			    	System.out.println("DEBUG: Link with score="+link.score()+" to a subcluster with "+newClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits implied adding a total of "+impliedAdditionalClusters.size()+" clusters -- rejected because this would have picked up another track's seed.");
 			    } else {
-				// Nope -- failed
-				if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Link with score="+link.score()+" to a subcluster with "+newClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits implied adding a total of "+impliedAdditionalClusters.size()+" clusters -- rejected because new running total would be "+energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters); }
-				vetoedAdditions.add(newClus);
+			    	// OK
+			    	Set<Cluster> existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters = new HashSet<Cluster>();
+			    	existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters.addAll(allShowerComponents);
+			    	existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters.addAll(impliedAdditionalClusters);
+			    	existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters.addAll(componentsInNextTier);
+			    	long timeBeforeEnergyCalculation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+			    	double energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters = energy(existingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters, allSharedClusters);
+			    	long timeAfterEnergyCalculation = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+			    	if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Energy calculation took "+(timeAfterEnergyCalculation-timeBeforeEnergyCalculation)+" ms (and prep took"+(timeBeforeEnergyCalculation-timeAfterProbeFullPropagation)+" ms)"); }
+			    	boolean testValidEoverP = testEoverP(energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters, tr, tolerance);
+			    	long timeAfterTestEoverP = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+			    	if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: E/p test took "+(timeAfterTestEoverP-timeAfterEnergyCalculation)+" ms"); }
+			    	if (testValidEoverP) {
+				    // OK -- add 'em
+				    componentsInNextTier.addAll(impliedAdditionalClusters);
+				    if (m_debugLinkScores) { 
+				    	String printme = "DEBUG: Link with score="+link.score()+" to a subcluster with "+newClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits implied adding a total of "+impliedAdditionalClusters.size()+" clusters for a new running total of "+energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters+". Implicitly added:";
+				    	for (Cluster impliedClus : impliedAdditionalClusters) {
+					    printme += " ["+impliedClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+"]";
+				    	} 
+				    	printme += ".";
+				    	System.out.println(printme); 
+				    }
+			    	} else {
+				    // Nope -- failed
+				    if (m_debugLinkScores) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Link with score="+link.score()+" to a subcluster with "+newClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()+" hits implied adding a total of "+impliedAdditionalClusters.size()+" clusters -- rejected because new running total would be "+energyOfExistingShowerPlusAdditionalClusters); }
+				    vetoedAdditions.add(newClus);
+			    	}
+		    	long timeAtEndOfThisPotentialLink = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
+		    	if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Testing this potential link took "+(timeAtEndOfThisPotentialLink-timeAtStartOfThisPotentialLink)+" ms"); }
-		    long timeAtEndOfThisPotentialLink = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
-		    if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Testing this potential link took "+(timeAtEndOfThisPotentialLink-timeAtStartOfThisPotentialLink)+" ms"); }
 		long timeAtEndOfThisMiniSeedLoop = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // DEBUG
 		if (m_debugTiming) { System.out.println("DEBUG: Testing this miniSeed took "+(timeAtEndOfThisMiniSeedLoop-timeAtStartOfThisMiniSeedLoop)+" ms"); }
CVSspam 0.2.8