Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector on MAIN -> 1.2
JM: tabs to spaces

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	6 Nov 2007 23:55:25 -0000	1.1
+++	6 Nov 2007 23:58:00 -0000	1.2
@@ -46,259 +46,259 @@
 public class DetectorIdentifierHelper
 extends IdentifierHelper
-	// Invalid index.
-	public static final int invalidIndex=-1;
-	// Index of system field in the IdentifierDictionary.  REQUIRED.
-	int systemIndex=invalidIndex;
-	// Index of barrel field in the IdentifierDictionary.  REQUIRED.
-	int barrelIndex=invalidIndex;
-	// Index of layer field in the IdentifierDictionary.  OPTIONAL.
-	int layerIndex=invalidIndex;
+    // Invalid index.
+    public static final int invalidIndex=-1;
+    // Index of system field in the IdentifierDictionary.  REQUIRED.
+    int systemIndex=invalidIndex;
+    // Index of barrel field in the IdentifierDictionary.  REQUIRED.
+    int barrelIndex=invalidIndex;
+    // Index of layer field in the IdentifierDictionary.  OPTIONAL.
+    int layerIndex=invalidIndex;
     // Barrel or endcap flag.
-	// These values are fixed constants that follow the LCSim convention
-	// so can be static.
-	private final static int barrelValue=0;
-	private final static int endcapPositiveValue=1;
-	private final static int endcapNegativeValue=2;
-	// Subsystem id values.  
-	// These are set via a SystemMap, to allow the values to be read
-	// from a compact detector description.  The default SystemMap is 
-	// created if none is supplied.
-	private int invalidSystemValue = -1;
-	private int unknownValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int vtxBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int vtxEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int sitBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int sitEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int sitForwardValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int tpcValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int ecalBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int ecalEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int hcalBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int hcalEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int muonBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int muonEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int ecalForwardValue = invalidSystemValue;
-	private int lumiValue = invalidSystemValue;	
-	// Barrel or endcap ids.
-	IIdentifier barrelId;
-	IIdentifier endcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier endcapNegativeId;
-	// Vertex detector ids.
-	IIdentifier vtxBarrelId;
+    // These values are fixed constants that follow the LCSim convention
+    // so can be static.
+    private final static int barrelValue=0;
+    private final static int endcapPositiveValue=1;
+    private final static int endcapNegativeValue=2;
+    // Subsystem id values.  
+    // These are set via a SystemMap, to allow the values to be read
+    // from a compact detector description.  The default SystemMap is 
+    // created if none is supplied.
+    private int invalidSystemValue = -1;
+    private int unknownValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int vtxBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int vtxEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int sitBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int sitEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int sitForwardValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int tpcValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int ecalBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int ecalEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int hcalBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int hcalEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int muonBarrelValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int muonEndcapValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int ecalForwardValue = invalidSystemValue;
+    private int lumiValue = invalidSystemValue;	
+    // Barrel or endcap ids.
+    IIdentifier barrelId;
+    IIdentifier endcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier endcapNegativeId;
+    // Vertex detector ids.
+    IIdentifier vtxBarrelId;
     IIdentifier vtxEndcapId;
-	IIdentifier vtxEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier vtxEndcapNegativeId;
-	// Silicon tracker ids.
-	IIdentifier sitBarrelId;
+    IIdentifier vtxEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier vtxEndcapNegativeId;
+    // Silicon tracker ids.
+    IIdentifier sitBarrelId;
     IIdentifier sitEndcapId;
-	IIdentifier sitEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier sitEndcapNegativeId;
-	// Forward silicon tracking.
-	IIdentifier sitForwardId;
-	IIdentifier sitForwardEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier sitForwardEndcapNegativeId;	
-	// TPC id.
-	IIdentifier tpcId;
-	// Ecal ids.
-	IIdentifier ecalBarrelId;
+    IIdentifier sitEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier sitEndcapNegativeId;
+    // Forward silicon tracking.
+    IIdentifier sitForwardId;
+    IIdentifier sitForwardEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier sitForwardEndcapNegativeId;	
+    // TPC id.
+    IIdentifier tpcId;
+    // Ecal ids.
+    IIdentifier ecalBarrelId;
     IIdentifier ecalEndcapId;
-	IIdentifier ecalEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier ecalEndcapNegativeId;
-	// Hcal ids.
+    IIdentifier ecalEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier ecalEndcapNegativeId;
+    // Hcal ids.
     IIdentifier hcalBarrelId;
     IIdentifier hcalEndcapId;
-	IIdentifier hcalEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier hcalEndcapNegativeId;
-	// Muon ids.
-	IIdentifier muonBarrelId;
+    IIdentifier hcalEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier hcalEndcapNegativeId;
+    // Muon ids.
+    IIdentifier muonBarrelId;
     IIdentifier muonEndcapId;
-	IIdentifier muonEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier muonEndcapNegativeId;
-	// Ecal forward ids.
-	IIdentifier ecalForwardId;
-	IIdentifier ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId;
-	// Luminosity monitor ids.
-	IIdentifier lumiId;
-	IIdentifier lumiEndcapPositiveId;
-	IIdentifier lumiEndcapNegativeId;
-	// LDC si tracking...
-	// inner = sit
-	// outer = set
-	// ftc = forward tracking chamber
-	// FIXME: Add an hcalForward subsystem.
-	public static class SystemMap 
-	extends HashMap<String,Integer>
-	{
-		public Integer put(String key, Integer value) 
-		{
-			if (containsKey(key))
-			{
-				System.err.println("The field " + key + " was already set to <" + value + ">.  Ignored!");
-				return -1;
-			}
-			else {
-				return super.put(key, value);
-			}
-		}					
-	}
-	private SystemMap defaultSystemMap;
-	private SystemMap makeDefaultSystemMap()
-	{
-		if (defaultSystemMap == null)
-		{
-			defaultSystemMap = new SystemMap();
-			SystemMap s = defaultSystemMap;
-			s.put("unknown",0);
-			s.put("vtxBarrel",1);
-			s.put("vtxEndcap",2);
-			s.put("sitBarrel",3);
-			s.put("sitEndcap",4);
-			s.put("sitForward", 5);
-			s.put("tpc",6);
-			s.put("ecalBarrel",7);
-			s.put("ecalEndcap",8);
-			s.put("hcalBarrel",9);
-			s.put("hcalEndcap",10);
-			s.put("muonBarrel",11);
-			s.put("muonEndcap",12);
-			s.put("ecalForward",13);
-			s.put("lumi",14);
-		}
-		return defaultSystemMap;		
-	}	
-	private void setSystemValues(SystemMap s)
-	{
-		if (s != null)
-		{
-			if (s.containsKey("unknown"))
-				unknownValue = s.get("unknown");
-			if (s.containsKey("vtxBarrel"))
-				vtxBarrelValue = s.get("vtxBarrel");
-			if (s.containsKey("vtxEndcap"))
-				vtxEndcapValue = s.get("vtxEndcap");
-			if (s.containsKey("sitBarrel"))
-				sitBarrelValue = s.get("sitBarrel");
-			if (s.containsKey("sitEndcap"))
-				sitEndcapValue = s.get("sitEndcap");
-			if (s.containsKey("sitForward"))
-				sitForwardValue = s.get("sitForward");
-			if (s.containsKey("tpc"))
-				tpcValue = s.get("tpc");
-			if (s.containsKey("ecalBarrel"))
-				ecalBarrelValue = s.get("ecalBarrel");
-			if (s.containsKey("ecalEndcap"))
-				ecalEndcapValue = s.get("ecalEndcap");
-			if (s.containsKey("hcalBarrel"))
-				hcalBarrelValue = s.get("hcalBarrel");
-			if (s.containsKey("hcalEndcap"))
-				hcalEndcapValue = s.get("hcalEndcap");
-			if (s.containsKey("muonBarrel"))
-				muonBarrelValue = s.get("muonBarrel");
-			if (s.containsKey("muonEndcap"))
-				muonEndcapValue = s.get("muonEndcap");
-			if (s.containsKey("ecalForward"))
-				ecalForwardValue = s.get("ecalForward");
-			if (s.containsKey("lumi"))
-				lumiValue = s.get("lumi");
-		}
-	}
-	private void setup(IIdentifierDictionary dict, SystemMap systemMap) throws InvalidIndexException, FieldNotFoundException
-	{
-		if (systemMap == null)
-			systemMap = makeDefaultSystemMap();
-		setSystemValues(systemMap);
-		systemIndex = dict.getFieldIndex("system");
-		barrelIndex = dict.getFieldIndex("barrel");
-		// Optional layer field.
-		if (dict.hasField("layer"))
-			layerIndex = dict.getFieldIndex("layer");		
-		barrelId         = makeBarrelId(barrelValue);
-		endcapPositiveId = makeBarrelId(endcapPositiveValue);
-		endcapNegativeId = makeBarrelId(endcapNegativeValue);
-		vtxBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(vtxBarrelValue,barrelValue);
-		vtxEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(vtxEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		vtxEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(vtxEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
-		sitBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(sitBarrelValue,barrelValue);
-		sitEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(sitEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		sitEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(sitEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
-		sitForwardId               = makeSubsysId(sitForwardValue);
-		sitForwardEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(sitForwardValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		sitForwardEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(sitForwardValue,endcapNegativeValue);
-		tpcId = makeSubsysId(tpcValue);
-		ecalBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(ecalBarrelValue,barrelValue);
-		ecalEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(ecalEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		ecalEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(ecalEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
-		hcalBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(hcalBarrelValue,barrelValue);
-		hcalEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(hcalEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		hcalEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(hcalEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
-		muonBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(muonBarrelValue,barrelValue);
-		muonEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(muonEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		muonEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(muonEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);			
-		ecalForwardId = makeSubsysId(ecalForwardValue);
-		ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(ecalForwardValue, endcapPositiveValue);
-		ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(ecalForwardValue, endcapNegativeValue);
-		lumiId = makeSubsysId(lumiValue);
-		lumiEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(lumiValue,endcapPositiveValue);
-		lumiEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(lumiValue,endcapNegativeValue);		
-	}
-	// Public ctor.
-	public DetectorIdentifierHelper(IIdentifierDictionary dict, SystemMap systemMap) throws FieldNotFoundException, InvalidIndexException
-	{
-		super(dict);
+    IIdentifier muonEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier muonEndcapNegativeId;
+    // Ecal forward ids.
+    IIdentifier ecalForwardId;
+    IIdentifier ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId;
+    // Luminosity monitor ids.
+    IIdentifier lumiId;
+    IIdentifier lumiEndcapPositiveId;
+    IIdentifier lumiEndcapNegativeId;
+    // LDC si tracking...
+    // inner = sit
+    // outer = set
+    // ftc = forward tracking chamber
+    // FIXME: Add an hcalForward subsystem.
+    public static class SystemMap 
+    extends HashMap<String,Integer>
+    {
+        public Integer put(String key, Integer value) 
+        {
+            if (containsKey(key))
+            {
+                System.err.println("The field " + key + " was already set to <" + value + ">.  Ignored!");
+                return -1;
+            }
+            else {
+                return super.put(key, value);
+            }
+        }					
+    }
+    private SystemMap defaultSystemMap;
+    private SystemMap makeDefaultSystemMap()
+    {
+        if (defaultSystemMap == null)
+        {
+            defaultSystemMap = new SystemMap();
+            SystemMap s = defaultSystemMap;
+            s.put("unknown",0);
+            s.put("vtxBarrel",1);
+            s.put("vtxEndcap",2);
+            s.put("sitBarrel",3);
+            s.put("sitEndcap",4);
+            s.put("sitForward", 5);
+            s.put("tpc",6);
+            s.put("ecalBarrel",7);
+            s.put("ecalEndcap",8);
+            s.put("hcalBarrel",9);
+            s.put("hcalEndcap",10);
+            s.put("muonBarrel",11);
+            s.put("muonEndcap",12);
+            s.put("ecalForward",13);
+            s.put("lumi",14);
+        }
+        return defaultSystemMap;		
+    }	
+    private void setSystemValues(SystemMap s)
+    {
+        if (s != null)
+        {
+            if (s.containsKey("unknown"))
+                unknownValue = s.get("unknown");
+            if (s.containsKey("vtxBarrel"))
+                vtxBarrelValue = s.get("vtxBarrel");
+            if (s.containsKey("vtxEndcap"))
+                vtxEndcapValue = s.get("vtxEndcap");
+            if (s.containsKey("sitBarrel"))
+                sitBarrelValue = s.get("sitBarrel");
+            if (s.containsKey("sitEndcap"))
+                sitEndcapValue = s.get("sitEndcap");
+            if (s.containsKey("sitForward"))
+                sitForwardValue = s.get("sitForward");
+            if (s.containsKey("tpc"))
+                tpcValue = s.get("tpc");
+            if (s.containsKey("ecalBarrel"))
+                ecalBarrelValue = s.get("ecalBarrel");
+            if (s.containsKey("ecalEndcap"))
+                ecalEndcapValue = s.get("ecalEndcap");
+            if (s.containsKey("hcalBarrel"))
+                hcalBarrelValue = s.get("hcalBarrel");
+            if (s.containsKey("hcalEndcap"))
+                hcalEndcapValue = s.get("hcalEndcap");
+            if (s.containsKey("muonBarrel"))
+                muonBarrelValue = s.get("muonBarrel");
+            if (s.containsKey("muonEndcap"))
+                muonEndcapValue = s.get("muonEndcap");
+            if (s.containsKey("ecalForward"))
+                ecalForwardValue = s.get("ecalForward");
+            if (s.containsKey("lumi"))
+                lumiValue = s.get("lumi");
+        }
+    }
+    private void setup(IIdentifierDictionary dict, SystemMap systemMap) throws InvalidIndexException, FieldNotFoundException
+    {
+        if (systemMap == null)
+            systemMap = makeDefaultSystemMap();
+        setSystemValues(systemMap);
+        systemIndex = dict.getFieldIndex("system");
+        barrelIndex = dict.getFieldIndex("barrel");
+        // Optional layer field.
+        if (dict.hasField("layer"))
+            layerIndex = dict.getFieldIndex("layer");		
+        barrelId         = makeBarrelId(barrelValue);
+        endcapPositiveId = makeBarrelId(endcapPositiveValue);
+        endcapNegativeId = makeBarrelId(endcapNegativeValue);
+        vtxBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(vtxBarrelValue,barrelValue);
+        vtxEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(vtxEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        vtxEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(vtxEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
+        sitBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(sitBarrelValue,barrelValue);
+        sitEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(sitEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        sitEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(sitEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
+        sitForwardId               = makeSubsysId(sitForwardValue);
+        sitForwardEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(sitForwardValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        sitForwardEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(sitForwardValue,endcapNegativeValue);
+        tpcId = makeSubsysId(tpcValue);
+        ecalBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(ecalBarrelValue,barrelValue);
+        ecalEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(ecalEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        ecalEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(ecalEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
+        hcalBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(hcalBarrelValue,barrelValue);
+        hcalEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(hcalEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        hcalEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(hcalEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);
+        muonBarrelId         = makeSubsysId(muonBarrelValue,barrelValue);
+        muonEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(muonEndcapValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        muonEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(muonEndcapValue,endcapNegativeValue);			
+        ecalForwardId = makeSubsysId(ecalForwardValue);
+        ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(ecalForwardValue, endcapPositiveValue);
+        ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(ecalForwardValue, endcapNegativeValue);
+        lumiId = makeSubsysId(lumiValue);
+        lumiEndcapPositiveId = makeSubsysId(lumiValue,endcapPositiveValue);
+        lumiEndcapNegativeId = makeSubsysId(lumiValue,endcapNegativeValue);		
+    }
+    // Public ctor.
+    public DetectorIdentifierHelper(IIdentifierDictionary dict, SystemMap systemMap) throws FieldNotFoundException, InvalidIndexException
+    {
+        super(dict);
         try {
@@ -306,211 +306,211 @@
             throw new RuntimeException(x);
-	}	
-	private IIdentifier makeSubsysId(int system) throws InvalidIndexException
-	{		
-		IExpandedIdentifier expid = 
-			new ExpandedIdentifier(getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields());
-		expid.setValue(systemIndex, system);
-		IIdentifier id = pack(expid);
-		return id;
-	}
-	private IIdentifier makeSubsysId(int system, int barrel) throws InvalidIndexException
-	{		
-		IExpandedIdentifier expid = 
-			new ExpandedIdentifier(getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields());
-		expid.setValue(systemIndex, system);
-		expid.setValue(barrelIndex, barrel);
-		IIdentifier id = pack(expid);
-		return id;
-	}	
-	private IIdentifier makeBarrelId(int barrel) throws InvalidIndexException
-	{		
-		IExpandedIdentifier expid = 
-			new ExpandedIdentifier(getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields());
-		expid.setValue(barrelIndex, barrel);
-		IIdentifier id = pack(expid);
-		return id;
-	}	
-	private boolean compareSystem(IIdentifier id, int system)
-	{
-		try {
-			return unpack(id).getValue(systemIndex) == system;
-		}
-		catch (InvalidIndexException x)
-		{
-			throw new RuntimeException(x);
-		}
-	}	
-	public int getBarrelValue()
-	{
-		return barrelValue;
-	}
-	public int getEndcapPositiveValue()
-	{
-		return endcapPositiveValue;
-	}
-	public int getEndcapNegativeValue()
-	{
-		return endcapNegativeValue;
-	}
-	public int getUnknownValue()
-	{
-		return unknownValue;
-	}
-	public int getVtxBarrelValue()
-	{
-		return vtxBarrelValue;
-	}
-	public int getVtxEndcapValue()
-	{
-		return vtxEndcapValue;
-	}	
-	public int getSitForwardValue()
-	{
-		return sitForwardValue;
-	}
-	public int getSitBarrelValue()
-	{
-		return sitBarrelValue;
-	}
-	public int getSitEndcapValue()
-	{
-		return sitEndcapValue;
-	}
-	public int getEcalBarrelValue()
-	{
-		return ecalBarrelValue;
-	}
-	public int getEcalEndcapValue()
-	{
-		return ecalEndcapValue;
-	}		
+    }	
+    private IIdentifier makeSubsysId(int system) throws InvalidIndexException
+    {		
+        IExpandedIdentifier expid = 
+            new ExpandedIdentifier(getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields());
+        expid.setValue(systemIndex, system);
+        IIdentifier id = pack(expid);
+        return id;
+    }
+    private IIdentifier makeSubsysId(int system, int barrel) throws InvalidIndexException
+    {		
+        IExpandedIdentifier expid = 
+            new ExpandedIdentifier(getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields());
+        expid.setValue(systemIndex, system);
+        expid.setValue(barrelIndex, barrel);
+        IIdentifier id = pack(expid);
+        return id;
+    }	
+    private IIdentifier makeBarrelId(int barrel) throws InvalidIndexException
+    {		
+        IExpandedIdentifier expid = 
+            new ExpandedIdentifier(getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields());
+        expid.setValue(barrelIndex, barrel);
+        IIdentifier id = pack(expid);
+        return id;
+    }	
+    private boolean compareSystem(IIdentifier id, int system)
+    {
+        try {
+            return unpack(id).getValue(systemIndex) == system;
+        }
+        catch (InvalidIndexException x)
+        {
+            throw new RuntimeException(x);
+        }
+    }	
+    public int getBarrelValue()
+    {
+        return barrelValue;
+    }
+    public int getEndcapPositiveValue()
+    {
+        return endcapPositiveValue;
+    }
+    public int getEndcapNegativeValue()
+    {
+        return endcapNegativeValue;
+    }
+    public int getUnknownValue()
+    {
+        return unknownValue;
+    }
+    public int getVtxBarrelValue()
+    {
+        return vtxBarrelValue;
+    }
+    public int getVtxEndcapValue()
+    {
+        return vtxEndcapValue;
+    }	
+    public int getSitForwardValue()
+    {
+        return sitForwardValue;
+    }
+    public int getSitBarrelValue()
+    {
+        return sitBarrelValue;
+    }
+    public int getSitEndcapValue()
+    {
+        return sitEndcapValue;
+    }
+    public int getEcalBarrelValue()
+    {
+        return ecalBarrelValue;
+    }
+    public int getEcalEndcapValue()
+    {
+        return ecalEndcapValue;
+    }		
     public IIdentifier getBarrelId()
-    	return barrelId;
+        return barrelId;
+    }
+    public IIdentifier getEndcapPositiveId()
+    {
+        return endcapPositiveId;
-	public IIdentifier getEndcapPositiveId()
-	{
-		return endcapPositiveId;
-	}
     public IIdentifier getEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return endcapNegativeId;
+        return endcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getVtxBarrelId()
-    	return vtxBarrelId;
+        return vtxBarrelId;
     public IIdentifier getVtxEndcapId()
         return vtxEndcapId;
     public IIdentifier getVtxEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return vtxEndcapPositiveId;
+        return vtxEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getVtxEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return vtxEndcapNegativeId;
+        return vtxEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getSitEndcapId()
         return sitEndcapId;
     public IIdentifier getSitBarrelId()
-    	return sitBarrelId;
+        return sitBarrelId;
     public IIdentifier getSitEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return sitEndcapPositiveId;
+        return sitEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getSitEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return sitEndcapNegativeId;
+        return sitEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getSitForwardId()
-    	return sitForwardId;
+        return sitForwardId;
     public IIdentifier getSitForwardEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return sitForwardEndcapPositiveId;
+        return sitForwardEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getSitForwardEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return sitForwardEndcapNegativeId;
+        return sitForwardEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getTpcId()
-    	return tpcId;
+        return tpcId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalEndcapId()
         return ecalEndcapId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalBarrelId()
-    	return ecalBarrelId;
+        return ecalBarrelId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return ecalEndcapNegativeId;
+        return ecalEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalEndcapPositiveId()    
-    	return ecalEndcapPositiveId;
+        return ecalEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getHcalBarrelId()
-    	return hcalBarrelId;
+        return hcalBarrelId;
     public IIdentifier getHcalEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return hcalEndcapNegativeId;
+        return hcalEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getHcalEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return hcalEndcapPositiveId;
+        return hcalEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getMuonBarrelId()
-    	return muonBarrelId;
+        return muonBarrelId;
     public IIdentifier getMuonEndcapId()
@@ -518,375 +518,375 @@
     public IIdentifier getMuonEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return muonEndcapNegativeId;
+        return muonEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getMuonEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return muonEndcapPositiveId;
+        return muonEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalForwardId()
-    	return ecalForwardId;
+        return ecalForwardId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalForwardEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId;
+        return ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getEcalForwardEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId;
+        return ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId;
     public IIdentifier getLumiId()
-    	return lumiId;
+        return lumiId;
     public IIdentifier getLumiEndcapPositiveId()
-    	return lumiEndcapPositiveId;
+        return lumiEndcapPositiveId;
     public IIdentifier getLumiEndcapNegativeId()
-    	return lumiEndcapNegativeId;
+        return lumiEndcapNegativeId;
     public boolean isBarrel(IIdentifier i)
-    	try {
-    		return unpack(i).getValue(barrelIndex) == barrelValue;
-    	}
-    	catch (InvalidIndexException x)
-    	{
-    		throw new RuntimeException(x);
-    	}
+        try {
+            return unpack(i).getValue(barrelIndex) == barrelValue;
+        }
+        catch (InvalidIndexException x)
+        {
+            throw new RuntimeException(x);
+        }
     public boolean isEndcap(IIdentifier i)
-    	return isEndcapPositive(i) || isEndcapNegative(i);
+        return isEndcapPositive(i) || isEndcapNegative(i);
     public boolean isEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
-    	try {
-    		return unpack(i).getValue(barrelIndex) == endcapPositiveValue;
-    	}
-    	catch (InvalidIndexException x)
-    	{
-    		throw new RuntimeException(x);
-    	}
+        try {
+            return unpack(i).getValue(barrelIndex) == endcapPositiveValue;
+        }
+        catch (InvalidIndexException x)
+        {
+            throw new RuntimeException(x);
+        }
     public boolean isEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
-    	try {
-    		return unpack(i).getValue(barrelIndex) == endcapNegativeValue;
-    	}
-    	catch (InvalidIndexException x)
-    	{
-    		throw new RuntimeException(x);
-    	}
+        try {
+            return unpack(i).getValue(barrelIndex) == endcapNegativeValue;
+        }
+        catch (InvalidIndexException x)
+        {
+            throw new RuntimeException(x);
+        }
     public boolean isTracker(IIdentifier i)
-    	return isVtx(i) || isTpc(i) || isSit(i) || isSitForward(i);
+        return isVtx(i) || isTpc(i) || isSit(i) || isSitForward(i);
     public boolean isTrackerBarrel(IIdentifier i)
-    	return isTracker(i) && isBarrel(i);
+        return isTracker(i) && isBarrel(i);
     public boolean isTrackerEndcap(IIdentifier i)
-    	return isTracker(i) && isEndcap(i);
+        return isTracker(i) && isEndcap(i);
[truncated at 1000 lines; 406 more skipped]
CVSspam 0.2.8