

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa on MAIN 1.1
MJC: Recluster Mk II: Initial commit of code which uses DirectedTree as envelope for reclusterer

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	17 Dec 2007 22:31:25 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.uiowa;
+import java.util.*; 
+import hep.aida.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.hitmap.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.clumpfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.pfa.identifier.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.*;
+import hep.physics.particle.Particle;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.likelihood.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.structural.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.mipfinder.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.clumpfinder.*;
+public class ReclusterDTreeDriver extends ReclusterDriver {
+    protected String m_dTreeClusterListName;
+    public ReclusterDTreeDriver(String dTreeClusterList, String trackList, String mcList) {
+	initTrackMatch();
+	initCalibration();
+	initPlots();
+	m_dTreeClusterListName = dTreeClusterList;
+	m_inputTrackList = trackList;
+	m_mcList = mcList;
+	m_debugEoverP = true;
+	m_eval = new LikelihoodEvaluatorWrapper();
+	m_outputParticleListName = "DTreeReclusteredParticles";
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+	super.debugProcess(event);
+	m_event = event;
+	// Read in
+	List<Cluster> dTreeClusters = event.get(Cluster.class, m_dTreeClusterListName);
+	List<Track> trackList = event.get(Track.class, m_inputTrackList);
+	List<Cluster> photons = event.get(Cluster.class, "PhotonClustersForDTree");
+	List<Cluster> largeClusters = event.get(Cluster.class, "MSTClustersLinkedWithTenOrMoreHits");
+	if (trackList == null) { throw new AssertionError("Null track list!"); }
+	if (trackList.contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("Track list contains null!"); }	
+	for (Cluster photon : photons) {
+	    if (photon.getCalorimeterHits().contains(null)) {
+		throw new AssertionError("photon contains null hit");
+	    }
+	}
+	// Look for mips, clumps *within* the DTree clusters
+	// Here are the clusterers:
+	Clusterer mipfinder = new TrackClusterDriver();
+	Clusterer clumpfinder = new ClumpFinder();
+	// Lists of subclusters
+	List<Cluster> mips = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	List<Cluster> clumps = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	List<Cluster> leftoverHitClusters = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	// Make two-way maps (from tree to contents, and from subclusters to tree)
+	Map<Cluster, List<Cluster>>   mipsInTrees = new HashMap<Cluster, List<Cluster>>();
+	Map<Cluster, List<Cluster>> clumpsInTrees = new HashMap<Cluster, List<Cluster>>();
+	Map<Cluster, List<CalorimeterHit>> otherHitsInTrees = new HashMap<Cluster, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
+	Map<Cluster, Cluster> treeOfMip = new HashMap<Cluster, Cluster>();
+	Map<Cluster, Cluster> treeOfClump = new HashMap<Cluster,Cluster>();
+	Map<Cluster, Cluster> treeOfLeftoverHits = new HashMap<Cluster,Cluster>();
+	List<Cluster> treesWithNoStructure = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	int minHitsToBeTreatedAsCluster = 5;
+	for (Cluster dTreeCluster : dTreeClusters) {
+	    // Prepare hitmap, initially holdling all the hits in the cluster
+	    Map<Long, CalorimeterHit> hitsInTree = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
+	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : dTreeCluster.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+		hitsInTree.put(hit.getCellID(), hit);
+	    }
+	    if (hitsInTree.values().contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("null hit in hitsInTree.values()"); }
+	    // Make mips
+	    List<Cluster> mipClusters = mipfinder.createClusters(hitsInTree);
+	    mipsInTrees.put(dTreeCluster, mipClusters);
+	    mips.addAll(mipClusters);
+	    // Remove mip hits from the hitmap so they're not used twice
+	    for (Cluster mip : mipClusters) {
+		if (mip.getCalorimeterHits().size() == 0) { throw new AssertionError("mip has no hits"); }
+		if (mip.getCalorimeterHits().contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("null hit in mip"); }
+		treeOfMip.put(mip, dTreeCluster);
+		for (CalorimeterHit hit : mip.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+		    hitsInTree.remove(hit.getCellID());
+		}
+	    }
+	    // Make clumps
+	    List<Cluster> clumpClusters = clumpfinder.createClusters(hitsInTree);	    
+	    clumpsInTrees.put(dTreeCluster, clumpClusters);
+	    clumps.addAll(clumpClusters);
+	    // Remove clump hits from the hitmap so they're not used twice
+	    for (Cluster clump : clumpClusters) {
+		if (clump.getCalorimeterHits().size() == 0) { throw new AssertionError("clump has no hits"); }
+		if (clump.getCalorimeterHits().contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("null hit in clump"); }
+		treeOfClump.put(clump, dTreeCluster);
+		for (CalorimeterHit hit : clump.getCalorimeterHits()) {
+		    hitsInTree.remove(hit.getCellID());
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (mips.size()==0 && clumps.size()==0 && hitsInTree.size()>=minHitsToBeTreatedAsCluster) {
+		// No structure found in tree. Treat it as a block.
+		treesWithNoStructure.add(dTreeCluster);
+	    } else {
+		// Structure found in tree. Rest are leftover hits:
+		if (hitsInTree.size() > 0) {
+		    List<CalorimeterHit> leftoverHits = new Vector<CalorimeterHit>(hitsInTree.values());
+		    if (leftoverHits.contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("null hit in leftoverHits"); }
+		    otherHitsInTrees.put(dTreeCluster, leftoverHits);
+		    BasicCluster leftoverHitCluster = new BasicCluster();
+		    for (CalorimeterHit hit : leftoverHits) {
+			leftoverHitCluster.addHit(hit);
+		    }
+		    leftoverHitClusters.add(leftoverHitCluster);
+		    treeOfLeftoverHits.put(leftoverHitCluster, dTreeCluster);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	Map<Cluster, Cluster> treeOfComponent = new HashMap<Cluster,Cluster>();
+	treeOfComponent.putAll(treeOfMip);
+	treeOfComponent.putAll(treeOfClump);
+	treeOfComponent.putAll(treeOfLeftoverHits);
+	System.out.println("Found "+mips.size()+" mips, "+clumps.size()+" clumps, "+photons.size()+" photons, "+leftoverHitClusters.size()+" leftover-hit-clusters, "+treesWithNoStructure.size()+" large DTrees with no structure, and "+trackList.size()+" tracks in event.");
+	// Match tracks
+	List<Cluster> allMatchableClusters = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	allMatchableClusters.addAll(mips);
+	allMatchableClusters.addAll(clumps);
+	allMatchableClusters.addAll(photons);
+	allMatchableClusters.addAll(leftoverHitClusters);
+	allMatchableClusters.addAll(treesWithNoStructure);
+	if (allMatchableClusters.contains(null)) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error: null cluster in list allMatchableClusters"); }
+	Map<Track,Cluster> tracksMatchedToClusters = new HashMap<Track,Cluster>();
+	Map<Cluster, List<Track>> clustersMatchedToTracks = new HashMap<Cluster, List<Track>>();
+	System.out.println("Attempting to match "+allMatchableClusters.size()+" matchable clusters to "+trackList.size()+" tracks");
+	for (Track tr : trackList) {
+	    Cluster matchedCluster = m_trackClusterMatcher.matchTrackToCluster(tr, allMatchableClusters);
+	    if (matchedCluster != null) {
+		tracksMatchedToClusters.put(tr, matchedCluster);
+		List<Track> clusTrList = clustersMatchedToTracks.get(matchedCluster);
+		if (clusTrList == null) { 
+		    clusTrList = new Vector<Track>(); 
+		    clustersMatchedToTracks.put(matchedCluster, clusTrList); 
+		}
+		clusTrList.add(tr);
+	    }
+	}
+	// Unmatched tracks
+	List<Track> unmatchedTracks = new Vector<Track>();
+	unmatchedTracks.addAll(trackList);
+	unmatchedTracks.removeAll(tracksMatchedToClusters.keySet());
+	System.out.println("DEBUG: "+unmatchedTracks.size()+" unmatched tracks remaining:");
+	for (Track tr : unmatchedTracks) {
+	    System.out.println("  track with p="+(new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum())).magnitude());
+	}
+	// Figure out whether tracks were uniquely matched or not:
+	Set<Track> uniquelyMatchedTracks = new HashSet<Track>();
+	Set<Track> ambiguouslyMatchedTracks = new HashSet<Track>();
+	List<Set<Track>> ambiguouslyMatchedTrackGroups = new Vector<Set<Track>>();
+	for (Cluster clus : clustersMatchedToTracks.keySet()) {
+	    List<Track> tracksMatchedToThisCluster = clustersMatchedToTracks.get(clus);
+	    if (tracksMatchedToThisCluster.size() > 1) {
+		ambiguouslyMatchedTracks.addAll(tracksMatchedToThisCluster);
+		Set<Track> newSet = new HashSet<Track>();
+		newSet.addAll(tracksMatchedToThisCluster);
+		ambiguouslyMatchedTrackGroups.add(newSet);
+	    } else {
+		uniquelyMatchedTracks.addAll(tracksMatchedToThisCluster);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (uniquelyMatchedTracks.size() + ambiguouslyMatchedTracks.size() != tracksMatchedToClusters.keySet().size()) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error: "+uniquelyMatchedTracks.size()+" + "+ambiguouslyMatchedTracks.size()+" != "+tracksMatchedToClusters.keySet().size()); }
+	// Redo ambiguous tracks hackishly:
+	// Similarly, redo track -> cluster map to use tweaked tracks
+	Map<Track, Cluster> tweakedTracksMatchedToClusters = new HashMap<Track,Cluster>();
+	List<Track> tweakedTracks = new Vector<Track>();
+	tweakedTracks.addAll(uniquelyMatchedTracks);
+	for (Set<Track> trackSet : ambiguouslyMatchedTrackGroups) {
+	    MultipleTrackTrack tweakedTrack = new MultipleTrackTrack(trackSet);
+	    tweakedTracks.add(tweakedTrack);
+	    for (Track origTrack : trackSet) {
+		Cluster clus = tracksMatchedToClusters.get(origTrack);
+		tweakedTracksMatchedToClusters.put(tweakedTrack, clus); // over-writes sometimes, but that's OK.
+	    }
+	}
+	for (Track tr : uniquelyMatchedTracks) {
+	    Cluster clus = tracksMatchedToClusters.get(tr);
+	    tweakedTracksMatchedToClusters.put(tr, clus);
+	}
+	// Track seeds
+	Set<Cluster> seeds = clustersMatchedToTracks.keySet();
+	List<Cluster> seedLeftoverHitClusters = new Vector();
+	List<Cluster> nonSeedLeftoverHitClusters = new Vector();
+	for (Cluster clus : leftoverHitClusters) {
+	    if (seeds.contains(clus) ) {
+		seedLeftoverHitClusters.add(clus);
+	    } else {
+		nonSeedLeftoverHitClusters.add(clus);
+	    }
+	}
+	if ( seedLeftoverHitClusters.size() + nonSeedLeftoverHitClusters.size()  != leftoverHitClusters.size() ) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+	List<Cluster> seedPhotonClusters = new Vector();
+	List<Cluster> nonSeedPhotonClusters = new Vector();
+	for (Cluster clus : photons) {
+	    if (seeds.contains(clus)) {
+		seedPhotonClusters.add(clus);
+	    } else {
+		nonSeedPhotonClusters.add(clus);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (seedPhotonClusters.size() + nonSeedPhotonClusters.size() != photons.size() ) { throw new AssertionError("Book-keeping error"); }
+	// Sort matched tracks by momentum
+	List<Track> tracksSortedByMomentum = new Vector<Track>();
+	for (Track tr : tweakedTracksMatchedToClusters.keySet()) {
+	    tracksSortedByMomentum.add(tr);
+	}
+	Collections.sort(tracksSortedByMomentum, new MomentumSort());
+	// Prep for linking
+	List<Cluster> linkableClusters = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	List<Cluster> smallClustersToShare = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	List<Cluster> leftoverHitClustersToShare = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	linkableClusters.addAll(mips);
+	linkableClusters.addAll(photons);
+	linkableClusters.addAll(clumps);
+	linkableClusters.addAll(treesWithNoStructure);
+	for (Cluster clus : leftoverHitClusters) {
+	    if (seeds.contains(clus)) {
+		linkableClusters.add(clus);
+	    } else if (clus.getCalorimeterHits().size() < 3) {
+		smallClustersToShare.add(clus);
+	    } else {
+		leftoverHitClustersToShare.add(clus);
+	    }
+	}
+	// Initially, cheat
+	resetPotentialLinks();
+	if (m_cheatOnScoring) {
+	    initPotentialLinks_cheating(linkableClusters, clustersMatchedToTracks);
+	} else {
+	    double scaleFactorTrackToTrack = 1.0;
+	    double scaleFactorTrackToClump = 1.0;
+	    double scaleFactorTrackToSmallSeed = 1.0;
+	    double thresholdForProximity = 50.0; // 5cm. FIXME: Don't hard-code.
+	    double thresholdForProximityClump = 75.0; // FIXME: Don't hard-code.
+	    initPotentialLinks_SkeletonsWithinLargeClus(largeClusters, mips, clumps, scaleFactorTrackToTrack, scaleFactorTrackToClump);
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMip(mips, scaleFactorTrackToTrack, true);
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipClump(mips, clumps, scaleFactorTrackToClump, true);
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(mips, seedLeftoverHitClusters, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(mips, seedPhotonClusters, thresholdForProximity, "Photon");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(seedLeftoverHitClusters, clumps, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed", "Clump");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(seedLeftoverHitClusters, nonSeedPhotonClusters, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed", "Photon");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscSelf(clumps, thresholdForProximityClump, "Clump", true);
+	    initPotentialLinks_MipMisc(mips, treesWithNoStructure, thresholdForProximity, "LargeStructurelessTree");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(seedLeftoverHitClusters, treesWithNoStructure, thresholdForProximity, "SmallSeed", "LargeStructurelessTree");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscMisc(clumps, treesWithNoStructure, thresholdForProximity, "Clump", "LargeStructurelessTree");
+	    initPotentialLinks_MiscSelf(treesWithNoStructure, thresholdForProximityClump, "LargeStructurelessTree", false);
+	}
+	// Done making links. Prep & build skeletons:
+	sortLinks();
+	// Try to build skeletons, working with tracks in momentum-sorted order...
+	Map<Track,Double> newMapTrackToThreshold = new HashMap<Track,Double>(); // for geometrical checks
+	Map<Track,Double> newMapTrackToTolerance = new HashMap<Track,Double>(); // for E/p checks
+	for (Track tr : tracksSortedByMomentum) {
+	    newMapTrackToThreshold.put(tr, new Double(0.7));
+	    newMapTrackToTolerance.put(tr, new Double(1.0));
+	}
+	Map<Cluster, Track> newMapShowerComponentToTrack = null;
+	Map<Track, Set<Cluster>> newMapTrackToShowerComponents = null;
+	Map<Track, Set<Cluster>> newMapTrackToVetoedAdditions = null;
+	// Set up sharing
+	List<SharedClusterGroup> allSharedClusters = new Vector<SharedClusterGroup>();
+	ProximityClusterSharingAlgorithm proximityAlgForSmallClusters = new ProximityClusterSharingAlgorithm(40.0, 250.0);
+	SharedClusterGroup sharedSmallDTreeClusters = new SharedClusterGroup(smallClustersToShare, proximityAlgForSmallClusters);
+	sharedSmallDTreeClusters.createShares(linkableClusters);
+	sharedSmallDTreeClusters.rebuildHints();
+	allSharedClusters.add(sharedSmallDTreeClusters);
+	DTreeClusterSharingAlgorithm dTreeSharingAlg = new DTreeClusterSharingAlgorithm(treeOfComponent, 20.0, 150.0);
+	SharedClusterGroup sharedLeftoverHitClusters = new SharedClusterGroup(leftoverHitClustersToShare, dTreeSharingAlg);
+	sharedLeftoverHitClusters.createShares(linkableClusters);
+	sharedLeftoverHitClusters.rebuildHints();
+	allSharedClusters.add(sharedLeftoverHitClusters);
+	// Iterate to build clusters:
+	for (int iIter=0; iIter<10; iIter++) {
+	    newMapShowerComponentToTrack = new HashMap<Cluster, Track>();
+	    newMapTrackToShowerComponents = new HashMap<Track, Set<Cluster>>();
+	    newMapTrackToVetoedAdditions = new HashMap<Track, Set<Cluster>>();
+	    for (Track tr : tracksSortedByMomentum) {
+		Set<Cluster> vetoedAdditions = new HashSet<Cluster>();
+		Set<Cluster> showerComponents = iterateOnOneTrack(tr, tweakedTracksMatchedToClusters, allSharedClusters, newMapTrackToThreshold.get(tr), newMapTrackToTolerance.get(tr), newMapShowerComponentToTrack, vetoedAdditions);
+		newMapTrackToShowerComponents.put(tr, showerComponents);
+		for (Cluster clus : showerComponents) {
+		    newMapShowerComponentToTrack.put(clus, tr);
+		}
+		newMapTrackToVetoedAdditions.put(tr, vetoedAdditions);
+	    }
+	    // Look for tracks which
+	    //   * Have E/p significantly below 1, and/or
+	    //   * Could be linked to a cluster but were vetoed, PROVIDED THAT the cluster was not put in any other shower
+	    Set<Track> tracksWithEoverPTooLow = new HashSet<Track>();
+	    Set<Track> tracksWithVetoedLinkToUnusedCluster = new HashSet<Track>();
+	    for (Track tr : tracksSortedByMomentum) {
+		Set<Cluster> showerComponents = newMapTrackToShowerComponents.get(tr);
+		if (showerComponents == null || showerComponents.size()==0) {
+		    System.out.println("ERROR: Every track should have at least one shower component (its seed)");
+		    System.out.println("ERROR: But track with p="+(new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum())).magnitude()+" does not.");
+		    if (uniquelyMatchedTracks.contains(tr)) {
+			System.out.println("ERROR: uniquelyMatchedTracks contains track");
+		    } else if (ambiguouslyMatchedTracks.contains(tr)) {
+			System.out.println("ERROR: ambiguouslyMatchedTracks contains track");
+		    } else {
+			System.out.println("ERROR: Neither uniquelyMatchedTracks nor ambiguouslyMatchedTracks contains track");
+		    }
+		    throw new AssertionError("ERROR: Failed to find a cluster for track");
+		}
+		double clusterEnergy = energy(showerComponents);
+		double trackMomentum = (new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum())).magnitude();
+		double sigma = 0.7 * Math.sqrt(trackMomentum);
+		double normalizedResidual = (clusterEnergy-trackMomentum)/sigma;
+		if (normalizedResidual < -1.0) {
+		    // FIXME: This cut-off shouldn't be hard-coded
+		    tracksWithEoverPTooLow.add(tr);
+		}
+	    }
+	    for (Cluster clus : linkableClusters) {
+		if (newMapShowerComponentToTrack.get(clus) == null) {
+		    Set<Track> tracksVetoedForThisCluster = new HashSet<Track>();
+		    for (Track trForVeto : tracksSortedByMomentum) {
+			if (newMapTrackToVetoedAdditions.get(trForVeto).contains(clus)) {
+			    tracksWithVetoedLinkToUnusedCluster.add(trForVeto);
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    // Adjust tolerance (how wrong in E/p we'll allow a cluster addition to make us)
+	    // and threshold (how low in score we'll go for adding a link)
+	    double maximumAllowedTolerance = 2.5;
+	    double minimumAllowedThreshold = 0.3;
+	    boolean stateChange = false;
+	    for (Track tr : tracksWithVetoedLinkToUnusedCluster) {
+		Double oldTolerance = newMapTrackToTolerance.get(tr);
+		double newTolerance = oldTolerance.doubleValue() + 0.25;
+		if (newTolerance <= maximumAllowedTolerance) {
+		    newMapTrackToTolerance.put(tr, newTolerance);
+		    stateChange = true;
+		}
+	    }
+	    for (Track tr : tracksWithEoverPTooLow) {
+		Double oldThreshold = newMapTrackToThreshold.get(tr);
+		double newThreshold = oldThreshold.doubleValue() - 0.05;
+		if (newThreshold >= minimumAllowedThreshold) {
+		    newMapTrackToThreshold.put(tr, new Double(newThreshold));
+		    stateChange = true;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (!stateChange) {
+		// Reached steady state => stop
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	List<Cluster> tmp = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	printStatus("FINAL STATUS:", tracksSortedByMomentum, allSharedClusters, newMapTrackToShowerComponents, newMapShowerComponentToTrack, newMapTrackToThreshold, newMapTrackToTolerance, tmp, tmp, linkableClusters, tmp, tmp, newMapTrackToVetoedAdditions);
+	// Outputs
+	// OK, time to write things out!
+	List<ReconstructedParticle> outputParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
+	List<ReconstructedParticle> outputChargedParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
+	List<ReconstructedParticle> outputPhotonParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
+	List<ReconstructedParticle> outputNeutralHadronParticleList = new Vector<ReconstructedParticle>();
+	// PID info
+	int pdg_piplus = 211;
+	int pdg_piminus = 211;
+	ParticleType type_piplus = ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider().get(pdg_piplus);
+	ParticleType type_piminus = ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider().get(pdg_piminus);
+	BaseParticleID pid_piplus = new BaseParticleID(type_piplus);
+	BaseParticleID pid_piminus = new BaseParticleID(type_piminus);
+	double mass_piplus = 0.1396;
+	int pdg_photon = 22;
+	ParticleType type_photon = ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider().get(pdg_photon);
+	BaseParticleID pid_photon = new BaseParticleID(type_photon);
+	int pdg_K0 = 130;
+	ParticleType type_K0 = ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider().get(pdg_K0);
+	BaseParticleID pid_K0 = new BaseParticleID(type_K0);
+	double mass_K0 = type_K0.getMass();
+	// Charged tracks
+	for (Track tr : tracksSortedByMomentum) {
+	    Set<Cluster> showerComponents = newMapTrackToShowerComponents.get(tr);
+	    // write out charged shower
+	    BaseReconstructedParticle part = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+	    for (Cluster clus : showerComponents) { part.addCluster(clus); }
+	    Cluster sharedHitClus = makeClusterOfSharedHits(showerComponents, allSharedClusters);
+	    if (sharedHitClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()>0) { part.addCluster(sharedHitClus); }
+	    part.addTrack(tr);
+	    part.setCharge(tr.getCharge());
+	    Hep3Vector trackMomentum = new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getMomentum());
+	    if (tr instanceof BaseTrackMC) {
+		// FIXME: Also do this for MultipleTrackTracks
+		trackMomentum = ((BaseTrackMC)(tr)).getMCParticle().getMomentum();
+	    }
+	    double trackMomentumMag = trackMomentum.magnitude();
+	    double trackEnergySq = trackMomentumMag*trackMomentumMag + mass_piplus*mass_piplus;
+	    HepLorentzVector fourMomentum = new BasicHepLorentzVector(Math.sqrt(trackEnergySq), trackMomentum);
+	    part.set4Vector(fourMomentum);
+	    part.setMass(mass_piplus);
+	    part.setReferencePoint(new BasicHep3Vector(tr.getReferencePoint()));
+	    part.addParticleID(pid_piplus);
+	    part.setParticleIdUsed(pid_piplus);
+	    outputParticleList.add(part);
+	    outputChargedParticleList.add(part);
+	}
+	// Photons (...)
+	for (Cluster clus : photons) {
+	    Track tr = newMapShowerComponentToTrack.get(clus);
+	    if (tr == null) {
+		// write out photon
+		BaseReconstructedParticle part = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+		part.addCluster(clus);
+                // Add fuzzy hits
+		Cluster sharedHitClus = makeClusterOfSharedHits(clus, allSharedClusters);
+		if (sharedHitClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()>0) { part.addCluster(sharedHitClus); }
+		double clusterEnergy = energy(clus, allSharedClusters, m_photonCalib);
+		Hep3Vector pos = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
+		Hep3Vector threeMomentum = VecOp.mult(clusterEnergy, VecOp.unit(pos)); // assume it comes from the IP
+		HepLorentzVector fourMomentum = new BasicHepLorentzVector(clusterEnergy, threeMomentum);
+		part.set4Vector(fourMomentum);
+		part.setReferencePoint(0,0,0);
+		part.setCharge(0);
+		// Set the PID and mass
+		part.addParticleID(pid_photon);
+		part.setParticleIdUsed(pid_photon);
+		part.setMass(0.0);
+		// Add to the output list
+		outputParticleList.add(part);
+		outputPhotonParticleList.add(part);
+	    }
+	}
+	// NHad 
+	List<Cluster> unmatchedClusterPieces = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	for (Cluster clus : linkableClusters) {
+	    Track tr = newMapShowerComponentToTrack.get(clus);
+	    if (tr == null) { 
+		if (!photons.contains(clus)) {
+		    unmatchedClusterPieces.add(clus); 
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	List<Cluster> neutralClusterCores = new Vector<Cluster>();
+	Set<Cluster> unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces = new HashSet<Cluster>();
+	unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.addAll(unmatchedClusterPieces);
+	double threshold = 0.7;
+	int crosscheckCount = unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.size();
+	for (Cluster clus : unmatchedClusterPieces) {
+	    if (unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.contains(clus)) {
+		// Try to build a cluster...
+		Set<Cluster> piecesForThisCluster = new HashSet<Cluster>();
+		piecesForThisCluster.add(clus);
+		unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.remove(clus);
+		List<Cluster> componentsInPreviousTier = new Vector<Cluster>();
+		componentsInPreviousTier.add(clus);
+		for (int iTier=0; iTier<25; iTier++) { // 25 is arbitrary cap in case we get stuck.
+		    List<Cluster> componentsInNextTier = new Vector<Cluster>();
+		    for (Cluster miniSeed : componentsInPreviousTier) {
+			// Search for links above threshold
+			List<ScoredLink> potentialLinks = m_potentialLinks.get(miniSeed);
+			if (potentialLinks != null) {
+			    for (ScoredLink link : potentialLinks) {
+			    	if (link.score() < threshold) { break ; }
+			    	Cluster newClus = link.counterpart(miniSeed);
+			    	if (newClus == null) { throw new AssertionError("Null link!"); }
+			    	// Ensure that we haven't already added component
+			    	if (unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.contains(newClus)) {
+				    componentsInNextTier.add(newClus);
+				    unusedUnmatchedClusterPieces.remove(newClus);
+				    piecesForThisCluster.add(newClus);
+				}
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		    componentsInPreviousTier = componentsInNextTier;
+		    if (componentsInNextTier.size()==0) { break; }
+		}
+		Cluster newShower = makeCombinedCluster(piecesForThisCluster);
+		neutralClusterCores.add(newShower);
+	    }
+	}
+	// Make reconstructed particles from the neutral hadron showers:
+	for (Cluster clus : neutralClusterCores) {
+	    // write out neutral hadron
+	    BaseReconstructedParticle part = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+	    part.addCluster(clus);
+	    // Add fuzzy hits
+	    Cluster sharedHitClus = makeClusterOfSharedHits(clus, allSharedClusters);
+	    if (sharedHitClus.getCalorimeterHits().size()>0) { part.addCluster(sharedHitClus); }
+	    double clusterEnergy = energy(clus, allSharedClusters, m_neutralCalib); // CHECK: Is this OK?
+	    double clusterMomentumMagSq = clusterEnergy*clusterEnergy - mass_K0*mass_K0;
+	    if (clusterMomentumMagSq<0.0) { clusterMomentumMagSq = 0.0; }
+	    Hep3Vector pos = new BasicHep3Vector(clus.getPosition());
+	    Hep3Vector threeMomentum = VecOp.mult(Math.sqrt(clusterMomentumMagSq), VecOp.unit(pos)); // assume it comes from the IP
+	    HepLorentzVector fourMomentum = new BasicHepLorentzVector(clusterEnergy, threeMomentum);
+	    part.set4Vector(fourMomentum);
+	    part.setReferencePoint(0,0,0);
+	    part.setCharge(0);
+	    // Set the PID and mass
+	    part.addParticleID(pid_K0);
+	    part.setParticleIdUsed(pid_K0);
+	    part.setMass(mass_K0);
+	    // Add to the output list
+	    outputParticleList.add(part);
+	    outputNeutralHadronParticleList.add(part);
+	}
+	// Write out
+	m_event.put(m_outputParticleListName, outputParticleList);
+	m_event = null;
+    }
+    // In this weighting scheme
+    //   * Components not in the same DTree cluster get a significant penalty factor
+    //   * Components in the same DTree cluster get a small additive bonus (to take the minimum above zero)
+    protected class DTreeClusterSharingAlgorithm implements ClusterSharingAlgorithm{
+	double m_minimumDistance;
+	double m_maximumDistance;
+	Map<Cluster,Cluster> m_treeOfComponent;
+	// Constructor supplies a list of DTree clusters
+	public DTreeClusterSharingAlgorithm(Map<Cluster,Cluster> treeOfComponent, double minimumDistance, double maximumDistance) {
+	    m_treeOfComponent = treeOfComponent;
+	    m_minimumDistance = minimumDistance;
+	    m_maximumDistance = maximumDistance;
+	}
+	public Map<Cluster,Double> shareCluster(Cluster clusterToShare, List<Cluster> clusterTargets) {
+	    Cluster parentDTreeCluster = m_treeOfComponent.get(clusterToShare);
+	    if (parentDTreeCluster == null) { throw new AssertionError("ERROR: DTreeClusterSharingAlgorithm was passed a cluster that's not part of a DTree."); }
+	     Map<Cluster,Double> outputMap = new HashMap<Cluster,Double>();
+	     for (Cluster target : clusterTargets) {
+		 double distance = proximity(clusterToShare, target);
+		 if (distance == 0.0) { throw new AssertionError("ERROR: Distance is zero... configuration error"); }
+		 double scaledDistance = distance / m_minimumDistance;
+		 double weight = 1.0 / (scaledDistance*scaledDistance*scaledDistance);
+		 if (weight > 1.0) { 
+		     // Don't go above 1 based on proximity
+		     weight = 1.0; 
+		 }
+		 // Now, is the target part of the same DTreeCluster?
+		 // This may return null if the target is something that doesn't come from
+		 // a DTreeCluster, e.g. a photon
+		 Cluster parentDTreeClusterOfTarget = m_treeOfComponent.get(target);
+		 if (parentDTreeClusterOfTarget == parentDTreeCluster) {
+		     // From same DTreeCluster => apply additive bonus and don't impose a distance cutoff
+		     weight += 0.05;
+		     outputMap.put(target, new Double(weight));
+		 } else {
+		     // Not from same DTreeCluster => apply penalty factor and impose a distance cutoff
+		     if (distance < m_maximumDistance) {
+			 weight *= 0.2;
+			 outputMap.put(target, new Double(weight));
+		     }
+		 }
+	     }
+	     return outputMap;
+	}
+    }
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