

Dear Colleagues,

The Silicon Detector Collaboration will hold workshops at SLAC on January 28-30, 2008, and at RAL April 14-16, 2008, to further preparations for the SiD Letter of Intent. Everyone participating in SiD, and those interested in joining and learning more about SiD are welcome to attend. Please mark your calendars, and see:

For the SLAC Meeting:
For the RAL Meeting:

Since time is relatively short, we urge everyone who plans to attend the SLAC meeting to make travel plans and reserve accommodations as soon as possible. The Guest House at SLAC is very convenient for participants, but should be booked well ahead of time. We also request you register on the website above.

The detailed programs for the two meetings are just now being developed. Details will follow.

The SLAC meeting will concentrate on the first pass global detector parameter optimization,
readiness reviews for track reconstruction and PFA codes, and benchmarking analyses. Progress on subsystem R&D, subsystem plans for the LOI, and the status of engineering work will also be discussed. The meeting proper will run Monday through Wednesday, January 28-30, 2008.

The RAL meeting will mark freezing the SiD global parameters, reviewing first pass detailed subsystem parameters, and beginning the technology selection process for key subsystems. General SiD status and progress will also be reviewed, and new groups interested in learning about SiD and participating in the LOI process, introduced and integrated into our efforts.
It also runs Monday through Wednesday, April 14-16, 2008.  

On behalf of SiD, we invite you to attend, and ask that you inform those of your colleagues who may be interested in the workshop. And please, REGISTER! A good head count will help our planning.

Hoping to see you at SLAC in January, and RAL in April,

Harry Weerts and John Jaros
for the SiD Collaboration

P.S. Sorry for the multiple mailings. We didn't want to miss you!